Something that's interesting about Goldfinger is that every time the scene with the laser is parodied they do something like having him use his watch to reflect the laser and break free, but in the movie itself he does no such thing. He is completely screwed and has to talk himself out of it, and he almost fails at that too because Goldfinger sees through what he's attempting to do. "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" Essentially, the movie that introduced the cliche was actually a subversion of how we have come to expect it to play out.
Something that's interesting about Goldfinger is that every time the scene with the laser is parodied they do something...
thats really interesting and im glad you shared it with us OP, don't let those two assholes get you down
penis, penis, penis, penis
Sorry this isn't political or GoT related. This thread will die.
I didn't think that deeply about it, but I had a similar thought when I watched the movie again a few weeks ago.
The real cliche/trope that this scene is representative of is the villain monologing/taking far too long to kill the hero when they finally get the chance.
First off if it's representative of that then why isn't it in that list? Second Goldfinger does not really monologue at all in this scene, he's actually about to leave the room when Bond desperately throws out the words "Operation Grand Slam" and even then Goldfinger correctly surmises that he only heard those words by chance.
>why isn't it in that list?
It's literally the name of one of the subtropes, I have no idea how you missed it.
No. Although this does happen in Goldfinger, OP's trope is this one:
It's also a subtrope of Evil Gloating mind you.
On that note would the laser have even killed Bond immediately? It was moving so slowly that it would have destroyed his dick first and any injury would have been cauterized by the laser so it would take a while to get to the actual vital organs.
this isn't capeshit...
>attacking Bond dick-first
Pretty gay
Actually interesting information, thank you OP
wait which marvel movie is this?? dont tell me this is DC
Holy shit why have I never realized this? I saw both Goldfinger and the Simpsons episode with Scorpio. Am I retarded?
pure torture
Kino alert
Pure kino.
Anthony Burgess and George MacDonald Fraser both thought that Goldfinger was the best Bond film.
Who the fuck are those?
Well the Scorpio bit is really more along the lines of "You Only Live Twice."
You know, there actually was a Goldfinger in real life, he was a Jewish architect. Ian Fleming hated him for tearing down historic cottages to put up one of the ugliest brutalist architecture monstrosities, the Grenfell Towers, and said so. When "Goldfinger" came out, Goldfinger threatened to sue, but instead he settled for some money and six copies of the book.
Six copies of the book? Why?
Burgess wrote, among other novels, A Clockwork Orange. Fraser wrote the Flashman papers and wrote or worked on scripts for Octopussy, Superman, Force Ten from Navarone, Red Sonja, what was to have been Steve McQueen's last film (never made), and the Three Musketeers movies from the seventies (with Michael York, Oliver Reed, Christopher Lee, Fay Dunaway, and Charlton Heston).
You are very informed and I respect that but I have no idea why an intelligent person would choose to waste their time on Yea Forums of all boards.
One for each million.
I watched this soon after watching the first two, and was very surprised by how campy it was. I know it's not the campiest Bond movie at all, but comparing this to From Russia With Love it's like night and day.
It does happen in many other bond movies though.