Trailer released 12 hours ago

>trailer released 12 hours ago
>already forgotten
What went wrong?

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The book was unironically better

I dont know about the rest of Yea Forums but I am super excited for the drider scene

No it wasn't.

>Bill Hader
Boy am I excited for 2 hours of this annoying twat

He kind of looks like King

I'm pretty excited but it's going to be a long 4 months, I hope we get the cosmic turtle.

nothing, everything's great. both joker movie and it chapter 2 movie dropping within a couple months of each other. year of the honk confirmed.

But Richie is supposed to be annoying

call back when the movie opens

IT’s a fucking girl lmao.

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Yes it was if you're not a zoomer that requires the narrative equivalent of a jangling keyring on your face to feel engaged

the kid actors are a hundred times better than the adult shitters we get

It will be there in some form; they're going for classy and psychological "elevated horror" even if it will be just a bunch of jumpscares in the end anyway

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No really, is this meant to be scary? I see Pennywise is doing that gay stop motion frame skip walk again. As if that wasn't the worst part of the first movie. He's doing it again, look at him go that crazy clown! Look at him move weirdly

Christ fuck off.

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>hating on qt Hader
Don't be mean mate. Also why are his eyes look the same now

chapter one wasn't scarier either, but it was entertainer.

Real talk. It wasn't completely terrible. Sorry.

Barry is great though fuck you bitch nigga

Steven King is a dinosaur, that's why. No one cares.

Sleep it off Peele

I enjoy when trailers are a full scene and not just ambiguous bs nonsense; still, it's difficult to feel interest in this movie given how broad and disappointing the first one was

no sexy redhead in this one

>bill is tall as fuck in the books
>cast mcavoy

I liked the trailer. Not much to say though. Looks alright.

More importantly, why isn't he balding? Is Hollywood really that afraid to put men with a bald patch in a leading role?

Men who allow themselves to go bald are just not credible as leads

I just watched the first movie and i liked it a bunch

>Implying you've read it.

>Implying you've seen the first movie

Original IT is better, but the remake was okay.

Chapter 2 looks okay as well, not as interesting as the trainwrecks going on right now.

>>already forgotten

>Original IT is better, but the remake was okay.
what the fuck is this

that scene in the new trailer, of Beverly and Mrs Kersh? It was in the original, and boring as fuck. How you even gonna compare the two

It's the second of a Stephen King story.

Currywise is hands down better, but as mediocre the modern film is, is still a more valid horror movie than the original

It 2017 is a solid 7 or 8 out of 10 if you're generous. It's not scary at all, but it's a solid coming of age adventure flick. I doubt the second part will be as good, but I won't write it off after how pleasantly surprised I was by the first chapter.

I remember the adult half of the mini series not being that great.

>Post YFW the FF7 remake trailer hasn't reached 1 mil views yet.

I’m pretty shocked by how much I enjoyed the first one given the massive hype it had at the time, mostly for the reasons you mentioned. It was incredibly well made in my opinion, so many things had to go right. The kids felt real and gave good performances overall, the set design/costumes and camerawork kept it visually interesting and everything was paced well as the soundtrack was great.

This, balding indicates weakness and incompetence. No sane woman would ever breed with a balding male.

>2nd remake about shitty tv-movie
Gee, I don't know why it is treated as a dog shit.

>Bill Hadler