Chernobyl post. Scariest part of the episode?
Chernobyl post. Scariest part of the episode?
When you see the core, easily
Hearing the Anglo accent right at the beginning when it’s supposed to be a historical drama set in Ukraine
How did those guys not instantly die?
Fuck HBO for going after pirates. You sacks of shit can stop shilling now
How dumb do you have to be to not be able to find a torrent/stream for this?
surely someone else can explain it, but I don't think radiation automatically kills you? it damages your body (from tissue to a molecular level) and it breaks down over time. a lethal dose of radiation might kill you within weeks or even days, but not instantly
I did and HBO sent a letter to my ISP. Fuck them
according to wiki
>The radiation levels in the worst-hit areas of the reactor building have been estimated to be 5.6 roentgens per second (R/s), equivalent to more than 20,000 roentgens per hour. A lethal dose is around 500 roentgens (~5 Gy) over 5 hours, so in some areas, unprotected workers received fatal doses in less than a minute. However, a dosimeter capable of measuring up to 1000 R/s was buried in the rubble of a collapsed part of the building, and another one failed when turned on. All remaining dosimeters had limits of 0.001 R/s and therefore read "off scale". Thus, the reactor crew could ascertain only that the radiation levels were somewhere above 0.001 R/s (3.6 R/h), while the true levels were much higher in some areas.
>Because of the inaccurate low readings, the reactor crew chief Alexander Akimov assumed that the reactor was intact. The evidence of pieces of graphite and reactor fuel lying around the building was ignored, and the readings of another dosimeter brought in by 04:30 were dismissed under the assumption that the new dosimeter must have been defective. Akimov stayed with his crew in the reactor building until morning, sending members of his crew to try to pump water into the reactor. None of them wore any protective gear.
>Most, including Akimov, died from radiation exposure within three weeks.
Hahahahahhahahaa home of the free get rekt
Those fat slobs got nothing better to do
download plz
ahhh. a chernobyl thread.
every woman and non white needs to vote to let the racists know they dont have a monopoly on good taste.
You fucked with the wrong person HBO
>my people require our own special barbershops devoid of scissors
uhhhhh, what?
what kind of barber doesn't use scissors?
So what were the guys doing with the water pumps again? Was that a pointless mission?
In Canada they send you a letter saying they were contacted and if it was against the law you would be in trouble, but it's not so just please don't
radiation tears up your DNA, which only really starts to cause problems once cells divide. this is why the first symptoms are in the tissues that are most frequently dividing, i.e. skin, gastrointestinal, white blood cells
Pumping water into the nonexistent core
There will be another explosion in the other functional reactor (chernobyl had 2) if they cant get water into it
>not pirating on your neighbors wifi
Baloney. I torrented and got no letter and I’m in Canada.
Chernobyl had FOUR
3.6 Chernobyl threads per hour.
No bad, not terrible.
>russians dont know about black barbershops
they only use clippers
you cant really use scissors on black hair but you can find youtube instructionals for negroes who want to use scissors
you order "fades" by their numbers
so when blacks go to a barber they order a #4 or a #7
post the letter faggot
Definitely when you see the core. 'Lovecraftian' is a meme concept and done to death but the exposed Chernobyl reactor core is something that actually lives up to the term.
We can immediately recognize and sense most forms of danger to our bodies - heat, cold, lack of oxygen, abrasions or punctures. We don't actually sense these things so readily because they are 'damaging' per se, but because they were things we encountered in our evolutionary history, and thus evolved mechanisms to recognize before serious damage is actually done.
Radiation is different. It is an entirely novel hazard, and thus our bodies have no system to sense it. Looking at the exposed core is a death sentence but you wouldn't know it; a flame burning your skin or suffocation would immediately arrest you with a compulsion to get away, but the exposed core is shredding your DNA and all you get is a metallic taste in your mouth. It’s a physical hazard that we can’t ‘comprehend’ in a biological way, only obliquely through our intellect or later once the damage manifests in acute radiation poisoning.
Give me 1 reason why i should feel bad for a bunch of commie faggots
I've been using p2p since Napster, I've gotten a total of 3 letters, all for newly released Warner Bros films afair. It's not common because they literally can't do anything except send you a letter
Just watched it, scariest shit in a while. I hate the English accents tho what the fuck.
I didn't know alot about it, but finding out they went classic socialist and locked everyone in instead of evacuating had me raging.
They will probably decide to evacuate next episode, no one lives in Pripyat anymore for a reason
they can take you to court for 5000 dollars. retard.
Good post. Radiation is so scary because it's so unintuitive.
which episode is the core scene?
there's only been one episode so far
next episode is on Monday
The very first. Two guys look over a railing and see a flickering greenish-yellow light. And it may have been the lighting, but I'm pretty sure their faces go red as they're looking at it.
