This is why the avengers cast was pissed at Brie Larson


>The fight with thanos and captain marvel was supposed to be the hulk
>Iron Man and Thor’s combined attack was supposed to destroy Thanos’s ship.
>Thor and Rocket were supposed to use the bifrost to rescue tony.

If you want to know how I know this. I’ll continue.

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Go on...

Mildly interested. Continue at your leisure. Haven't even seen the movie, btw.

fuck off

Do you really think they care about these movies...I mean come on..


how would this be brie larson's fault. she didn't write her inclusion into the script. please stop posting your fanfiction on Yea Forums ty

>Thor and Rocket were supposed to use the bifrost to rescue tony.

yep calling bullshit already Tony was always supposed to die

doesn't have to be her fault for them to hate her

he probably means rescue tony in the beginning. Also, bifrost doesn't exist anymore so OP is full of shit

didn't Thor and his gang reach Wakanda in Infinity War via the bifrost?

He probably means stormbreaker
Stormbreaker, Heimdall, and Odin can transport people similar to the bifrost
Some black magic bullshit

no, they used their magical new stormbreaker.

She wrote the movie

The dwarf in Infinity War said that the new hammer can cast the bifrost.

When tony is rescued by captain marvel the screen is engulfed by a yellow light. The original cgi or filming would not have to be changed much if at all if this was a bifrost. Thor is the only avenger that can go anywhere and rocket makes the crew oxygen masks in gotg 2.

Note that Chris Hemsworth is quite bitter about the torch being taken by Brie in the interview. Also note that end game and infinity war were filmed back to back. Captain marvel is rarely on screen with other avengers. After watching the movie it’s fairly obvious that the original script was altered at some point and the original cast was pissed about it.

To be continued

>oh let me speak for a man clearly larping and explain what he means without knowing.

guys I'm not kidding, kill yourselves then have sex

Captain Marvel hit 1 billion, nothing you irrelevant cavemen on Yea Forums or /pol/ did anything to stop it.

You're stuck in the past and you will die in the past and no one will remember you.

The Future is feminist.

Attached: captain-marvel-box-office-1161933-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 95K)

The future is fungal

based and fempilled

>which summoned the bifrost
Warwick Davis said strombreaker could summon the bifrost so that the hacker known as Yea Forums can contact him

imagine being this upset about being corrected

I'm pretty sure all the actors in the MCU know that Brie Larson didn't write Endgame and had nothing to do with the screenplay.

But please, continue with your autistic fanfiction.


you must not have a lot of social interaction. Let me clue you in since you seemed to have missed out on some things in your childhood. When you play sport and are on a team, people can get jealous of you and hate you for the way the coach treats you, and gives you special treatment especially if you don't deserve it. It's out of your control, and by no fault of your own do they hate you. Same shit for brie. She's new but she's getting an unwarranted spotlight, taking away from them.

>you must not have a lot of social interaction

>says the autistic manchild who doesn't even understand how the hierarchy of film development works

Hulk is seen doing nothing of relevance after the snap. The movie goes out of its way to mention that the the energy from the snap is mostly gamma rays.

In the comics hulk gets stronger after gamma ray exposure and a rematch of savage hulk vs thanos would complete his his character arc. Hulk would smarter and more in control now, but still savage so he goes for the glove. Also note that the fight choreography with captain is extremely awkward, to the point where thanos headbutts captain marvel and she doesn’t even flinch. If they were reusing cgi this would be one way to cover it up. In the fight it almost seems thanos is fighting captains marvel larger yellow aura instead of her physical body.

the fact that captain feminist made a billy if fucking hilarious
the coverage leading up to opening weekend by the manchildren on here and youtube made it seem like it would lose money for marvel lmao

oh and thequartuing back peddling and saying "everyone knew it would make this much money' HA! after he spent like months saying it would flop. keep REEEEEing, while the grown ups keep winning.

Are you that dyed hair chic from the gamergate thing?

Stop advertising your channel here, please.

>grown ups
>watching capeshit
Sure kid, you play with Legos too?


Attached: sparklefists.gif (540x221, 1.46M)

You thought you were intelligent writing that out didn't you?

You thought this was actually a witty retort, didn't you?


Stormbreaker summoned the Bifrost, which was literally said by the giant midget.

Thor is seen using lightning to destroy the whales in the first avengers movie single handedly. Iron man disappears for a short time during the film after the thanos fight starts and he also seems like after 5 years of prep he does worst against thanos in end game than infinity gauntlet thanos in infinity war.

Iron mans time to shine was using his combo attack with Thor. Note how again the cgi could be re-used again as a single beam of light from iron man penetrating the ship. It’s literally called the nana light refocusor as in a single point to focus on. Captain marvel shoots down like a beam of light to destroy thanos’s ship.

Instead this combo weapon is useless and thanos shrugs it off. Why would an iron man attack charged by storm breaker and moljnir be shrugged away?
Thor and tony use a combined attack to destroy the ship while captain America gets his Chan

I fucking love legos. But i'm fairly certain I make more than you so its irrelevant.

Chance to shine for the next few minutes with his solo fight with thanos.

Thor is a fat depressed mess and tony was retired for 5 years, is now older, and got his ass handed to him by thanos before so hes probably uneasy as fuck and second guessing himself.

That sound far better than what we got

I'm not the jaded millennial getting mad about film discussion on a film board.

>When tony is rescued by captain marvel the screen is engulfed by a yellow light. The original cgi or filming would not have to be changed much if at all if this was a bifrost. Thor is the only avenger that can go anywhere and rocket makes the crew oxygen masks in gotg 2.
omfg, this makes sense. seeing her face just pop up for no reason there, I always wondered why the hell that was

Note that Thor would also be able to recharge the ship to bring it home. Something that could of tied in with him leaving with the guardians and rocket at the end of the movie.

I don't care what it is as long as Brie Larson is in it.

The future is Cunty

>women that are envious of the actual woman body
>nuts whom want to look like men but even more petty and sensitive
>"sex bad edge good"

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>This is why the avengers cast was pissed at Brie Larson

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Hulk makes sense as he did the reverse snap.

But Brie may be the pushy type at the work placec who passive aggressives her way to getting preferential treatment.

dont trust that site on Disney or politics. the site is made by tips. And there's too many people sending in fake distraction tips in regards to those 2 things. Everything else is pretty solid though

can you link the actual interview, or something?

In many lines of work, including acting, an aggressive individual can fuck over numerous colleagues with surprising ease.


what website are these kind of images from?

no, you are just the lowest common denominator
not even memeing


>pretending you like that shit
Your denial is hilarious.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Why are you even here?

>I fucking love legos
no wonder you like brie larson

This shit makes sense

to discuss about films and laugh at virgins and simpletons

> was supposed to
Yes, because MCU was surprised Captain Marvel was suddenly a movie.

Are you fucking retarded

Any source

>could of

Sorry I’m an oldfag typing this on a phone.

Brie Larson's career was on the rocks when she was cast, she's happy she just got the role