Kinos for this feel?

kinos for this feel?

Attached: file.png (1006x794, 505K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: southbound-slice-600x200.jpg (600x200, 27K)


What am I supposed to feel from this

>shiiiiiit dem niggas biig af

10 Cloverfield Lane

truly lovecraftian


What if Cthulhu wasn't just a story?

Are they friendly though

this but unironically

only if you feed them mayo and cream cheese sandwiches with the crust cut off

i hate this artist


I'm proud of the anons ITT who didn't post the most obvious example. So proud in fact, that I'll keep the streak going by not personally mentioning it though it's now very likely that someone will mention/guess it in response to this very post.

Must be nice being netflix's target audience

half of my wallpapers are from this dude

The Mist


Central Intelligence

he hates you too user

This and Colossal are basically the same movie.

Attached: DACB9A4B-53B4-43F5-9B8D-21170D8CA61D.jpg (630x1200, 157K)

Artist name?

stefan koidl

Love, Death + Robots.
I'm not saying it's good. I'm just going off what I see. (What am I supposed to feel from this?)

Attached: A Giant Warrior Descends On Tokyo - Image 001.jpg (767x460, 41K)

I really enjoyed the comic and i'm still too scared to watch this

whoops. That one doesn't have subtitles.



Scared by what? by the possibility that the movie sucks really hard?


which video game is this supposed to be?

Is that 093?

I hate this "gigantic figures in the distance with a human in the foreground for scale" cliche painting that every talentless, unimaginative digital "concept artist" keeps making.

You actually would go insane you dumb piece of shit. You're a fag so you'd instantly die of a heart attack

there's something wrong with the perspective

the scale is fucked up too, the giant figure in the front should be bigger since the ones in the background look like they're really far away, but the three of them are the same size

ye, shallow brainlet takes on already pretty overdone concepts

You have to know what the giants really are to know what makes it so terrifying.


spoil it for me, I'm not watching the movie

Attached: 15522382690750.png (512x512, 175K)

If you have VR, look for surge. Its not a movie or game but more of a short music video with giants. You really feel the scale of them, it's amazing.

Attached: surge.jpg (1920x1080, 358K)

wasn't this a metaphor movie and it didn't actually have any giants?

cool vid whats the movie

forget the rest. this is the answer.

Attached: the-troll-hunter-md-web.jpg (960x1422, 441K)

>woah dude the giants were a metaphor for her grief of her dying mother

i will never watch this movie or read the book

just finished this 5 minutes ago
it was okay.

Attached: jakub-rozalski-grunwald1410-final.jpg (1920x2755, 1.02M)

>what if crusader was big
>burds for scale
>look he got jesus tied to his pommel hang in there jesus!!
not bad unintentional comedy d e s u

He's not a crusader, he's a representation of Scandinavian countries, that's why he has flags on his back and the cross across his chest that all their flags have. The birds are also probably meant to be scavengers that come eat corpses in times of war. I do agree that the Jesus ornament is dumb though

The book The House Of M.
There's a scene where a bunch of survivors are watching the Statue of Liberty frim a distance coming to life and wrecking havoc

He's not Scandinavian he's a German Teuton, the little guy is a Pole

War of the Worlds
When is the tv show happening anyway?

>muh weird tall ppl
>muh spoopy
>muh chills
>muh SCP
go back

>he's a representation of Scandinavian countries
Jesus Christ pick up a history book every now and then you dumb cunt

A short live action film by Studio Ghibli. The title is, A Giant God Warrior Descends On Tokyo.

my bad
>what if sven was big
and I doubt there's even that much thought put in the birds, they're in all of these meme paintings as a cheap supernatural spook and redundant reference to scale
see OP pic


I unironically think Oats is fucking awesome.
Wasn't that done in Unity or UE4 or something?

I'm not versed in this specific bit of history and we didn't study flags in history class so I just assumed they were scandinavian. My bad. Still, they aren't crusaders right? So my point still kinda stands

Yeah they're crusaders
They were part of Northern Crusades, basically Teutons beat the shit out of North-Eastern pagans and forcefully converted them

It's frequently used, but you would know better, right? Even Pacific Rim did it to emphasize scale (though they used helicopters). You're just an edgelord who can reshape the world with your 'vision' though. Good job.

Huh. Shows what I know I guess. Although we never covered the crusades in highschool and a most of my knowledge of history is drawn from then

wait wasn't that "A monster calls?"
or does it actually have the same premise?

Attached: a monster calls.jpg (314x445, 45K)

it's the double lane lines that throws everything off


Attached: madness.png (372x249, 93K)

Attached: eva.png (1015x576, 658K)

That was cool.

Monsters (2010).

That short is a prequel to Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

>kinos for this feel

Attached: asleep1[1].jpg (750x500, 79K)


They're the embodiment of her feelings towards the world and her mom who is slowly dying and her own mortality.

The trailer makes it look shit but i really like that monster design. too bad eh

Pure kino

Fucking trash. To save anyone the hassle of thinking there's something to spoil:

> "They're the embodiment of her feelings towards the world and her mom who is slowly dying and her own mortality."

Tween drama.


Shadow of the Colossus movie fucking when?

Attached: colossus.jpg (2048x1152, 107K)

Someone already posted it.

The Mist

Maybe the one in the foreground is just a giantlet.

Attack on Titan.

Can't believe this hans't been mentioned.