Fuck you HBO turd I'm not giving you any more info to hunt me down over a fucking shitty episode . Off yourself
What's a good vpn?
Has the show surpassed the most kino game level of all time?
download link pls
>most kino game level of all time
Seriously though - was it Comcast? Asking for a friend.
The threads ruined by that insufferable retarded tripfag who has nothing better to do with his free time apparently.
The heaviest scene was those two guys going down to open the valves knowing they're dead as fuck but someone had to do it.
Seeing them giving their all to get these valves open while receiving lethal doses of radiation every second was tough.
You just know that most people inside of that facility that day knew they were dead meat but they sacrificed their lives to prevent an even bigger catastrophe.
>someone had to do it
If you're thinking of the divers, that's the next episode. Those two poor suckers in white clothes died without accomplishing anything, because whatever they were trying to fix was already irreversibly destroyed.
>30 dead
all in all was it really that bad?
>30 dead
Yeah, just like the radiation was exactly 3.6R/h.
that would be surface tension in half life
I use nordvpn. It has been pretty good so far.
>ignore the thousands of people who's genetic line have been permanently fucked
>compromised slavnigger genes
>he can't into VPN
For distributing {uploading}, not downloading.
The scariest was probably the committee meeting where they damned everyone in the city to get irradiated.
is this true?
In Russia, they come get you. A pedo next door from me was taken 2 weeks ago. Not me, I thought.
High doses will basically cook you though.
Why are they dressed like that with those hats?
Finally. After what seems like almost a decade there is a show I actually want to watch... and I don't have HBO.
So did Plebbit lie to me or what
Just now realized that one fireman is played by guy who played the cannibal (Mr. Hickey?) in The Terror.
yes, genius, why do you think you have multiple people telling you it
canada has no laws on unauthorized access of copyrighted material. it's distributing that material that's illegal
nothign about cod was kino
Everything you said is wrong. What the hell? Have you ever been near a barbershop?
>During the accident, Dyatlov was exposed to a radiation dose of 390 rem (3.9 Sv), which causes death to 50% of affected persons after 30 days.[3]
>He died of heart failure in 1995.[4]
Uh we're supposed to be scared by this? Oh no you just got a lethal does of radiation... watch out you'll be dead in 10 years!!
Yes, Canada. What this conversation has been about for a while now.
Do you need to visit the infirmary?
just buy it, lol
No worse than the work of feminism.
What does getting with radiation feel like? Is there more than a taste of metal? Is there weird warmth? Tiny faint pinpricks? A tingle or static electricity feeling?
Not Ukraine, not Russia but Belorussia was the country that got hit hardest.
Before Chernobyl, in Belorussia cancer rate was 86 in 100 000.
After Chernobyl, in Belorussia canver rate was 6200 in 100 000.
Dont have password
Just think of it as viewing the series through the eyes of someone who speaks Russian fluently
They're all cannibals in the Terror, you hapless fatmong
Someone work on giving us a webm of this scene
Excuse me I have to check your badge to make sure you are a real delegado
there are many
what part of "50%" escaped your stupid brain?
...yes? Cancer is painful
This is the discussion you replied to:
>Fuck HBO for going after pirates. You sacks of shit can stop shilling now
>How dumb do you have to be to not be able to find a torrent/stream for this?
>I did and HBO sent a letter to my ISP. Fuck them
>In Canada they send you a letter saying they were contacted and if it was against the law you would be in trouble, but it's not so just please don't
>Baloney. I torrented and got no letter and I’m in Canada.
>I've been using p2p since Napster, I've gotten a total of 3 letters, all for newly released Warner Bros films afair. It's not common because they literally can't do anything except send you a letter
>they can take you to court for 5000 dollars. retard.
>For distributing {uploading}, not downloading.
>is this true?
>yes, genius, why do you think you have multiple people telling you it. canada has no laws on unauthorized access of copyrighted material. it's distributing that material that's illegal
is this what not great, not terrible looks like?
the scene immediately following was also quite chilling, with the guy holding the door just breaking out in lesions where he touched the metal, even through his clothes
that was uncalled for.
Most of them probably don't wanna be commies considering their commie policies consist of ignoring that the reactor exploded, thus dooming them to severe radiation poisoning
Imagine if you put your dick in it
>canver rate
nan da?
He's not impressed by cancer.
He was just bleeding, no lesions, you fatty tit.
>jump over the railing and do a cannon ball into the open reactor
why didnt they do this?
Ionizing radiation produces injury primarily through damage to the chromosomes. As genetic material makes up a very small portion of mass of a cell, damage rarely occurs from direct impact of ionizing radiation on a genetic molecule. Instead damage is caused by radiation breaking up other molecules and forming chemically reactive free radicals or unstable compounds. These reactive chemical species damage DNA and disrupt cellular chemistry in other ways - producing immediate effects on active metabolic and replication processes, and long-term effects by latent damage to genetic structure.
