Despite breaking records, Avengers: Endgame will end up being a time flop—a movie that succeeded financially, but failed the test of time—in the future. Get fucked, capeshitters.
Despite breaking records, Avengers: Endgame will end up being a time flop—a movie that succeeded financially...
We already talked about this two weeks ago slowpoke user
Because you're a faggot, that's why
>people don't like it in ten years so it's a flop
Hot take
You really don't get tired from spamming your time flop bullshit, right
get fuck, snob
>people probably said the same thing about star wars
well, can't wait to fucking relive this shit again in 40 years...
I think if anything it'll last longer than IW because it touches upon the more human side of the Avengers.
That's a given. I mean, try to rewatch it. It's boring as fuck.
How come no one's saying Disney bought all the tickets for this one?
I agree. Fuck capeshit.
Because it was the most hyped movie of the decade.
What do you think why they make these movies?
They achieved exactly what they wanted.
This. Money is all they care about, and Disney knew that plebs would go crazy for this shit.
I still havent seen it and dont plan on it
>I think if anything it'll last longer than IW
what an accomplishment
shill it up goyim
Who doesnt already know this
I think you're wrong, I think it will stand the test of time far more than Avatar will.
Nobody cares about Avatar anymore, do they? And can you name even a single character from that movie? Meanwhile, the MCU is a much-beloved series with many memorable characters.
As someone who isn't that invested in the MCU (I've only seen a couple of them, and only because I went with people who wanted to see them), I thought Endgame was good. Movies of this scale, this budget, this high level of production value, and which are this popular, don't come around very often. The VFX alone are pretty damn impressive. But it's got a pretty good story too, I guess.
shut the fuck up faggot
>succeeded financially,
>breaking records
user, you can't really be this...
Oh, just bait by another /tvpol/ tosser.
>doesn't have an argument
>spergs out in a fit of butthurt because i BTFO him
Can you read?
>Time Flop
That's not a thing.
so like Avatar?
>a time flop
Who cares?
Despite breaking records, Avatar ended up being a time flop—a movie that succeeded financially, but failed the test of time—in the future. Get fucked, Avaturds
It's not particularly memorable and actually stands in the shadow of its first part, which was thematically far more impactful in several, thanks to its focus Thanos's character development.
Then you have Titanic, which most people watched once or twice years ago and still vividly remember.
>tfw in 10 years people will finally understand the capekino Snyder tried to give us
>The VFX alone are pretty damn impressive
impressively shit for a 356 million dollar movie
but 200m of that is just to pay the actors after all
>goalpost stretching this hard
>first you claimed it wouldn't even top IW
>then you claimed it wouldn't go past TFA
>then you claimed it wouldn't even reach Avatar
>now "HURR THE TEST OF TIME" argument
>IW still talked about a year on
>Thanos considered an iconic villain now
>more beloved and remembered than the kek hack that is James Cameron
have sex
>It's not particularly memorable
Subjective as f*uck!
It does seem to come off a bit sterile.
Hold off on watching it for a year and tell me what you remember about it.
Thanos is objectively the most recognised villain since Voldemort. You are a fool if you cannot see through your tears that this is true.
>not particularly memorable
>all normies have talked about the last few weeks is Iron Man's death
>and Captain America holding mjolnir
>and the final battle in general
>trying this hard to prove a point only you can possibly believe
it's ok to admit you're retarded user, if anything it'll help you fit in here better
Maybe I'll check it out when the hq rips are available
And that's thanks to Infinity War, not Endgame.
Pulling the "past Thanos" thing was an asspull that fucked his final impact.
>it's the flavor of the month and its fanservice means its memorable!
It's been out for three weeks. Of course it's fresh in everybody's minds now, dumbass. That's the problem with you capeshitters: you only ever think in the short term. Even the movies you worship are better at playing the long game than you.
It's afraid!
I can still give a good summary of Thor: the dark world, and I only saw that film once and hated it.
