Have sex

Have sex.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>that thing

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>white race

Should have brought a flamethrower.

Have sex then shoot up a synagogue of Satan.

False flag motherfucker so heebie shekelstein could whine more

itt: nazis, white supremacists, separatists, nationalists and staunch conservatives argue amongst themselves as if they are not all the same fucking thing

protected groups are certainly destroying liberty

they've been teasing this destruction of the white race for a hundred years now, when is it actually going to happen. tired of hearing about it

hitler killed tens of millions of slavs and this guy still idolizes him. idgi.

>but liberals and communists are completely different!

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impressive jawline on that fucker.

I've seen this episode. Change the channel.

There is a critical lack of sex having in this thread.


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Can you show me examples of what a White man should look like? Genuinely curious.

It's going to get much, much worse. The host is resisting the virus. This has happened before.

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I believe there's no better example of a white man than the average Sneedposter, such as pic related.

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Is this supposed to be hot or even cute? Because she looks retarded.

They are, you absolute nigger. You should be burned lynched, retard.

fucking exposed lmao

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I mean. he aint wrong.
thats like getting sent to prison in the UK for tweeting niggers are really good at basketball.

Nazism is a progressive, revolutionary ideology; literally the opposite of conservatism.

>killed an old woman
>lightly wounded 3
>called 911 immediately afterward
>spouted a bunch if memes and tropes
false flag 101 boys

>San Diego
That guy is 30% Mexican, minimum.


white is such a broad term nobody even knows what it means

This, white people do not exist, they might as well be dead already.
One race, the human race.

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This is why it's important to identify the enemy as the ultra rich and powerful top 1% elites at the heads of major corporations and banks instead if just saying ((((JOOS)))) because you think it sounds better. You end up inspiring maniacs like this guy to murder ordinary jewish people who have nothing to do with anything.

How would you know about secret jewish conspiracies just by reading the internet? Wouldn't they keep it more secret than that?

t. nigger
I can't wait to lynch you

They all donate to AIPAC and support the same antiwhite legislation dumbass.

bayesed and sneedpilled

So I'm guessing he is going to get a 400 year sentence like that James Fields guy

Just because you're an ideological retard and are unable to distinguish basic things because of low IQ doesn't make it reality chump.

>want to save muh white race
>try to pull off a mass shooting instead of having a bunch children with a white girl
/pol/ ladies and gentlemen

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i'm literally shaking

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All jews must die.
Jew detected.

sup npc

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More probably, Fields was more of an ideological case. There is clear intent and malice with this guy.

>antiwhite legislation
I was talking to the ordinary people who jokingly make jew memes as a stand in for the rich and powerful, not people like you. Please kill yourself.

You typically get a stiff sentence for murder. Firing indiscriminately into a crowd is also not something juries usually look kindly on. All the extra charges and hundreds of years, etc, are just to spice it up for the public.

None of it is secret, it just isn't mainstream and discussion of it in social media is censored and the person ruined. You're not a nazi antisemite, are you?

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he's right you know

How can they be shocked if they are dead?

Hey shareblue

Why don't you make like a nazi and kill yourself.

Fuck off Avi

>implying thats possible for them

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>once you get past all the far right fascism it's basically just socialism
you calling anyone a brainlet

Really tired of this argument. Both Jews and the top 1% of capitalists are the problem, there is no either/or in this case. Not every Jew is responsible, of course. There are many Jews that are likable and I can get along with fine. The problem is their philsophical worldview and their hatred of their host populations, not to mention their support of Zionism which gets involved in multiple wars.

Trans fags and niggers like you should be shaking

>want a progressive society free of hate
>import millions of hateful, violent, low iq savages who hate everything you claim to stand for
leftists ladies and gentlemen

Your can't build a strong body if it is riddled with cancer and disease.

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Kinda funny since the term "Fascist" was basically just a term invented to label everyone who was opposed to communism since the average leftist wasnt expected to understand it any other way. So yeah from your point its probably all the same.

god damn look at that jaw


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the jews have been working tirelessly to make it so that many dual income household can hardly afford to support one child, let alone two or three or (ideally) 5

>You end up inspiring maniacs like this guy to murder ordinary jewish people
>who have nothing to do with anything.
thats like when dashawn robs a store and shoots some old guy 8 times for 20$. then he goes home and the cops come by and his momma says "he a gud boy, he dindu nuffin. he was with me all night. he aint never shot a gun in his life. he was here all night"

shaneesha didnt murder the store owner. but she sure as fuck is covering up for the guilty parties involved which makes her culpable.

Funny how when I describe people with political views I disagree with I don't describe them by their race.

