Why is the hound the most based character in GOT?
Why is the hound the most based character in GOT?
Because if you watch this show you have literally no standards and the answer could be anyone
Because he is a Volcel like me
If he was based, he would have raped Sansa when he had the chance.
>haha he cursed again
he died in S4, as far as i'm concerned.
Because he isn't motivated by pussy, money, power, or even really family. He's motivated by hate.
Black pilled.
Nah that just makes him a nigger.
Hurr cunt dick hurr shit
because he's basically rust cohle
he says bad words and grouchy. 8 year olds love him
He was cool in early seasons. Like everything with the show he's been watered down and gimped to the point where he's just uninteresting.
Should be cool to see him die in the next episode or so. Hopefully he goes out in a badass way against Gregor
bronn is better.
>people hating on the Hound
Why? Personally I think he's on fire
He just is. But contrarian faggots on here will tell you otherwise because being an asshole chad is apparently too edgy.
Case in point. Eat shit pussy faggots.
They're tied
feel more like arya is gonna make the hound become the bitch.
Because he's a cynical asshole who secretly has some good in him and wishes the world was more like the fairy tales. You can see it in his interactions with Sansa, who is at that point still an innocent girl with a very child-like outlook. He drones on about being a killer and how much he totally loves killing but it's obvious he has a crush on her and secretly hopes that she's the one who will save him from himself. Sadly that doesn't happen just like in the real world.
one of them saved the other's ass after the other freaked out in the middle of a battle
>calls people cunts
He's just like me!
>it's obvious he has a crush on her
what are you on, man
She's the one who has the crush (see: the unkiss), for him she's closer to a daughteru, a pretty little thing needing protection but brightening the day
Euron > the rest
Why can't the bring back his old armour?
His new outfit is nowhere near as cool
Because he's the audience and we don't give a flying fuck anymore just like him.
>You think you're on your own?
this was the moment when he sold me as the best character
You misspelled Euron
>That early Kingsguard aesthetic armour
Fuck it was perfect.
Not fucking show Euron. He's not even a shade of what could've been.
He's a man.
based low IQ poster
>dark souls armor
>being an asshole chad is apparently too edgy
The fact that you got "asshole chad" out of the hounds makes it obvious that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from season 1-4 hound to seasons 6-8 hound.
Edgy asshole is the way retards perceive him and disregard him as a good character.
Sandor is only in his late 20s so being in love with a teen girl is perfectly normal for the time and setting. He's the only one there who constantly goes out of his way to protect Sansa. Arya is his daughterfu, Sansa is his waifu.
>She's the one who has the crush
Maybe in the books. In the show she's scared of him most of the time. There might be some attraction, I'm not saying there's not, but the point is that the Hound does care for her. He wanted her to harden but expressed regret in the last episode that she got raped and abused.
>muh edgy fanfic-tier final fantasy boss vs FINGERINTHEBUM
was that scene the only time the hound was wearing the white cloak? I seem to remember he always used that standard armour we usually see him in otherwise
>most based character
it runs in his blood, he has some of the best fights in the series
>Hound at Battle of Blackwater
>Hound vs Beric Dondarian (btfo'd)
>Hound 1v5 at Inn at the cross roads
down 5 men, killed 3
>Hound vs Brienne while he was injured
>Hound revenge vs Lem Lemoncloak
You forgot his first fight with the Mountain. The way he feel to a knee and dodged Gregor's swing at the same time was badass.
Always loved this one
Season 1 was sweet as hell
>the Hound does care for her
I agree with this, though the attraction needs more evidence than his protection as that's easily an extension of the previous description >secretly has some good in him
while also being one of the few outlets for such a belief that allows him to avoid meaningful loss of face and enjoyment of his power.
Yeah, that scene really helped Sandor's character come across as sad and tragic.
Because he called Arya a midget.
He can expect a call from the Warwick Davis police soon.
Fuck me, how did I forget the most important one.
Here have this one on me, I'm making webms of the Hound's fights right now in preperation for this Sunday with Cleganebowl.
> though the attraction needs more evidence than his protection
It just seems that way to me based on his interaction with both sisters. He has no problem kidnapping Arya, ransoming her for money, or smacking her when she's being a little shit, for example, but he cannot bring himself to hurt Sansa or take her out King's Landing against her will. I think that innocence early early seasons Sansa had attracted him because his own innocence was taken away early in life. The scene where she realizes that he wouldn't hurt her really drives that home IMO.
>Maybe in the books. In the show she's scared of him most of the time
Not even in the books. Sansan is literally a mass delusion from female readers because the fatman didn't realize that having a scared and confused teenage girl thrown into a world of doubt and uncertainty with her only to be saved by a scary (yet alluring, how mysterious) male is fetish fuel for femcels. He's stated that it wasn't supposed to be "cute" or "romantic", and doubly so if you are talking about Sansa's feelings towards Sandor.
Based openly fag poster
their experiences, therefore behavior are different which accounts for his treatment. if arya was like sansa i doubt he would have acted the same
Oh, I'm not saying that she was in love with him or that their relationship was romantic. I'm just saying Sandor had some feelings for her and that those feelings are the main way we get to see his hidden good side until he starts protecting Arya.
