Are manchildren trying to hide from reality in some empowerment fantasy designated for pre-teens?

Are manchildren trying to hide from reality in some empowerment fantasy designated for pre-teens?
It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite 'universe' presented by Marvel Comics

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I like them because it's a fun thing to do, and it's also cool that my wife and kid also enjoy them.

Dude, imagine having fun? yikes. people need to grow up and die already, why even live?

can't wait until ww3


I have a buddy who keeps going on about detective pikachu in the faggy nostalgia way. It's honestly brought a wedge between us because he takes it personally when I call him a faggot for bringing it up.

Post your top ten movies and your understanding of reality right now

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>having a top ten movies list
never gonna make it

Yes. Personally, I hide from reality watching art films.

>when your buddy at work tells you he doesn't like fun

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Have sex

>wife and wife's son

yeah that's him. 30 years old, balding, ray bans, stubble, onions face

Let me tell you a secret, OP: escapist, low brow entertainment has been popular for as long as there has been such a thing as entertainment.

I think you should worry more about yourself than what other people do

you literally can't make this statement

I'm fucking worried, mates. Is the onion thing real? I'm honestly terrified of doing a t test and learning I'm one of them.

You're seething over people enjoying superhero movies at midnight on a Thursday night. You're not exactly a picture of masculinity yourself dude

>The chemical known as Bisphenol A can be found in in plastic containers and water bottles, till receipts, on the inside of cans and bottle tops and in plastic packaging and tubing, and has similarities to female sex hormone oestrogen.

>Some previous research has suggested that it could be linked to decreased sperm counts and could affect the way some genes work.

>In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports on Monday, the University of Nottingham team details how it tested the impact of two human-made chemicals on the sperm of both humans and dogs.

>One chemical, DEHP, is an additive that increases the plasticity of a material. It’s found in everything from carpet and upholstery to clothing and toys.

>The other is polychlorinated biphenyl 153 (PCB153), an industrial chemical that once had a wide variety of applications. Though banned from production globally since 2001, PCB153 is still found in abundance in the environment and most human adipose tissue.

My life is boring shit and since I’m not an alpha male knee deep in pussy this is my outlet

Also have sex

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If you want to get laid in this day and age, you need to keep those T levels in check.
Women don't go for the macho type anymore, sad but true.

Very good, but rather this universe is finite. These people do not know God and all that time studying marvel should be used to study the bible

Manchildren, basedboys, and bugmen all consume product, get excited for next product.


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It turns out we are already braindead zombies shambling around our lives to the tune of a late capitalist conspiracy.

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>n the 18 years since we wrote Spaced, this extended adolescence has been cannily co-opted by market forces, who have identified this relatively new demographic as an incredibly lucrative wellspring of consumerist potential. Suddenly, here was an entire generation crying out for an evolved version of the things they were consuming as children. This demographic is now well and truly serviced in all facets of entertainment and the first and second childhoods have merged into a mainstream phenomenon.

>Before Star Wars, the big Hollywood studios were making art movies, with morally ambiguous characters, that were thematically troubling and often dark (Travis Bickle dark, as opposed to Bruce Wayne dark)*. This was probably due in large part to the Vietnam War and the fact that a large portion of America’s young men were being forced to grow up very quickly. Images beamed back home from the conflict, were troubling and a growing protest movement forced the nation to question the action abroad. Elsewhere, feminism was still dismissed as a lunatic fringe by the patriarchal old guard, as mainstream culture actively perpetuated traditional gender roles. Star Wars was very much an antidote to the moral confusion of the war, solving the conundrum of who was good and who was evil. At the heart of the story was an ass kicking princess who must surely have empowered an entire generation of girls. It was a balm for a nation in crisis in a number of ways and such was that nation’s influence, the film became a global phenomenon.

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>Recent developments in popular culture were arguably predicted by the French philosopher and cultural theorist, Jean Baudrillard in his book, ‘America’, in which he talks about the infantilzation of society. Put simply, this is the idea that as a society, we are kept in a state of arrested development by dominant forces in order to keep us more pliant. We are made passionate about the things that occupied us as children as a means of drawing our attentions away from the things we really should be invested in, inequality, corruption, economic injustice etc. It makes sense that when faced with the awfulness of the world, the harsh realities that surround us, our instinct is to seek comfort, and where else were the majority of us most comfortable than our youth? A time when we were shielded from painful truths by our recreational passions, the toys we played with, the games we played, the comics we read. There was probably more discussion on Twitter about the The Force Awakens and the Batman vs Superman trailers than there was about the Nepalese earthquake or the British general election.