Back in the late 80’s, as I recall.

War of the worlds

Help me out guys, is this shit Lovecraftian?

Attached: huh.jpg (449x384, 34K)

Same premise. Different reasons behind the metaphors, though.

That was the first thing I thought of but I refused to post in this thread

that shitty one where the aliens land in mexico and just wander around for no reason and had no fucking plot.


Attached: trollhunter.jpg (1280x720, 193K)


Attached: yik.jpg (1299x607, 34K)

>Attack on Titan.
>Can't believe this hans't been mentioned.
It comes in with this fairly cool concept, and just as you think to yourself "huh, this is cool" it becomes retarded trash.

That's why it hasn't been mentioned.

Monsters. The guy went on to direct Godzilla and then Rogue One. I'm so confused why he got thrust into such big blockbusters when he clearly can't handle characterisation and dialogue to save his fucking life.
>that isn't important in blockbusters!
Yes it is, don't be an idiot.

Can non-Norwegians understand this film? As far as I remember the jokes are very specific for norwegian culture and refers to the different comedians etc.

was there a plot that I was just too brainlet to get or what in the fuck was the point of the movie

what? I thought the obvious answer was Arrival

garbage movie, doesnt even fit the thread

Attached: e939670eeb587f02066fb3269ff0f72404e58ca0_full.jpg (184x184, 8K)

No there wasn't, it's something else he can't seem to wrap his head around. Just lots of vague attempts at pretentious "I'm trying to find myself" nonsense by the poor actors who were told to fucking improvise their lines.

The only impressive skill he had going for him with creating his own special effects on a shoestring budget. GUESS WHAT, HOLLYWOOD, YOU ROBBED HIM OF HIS ONE TALENT WHEN YOU THRUST HIM INTO HOLLYWOOD

>doesnt even fit the thread
The thread is not well defined. I think OP was reaching for "films with people living alongside lovecraftian abominations who just mill about the world, it's unsettling, yet comfortable?"... but because the picture has a giant creature in it people are posting things with giant creatures in them, regardless of tone.

Love this.

(feel that the low effort laser beams detract from it somewhat, though)

Attached: god_warrior.webm (640x275, 2.93M)

its a garbage move but it fits the picture

Attached: god_warrior (2).webm (640x275, 2.92M)

I'm getting a Hellblazer vibe from this. The way he's causally strolling up to them implies that he's there to talk something over with them.

Attached: 1423249301837.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

If you haven't seen Shin Godzilla, now's the time. God Warrior was essentially a prototype of Shin.

Any SCP about giant monsters? What's the most lovecraftian?

I have, Anno and Higuchi really bring it.

Attached: 1435695440990.webm (528x360, 2.58M)

Attached: 1401991838351.webm (640x436, 2.11M)

The delusions never stop

Attached: 1543429081798.jpg (876x960, 173K)


You are low effort

the minecraft movie
also that scandinavian film with the trolls or the giants or something

Attached: 63D86009-CEB4-40B4-93E4-D5F9D3527CA4.jpg (1341x960, 163K)

Nausicaa via Evangelion's director (who animated this)

Attached: 1398325029867.webm (1200x649, 2.79M)

? It's Spielberg's 2nd best film.

Finally, some miniature work

No. Its the sublime. Lovecraft implies that

Attached: toujin_kit.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

>it's not Lovecraftian
>it's the sublime
>Lovecraft implies that
Help me out guys

SCP-093 is what you’re looking for
read the experiment logs, there’s fan art very similar to the OP pic as well
also this is probably the best SCP out of them all

>I unironically think Oats is fucking awesome.
>Wasn't that done in Unity or UE4 or something?
No, you're thinking of the Unity demo "Adam" which Oats made two sequel episodes for

What is this, please?

The jokes are irrelevant to the overall experience.

O kurwa


an 10 minute anime short cant remember the name form some compilation movie, it up on youtube

kurk more

A short from Genius Party Beyond, a compilation movie that itself is a sequel to Genius Party.

Hopefully never.

>What is this, please?
>cant remember the name
are you people fucking with me

Attached: filename.png (346x183, 49K)

Refn could make it happen.

>are you people fucking with me
no filenames for phone posters

kino pidgeon in that picture

The movie is a joke. The entire film is satire.

The Mist, obviously.

Only if they're dumb or applecucks.

This was stupid as shit in Bridge to Terabithia and it was stupid as shit in Where the Wild Things Are.
Thanks for saving me two hours of garbage.

Still irrelevant to the overall experience.
You can ignore all the commentary on it and still have a good time watching it.

is this on shudder?

I got plenty of chuckles and all I had was a rudimentary understanding of Norwegian folklore.

>doesn't know about desktop page view

Yes. Pure shit.

Attached: original.gif (450x247, 490K)

Shin Godzilla is unironically trash, only low IQ morons even think that it is a good film

War of the Worlds
The Mist

>Calling the german founded city of Danzig "gdansk"

But that's heresy

this drawing is pretty retarded, compare the middle and outer ones. Notice anything


go sex

whoa, thanks. I thought it was going to be something cool.

Imagine being very big, large and huge, WOW


the mist , right?


Attached: 19C51706-57CD-467C-A10F-BE53C6BABE90.jpg (380x380, 18K)

More importantly, any kinos for this feel?

Attached: WaterBool1.jpg (281x180, 3K)