Billie Eilish

Could she make the transition to Hollywood?

Attached: billie !.jpg (1440x1440, 713K)

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She can't even transition to female.


I wonder how many record company executive cocks she has taken.

She could make the transition to my loving arms, if you catch my drift.

She literally fucks niggers

>Could a popular whore transition into a different kind of popular whore
Jeez I wonder

literally who is this zoomer

why does she dress like a homeless person? does she really think it looks good?

Nepotism: The Person

i'd like to sniff her farts but then i remember that her farts must smell like negro cum

name 1 (ONE) thing nepotistical about Billy Eyelash

weak bait

yeah, didnt think so, kiddo

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Industry plant

not baiting

Gibi ASMR is a Billie Eilish fan.

Is this kino?

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>parents are seventh rate video game voice actors

I eas interested myself, her mum and dad do a bit og acting and voiceacting, including her mum playing Samara in Mass Effect (which I believe was an important character). Not exactly A-List but im sure they know their way around.

look i'd fuck gibi but that video was cringe

Why can't I be an average looking ho stoned out of her gourd 24/7 and stumble into fame though my shitty mumble-beats?

Imagine having a blown out pussy at fucking 17.

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Her music is by no means bad and I get some of the appeal but in know way so I believe she's as popular as she is without some sort of help to push her to the moon.

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what an absolute potato.

where is that from

Holy kek

She's already a manufactured popstar, so she can go anywhere now really.

For whatever stupid fucking reason they're trying to keep the image of her being indie.

Oh right, that's what sells to the new generation.


Hasn't the "indie" image been happening for over 20 years now?

I’d fuck Gibi too, but that video is a masterpiece. Gibi is a genius.

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All zoomers are worthless.


God I hate this. Its around the time we would be getting a new batch of pop stars. Taylor Swift, Gaga, Beyonce, Rhianna, and Katy Perry are all getting old and moved on from music. Get ready the zoomer taking over

>look like dirty shit
>fuck niggers
>make shitty music
I'm assuming at least one of her parents is jewish?

Worse. Irish.


shes on he way just needs to add some fat old jew producers to this growing list

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i'm pretty bias against asmr singing and stuff, but i'd sniff her braaper if u know what i mean

Billy McManahan

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Based and Gibipilled.

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is she supposed to have some sort of 'theme'

like is she critiquing modern social media fame or challenging gender norms or fucking the cost of make up or whatever

So like every popster in existence. Except they had better artists to write their music back in the day.

punchable faces general

zoomers in general