I still don't get the hate the Jews get in this website. Jews are pretty awesome desu. They're pretty ok in my book, really.

They are a practical people who value education and self-improvement, while squeezing the last drop of value out of everything they can. Friend of mine back in college used to eat entire apples, including the core, the seeds, and the stems. I think of myself as pretty much of a skin flint, but I could never do something like that.

They're survivors, if not necessarily thrivers. Whether or not it's their own innate traits that leads to them being persecuted, they HAVE been persecuted. And yet despite this they have spread to all corners of the globe.

Let me ask you a question, Yea Forums. Americans (?) that you are, how do you think your people would fare if a:

a) cataclysmic event drove you from your homes,
b) spread you across the world,
c) diverging you among other populations that soon your groups don't even look like each other anymore?

Would even after that, you could still conceive of each other as American? and be able to find common ground and rebuild your society?

Because that's what the Jews did. And with no lack of help from the gentiles, Jews are now the richest and highest IQ population of people in the world, reclaiming the nation that was lost to them for 2000 years. It is a fantastical success story.

Why hate them?

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That's the most retarded analogy I've ever heard in my life.
Even if I accepted it, your example doesn't implicate all black people in the world.
Kill yourself.

>my group is distinct and unique but everyone I oppose is all the same

Typical liberal self-awareness.

dude's been whitewashed, his kids will be even lighter and his grandkids will practically be white -- idk why whites are so resistant to breeding out other races, its literally been happening since the dawn of man

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we don't want your mud genes in our pool

Ensured the eventual destruction of America by implosion due to crippling debt (6 trillion total for Iraq/Afghanistan) while upending the Middle East and creating a subsequent refugee crisis which will impact Europe for centuries just to secure their shitstain nation in the Middle East. I could care less about how smart or thrifty they are, that shit is academic. As a people they are pure cancer.

I didn't turn on the Jews. They turned on me. Everywhere I look I see anti-white hatred being pushed and every article is written by a Jew, every film and television show preaching it is written by a Jew, every politician pushing it is a Jew, or in the pocket of Jews. And Jews could put a stop to it right now by taking their foot off the progressive gas just a hair, but they won't do it. They can't. If Jews could control themselves, they wouldn't have been evicted from 109 nations and counting.

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Have sex.,

The federal government sure doesn't any more.

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she looks like she fucks black men and thinks swedish white men rape women at music festicals

Why does this hispanic mixed kid care so much about white people?

they also value enslaving anyone who isnt a jew. by the way which "cataclysmic event" are you speaking of?

so its a secret then?

i'm trying user, i'm trying

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Honorary white for killing Juice.

Fucking this. The notion that 15 millions Jews are somehow responsible for 500 million white people constantly failing is fucking preposterous.

Let's assume just for the sake of argument /pol/tards are right: and that Jews are out to destroy them. Well...Whites were warned about Jews by Martin Luther in the 16th century. So whites have had nearly 500 years to evolve, adapt, and conquer.

Has that happened? No. Not in the least. As a matter of FACT white men are more incompetent and insignificant as ever.

So at BEST: white men have failed to adapt and evolve and there is NO way they can blame Jews for that.

The truth is very simple: white men are poorly educated, lazy, spend too much time and money on hobbies, out of shape, embrace degeneracy, are risk averse and gravitate to stupid/safe jobs like the Trades.

It is white men's faults they are so powerless now. I look forward to the day Jews control the world openly and the gentiles are no longer needed.

The weak should fear the strong

if whites dont breed out blacks, blacks will breed out whites. simple as that. its literally evolution.

I love communism too user! No other political system is as efficient at killing communists.

Im saying people who lie to cover up for guilty people
or use them as an alibi
or go along with a massive ponzi scheme because it benefits them

are just as guilty as the people behind it
you think your average jew with an IQ over 100 doesnt know whats going on?
you think they are oblivious?
no. famous comedians joke about it on twitter. its common knowledge and talked about openly behind closed doors amongst themselves.


This. They diversity meme is a lie they created and pushed since Moses Mendelssohn, hiding behind pleas for "equality" so they could further their status in every host nation.

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oh no no no no

Have sex

you act like your average /pol/ poster could ever even speak to a woman lol

No. Everyone who reads news knows the Guardian. Anyone who followed Bush era politics knew of Perle. The jewish control of the media shifts focus.

>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction". Certain parts of the policies set forth in the paper were rejected by Netanyahu.[2][3]


>In the days after September 11, Mr Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, mounted an attempt to include Iraq in the war against terror. When the established agencies came up with nothing concrete to link Iraq and al-Qaida, the OSP was given the task of looking more carefully.

