

it was ok

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I like the poster

yeah me too, it's a good poster.

Kind of a shame because the movie falls for the "THE PEOPLE WERE THE REAL MONSTERS" meme even though it had some decent acting.

Yeah that was kinda lame. Had such high hopes for this thing.

So what was it? What was the monster? Was it gay zombie shit or was it a little more interesting? I wanna know whether watching it'll be a waste of time.

It's a biblical allegory and pretty fuckin good if you aren't a retarded pleb just looking for some schlock

Zombies. There's also a niggerlover.

>biblical allegory
Fucking yawn

>It's a biblical allegory so you have to think in order to get it! If you don't like it you're a pleb.


The trailer hurt this movie

It's good tension, cinematography, and acting, but it's also vague and doesn't answer anything in the end.

It's a good watch but it doesn't have anything super memorable or any super strong takeaways other than "da people were evil" sort of thing.

everything's a fucking biblical allegory for you christkeks

>race mixing for no reason
Dropped, refunded, put on the list.

not a christcuck just not a dumb fag that missed the incredibly obvious symbolism and thus understood what was happening and enjoyed it for what it was instead of
"wheres muh zombies. wheres dah monster was goin on??? muh racemixing!!!"

Yeah I pretty much drop anything that has too much propaganda in it. I can't take it seriously when it's just overt YOU NEED TO RACEMIX GOY.

I've stopped watching anything besides anime at this point because it's the only entertainment I can find that isn't completely Jewed.

I thought that was a cat on the poster until i watched the movie.

>not a christcuck just not a dumb fag that missed the incredibly obvious symbolism and thus understood what was happening and enjoyed it for what it was instead of
>"wheres muh zombies. wheres dah monster was goin on??? muh racemixing!!!"

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this desu

At the end it devolved into misery porn. Getting self indulgently bleak. I bet the director was jerking off over how depressed he'd make his audience.

>It Comes at Night

What does? Indigestion? Panic over your affair with the neighbor's daughter? Or guilt that you wrapped her body in your wife's best coat before burying it?

it meant spastic diarrhea interrupting your sleep at night

Goddamnit I hate this "man is the real monster" shit. It was bad before and now in the sjw world we live in it's even worse.

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someone post the screencap where you can see the guy hiding in the trees

This is one of those movies that had a tense ending and makes people think the movie was good, even though they just sat through an hour and a half of boring garbage.

They're retarded for letting the dog run around barking the way it does. A good guard won't bark to alert the owners, it will emit a low rumbling growl, inaudible to the assailants, as to alert the pack that enemies are nearby, without said enemies being aware that the defendants are aware. A good guard dog is such an invaluable asset in this kind of situation, and you wouldn't just let it run off into the woods. Futhermore, a well trained and loyal dog wouldn't run off the way this one did, it would stay with the owners and be aware and concerned about mutual wellbeing, these kinds of dogs aren't retarded. Anyway, my autistic rant is over.

>It was bad before

Attached: day-of-the-dead-movie-poster-1985-1020299663.jpg (520x866, 50K)

Get laid

Nigger detected

It was literally a tree stump

no u

It was shit

No it wasn't.

fuck off it was released ages ago

I thought it was clichéd and too minimalist for it's own good

>turns out that nothing comes at night

Its also a modern take on a greek mythological story, but it probably flew over your head.