Cells are capable of repairing a great deal of genetic damage, but repairs take time and repair machinery can be overwhelmed by rapid repeated injuries. If a cell attempts to divide before sufficient repair has occurred, cell division will fail and both cells will die. As a consequence, tissues most sensitive to radiation injury are ones that are undergoing rapid division. Another result is that effects of radiation injury depend partly on rate of exposure. Repair mechanisms can largely offset radiation exposures that occur over period of time. Rapid exposure to sufficiently large radiation dose can cause acute radiation sickness, while longer exposure to same dose might cause none.
By far most sensitive are bone marrow and lymphatic tissues, the blood and immune system forming organs of the body. Red blood cells, which provide oxygen to the body, and white blood cells, which provide immunity to infection, only last a few weeks or months in the body and so must be continually replaced. The gastrointestinal system is also sensitive, since the lining of the digestive tract undergoes constant replacement. Although they are not critical for health, hair follicles also undergo continual cell division resulting in radiation sickness' most famous symptom - hair loss. The tissues least sensitive to radiation are those that never undergo cell division (i.e. the nervous system).
I call'em as I see'em.
so he was bleeding through perfectly intact skin?
Get out.
Why aren’t you dumbasses streaming? I easily find 720 and 1080 streams all the time
So why did their faces turn red? What does the radiation do that makes them turn red? And give them a metallic taste in their mouth?
Show me a screen of his "gashes" then.
ISP's give warnings just to appease networks. Pirate all you want and your ISP won't actually do shit. It's like a 1 in a million chance that HBO will sue you to make an example out of you, 1 in a billion if you're not a straight white male.
faces turning red may just be due to the incredible heat given off
>Sunburn is a form of radiation burn that affects living tissue, such as skin, that results from an overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, commonly from the sun. Common symptoms in humans and other animals include red or reddish skin that is hot to the touch, pain, general fatigue, and mild dizziness. An excess of UV radiation can be life-threatening in extreme cases. Excessive UV radiation is the leading cause of primarily non-malignant skin tumors.[1][2]
>Sunburn is an inflammatory response in the skin triggered by direct DNA damage by UV radiation. When the skin cells' DNA is overly damaged by UV radiation, type I cell-death is triggered and the skin is replaced.[3]
Red is from blood, user. The metallic taste is from the Oganesson leaking from the core.
who /momenttoshine/ here?
This isn't really a funny topic. People suffered and died.
they were under his clothes, like I said you absolute brainlet
I'll assume you know what a sunburn is. It's like that except in this case much worse. Much, much worse.
I thought that was Terence Stamp
oooooh, they were "under his clothes"? I seeeeeee
Qhere episode 2 and 3
>I'll assume you know what a sunburn is.
Next time, without the attitude.
Ever been to the sun?
Wasn't trying to be a dick, sorry
You just said yourself 50%...
yes, which is why it was a scary part of the episode: the question OP asked
what is wrong with you?
No, but I've seen vids
>mfw i read what would have happened if the melted core made contact with the high radioactive water in the room underneath the core.
>mfw thoses divers that needed to open some trap to evacute the water
*pokes chin*
can't wait for the episode about the soviets sending yet more unprotected people into the plant afterwards
is this actually any good or is it just alt-right/neo-con anti soviet anti communist propaganda?
you're in shock
Radiation truly is The Colour Out of Space (tm)
>anti soviet anti communist
Yes, but it's good and I wouldn't call it those other things.
legitimately kill yourself
it's fucking kino and I don't mind the dumb accent but the fucking ''comrade'' is cringe as hell
Zoomies iffy uh blicky got the stiffy uh
lord forbid people are taught history, they might learn communism doesn't work
Good if you fast forward the propagate parts
Sounds like they're gonna bring in a fictional stronk womyn to single-handed expose the baddies and save the reactor so the next epics will probably be the last good one
as odd as it sounds, that's actually how they would speak to each other back in the Soviet Union
hop on this D, chomo
It was that or half of Europe getting irradiated
In hindsight they should have let it melt down completely, all the euroscum they saved are ungrateful cocksuckers anyway
LMFAO retard. pick up any good funko pops recently with your incredible capitalism, kiddo?
Only 4 reactor meltdowns at once with enough radiation to make the entirety of Europe uninhabitable for 500,000 thousand years?
can anyone show the core scene/pic everyones talking about? got my curiosity
name one country where socialism hasn't resulted in the mass murder of citizens
no I'm not a manchild that collects toys
Does anyone know if the firefighter lives? At the end people who got radiation burns show up when the main engineer gets dragged outside.
I thought I saw Vasily or whatever his name was there.
From what I have read tho all firefighters who were sent to the roof were not seen again :/
Why is this being so repeated here? It's fucking bizzare. We get it the show is scary not worth sucking dick over
your body can only absorb so much radiation at a time
Anyone who got close enough to breath in the radioactive smoke died within weeks.