This actually goes for most Hollywood blockbusters.
I dare you to watch Avatar.
These movies are not made for their artistic merit or legendary storytelling.
>not mentally purging thor 2
You only have so much space in your head, user, especially if you watch capeshit for more than just smalltalk.
So many unforgettable things in Endgame, the multiversal time travel scenario of the movie alone is memorable enough to get aped by future movies and referenced in pop culture years from now.
>but failed the test of time
Like avaturd was forgotten a year after release
i didn't want or need to see this
>the multiversal time travel scenario of the movie alone is memorable enough to get aped by future movie
It was aped by past movies and is considered even by fans as a cliche'd route to go.
>time flop
I love how assblasted DCcucks keeping moving the goal posts and inventing new metrics to keep themselves from crying to sleep every night. Sad!
>you watch capeshit for more than just smalltalk
That is the point ain't it? Humans are social animals. We need something to talk about at the coffeemaker.
Well most people do anyway, I prefer the silence.
>May 10th
>already forgotten
Hundreds of movies actually have something to talk about besides "hey you remember that fight scene?"
It literally references Back to the Future. There is no originality in time travelling shenanigans. Its been done.
No if I have to give Endgame credit its Thanos. I have no clue why he wants to kill half of the universe because it makes absolutely no sense and is stupid writing BUT he is a great villain.
Infinity War and Endgame are a package deal you ape. They were literally a part 1 and part 2 until Disney changed the title.
>DC cucks
Both of them atye absolute bottom of the barrel shite for low IQ mongrels. Every time I see that retard in bat suit I don't know if I should laugh or cry that there are people who take it seriously.
And as for the ''test of time'', he is right, nobody already talks about Endgame, because there is nothing to talk about, except few kids who talk about muh powerlevels like a bunch of Naruto fans.
I'm aware. At the same time they were designed to be stand-alone movies, which I feel was a bad move.
I haven't really stumbled in a lot of talk about the MCU stuff outside Yea Forums. People quote SW to ad nauseum, MCU not so much. Hell, Bale's Batman voice still is a butt of many jokes, but what has really dripped in popular consciousness from MCU?
>were designed to be stand-alone movies
>bad move
>to split 5h40min movie is a bad move
Post a memorable quote from any MCU movie.
Not what I'm saying.
They weren't structured to be a package deal, and they should've been. Those billions would've been made regardless and the two would've meshed together more gracefully.
I am Iron Man
*Cameron will remember this*
It's sad you actually think you're a cultured and mature individual on an anime imageboard. We are one click away from dickshitting nipples and you're complaining about popular movies lol
that's a Black Sabbath quote
>visually representing the Avengers causing a global tragedy
Subtly based.
Hail Hitler
Avatar is money laundering through made up numbers with 3d tickets sales. Nobody cares or did care about this shit.
t. someone born after 2009
>this place is a shithole so you have no right to say that movies exist that are better than Endgame
Why even post here at all by that logic?
Zero passion is put into MCU that's why no one remembers the movie after watching it.
They aren't even so bad to be interesting just mediocre
>there is one God, Ma’am, and I’m sure he doesn’t dress like this
he paid someone(s) to make this.
he's right.
>failed the test of time
It didn't make any sense the minute it was released dude, more lile it failed the test of quality
>some dumb ship sinking
>global tragedy
>Zero passion is put into MCU that's why no one remembers the movie after watching it.
is this the secret to repeated viewings?
The MCU is a testament to adequacy.
Same reason One Punch Man season 2 is still a hit. The animation is garbage, but it's still barely adequate enough to keep people going.
Mr Stark, I don't feel so good
It's a shitty meme quote but zoomers use it all the time in different contexts
>this many (you)s to this obvious bait
Yikes Yea Forums, just yikes
That is legitimately a great quote. It reminds me that I did actually like Captain America quite a bit, far more than I expected, as I've never liked the comics.
avatar and titanic are flops too
t. deluded Snydercuck
>a tweet from a literal who is suppose to mean something
Who are you quoting?