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Fuck you just described me. At least we don't have the full onions beard

>Fantasy in all its forms is probably the most potent of social metaphors and as such can be complex and poetic. No one could ever accuse Game of Thrones of being childish. George RR Martin clearly saw the swords and sorcery genre as a fertile means to express his musings on ambition, power and lust. Perhaps it milieu makes it more commercial though, would a straight up historical drama have lasted so long? Maybe Game of Thrones wouldn’t have been made at all ten years ago.

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Yeah because any with a fucking brain realizes that reality fucking sucks and is into some form of escapism you nigger


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1. Avengers Endgame
2. Avengers Infinity War
3. Captain America Civil War
4. The Avengers
5. Captain America The Winter Soldier
6. Guardians of the Galaxy
7. Iron Man
8. Avengers Age of Ultron
9. Captain America The First Avenger
10. Captain Marvel

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>testosterone decline
>20 years.
It's called FREE ONLINE PORN you gigantic faggoty retard.

The only thing worse than faggots spamming bait threads that are against comic book-related media are /pol/tards that reach so far out of reality that they come full circle into being as retarded as a late 60's comic book villain.

>"mwahahaha! I'll post an image on an online message board anonymously that makes people think that watching comic book movies decreases testosterone! It will discourage them from posting it so much, then I will be free to spread my propaganda to the world! It's a lawless plan and nobody can stop me!"

Playboy and Hustler magazines took a financial swandive with the rise of porn availability. It's the same reason why Japan's live-action porn industry is suffering a biblical shortage of male actors, because search results reflect interests and those interests have been rapidly tanking testosterone during nightly hours at an alarming rate since the advent of broadband, torrenting and streaming video.

Whoever made this image and this topic trying to make whatever kind of botched Anita-Sarkeesian-Style leap in logic this was supposed to be needs to re-examine how it was she pretended to preach her phony PoV on the matter so it didn't come off as completely apeshit. At least that lying cunt had the dignity to know her correlation was full of shit and dolled it up so the pretense wasn't on the surface.

When you spit in the face of the accomplishments and breakthroughs of 20 years of an incredible new frontier of pornographic exploration by reducing it to your own personal hate-on for comic book films, you've lost all fucking value to have an opinion of any shape on this planet with the rest of the human species.

Please, do our species a favor and eat as many lead asprin as possible so you can win that darwin award you're so desperate for so the rest of the planet isn't contaminated by the black hole of ineptitude you're projecting.

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The first to go is you and your family would suffer a fate worst than the Jews did.

>porn is bad for you
Maybe for losers like you, I've a gf and we watch porn constantly.

>It's called FREE ONLINE PORN you gigantic faggoty retard.

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My sides. You wrote a complete wall of text and completly missed the point. Op asks if low test is a reason why these guys like that crap so much.
Literally seething sóyboi spotted.

>testosterone decreasing

Literally dont give a fuck as long as I can keep a fit body.

Once my muscles deteriorate is when I'll start giving a fuck.

>When you spit in the face of the accomplishments and breakthroughs of 20 years of an incredible new frontier of pornographic exploration by reducing it to your own personal hate-on for comic book films, you've lost all fucking value to have an opinion of any shape on this planet with the rest of the human species.
This. So fucking much.

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there's samefagging, then there's goalposting your ass off to defend a fuckup like discrediting something literally attributed to the proliferation of smut in order to shitpost on things that rustles your jimmies.

I'm really sick of seeing this dude's sore-riddled face. It's grotesque.

>testosterone levels decreasing over last 20 years
> 20 years ago was 1999
>The year everybody got jacked in to the internet more because of "The Matrix" and learned how to jack off more often.
>image and op slat to propaganda bias with half-ass /pol/ tactics.

I bet you're feeling pretty stupid right now

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Could you cope any harder skinny femmeboi?

>shopping the other (You) out
What is this? 2009 again?

You'll be more successful in life if you don't watch any of that shit. Or if you can keep some criticism going. I'm not necessarily talking about economical success. It's common knowledge in sociology that the lower classes consume a certain type of media while the upper classes consume something less accessible (to the lower classes). But ask a marvel fan what is his favorite movie after saying your is Ran and you'll never hear any of that marvel crap. He will fabricate another opinion to blend in. Garbage movie serve the same purpose, to blend in the ocean of shit and stupidity so you feel at home with your peers. It's the same idea for the upper classes except it isn't an ocean of shit.
People just have to watch other things but it seems nothing is encouraging it.

>implying you aren't a manchild yourself

You do realize that the right move was to NOT expose yourself in the response, right?
If it needs to be explained to you, then I really do pity you even more.