Thats how it was. Its kinda like how to black people every other black person is muh nigga
This can't be right, I mean perhaps a 300km area (10x what it is now )? Is it really that bad? Where can I read about that?
I've gotten dozens of emails from isps for years now, they don't do shit. They just send more emails.
all the firefighters who got close enough to actually fight the fire were heavily irradiated; most of them died
i should not have laughed but i did
>Not torrenting with a VPN
You are retarded and deserved to be caught if you're that moronic.
>the one system radiation doesn’t touch is the one that allows you to feel it destroy every other system
What if you farted really hard on the core? Would that do anything?
Upward force generated by the fire would push the fart up into your brain and kill you.
no explosion
He's dead for sure. I'm pretty sure hear the guy from the trailer who's face was all melted looking, and the doctors are telling his wife that she can see him, but she can't touch him. Also, I'm pretty sure that's a real story of a woman who was in the same situation, but did touch her husband, causing her radioactive baby to be born and die.
Fuck off moron.
Fuckinh morons on Yea Forums lol
bro.... you're not very smart are you
Why did the scientist caved to pressure and agreed to go back to the core when he knew it would fuck him up? Why didnt he pack his shit and drive the fuck away
Russian accents sound comedic when speaking English, hbo did the right decision
Scandinavian countries.
its absolutely retarded to do the accents anyway
God, I really want to show this series to my father, he used to work with stuff like this all the time. The scene with the irradiated chunk of graphite from the Core would really get to him, he knew a guy who killed a couple of his fingers by dropping a Cesium-137 Source and it tapped his digits on the way down.
Radiation is scary stuff.
I would have said i have the shits and im calling in my sick hours and went to the edge of the city and jerked off a bunch
because its the Soviet union, he knows he could be executed anyway if he didn't
Welcome to Communism
Core-chan is cute! CUTE!
The show actually does a really good job at portraying the Soviet Union; most of the people are really competent and just going about their day-to-day, but when you get to the True Believers, the people on Committees? That's where you get the dogma.
Not just executed - they would have gone after his family.
>Under the reactor was a huge pool of water — coolant for the power plant. The continuous nuclear reaction, traveling in a smoldering flow of molten radioactive metal, was approaching the water.
>"If that happened it would have triggered a second steam explosion that would have done unimaginable damage and destroyed the entire power station, including the three other reactors," author Andrew Leatherbarrow wrote in an email to Tech Insider.
>Leatherbarrow recently published a book, called "1:23:40: The Incredible True Story of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster," that recounts the catastrophe's history on its 30th anniversary.
>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.
imagine knowing you're dead the second you see the exposed reactor
if you're talking about the dude who went to the roof they sent a soldier with him. he didn't have a choice
>anti soviet/communist propaganda
Nigger, the Cold War ended over 2 decades ago. In who’s interest would anti-USSR propaganda serve?
It was 1986 not 1936, yes he would have bad consequences but an entire family wouldn't be thrown in a gulag during perestroika
Core Blimey!!
these are capitalist countries. They have no communist social or economic doctrine. Theyre just welfare states.
Oh. Man, what a pussy!
I remember reading something about this. They had to send a few divers down there to drain it but they would be exposed to deadly levels of radiation and they still went in knowing that. Truly unsung heroes.
I'm not sure if you speak another language fluently but the language actually influences how you perceive things. It influences how you think and how you get things across. Imagining you speak Russian but in English doesn't work since you can't get the actual elements of the language in the dialogue..
>stay and probably get killed be radiation
>run away and deal with the KGB on your ass (and probably get killed by radiation but much slower)
what do?
reminder that the soviet union was more successful at removing (((internationalists/cosmopolitans))) then capitalist countries and any anti soviet sentiment post 1936 is (((neocon))) propaganda
How the fuck do we refute this, bros?
name a SINGLE russian actor.
You can't
The Sapir-Worf Hypothesis has been widely discredited by anthropologists for years now, user. Though I personally believe it's been discredited for the very obvious fact it explicitly suggests cultures that grew up only knowing "one" and "many" as numbers might not be as good at calculus as Western Europeans.
he said name one not google to try and find some
No one cares except russians.
>being a passive aggressive virgin
>didn't even answer my question
It's like a sunburn cunt.
>>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.
who the fuck made that estimate
the fallout maybe but they make it sound like a turbo bomb but its not like the thing was designed to be fissile
how do you feel about western actors putting on a slavic accent instead?
The scariest part is knowing that it will be ruined by a Mary sue starting episode 3
>do you think a non white person or female has ever once posted in a chernobyl thread?
females don't go on Yea Forums, and Non whites are too dumb for this kind of show.
have sex
Vladimir Mashkov, from behind enemy lines
There's an easy way to refute this,
>If this had any artistic merit it would be entirely Russian
This is patently false. It's an American product telling a Russian event for Americans, any opportunity you can take to streamline the comprehension process for the audience without diluting the product, you take. Having everyone speak in English does not dilute the product. It didn't for Hunt for Red October, it isn't here.