They're actually very impressive, I don't know why you're deliberately being a contrarian. It doesn't make you an interesting person.
Fair enough. There is a fairly decent cam version online at the moment floating around, with Chinese subtitles.
Like I said I haven't seen many of the MCU movies, but I can immediately remember many from Endgame:
"I am inevitable" - Thanos
"I am Iron Man" - Iron Man
"That is America's ass" - Captain America
"Hail Hydra" - Captain America
"I don't even know who you are" - Thanos
"You will" - Scarlett Witch
But why are quotes relevant anyway? I posed the question of whether anyone can name a single character from Avatar. I don't know why you're deflecting from this question. Is it because you refuse to concede the point because you're a butthurt Avatar fan?
I don't think they "made up" the numbers user, but yes 3D tickets are a big factor. And yes I agree few people care about Avatar.
He has a point, most people these days don't care about Avatar.
If you mean me (the post you replied to) then I'm glad you agree. Or if you mean OP then I don't agree with OP.
>But why are quotes relevant anyway?
The lack of memorable quotes hints a lack of cultural weight, the closest thing to cultural relevancy Marvele ever had is with Black Panther and only among american negroes and alt-righr folks who obsessed over it for a while. When a tv show about tits and zombie dragons can eclipse the culmination of your 256 movies like GoT did with Endgame you know your zoomer garbage is going to be forgotten soon
>Despite breaking records
these movies aren't that popular, big part of why they aren't socially relevant.
once you adjust for inflation they're way down on the list.
The only thing Infinity War has going for it is the snap. Endgame is better in terms of memorable highs.
It's a great accomplishment for sure but it really puts Avatar into perspective becoming the highest grossing film of all time with zero films to precede it. Jim knows.
>a time flop
>failed the test of time
It's a movie for kids, dude, not good even now lol
>But it's got a pretty good story too
imagine actually believing this
I already gave you some memorable quotes.
>he thinks GoT is bigger
Lmao no it isn't. Sorry you're so butthurt, faggot.
"That's my secret cap, I'm always angry."
"Dormammu, I've come to bargain."
"We have a Hulk."
"I am Groot."
"Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same."
"Wakanda Forever."
"I'm Mary Poppins, Y'all!"
"If we can't protect the earth, you can be damned sure we'll avenge it."
"There are no strings on me."
"Big man, in a suit of armour… take that away, what are you?" "Uh… a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."
"I have a plan: attack!"
“If you are nothing without the suit, you shouldn’t have it.”
"You know who I am. You don't know where I am. And you'll never see me coming."
"Some people call me a terrorist. I consider myself a teacher. America, ready for another lesson?"
"Hail Hyrda."
"There is nothing more reassuring than realizing the world is crazier than you are."
"Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it."
"You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed... walk it off."
"How ironic, Tony! Trying to rid the world of weapons, you gave it its best one ever! And now, I'm going to kill you with it!"
"If you could make God bleed, people would cease to believe in Him. "
"You could have the power of the gods! Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations! I have seen the future, Captain! There are no flags!"
"Whatever happens tomorrow you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man."
"Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage."
"Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart.. you will know peace."
"I still believe in heroes."
"We never lose our demons, Mordo. We only learn to live above them."
"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."
>these movies aren't that popular, big part of why they aren't socially relevant.
confirmed neet. Literally everyone at work watches this shit, and I work at a fucking ballet company
Lol try getting out of your basement for once incel
There are so many.
Only in your dreams, paki.
Nice. I don't know a lot of these because I haven't seen all of the MCU but I know some of them.
Just thought of some others from Endgame:
"So many stairs!" - Hulk
"I put the brains and the brawn together" - Professor Hulk
"I see this as an absolute win" - Professor Hulk