Nope. Different user. You are even more stupid than your idiotic theory could have indicated.
Well, no surprising from a capeshit lover.

I don't see stompouts like this often enough. Kinda refreshing to see hostilefags on places other than /ck/, Yea Forums and /trv/. I guess /pol/'s shitposting really does roll downhill after all.

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>still taking credit away from porn.
Jesus Christ. Where did the pastor touch you?


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Welcome to Yea Forums.
Read the rules.
Rule 2 applies to you.

Still seething. And absolutly fucking retarded. Hint: its not that. At all. Its something called estrogens, found in water and food. Porn creates fetishes and erectile dysfunctions. Which is almost as bad.

I am not trying to understand reality through watching a movie or any other form of entertainment. If I gain a new insight that way, it's great but it's not what I am looking for in media.
Instead, I study life directly.

>top ten
Top söy, art can't be rated and quality can't be used as a metric to make a list by definition. Stop watching toy ads in theaters it's rotting your brain kid

a considerable improvement

>attempting to understand the reality they live in
I understand it fine, I just hate most of it so MORE ESCAPISM TIL I DIE PLEASE

Ironically the best ones are on /pol/ hence why the rest of Yea Forums get /pol/s leftovers

>You do realize that the right move was to NOT expose yourself in the response, right?
>If it needs to be explained to you, then I really do pity you even more.

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yes, except the highest cultural organizations used to ignore it or denounce it, now they suck its cock
you are retarded

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Have sex

>20 minute long reaction video to a 30 minute episode of a tv show
I'll never understand this sort of "content"

the decline in testosterone started long before freely available porn. it started to nosedive right after the first world war retard. keep cucking for industrial civilization

>Porn creates fetishes and erectile dysfunctions. Which is almost as bad.
Welcome to stage 3. Now step your punk-ass back from the keyboard for an hour to let that sink in and read up on the chemistry that goes on behind male ejaculation and the effects of repetitious and prolonged stimulus over extended periods of time and effects on offspring. After that, I fully expect you to write a formal apology to pornhub for how fucking stupid you are.

Same. I mean I know I'm not high test but it would gut me to find out I'm not even mid test.

You're looking too far into it. It's just mass appeal consumerism normies and NPC's engage in it because they're convinced by marketing to assume almost all their peers engage in it too. Marketing saturation is the ideal tactic for the largest companies because you can perpetuate an image of market presence. Hinge the product on lizard brain dopamine manipulation and the rest takes care of itself. Every big company does it. Sugary, salty, lazy, flashy, no responsibility, "Profits are up in Q2 by 10%, half our budget was spent on marketing and we plan to continue in the same fashion"

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alt-history deeptinfoil addict /pol/fag

ProJared going for the easy, low-hanging fruit tonight, huh? There's your free (you) handout for the night.

>went for a re-roll to avoid outing self.
Not how it works, champ. Go to bed.

No, /pol/ doesn't count because those are perpetual retards that have a hard-on for alternative historical outcomes that use rage to mask their ulterior motives in their sisyphean quest to convince others to their way of thinking.

Hostilefags are kinda like natives that have seen one trick a million times on a board and call the precise bullshit out down to a science to say "fuck off" and it always results in the targeted shitter to being reduced to an enfeebled child desperately trying to cover their ass in reply from the butthurt.

Last I recall it was a /fit/fag back in february when some kid got busted for pretending to be a pro athlete on different occasions.

>men's testosterone
correction, WHITE men's testosterone levels

it's always white men doing this shit. and it's a race fucking issue. don't you forget about that.

What I don't understand is how so many people can have such an absurd lack of taste, though.

I can understand the popularity of things like the original Star Wars movies, and the vast majority of 90s and 80s blockbusters. What I can't understand at all are the new generation of movies that are utterly soulless, have nothing interesting to present, and pass themselves off as action movies when all of the action is just CG effects between 2 actors on separate green screens.

It really does make me wonder if the majority seriously are just mindless automatons. If the theatre was just a modern day embezzlement scam, if 90% of tickets sold were just faked, that would be far more believable to me than the idea that grown men are watching capeshit. There's nothing wrong with a bit of infantile media, but at least choose something that's vaguely entertaining.

Then I'm dead and cannot care.

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lol what a gigantic faggot you are. we have data before online porn was available you stupid cunt

>1967 cinema starts

Have sex

Star Wars=LOTR=MCU

are you retarded? there is medical data going back showing the decline in testosterone dates from about 1919
the testosterone decline affects all western men regardless of race

There wont be any due to the lack of testosterone levels

How do we stop/change this?