Aleksandr Baluev
What are they staring at? Some fire? Seems boring
bell curve bro, of course less women and blacks are into chernobyl but there has to be a few.
>females don't go on Yea Forums
lurk /cgl/ for a real trip dude, it's insane seeing a board majority female
Sergey Bezrukov
It's... uh, the Northern Lights?
yeah the core is so obviously a mary sue, you guys will see
Vladimir Vdovichenkov
burning fuel rods
You know, if you think about it they really are kind of looking at the Northern Lights.
>but when you get to the True Believers, the people on Committees? That's where you get the dogma.
Yeah, it's fucked up because you see it even now. It's not even really an issue of Communism. Communism was just merely a vehicle for these *type* of people, the ones who live amongst their ivory towers and gated communities, not actually knowing any real situations and believing themselves to be the competent arbiters of decision making that impact the lives of many.
Honestly it was that part of the episode that scared the shit out of me more than the actual disaster.
don't think, just go take your iodine
it also wasn't "designed" to explode
They were lead to believe that the reactor was still intact and the explosion had been outside it so they kept pumping water into the reactor. I think the water just flowed out in the room or something.
either it hadn't exploded, in which case he was just fine
or it had exploded, in which case he was probably already dead
An explosion that large wouldn't have happened, that's pseudo science
Anton Yelchin
oh I get it
>do you taste metal too?
Older you are the less likely to be fucked by radiation you are.
If you're a baby, child, or are screwed.
The right decision would have been subtitles.
So hire Russian actors and do the series in Russian? Fuck British people and their faggot fucking actors. Im sick of every historical drama having some faggot fucking brit portraying a non-english person
god i hope you're just shitposting, theres enough mental deficiencies in these threads as it is
at least that's explainable
you don't just heat water to ~2600 degrees C
Tbf "wiped out" is a rather extreme synonym for "rendered uninhabitable".
No one cares except you. Of course HBO is going to film a show for an english speaking audience in english. You'd be an idiot to think otherwise.
I hope this miniseries catches on so they can do other historical event series. I would love to see World War II on the Russian side.
What the fuck are you talking about nigga?
inb4 enemy at the gates 3.0
Does this show have any political propaganda?
do you want it to?
>Hunt for Red October
Das Boot proves you wrong. The fact that Western audiences prefer localized media is a non-argument as far as artistic merit is concerned.
>>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.
What the fuck!? Can someone post a map and show what parts of Europe would be fucked?
If you consider anti-communist sentiment propaganda, then yeah, sort of.
>that was NOT graphite!
Yeah if you fucking go to court like a retard. Its small claims. Youre not gonna get a warrant for illegaly downloading a movie dipshit.
Yes, he does. He wants to find something to sperg out over. If the answer is no he won't even watch the show.
>Most, including Akimov, died from radiation exposure within three weeks
Huh??? He died more than 30 years later.
>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.
This is just a lie. Not even an exaggeration. Just stupid made-up shit.
it's one thing to evacuate a city or perhaps a particular region of a country; there are plenty of other places to quickly move people to
good fucking luck evacuating an entire continent, especially one as densely populated as Europe
I'd take Funko over Chernobyl any day.
>Millions of European refugees in the 1980s petitioning for Asylum in America
Tell me how large the explosion would be in KT or MT and give me some sources that are not businessinsider articles or dubious documentaries.
where would they go? Africa?
do "authoritarian governments are not good" and "nuclear power is not a toy" count?
Reminder a similar scenario occurred at Three Mile Island, but due to American safety standards and know-how nothing fucking happened.
Are you retarded??
is this worth watching?
This was at like 5am, 4 hours after the explosion when no one knew what was going on
The moment they realized what they were dealing with they evacuated 50,000 just like that. The scene had a sinister undertone but you see government control information after every disaster or terrorist attack so people don't do insane shit over rumors
Yes, it's probably the best "new" show on HBO right now.
Are you picturing half of Europe exploding in a giant blast because you don't understand radiation?
only 1 episode (of 5) out its odd to make a verdict
there were plenty of people who knew the magnitude of the situation right away, but they were dismissed as "alarmist"
only been one episode (out of 5) so far, but that one episode was hella good
Give me a source for that "fact", in any way you see fit. I'm still waiting.
according to the results the only people who enjoy this show are hispanics and blacks.
tv btfo yet again.
Does this show have the glow-in-the-dark pine trees?
lean in closer to your monitor
>Fuck yeah my boy Lane Price
>Necks himself
Wiped out could mean just from the radiation.
