what the fuck, this was all about butter?
Jay told me this was interesting and shit.
What the fuck, this was all about butter?
Other urls found in this thread:
I still don't understand who the bad guy was. How did he get into their shed?
It was a shitty movie for pseuds. Refn-tier dogshit.
Fucking zoomers need everything spelled out. It's about the devil tempting a young girl into witchcraft. Butter/living deliciously is the opposite of her puritanical lifestyle.
Why did the goat squirt blood instead of milk?
>villain is a goat
Because nigga.
Yeah, points for set and costumes though
I think if people hadn't hyped it up for me, I would have liked it better. The same thing happened with Pulp Fiction.
who cares, she's cute
She doesn't look human you furry.
A film that depicts a Calvinist family torn apart because of the fathers hubris. If you pay close attention, you notice that Thomasin was the target of the devil from the get go. Destroying the family to destroy her faith, Caleb's divine moment wasn't mockery, he was too young, he saw the light.
Though the father was strong in faith, he forgot the core message of love, which was to share it. How can you do that when you're exiled because of your hubris?
Their exile mirrors the lost sheep, obedient, innocent. Instead of Christ finding it and returning it to the flock, Satan the unruly scapegoat found them first.
Thomasin coupled with the knowledge that she killed her mother and lost the baby and having been accused of being a witch by her family, the path to heaven seemed impossible. So the question for her wasn't heaven or hell as many have suggested in previous threads, no. It was simply to live deliciously or burn in hell.
The dialect and delivery is spot on as well. The entire production feels authentic. It's so engrossing and I wish there were more movies like it.
she's the cutest girl in the world
I love when some bumbling idiot on Yea Forums pretends to be extra smart with his high school essays
bounce bounce bounce
Does she show nip anywhere
Usually far-apart eyes are creepy and off-putting but she rocks them. Gorgeous.
She really hates bras
She has cow eyes. It adds to her look of cute vulnerability.
Yeah, fuck film discussion.
>majestic tits
Thanks Devil.
Thanks Black Philip
satan boobies!!!
shekel goblin charging people to type shit up
she's so cute bros
I wanna make cow-eye babies with her
>Film has the manipulative bad guy actually stay in character as the good guy for the whole film before the twist, with no wink to the camera, or obvious bad guy music
>Zoomers are left clueless when it turns out she was the bad guy.
something wrong with her teethes? wish she rubbed my face with those feet.
Dafuq is pseudo intellectual about this movie it's pretty straight forward.
God you just KNOW she would have the most amazing, pure flavorful milk. The nectar of gods.
Just what I took out of the film. What did you take out of the film? Please don't say that the only manner you're capable of discussing this film is through Anya webms and dated Yea Forums catchphrases.
>t. 20yo pseud
He's not wrong though?
>Mfw I don't have a lonley hot sister to attempt a incestuous relationship with.
British actors can make it without have their teeth corrected or whitened
You type like a fat girl?
I only watched it for boob alien and I liked it.
I want to taste her breast milk, brehs
Oi he's here
based camera man
No, it's not, you moron. It's all pretentious meta.
>Muh traditional folktale storytelling
>but with indie mumblecore sensibilities
>and subverting expectations everywhere.
Dear lord, the only thing worse than a pseud is the retard who can't even tell.
irl she's just some subhumanoid Bong chavette.
Just because the dialogue was authentic doesn’t make it mumblecore. And subverting expectations? If they’d really wanted to subvert expectations the whole family would have been revealed to be hallucinating from eating fungus or whatever. They played the folklore angle as straight as possible.
There's actually something wrong when symbols so basic get lost on new generations.
off yourself
Someone said butter?
Actually I think she wasn't chavette enough and that's why she didn't get along well with maisie when filming new mutants
This movie is supposed to be a realistic movie about witches from that time period. This is exactly what they thought witches were like, what they did, and what they promised people to help turn them.
A lot of it came from hallucinations from eating moldy food, which is hinted at in the movie. Also just general religious paranoia from the most devout.
Bee Movie might be more your speed
>t. numale
The VVitch is the highest test movie of the 2010s tho.
Kek what does that even mean?
fucking kill yourself
exactly user
Based Anyaposters