What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Too white

Any torrent yet?

>a movie is successful
>make another about the author
This has literally never worked

>No token tolkien

They cast him as a white guy and chose not to rewrite history

reviews could've have been better if the tolkien estate just kept their mouths shut about it

>What went wrong?

Attached: gettyimages-1147901540-h_2019.jpg (928x523, 70K)

why is this fat fuck there?

What did they say?

google it, basically they don't like the movie

>reviews could've have been better

Short story short, the movie was made without their blessings.

>they don't like the movie
That's an oversimplification, it's not like "Hey this is bad," it was more like, "I don't know who dafuq dis movie about but dat nigga ain't Tolkien and nunna dat shit happened."

>What went wrong?

>normies don't care about Tolkien
>virgin LotR fans don't want their lord and savior portrayed in movies
>family of Tolkien publicy condemn the movie
>shitty male lead


>>normies don't care about Tolkien
they didn't care about LOTR either but it made $1kajillion
>>virgin LotR fans don't want their lord and savior portrayed in movies
He's a British author, not Mohammad
>>family of Tolkien publicy condemn the movie
>>shitty male lead
Nicolas Hoult is based, go watch Fury Road again.

Having said all that, it's a shit movie that no one asked for.

>virgin LotR fans don't want their lord and savior portrayed in movies

I don't know about that. A friend of mine is a Tolkien fan, hardcore, belongs in a book club bearing his name and all.

A bunch of them were invited to a special screening, and while he said the movie is just okay, nothing too exciting, a lot of people who were expecting it to be a train wreck quite liked it.

I knew it would be shit when I saw all LOTR imagery in the battles. Tolkien must be spinning in his grave

It was an obvious and lazy cashgrab and they didn't even talk to his fucking family so its accuracy as a biography is probably non-existent.

Literally The Hobbit movies.

This biopic would have cleaned up in the 2000s.

Hoult is fine as an actor but he is totally unconvincing as Tolkien. He's a generic romantic lead; that's it.

>A friend of mine is a Tolkien fan
I can only imagine how much of a loser he is.
oh and you too

because the Tolkien estate completely disowned the movie so they paid a knock off yank just to show up for a bit more exposure

Who would be interested in this lol

If authors had interesting lives they would write about themselves, not make up escapist fantasies

So bizarre, why would they make this and for what reason??

>escapist fantasies
t. has no clue what Tolkien was trying to accomplish when creating Middle Earth

I go to the school that Tolkein went to. We have tons of records of his school life, performance, behaviour etc.

Movie didn't contact the school for shit. Like i get it's principally about his life at oxford and the war but come on

So what's the premise shity period romance only it's about a not yet famous author?

>I don't know who dafuq dis movie about but dat nigga ain't _____ and nunna dat shit happened
Well, another typical biography/based on a real person/event movie then.

You post on Yea Forums. You're not one to talk.

I would really like a biopic about the friendship between JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis. Instead we get two separate biopics about their wives.

dont feed trolls

Some people here are bound to be that stupid.

shit actor

>Tolkien estate completely disowned the movie
The Stephen Hawking movie and the Freddy Mercury movie were half-inventions and both were oscar-winning films

Are the war scenes any good at least?

Dome Karukoski

>movie about some lame white nerd
>it’s shit
Well duh lol

Tolkein and his bff C.S.Lewis were White, male, Christians. This cannot stand in the 2019 SJW worldview.

Don't bother, it's really bad.

Tolkien was a devout catholic and wouldnt appreciate that conflationary invention