There were 185 tons of uranium in reactor 4, probably around 200 tons in each reactor. If the steam explosion fucks one of those into going critical that's waaay more than Hiroshima. If not that's still thousands of tons of radioactive material burning
comcast is fucking retarded and you should just ignore them
i use ATT for nearly 10 years with 1 year of comcast, never got a single fucking letter from ATT except they keep asking me to upgrade shit
meanwhile comcast sent a letter within 2 months, fuck them
I don't think my ISP even has my email. If they do its some inactive yahoo address from damn near 20 years ago
No they wouldn't. Not after the scale of what happened became clear.
Radiation can do very scary things to your body. This was how it was explained to me. Apologies if I'm explaining it wrong.
>Think of your chromosomes as a set of instructions
>Radiation fucks up the letters so they can't be read
>Your chromosomes are desperately trying to follow instructions but can't and therefore aren't doing their job correctly
>Your chromosomes do VERY important jobs
>One example is the chromosome found in the lining of your stomach that prevents stomach acid from literally melting your insides
>That chromosome is no longer preventing that from happening and is now reproducing which means ALL your future stomach lining chromosomes are fucked.
The blood marrow one is even worse.
Anna Semenovich
yeah all the information stored within your body that absorbed too much energy just got whacked the fuck out, so expect your body at the cellular level to not know how to modulate itself
I asked for a source.
I was actually asking because I read somewhere that they stopped giving those notices a year or so ago, but I'm not sure I believe it.
there are various built-in mechanisms that keep DNA changes/mistakes from just propagating on a whim, but they're not foolproof, and too much radiation can make enough changes that some will slip through
But there would be no nuclear fusion; so it wouldn't be *that* bad, right?
Anybody have a screen cap of the core?
I'm pretty sure they do because it happens to the guy at the end and I think to several others as well. Props to the people making this.
Where do you live and what provider?
Using comcast or ATT in the US that mean you already have an email associated with them to pay and check your usage and shit, I mean like @att or @comcast email, they never ask for you personal email like gmail for example
The graphite block immediately melting the firefighter's hand
>Thinking that a Russian production wouldn't be completely hamstrung by political interference, intimidation, harassment and smear campaigns.
>Thinking it should be a Russian production at all, when Chernobyl is in the Ukraine.
>Thinking the Ukraine is capable of the production values needed for this show.
What a fucking retard.
I suppose I can log into their site and look up my account and some ISP provided email, but I have not done that in a decade.
>so it wouldn't be *that* bad, right?
Ironically, fusion would be the *best* thing to happen in that scenario because it means all of the radioactive material is converted into thermal energy.
goddammit, ignore me, I can't fucking read
The problem with the steam explosion would be all the radioactive material ejected into the atmosphere.
A Russian production could still be made anywhere in the world by Russians of other countries.
Additionally, Russia doesn't really give as much of a shit as you think they do. Putin for sure would say whatever have it lol
No. There was 10%-15% chance that due to accumulation in hollow area below the core, there would be 2nd explosion, way bigger and worse. They prevented this Tusk and they are heroes.
ok now name enough of them that competently speak english
would you want a hair dropped into your nuclear reactor?
I thought the lack of radiation was a result of using tritium instead of something more hazardous.
Considering a fusion bomb can create a blast a thousand times more powerful than that of a fission bomb, the distinction is somewhat significant.
This man is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.
download link?
>Additionally, Russia doesn't really give as much of a shit as you think they do.
Yeah, they do. Try and track down high production value Russian media critical of the U.S.S.R, that was made during Putin's reign. Control of information is a primary tool in that administration, he depends on Soviet nostalgia and will fund gangs to disrupt anything that contradicts it.
Oh that i cant answer them, last I used their service was 4 years ago. Honestly the service is just shit from start to finish for me
>installation day the fat motherfucker come in late
>after the installation he didn't even check if it worked properly, the fucker forget to reset the old existing set up so i can only saw the "old connection" and not the "new name connection" while trying to connect wireless
>he bolted and i have to call the service and talked to the tech guy for 30 mins so he can help me "flush out" the old one
>got a letter sent as i mentioned
>after 6 months legit every night at 12 or 1 am the internet just drop, i can't play online game for shit
Finally call and cancel the cunt because I also move, the dude on the customer service clearly not happy about it but I don't give a fuck anymore. Been using att without any problem for 4 years now, fuck comcast
>I thought the lack of radiation was a result of using tritium instead of something more hazardous.
The lack of radiation is a result of the material being "used" in the fusion process. It's why early bombs were very radioactive and modern nukes are damn-near "clean," because they're very efficient at converting Uranium into Boom. It's also how weapons like Cobalt Bombs (aka, dirty nukes) work; they're not so much causing a huge explosion as they are exploding and showering the area in isotopes.
From the mouth of one of the key scientists they enlisted
The first one on the p bay. Enjoy your letter:)
It's a metaphor for the Trump administration. Incompetent as fuck, tells everybody lies, criminally responsible, no understanding science, supporters are sheep.
