I can fix dat’...
I can fix dat’
Can you fix being a nigger?
+ .02 internets for you OP me and my bro quote that all the time
(now let your thread rest in peace)
Was Kissin' Kate the first blacked film character?
And then thanos takes his big powerful weapon and penetrates queen dyke before she can get to the back of the van
>entire town forced to pay the toll by undergoing a hundred year drought
so ummmm, can we agree that the book was better?
The dauk may swam aun the lake but mauh dawddy oawns the lake
nobody had a problem with this relationship when we were kids
now Yea Forums brainwashed us into being bigots
really makes you think
Hey Gus.
Very true
Can we agree that this was an above average film adaptation of a book?
Was there really much difference besides Stanley being fat?
only if you have a weak mind, you are not obligated to follow the thoughts of this site nor to take it seriously, as you shouldn't
>greasy white thinks he's entitled to pussy because of his father's success
This isn’t even bad because it’s part of the plot- Sam the Onion Man (lmao) was a nice enough blaq guy and their relationship scandal is what set up for the plot later
It’s not like it’s some Jamal humiliating whitey in front of everyone
"Misanthrope"? I don't hate my fellow man, even when he's tiresome and surly and tries to cheat at diggin' his hole.
No, you're just over exposed to where you became aware
>kike protagonist
>gypsy sidekick
>camp full of dindu nuffins
>"bad guys" are all white raycis rednecks
Shit is formulaic
I'm getting a reading that this will end terribly gus
nah bruh, the ones that didn't join 'cause of trump are laughing at the modern racist 4channers. Used to only be nazis on this site once, y'know? They're taking over their role, not exactly a favourable position
>white womyn turns down wealthy successful white man for an onion farming nigger
>white woman chooses her partner based on factors other than race
>white woman throws her genes in the gutter because some nigger was nice to her
>naive kids have no problem with matter which they don't understand
you don't say...
>*unzips da BBC*
I actually went full circle. My parents were liberals. I became radicalized by Pol after my gf cheated on me. Now I have a better gf and I dont really really care about muh culture war anymore
Why? Did she cheat with a nigger?
I can't believe this was once one of my beloved childhood movies. I was such a bluepilled little basedboy
You say that but you know you can never go back from what you were exposed to on /pol/. Unless you became a faggot yourself and actively support encouraging kids to mutilate their genitals because they "feel different'.
is that the guy from west wing?
Actually true, but im slowly reforming, this place is so cancer i swear
No. Getting cucked by a black guy is a meme.
It wasn't like this until the trumpugees invaded after getting kicked out of everywhere else. Only weak minded idiots are brainwashed by anything on Yea Forums.
lmao can't satisfy your woman
based Buster Scruggs
>white woman does not see this as genetically superior to anything, including nice black guy
I fail to see how having a girlfriend fixes the imminent problems, just sounds like you're trying to give into blind ignorance. Good luck with that, hope your kid turns out to be a tranny.
I still don't like Jews. I'm still aware of all the scummy things they do. However, I don't get filled with hatred when I see a colored person anymore
forgot pic
This place is overrun by reddit retards. Atleast dont pretend to be oldfag you disgusting apes
I'm Jewish, why do you hate me? I'm just minding my own business.
Americans are a fucking disgrace. Do you actually have ANY media that is not full of racemixing, tranny children or other degeneracy?
lefties trying to rewrite history, nothing new here
You reject what you learned because it is painful and you want to live comfortably, that doesn't mean the truth changed
>this thread
Can we at least agree on how cute Sigourney was in this flick?
Every single article promoting degeneracy/white hate is ALWAYS written by a Jew. It's honestly become almost comical at this point. Jewish as a collective have some sort of sinister intent against everyone but their own kin.
I can agree with that, she had a sultry, smooth sense of confidence which was hot.
not worth engaging
Kind of this. There's literally nothing I could do to reverse the damage already done. Might as well enjoy life while I can. It's unironically bad for your health to be exposed to Pol for too long, you start becoming depressed and mentally unstable
Based ex-incel
Proof that lack of sex turns you into an angry bitter loser
most based post itt, possibly, the whole board.
have sex
why were black people before the 50's much more humble and nice?
>wont have to turn to a life of crime
>a real legacy
projection has a liberal bias
they knew their place
I guess when someone tries to destroy your entire race you might hold a grudge and want revenge
Getting filled with rage at the sight of a colored person is autism. Not "right"
they were then saved by, you guessed it, WHYPIPO
Dude are you kidding? It is refreshing to realize you're no longer caught in the propaganda loop, that you understand the realpolitik, that you can't be memed into guilt or shame anymore. You begin detoxing from all of the mental garbage you were raised on and are given the eyes to see what is important.
>Having your political values sway based on whether or not you have a gf
Actually kill yourself you weak willed faggot
sam sold peaches by the way, not onions
honestly it was the cultural shift during the 50s and 60s combined with the entitlement mentality that became prevalent.