Not just that. Sansa is the the pretty one, while Arya is a bit homely even in the books.
here's your Hound, say something nice about him
I just read this chapter last night. It's exactly that way in the books too
what did he actually mean by this
yes, though that only seems relevant under the attraction theory
Well, yeah. Again, I don't see anything out of character about the Hound (canonically in his 20s) being attracted to a beautiful and exceptionally innocent teen girl.
Season 1-4 Hound was the best character in the fucking show.
Rewrite these scenes in the season 7 feel
This was the episode that made him my favorite character in the show.
Bronn literally became a brand new character outta no where. He's shit
>Arya is a bit homely even in the books.
Arya is a tomboy. The only people who called her ugly were Shansha and her friend Jeyne. She's supposed to look like Lyanna, who was supposed to be a real beauty (not these potatoes we got). She's not homely, at best her beauty is hidden most of the time because she keeps acting unladylike, chasing cats and whatnot
bronn scene's for the past few seasons are the only bearable ones to watch, do you even tv?
Whatever, the point is she's not attractive like Sansa.
Yeah his scenes before s8 we're good. Now hes shit.
Even of whom are still alive, he's not the most based.
The only based character atm is Bronn.
To be fair, he does have the highest killcount in offing hated characters.
If he kills Sansa next he will be a legend forever, despite having no character.
If sansa is supposed to be pretty they could've looked for a better actress.
Brown has been poorly written for 3 seasons now. I mean his last scene was just teleporting in and out for a quick chat. What the serious fuck was that.
Because you're an edgy little bitch who will never even let out a hint at how much you hate life or people when there isn't a computer screen between you and them.
I think Sandor is interesting because he's the only one who understands how GRR's world works. And he fucking hates it. World where Mountain, a literal thug, is a knight and world where people who genuinely want to do good like Ned Stark die by the chopping block. If Martin actually kills him that'd be one instance when D&D would do something better, he can't die, not like that.
>had aweinspiring armor
>lol its weebshit lmao
kill you are self
One more step closer to making anime real
Because he's a good boy!
>black scaled armour
shows fantasy gothic full plate
alright fags, here's the legit one
she was like 13 when she knew him
>LOL he said a bad word better not tell mommy
Euron? More like Urine
Makes sense.
But he should have boned sansa and arya when he had the chance.
what is this list?
First scene:
Before the mountain is able to hit Sir Loras the Hound blocks the sword mid way and says something like "Like fuck you will" then they push their swords away and start clanging. The king doesn't have as much emotion, but just goes "Stop this at once!" with a loud voice.
Second scene:
would not be as gory. It'd just be him stabbing and slicing a buncha dudes and sometimes clashing swords.
He should have won against brienne, despite his injury/infection.
>Book euron is a fucking pirate wizard
>Show euron is a sub 80 iq drunk pirate who exists to make dick jokes
That dark souls armor is still cringe tho
how much euron is there in the fatman's books and in which volume does he appear
>thinks girls were married stage 40 and had their first child at 55 in medieval times
Arya teleports behind the mountain before the hound even starts fighting. "Nothing personal" she says, or something equally stupid before slicing his throat.
>got rid of that guy for a lanklet then a 22 yr old juice head
Remember when he murdered the butchers boy
Yes. This show died with Joffrey if we're being honest
Dany should made her dragon eat the mountain lol she is cool wow stupid lanestars.
little finger was still an annoying monotone anachronism though.
He used to be my favorite but these boys who posted this are correct.
>it's a Hound and Arya episode where Sandor fights a 1v5, knocks out all 5 of them, and kills 3
The Hound is a fan favorite for a reason.
the fight at the inn with the Lannister soldiers is one of the best if not the best in the show. It really showed Sandor fighting with strength and brutality the only things his character has known since he was a child along with being the start of him wanting to escape it.
Yeah it really is crazy how much he changed since his time with Arya and Brother Ray (the guy who saved him) compared to how he was in S1 and S2.
I can't stand seeing this filthy conning gypo in everything now.
The hound is a hopeless romantic at heart who has hidden his deep and abiding desire for the world to be a fair and just place under a thick layer of caustic cynicism because his ongoing anger at what the world is vs what it ought to be is the only way that he can muster the strength to get out of bed each morning.
The funny thing is that so far, Ian Mcshane's character is the only character in the series so far who's actually been able to see the hound for what he truly is.
when he tells the story of playing with the toy knight as a child and getting his face nearly burned off for it and seeing gregor grow up to become a knight does a good job of giving the gist of why he despises the people around him. his character really has a nice arc to it through those early seasons.
>Ian Mcshane's character is the only character in the series so far who's actually been able to see the hound for what he truly is.
What about Beric and Thoros? They came pretty close, especially after Thoros saw him burry those two dead people he knew previously in the River Lands.
Trips of truth
>but ma womyn are stronk too
I love how Sandor dropped to one knee fucking instantly, not even bothering to defend himself.
me in the back
he knew that if he didn't stop the fight both of them would have been executed, yes they're strong but you can't fights against a king's command and win
Have sex
The show used to be lauded by Yea Forums for the first 4 seasons you baiting autist.