>"None of the Israelis who came were cleared into the Pentagon through normal channels," said one source familiar with the visits. Instead, they were waved in on Mr Feith's authority without having to fill in the usual forms.

>The exchange of information continued a long-standing relationship Mr Feith and other Washington neo-conservatives had with Israel's Likud party.

>The Israeli influence was revealed most clearly by a story floated by unnamed senior US officials in the American press, suggesting the reason that no banned weapons had been found in Iraq was that they had been smuggled into Syria. Intelligence sources say that the story came from the office of the Israeli prime minister.


>you can only get rid of us by mixing with us!
not how it works deshawn

If whites were the master race then they wouldn't be dying out.


I love the Jews and Israel should be allowed to protect itself at all cost.

strawman. the only people talking about a master race are the jews

The colorado school shooters were a leftist obama supporter and a female to male tranny who hated christians.

>having to cripple your economy by giving hundreds of billion dollars to their imaginary country
>dude white people are just lazy lmao

Some biological females have adam's apple so it doesn't prove anything

I love the Jews and Israel should be allowed to protect itself at all cost.




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Keep saying this as jews keep importing darkies by the millions and millions and millions. Much of the USA is already +/-50% white. What do you think is going to happen to the white race when USA is +-70% darkskin? You will be bred out. So long as white still outnumber the dark minorities, it is possible to breed out their undesirable genes. As soon as they form a majority it's game over.

A child is born to a white parent and a black parent. The mulatto can then go one of two ways. It can breed with a black and revert to being fullblown black or it can breed with a white and its genes will be diluted further... and so on. What do you think is going to happen when USA reaches the tipping point? Breed them out now.

Things people in power can put into losers mouth for 500 alex.

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Get woke lil nigga
>Moses Mendelssohn (6 September 1729[2] – 4 January 1786) was a German Jewish philosopher to whose ideas the Haskalah, the 'Jewish enlightenment' of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, is indebted.

>Mendelssohn also tried to better the Jews' situation in general by furthering their rights and acceptance. He induced Christian Wilhelm von Dohm to publish in 1781 his work, On the Civil Amelioration of the Condition of the Jews, which played a significant part in the rise of tolerance. Mendelssohn himself published a German translation of the Vindiciae Judaeorum by Menasseh Ben Israel.[12]

>The interest caused by these actions led Mendelssohn to publish his most important contribution to the problems connected with the position of Judaism in a Gentile world. This was Jerusalem (1783; Eng. trans. 1838 and 1852). It is a forcible plea for freedom of conscience, described by Kant as "an irrefutable book".[12] Mendelssohn wrote:

>Brothers, if you care for true piety, let us not feign agreement, where diversity is evidently the plan and purpose of Providence. None of us thinks and feels exactly like his fellow man: why do we wish to deceive each other with delusive words?[20]


Now there weren't Muslims or Africans in Germany at that time, but he hides his desire for influence behind vague calls for diversity. The jews are a broken record, using guilt and shame prevalent in Christianity against Christians to warp their beliefs into a means of self destruction of ethnic and cultural identity.

>san diego gunman says "man dem chinese sho do like dems some rice"
>went on to state "my cats breath smells like catfood"
>his public defender plans to use these nonsensical and delusional statements as evidence of his clients break with reality and his obvious mental illness

why can't we each have our own ethnostate
it's only fair

>blacks get africa
>chinks get china and surrounding area
>brownies get all of south america
>muslims get all the middle east
>everything else is fair game for invading by the above though!

i wonder how much of this is ironic versus genuine cringe

Stormfags and /pol/fags are the best example of subhumans in human society today. They have stunningly low intelligence. They are all psychopaths and sociopaths. They are so susceptible to confirmation bias and delusion that when someone insults you as an individual for being mind-blowingly stupid, all they can think are epic jew memes and spout MUH GOY.

Rest assured that if 100% of them were not busy confined to a basement somewhere masturbating to cartoons, society would not tolerate their existence. I really wish they'd hurry dying in their 40s of heart disease, worthless sack of subhuman shit.

genes don't get "bred out" dipshit. we're putting you on boats and sending you back. there will be no mixing

This is retarded. White people dumping shit into their bloodstream is not the answer. War is a far more expedient option. Kill four or five million shitskins and 90% of what remains will flee. Mop up the remains and declare victory.

that's the newest thing pushed by you know who to get white people even more divided among themselves
just ignore it

>donating to israel crippes the US economy

extremely based user

wait a minute sneed is a jew?