I don't understand why so many people on Yea Forums pretend race base tribalism isn't being heavily pushed by the left, including those in entertainment. It has nothing to do with the fact that there are countless articles on major websites that use the word "white" as a derogatory term. It has nothing to do with the fact that people now openly applaud when you mention there are less whites in white countries. It has nothing to do with the fact that there are classes right now at major universities that are title "getting rid of whiteness".
I just don't understand what you gain from pretending otherwise. I'm not even white, I'm mix (less than 50% white, so not even a mutt), but I pass as white by liberal standards. More and more I've come to identify as white for no other reason that that is the label that is being pushed on me by the left.
Based racemixing gus. Was this the episode that Sean smacked him for looking at O'Hara inappropriately?
Oh woooow I didn't pick up on some things I pick up on now that I'm an adult wtf guys Yea Forums used to not be racist though!!!
If they weren’t they got lynched and burned. Also the family unit was stronger back then relative to now.
>given the eyes to see what is important
Like women in movies and interracial porn
Very refreshing to be in constant state of anger over mundane shit
Psych was really underrated.
Kys kike
Like grasping the why as opposed to merely accepting it as the norm. Being able to differentiate between reality and propaganda framed as reality.
Anyone else have a dirty dad that hit on all the Yea Forums milfs now when they were a child?
>I'd drink her bathwater son
>t-thanks dad
>inherited wealth that was eventually squandered
>burning a school and shooting a peach farmer is less criminal than being black
>and a real human bean for you
>Grow up in a kike ruled world
>learn about history and the truth when you are old enough
Yeah, totally brainwashed with FACTS and LOGIC
I'm 27 and my dad's still like that
Almost like the relationship wasn't forced as fuck and actually tied in nicely with the whole plot unlike most movies today.
When I watched this as a kid I didn't pick up on the race thing at all. I thought it was just cause he was poor
They were saved by a joined military effort.
By the way did you know the United States was undecided on which side of the war it wanted to fight for?
Why do we have to constantly look at black people on screen? They are so ugly... I mean it's literally like watching monkey "people" dress up and play human. Really embarassing.
Being fed infographs and biased narrative isn't "learning" anything
>facts is rayciss
go away leftist
Same reason your parents have to constantly look at you
Some ugly things have to be put up with
chose the wrong one too. should have combined powers with good ol adolf and exterminated every last one of you hook nosed money grubbers
>Your facts make me angry therefore they cannot be true!
oh he's still like that I just agree and don't mind now. weird as fuck when he was married to my mom and I was 7
sometimes if I want to watch a movie with him and he doesn't want to see the one I want. Ill tell him so and so is in it. works every time
That's the alt-right thought process, yes
But I'm attractive and I don't smell like a musky animal. I mean blacks literally don't even smell like humans, a biological giveaway that breeding with them is a mistake
>But I'm attractive
Post selfie
Nice cognitive dissonance soisipper
Hmm the irony
You first and then we will see who is more attractive monkey
The conquered foe is disparaged, while his opposer writes freely to the annals of history! And of his cause how glorified and laid just he is! For there is no other to say otherwise! After all what is history, but a fable agreed upon?
Can't imagine being this fucking dumb, let me guess you are a nonwhite?
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
The relationship is literally a plot element.
I actually tried to eat raw onions because of this movie, ended with tears.
So you're just an ugly incel larping huh
Exactly the kind of response I would expect from an ugly subhuman. Also I wouldn't get very far in kike society if I outed myself as a massive nigger hater now would I?
Still waiting for the selfie
You're attractive right?
Why are you waiting for a selfie? I told you to post your mutt mug first so we can all have a laugh
>Why are you waiting for a selfie?
You said you were attractive
I'm sure you have lots of pics in your computer from your social media. Why dont you post one?
imagine how ripped you'd get if you had to dig holes every day
DAMN that would be so smart of me to post a picture of myself linking me to calling people niggers on Yea Forums. On the other hand you can post your face with no repercussions considering you are playing the social justice faggot. Go ahead and show us that mutt mug and Maybe I'll let you look upon my beautiful face as a reward
>watch movie again
>blacked meme
>fuck it look up author
Why is /pol/ always right? Fuck, even these books I read as a kid.
Oh Sam I don’t know what to do my husbands tiny d just doesn’t get the job done
I can fix that
nah i always wonderd why niggers and blonde white woman where couples ik every single possible thing but then again i don't live in BLACKED country
i am a member of the race that has greatly influenced the thought of many whites in subtle ways, and produces content that even those in hateful circles salivate over, so yes i am nonwhite
Right, because back then it was a novelty. Not every fucking film pushing the same agenda.
jews arent a race you're just mutts with a long nose
>produces content that even those in hateful circles salivate over
you don't get it?
The soundtrack in this movie was absolutely kino. You’ll never see Disney make anything like this again. So sad it makes me cry.
pic related is pre /pol/.....Yea Forums and white men had always a problem with their women sleeping with black men. this didn't magically change when /pol/ happpened.
I don't remember if he was black in the book.
you can't expect a kid to fully understand the world
a kid is fresh, innocent without life experience
probably the dumbest argument i've seen on any board, liking something as a kid does not make it good
I mean sure we had stormfronts here since 2007 but it wasn't bad as it is today with every movie that had blacks in them is suddenly propaganda.