Donald Trump
if only this actually happened
It should be zx spectrum or maybe dendy at least.
Are letters being sent out in the US too?
Andrey Zvyagintsev. Leviathan was literally "dude, misery & corruption" yet he's still making film.
HBO isn't a russian company, and as far as I know dosen't even broadcast in europe nevermind russia
Yeah you wouldn't have to worry about getting cancer because you'd be dead in a thousand mile crater and the whole planet would be collapsing from 300 tons of matter getting converted into energy
absolute moron this guy
citation needed
Literally everyone in rudd knows how fucking shit the shit parts of the ussr and especially chernobyl were.
>didn't you stupid men stock any iodine tablets
Half of Russian movies are dude our life is shit lmao you retarded neocon boomer
>tons of proof and evidence behind it
>dosen't put it in KT or MT
when will they learn?
downloading the first episode now, what am i in for lads?
I’m staggered. What kind of brainlet can’t follow this show? Is this the infamous ‘woman who stops to ask who everyone is and what they do’ moment, only she’s the fucking reviewer?
so the firemen were the bad guys huh
It could cause an out of control fission reaction like in classic A-bombs, there was enough uranium for that though idk if it was enriched enough
You think you're really smart but you're not.
3.6 Not great but not that bad.
Delusional comrades who think the core exploded
lmfao she instantly assumes the lady doctor is a nurse
Wow you really showed him
Don't ask such question that do not concern you. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let the state decide what's best for you, comrade.
>Why weren't people running away
Because they don't have the hindsight of Chernobyl that we do now. Fucking moron.
>reviewing it in terms of heroes and modern logic
These are the kind of faggots that wanted women in WWII games arent they
So the debris that the fire fighter picked up, was that the casing the rods were in or like pieces of the actual core
Da, Comrade. He's not terrible.
It's the graphite moderator that surrounds the fuel elements I think.
Wait wait wait... so does this mean the idea I had a few threads ago - of incinerating the Elephant's Foot with a fusion bomb - is theoretically, under the right conditions, possible? Since the corium could be "used up" to enhance the power of the bomb?
>over 30 years later
>1986+30 = 2016
>later than 2016
umm says here he died 2 weeks after the accident
And Zvyagintsev had trouble getting his movie released in Russia and the The Ministry of Culture now wants to ban movies that "defile the national culture".
EU most certainly does get HBO and has been for ages. Russia got it recently.
>"How much iodine do we carry?"
>"None, why the fuck would we need that?"
They get a package deal with Sky that gets all the HBO shows.
graphite blocks were placed between the fuel rods to partially moderate the chain reaction; the blocks had channels in them through which the control rods moved, dialing the power up or down as necessary
You're completely deluded (or just a shill) if you think an overtly critical piece about U.S.S.R's ideology disfunction wouldn't run into problems if it was high profile enough.
Putin wouldn't literally turn up and start arresting people, but there would be a "grassroots" movement with shady connections that would ramp up criticism and interfere. The new Russia beat and imprisoned Pussy Riot, never mind a fucking Chernobyl esposé.
>Putin for sure would say whatever have it lol
show me where hes terrible. Show me where the heinous crimes are. Dont even make me bring up the Mueller case that embarrassed democrats for the next century
theoretically it would be more cost effective to pack it up and fly it into space
you know, because last i checked no one made fusion, let alone would they want to use it to blow something up instead of, well, make energy with fusion
this is why you never run tests
>Half of Russian movies are dude our life is shit lmao
Lol no.
Only some indie/art-house and few directors who always causing a massive butthurt and screeshing "attacking on Russia".
Moost of our films are retarded comedy and cheap action flick (only made to take gibs from government)
>Dont even make me bring up the Mueller case that embarrassed democrats for the next century
You mean the Mueller report that Donald Trump is obstructing and refusing to release? That Mueller report? The one that clearly shows Donald Trump committing major crimes, including obstruction of justice?
>no one made fusion
Except in a fusion bomb, comrade...
Idiots who have no idea how Russian politics work. Any Russian opposition to a series like this would only occur in the guise of distraction from some issue that they actually want to cover up. Do you think Putin or anyone else over there is so retarded to think people don't know all about Chernobyl and past USSR policies? You have a grade school understanding of how this shit works in the real world.
Russia would embrace a series like this which criticizes the Russia of the past in a completely unoriginal, unexciting way. It could then be used a political tool to show how open they are with this sort of toothless "criticism" (while actively squashing info on events going on right now most people don't know about).
mfw first episode
why do people think chernobyl is anti-soviet propoganda
the efforts and resources they used to quench the reactor were heroic
are you retarded or memeing
>or anyone else over there is so retarded to think people don't know all about Chernobyl and past USSR policies?