>genes don't get "bred out" dipshit.
Well they do


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>t. mexican faggot

>That chin

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just like those neanderthal genes, right?

I came in here to say the exact same thing

You can't have black hair and be white. White people have blond, brown, and red hair.

How about this?

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you're allowed to ask this question but if we answer it we risk getting banned. even on Yea Forums.

so that should give you a glimpse of the problem.

>Rest assured that if 100% of them were not busy confined to a basement somewhere masturbating to cartoons, society would not tolerate their existence. I really wish they'd hurry dying in their 40s of heart disease, worthless sack of subhuman shit.
what the fuck are you talking about retard, we have a president in office right now. LMAO at the utter state of leftist nigger COPE

not at all. they have empathy and love.

>Rest assured that if 100% of them were not busy confined to a basement somewhere masturbating to cartoons, society would not tolerate their existence.
The jew here has to conflate antisemitism with negative traits and then appeal to the masses without actually addressing any criticisms itt. Don't let these lazy fuckers control the argument with non-arguments.

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are these hamplanets protesting or playing sport in front of the kfc?

Everything is a jew

>t. Jamal Gonzales

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Anyone who annihilates the jews becomes a honorary whitey.

That doesn't disprove anything he said

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notice the angles, filters and lights, not to mention the photoshop.

you know those pics where you get the ugly girl and after applying makeup shes pretty? this kid basically just learned how to put on girls makeup on camera. irl still looks like a guy.

Israel is AKSHUALLY a major competitor in multiple markets and has "stolen" a number of tech jobs from the US. During his tenure as CEO of Intel the jew Andy Grove made sure nearly all of Intel's R&D was sent to Israel. Israel is like a mini-China, they are a trading "partner", but the benefits really one move in one direction.

It's a fallacy that you think your criticisms are equal to coherent thought, you absolute fucking Mongoloid

you're right, only non /pol/chads voted for Trump because we were too busy not participating in society

God damn

>its a fallaccyy guyysss

Lose weight.

god, I wish that were me on top

And he clearly got a girl to teach him how to apply makeup.

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>you're just crazy!
hello frankfurt school

Of course it is. We're living through Weimar 2.0. Where will they run this time, I wonder? Israel? Truth be told, I'd much rather be on our side than theirs.

How do you have an AR-15 and only kill 1 (ONE) person? White people are incompetent as fuck.

>whites are going extinct
>there is no "white genocide", that's a paranoid alt-right conspiracy-theory

Which is it?

Refute the Israeli control of the Republican party (and the Democrats but with a seperate agenda) and the Iraq War's intention as being beneficial for Israeli interests at the expense of America. Fuck you and fuck the jews.

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The degenerate white phenotype is destroying your birth rates. Stop your women from fucking dogs.

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Someone or something definitely is. We just don't know for sure if it's the Jews.

>Taking anything by Laurelai seriously
Hello newfag.

Literally me and my wife


I never understand what people hope to achieve by using pop culture as a proxy war for arguing about morality, values, and politics. Whenever threads like this get posted, what's the end game? What's the solution? Is it just to draw attention to modern western society? If so, what donyou expect to change? The average person just trying to get by and provide for themselves/family are pretty just liberals, socially and economically because that's the stance that human morality tends to lean towards outside of a traditionalist or Christian base level of belief. If Jews rule the world, what is there to be done? No one qill ever believe you, and if they do, what realistically do you want to accomplish by making threads with the hidden agenda of pointing out hypocricy?

You seem confused if you think there's such a thing as "white americans".

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Más blanco que tú, Juan Carlos Robert Cordova Garcia Rodriguez.

Israel and whatever stable country they can leach off of.

How do we stop the nazi incels and their bloodthirst?

>genes don't get "bred out"
holy shit lol

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>t. seething eurotrash

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Why would we stop them?
They are only killing jews.

Quit boomer posting and actually go read Adorno




Too bad only 56% of those are like that.

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not going to fall for it demarcus

Its fun to seethe and vent. Hatred is generally the most pleasant human emotion, we love to hate and discriminate, it's natural. Few people love others, but everyone hates somebody.
But you're right, jews rule the world and there's nothing much to be done about it, the last opportunity to turn the tables was wasted in 1940s

The USA is the biggest enemy the west has right now.
Without the USA, the jews lose their most loyal servants.
It is in the interest of white people that the USA dies.

>read this jewish leftist
no thanks leftypol

>being so insecure that you store screenshots of articles stating that Amerimutts are white
Cope more, mutt, and bow to your European masters who gave you white genes.

