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Why didn't he stop the planes?

He missed the part where that was his problem.

Which ones?

he couldn't get to NY fast enough after stopping PA


>200k and mostly by starvation

Attached: peter at college.jpg (1146x480, 32K)

You misspelled lices, user...

It was a different time


no super hero movie will ever have this amount of soul

This scene was just as cheesy as the one in Spider-Man 3, you know the one

9/11 never existed, it was fabricated by the media so Bush could invade the middle-east.

It wasn't his problem

Cheesy as fuck, yet both were brilliant.

Fuck could he have done? Plenty of people knew about 9/11 before it happened. Including our own fucking government. It didn’t stop shit

I agree. I just don't think it's fair for people to shit on the one in SM3 when it was obviously supposed to be a not-too-serious scene

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The Raimi trilogy is better than any live action Spider-Man movie after it.
ASM 1 is pretty decent though

>Plenty of people knew about 9/11 before it happened

Attached: 1555967887172.jpg (940x705, 120K)

Fine. Plenty of people knew 9/11 was going to happen.

Are you happy you faggot

george bush certainly did

>Plenty of people knew 9/11 was going to happen.

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What did Raimi mean by this?