Yep they don't. Russian commies allready crying about series as "another attack on USSR whle we celebrating victory in WW2"
lurk moar
The administration is past that point. Attacking the series would serve as a means of raising the profile of hard-nationalist/U.S.S.R apologist groups, which are funded by Russian intelligence, and would serve as a caution to other critical artists.
I notice no-one has responded to this guy because that Ministry of Culture shit can't be refuted.
>why do people think chernobyl is anti-soviet propoganda
Because it depicts Soviet buerocracy as a very bad thing
The key word is "wants to". What actually happens is what matters.
legit mad from this cunt
>uh why don't people of all epoch act like it is XXl century?
they had an evacuation bus outside every building in pripyat within 33 hours...
what for? to support your gay fanwanking about your own retarded ideas?
What would actually happen if this production was Russian is something we can't know for sure, but there are many recent examples of Russia shitting on artists from a great height. It's rapidly getting worse.
bro people have nostalgia for the good old ussr days
>he doesnt know
Its not 2015 sweetie, WAP2 ha been hackable since a century
they evacuated 43,000 residents in 3.5 hours using 1200 buses from kiev and had tens of thousands of people sacrificing their lives on the core the same day
muh inefficient bureaucracy
>the Mueller report that Donald Trump is obstructing and refusing to release?
the actual fuck are you talking about. Please show me where that is happening. The report was a joke that only exposed democrat crimes and more hilary corruption.
great argument
And this film would just reinforce that. The same as a film about Pearl Harbor reinforces American patriotism.
The exact facts of either situation don't matter. It's all about the romanticism, and a tragedy can do that better than anything.
fuck you
Soviet bureacracy led to the incedent.
Soviet bureacracy send 600k man into radioactive hell
Soviet bureacracy tried to deny the incident
Why did they even need to look?
I guess they'd have died either way but surely you'd gtfo
>And this film would just reinforce that.
Nope because Chernobyl isn't soap opera despite strong independent doctor, it's apocalypse horror
You seem to have forgotten what caused the mess in the first place.
No? I’m not talking about a *pure* fusion bomb, but I didn’t feel the need to specify that.
The series isn't over yet, friend.
tell me one reason why you need to tell the public what's happening when there aren't any useful measures they can take and you evacuated the few that are actually in danger amazingly quickly...
>The series isn't over yet, friend.
And I don't think in the next episode they will switch to praising your beloved USSR, my dear shill
that's my point dumbass, pure artificial fusion isn't known to exist yet to the public, and even if it DID, people want to harness it for energy, not to clean up motherfucking pripyat
Please tell me they show the “foot.”
By the end it will be praising the heroic spirit and sacrifices of the working class.
>when there aren't any useful measures
Yeah friend, bureacracy and soviet system have nothing to do with that
>and you evacuated the few that are actually in danger amazingly quickly...
>36 hours
I wish you lived 36 happy hours in such places, tovarich
the population had a THREE PERCENT rise in lifetime cancer rate
big woop
It will be praising people and shitting at state system, that's why it will be called anti-soviet propaganda and russophobia
we're not there yet
the entire first episode only covers the first few hours after the accident
You realise "THREE PERCENT" is a huge number when you apply it 50,000 people, right?
>By the end it will be praising the heroic spirit and sacrifices of the working class.
-be slave to the state
-be send to clean up radioactive goo
-got cancer
-recibe a shinny medal for getting cancer
top heroism, or at least russian heroism wich is basically zerg rush all of their problems
Okay, well, that isn’t a very satisfying response to the question I was asking.
by brainlets
Donald Trump is the president of the goddamn united states
we're overrun with brainlets
>the population had a THREE PERCENT rise in lifetime cancer rate
So why don't you buy a land and build a house near it? I've heard t's pretty cheap in Belorus.
>top heroism, or at least russian heroism wich is basically zerg rush all of their problems
you're talking about a nation which got to space first
and somehow managed to outpace america in the nuclear technology race
it doesn't have to be satisfying, it's the truth
>by brainlets
By media and bloggers.
>you're talking about a nation which got to space first
By telling chief constructor "design rockets, or we will shoot you as public enemy"
>and somehow managed to outpace america in the nuclear technology race
By filling they country with cheap RBMK reactors.
i know this show is based on a real event but how close it it staying to actual things people did? like is the show free to create characters and have them do things that create an interesting plot
>you're talking about a nation which got to space first
>By telling chief constructor "design rockets, or we will shoot you as public enemy"
It worked
>By filling they country with cheap RBMK reactors.
I was more talking coming up with the groundbreaking knowhow/simple assumptions in predicting the behavior of solids
Might as well at that point.
thats not how percentages work retard
>It worked
It didn't improved quality of life for average soviet citizen
>groundbreaking knowhow/simple assumptions in predicting the behavior of solids
>lol let's jjust ignore all safety protocols and build military reactor bigger and without containment for civilian use