>ignores facts and just posts another meme
yep. it's a euronigger

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Imagine throwing your life away for a single digit score.

hope you have enough money to bring your military up to date yuropoor, daddy America won't be there to save your ass

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>calls me random stereotypical nigger names
would a nigger really be this intelligent? ask yourself. I understand you are mr jonny appleseed who thinks you will win no matter what but with your current mindset you will be overwhelmed, there is no question

>European masters

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>have mulatto children or whites will go extinct!
keep deflecting retard

I really wonder how many people actually believe the mutt meme and are totally unaware of this. Interracial marriage used to be illegal until fairly recently excluding for social taboos, and America has had a steady flow of European immigrants for hundreds of years. Also restricted non-white immigration until 1965.

Not everyone has had family in the USA since slave times.

>muh aid
>completely sidesteps my point Israel is a market parasite and competitor to American corporations
Teva (Israeli) is a direct competitor to Pfizer (American)
Altair (Israeli) is a direct competitor to Qualcomm (US)
Israel is a COMPETITOR more than a trade partner, helping them is fucking stupid from an economic standpoint

Is that Bubbles from The Wire?

Attached: Bubbles.jpg (506x316, 34K)

>us is le all 50%
Just like Muslim rape gangs rule the UK right? Just like France is basically a black country now? Literally a bunch of fear mongering and slander to keep whites at each other's throats. Much easier to keep everyone fighting when all Canadians are cuckolds and all Meds aren't considered white. Fucking idiots, this is exactly why the Jews always win.

The mutt meme comes mostly from Americans talking about how many non-whites there are in Europe and how the US is the last white country or something like that.

w-what is this from?

I rather go up against an unbeatable enemy alone than to have traitorous allies.

Imagine this:

A black man marries a white woman and has children. He dies happily, knowing he has passed on his genetic code (albeit somewhat diluted). In a society with an overwhelmingly white majority, his mulatto children would most likely go on to breed with whites. And their children with whites. And so forth. Until his genes have been diluted to such an extent that they are practically non-existent. In a society with an overwhelming majority of dark skins, the opposite would occur. Jews are actively working toward this kind of society. The kind of society where it doesn't matter how much the whites fight back because they are overpowered by sheer numbers. Despite their ferocity, none of the Spartans who fought at Thermopylae ever returned home. They perished. I admire your tenacity. But you're a fool fighting a fool's battle.

Books make you sleepy I take it

>The mutt meme comes mostly from Americans talking about how many non-whites there are in Europe and how the US is the last white country or something like that.

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all of this is false though

then go ahead and have your leaders give us back all the military aid we've given them, or at least tell us to fuck off. We could use that money here




what did the jews mean by this?

That isn't how it works. Imagine this: you take a dump into a saucer of milk. Then someone pours in a little more milk. Then, a little more. How tasty is what remains? It's mostly milk, no?

Light hair and light colored eyes are effeminate traits.

>Just like Muslim rape gangs rule the UK right?
they did. there was a cover up of how bad it was. this is not debatable
>Just like France is basically a black country now?
paris is. just like london
>Literally a bunch of fear mongering and slander to keep whites at each other's throats
then tell eurotrash to stop shitting on america and demanding that americans give up their rights and "be like the rest of us." europeans hate america; if you want white unity, it needs to start with europe
>Much easier to keep everyone fighting when all Canadians are cuckolds
they pretty much are

somalis look funny

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Pull them, we don't want them here.
They ran out of use after the Soviets were gone.
Now you are the Soviets.

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That's literally how it went. American posters on /pol/ posting about how Europe is non-white, it became so rampant that they had to be reminded of where they live and that's where the 56% comes from. It spilled over to /int/ and they attached a picture to it.

imagine this: whites use their ability and resources to remove subhumans from their countries entirely, completely precluding any need for dumb fantasies of "breeding them out"

fucking retard

shut up Avi

Actually that's absolutely correct. The Coca-Cola company has a limit to how much rat piss can be found in their product. You might be drinking trace amounts of rat piss but you don't notice either way.

After generations, what difference does it make whether your offspring has 0.000001% of negro genetic code? The only things that will have remained are perhaps their speed/musculature. None of the stupidity or other undesirable features. That's evolution.

I'm not coming over to your house for dinner, that much I can tell you.

It's literally impossible. Adolf Hitler attempted to do exactly this but was thwarted. The problem is worse than ever and Jewish overlords have positioned themselves in such a way as to be practically invincible. One of the key purposes of globalization. I honestly cannot believe how stupid you and many others I reply to are.

OK so you're ADMITTING that it comes from seething Nazi Eurotrash?

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Backing Palestine means backing hammas you fucking moron.


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