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>me waiting for a meteor or a nuke to pounce on the fucking earth

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hey, she finally told a good joke.

Better than Archie and her baby isn't half monkey.

Honestly this is the funniest thing she's ever done

>Gene Attell Fischer
Pretty jewish name

that's an obvious joke you retard

What compelled this otherwise normal looking man to pound that pig?

But it's half Amy Schumer and half someone that would fuck Amy Schumber
>normie media take it absolutely seriously

I was unironically gonna call my kid archie until yesterday

Yes but The UK is now officially finished because of Archie. The Royal family is no longer pure. It's over for them. The country might as well declare Islam it's national religion and start practicing Sharia Law in the streets. R.I.P UK, you've been officially culturally enriched right down to the throne.

In 2 generations Archie will be forgotten assuming half the royal family doesn't die

imagine thinking a bunch of incestuous germans were ever pure

Archie the mutt will never ever get near the throne, relax mate. Also I have a feeling that Harry had a mutt kid on purpose to piss of the Queen for killing his mother who was pregnant with a Muslim.

Is this real? Hilarious if it is. How can someone be so retarded?

>incest Germans on the British Royal throne is pure blood

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there are seven people ahead of him in line, safe to say it will never happen

>Better than Archie

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You are basically saying incest is pure.

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I will give you 2 guesses.

Almost as retarded as thinking this is real. That's the /Pol/ audience for you

Archie is going to be a footnote in the historical record, user. He's getting fanfare because the American media is obsessed over the fact one of their own got knocked up with royal seed. Even if Archie somehow manages to continue being relevant, his mutt genes are going to get washed away with his first wife. It's over.

if this was on purpose this is child abuse
if this was an accident she and he are two of the dumbest people ever to exist

literally no point in doing this to anyone let alone your child

>his mutt genes are going to get washed away
Mutt genes don't get washed away, creatura
All his descendants will be mixed race

It's the purest.

looks like the eggs on your face

>Mutt genes don't get washed away, creatura
Mutt genes can absolutely get washed away, it's why many "white" people can have 5-10% non-white ancestry and still walk around with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The English Royalty can even claim descent to Muhammad through Catherine of Aragon.

>initials spelled backwards read FAG

What did she mean by this?

Shouts out to Dave Attell?
Pretty based

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why even engage with retards who've never passed a highschool biology course

the royal family hasn't even been british in 400 years

SEETHING Boomer Britbong

>thinking inbreeding is pure
do you even genetics?

they are kikes, user.

inbreeding produces less genetic damage than raceshitting.

Archie is only that kid's second worst name.

This can't be real?

she's so un-fuckable she had to marry a literal retard(autistic)

lol ok cletus

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What a dumb bitch . Poor kid

>t. Charles II of Spain

hey look it's those retards that got schooled in the last thread

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>Getting pregnant just so you can tell the best joke of your career 9 months later

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None of the mutt descendants will marry anyone important. Markleberg is like 38 now and will probably not squeeze out another mutt even

>right down to the throne
That's not how succession works.

Shes our girl now. Sorry plebs

litty like a fuckin titty....

Those fine gentleman have attended more than one ICP concert

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Imagine the smell

Norman conquest. But whatever.

Just wait till they make the Obamas the god parents.

He hasn't even been given a title.

Imagine believing this

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It's a joke you literal autist. Probably the only good joke she's told.

Who cares. They had the chance to save Europe 80 years ago and threw it all away.

Yea Forums

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>Catherine of Aragon
are you mentally and morally retarded?
the royals are kikes since 1600.

You are little naieve young boy, it would do you well to not see things in a dualistic box.

These are simple facts. Nearly all dominant genes are shittier genes, since if they were not all humans on this planet would have them. There is a good reason why recessive genes exist, since they let you survive in none benefical environments. If two groups with massive differences in their genome reproduce, they will have shitton of dominant genes from both sides. These things called mutts can only survive by parasitism in existing socities, also they have massive amount of genetic diseases and schizophrenia(see jews).

Ahhh yes.

Based Dunning-Kruger poster

nah, I know my limitations. I never invented something revolutinary, it's just simple logic and science.

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Think about all the parents who named their daughters Khalessi in the past 8 years.

>inbreeding is less dangerous than racemixing
Based D-K poster who had to google D-K just know


>y-yeah it washes away!

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>Amy Schumer is not an racemixed pig/orc/humanoid abdomination

That poor fucking kid. It's going to grow up to be a literal demon.

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>That sinking feeling when you know she will abuse this child and most likely pass her around her circles
Oh wait she's a jew, she'll just have to take part.

Meanwhile normal parents will have their kids ripped from their homes and taken away by CPS when the counselors and faggot kids in the school convince them to get on HRT

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After Windsor

The fuck are you talking about? American education, everyone.

>when an Amy Schumer joke outwits Yea Forums

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>that sinking feeling when her shill thread will keep getting periodically bumped

Say something nice about Amy's new tard baby.

Literally better than anything she ever has or ever will write.

God imagine waking up next to her, she spreads her legs under the covers and asks you for oral.
That battered, worn, old vagina, barely holding itself together anymore. The smell, the heat, that clammy moistness, and you'd have to eat

Imagine the smell.

it never washes away user?not even in a 1000 years?!@!!!??gosh darn it all to hell