Why is Vice so unpopular now?

Didn’t they used to make some good stuff?

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That's how scared they are of dissenting opinions.

They used to make kino documentaries, now all they do is opinion pieces on why drumpf is bad

>the mouse losing money
feels good

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>Vox shitting on Vice who used to shit on Gawker

>earn a fan base with flashy and edgy journalism unlike 98% of the other garbage out there
>immediately sell out and run endless political propaganda pieces and useless social justice stories that demonize the majority of your fan base as the root of all evil


the guy responsible for all the gonzo stuff that got it its initial following left the company

Vice was basically homosexuality and weed.

I use to enjoy some of vices stuff, but now it’s just insufferable

Vice bit a little too hard on LGBTQIJKLMNOP content. The audience for it just isn't THAT big.

Fat man not going to North Korea anymore

If any of you faggots read, the article is talking about how all new-media companies, Vox included, were over-estimated when it came to how valuable they would turn out to be. Every company that invested in websites like BuzzFeed, Gawker, Vice and Vox are losing out on investments.

It's because Facebook died and dragged down all the clickbait media sites with it. Buzzfeed, Vice, etc... they are all dying.

Most people my age and younger have Instagram rather than Facebook... only boomers use it now

It was always hard to suffer edgy teenage shit but It turned into super lefty edgy Liberal shit so no wonder the numbers plummeted

>vanity fair
All worthless.

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Yeah that's the plan. It's not about the money.

I don't know what circles you travel in but IG is dying too. No one cares about this shit anymore. No one worth talking to anyway.

boomers are going to hit a crisis when their social media sites go dark, paving way for the zoomer revolution

Will they learn to code when they have to find new jobs?

epic edgy news on the internet didn't work out i guess, everyone knows it's cancer and worse than plain old tv news

I've never seen a more mismanaged channel than Vice. Shows that air once and never air again, shows that only have 1 season of like 8 episodes and never get a 2nd. Seemingly random and mismashed bloc lineups. Absolutely no cohesion whatsoever. Just pure randomness. They don't even seem to be aware of which shows are worth funding and which aren't.

There's a special place in hell for people who tell laid off journalists to learn to code, you Nazi scum.

>old Vice
>gritty, interesting stories toed the line of edgy of subjects no one knew a lot about

>nu Vice
>endless parade of shitty articles about weed, LGBT crap and being a minority coupled with shitty intern tumblr drawings

I am glad that the "people look at you funny when you say you don't have a facebook" era seems to be over, but can anyone explain to an out of touch yoomer who rarely leaves the house other than to go to work what the fuck happened to social media in the normie world?

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of course they are you utter moron the other anons even explain why

As a substitute teacher all I can say is kids absolutely do not use Facebook and they always say its for "old people".

They all use Instagram and Snapchat and that's it. But most people I know stopped using Snapchat when they hit like 22-24ish. IG is still king.

I remember a poll that showed Vice was the least cool brand for millennials and Gen Z. The company couldn't even be considered cool for the generations they were catering so hard toward.

Good riddance to them all. The Mary Sue needs to be up there too.

Facebook intern spotted

The last Vice video I watched was about a vice reporter (female) infiltrating some Turkish cult.
She basically just asks to go in, they tell her crew to not film anything when they get inside, they ACTUALLY STOP FILMING NOT EVEN WITH THEIR PHONES, she barely asks a couple questions to the leader, then leaves and it ends with basically a "guess we'll never know" line.

Imagine if they did that in North Korea. Vice is fucking terrible even if you ignore their political or social bias.

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>were over-estimated
why wasn't this obvious to everyone at the time?

The people screeching about le ebil SJWs stopped watching them after getting brainwashed during 2016 when news credibility became worthless.
At the same time Vice started making sensationalist crap instead of honest niche documentaries.


Social media is the fabric that binds normie society together. You're weird as fuck these days if you don't have an ig with at least 150+ followers. Facebook is old and busted, snapchat is still bangin, Twitter is necessary, and ig rules them all.

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have you watched it lately?

I remember that era well. I deleted my account for about 2 years and it was around when a ton of school shootings were going on, like Sandy Hook and the media kept emphasizing how the shooters DIDN'T HAVE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT so when I met people and they wanted to add me on Facebook and I said I didn't have one I was met with disgust. This was during my first years of college too so it was pretty hard.

remember when rogan used to shill this guy so hard?

the funny thing about telling people to learn to code is that those code monkey jobs will be some of the first to be replaced when AI gets good enough. it's easier for an AI to code than for it to fix your toilet.

it was. people leaving these sites have been saying for years that the business model was retarded and the sites were fucked and just coasting on VC being flushed down the drain

though apparently (?) the people who make investment decisions are also the same people who read the shit these very sites write about how impactful and investment-worthy they are

Nobody predicted the facebook implosion, boomers were just too full of themselves, thinking their culture was the dead end.

>mfw in school I was surrounded by smarmy Accountant cunts
>mfw in less than 5 years all accounting will be automated and probably enforced by the government to avoid people lying and cheating out money

used to be good when they had that skateboard show then they went all lgbtq bullshit

Who? Shane Smith? Shane was good. Vice turned to shit after he left, not before.

for boomers maybe

zoomers are already signing off

It's quite simple really.

It's just not 'cool' anymore. Once everyone starts doing something it becomes cool to not do it. Being a 'nerd' is now the cool thing, and if you didn't catch the fake quote marks I mean pretending to be a nerd.

Which means 'isolating' yourself while still going to parties and clubs and being social.

all of it went to pay for the copyright clearances for nirvanna the band the show

>not investing in 4channel

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This. I'm 23 has had Snapchat since I was 16 or so in highschool and everyone I know from college and highschool deleted their accounts or just don't use it any more. Snapchat is truly for kids

Any blow to the mouse hegemony is something to be celebrated.

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it turned into dude weed

No, people used to think that new-media would be the key to advertising towards younger people. There's a generation and a half of people that don't use cable news for information so it was an untapped market.

Unfortunately, Google and Facebook proved that they can directly advertise to young people and completely deleted the need for a middle man.

Vice is still valued at over a billion, but it's was down from the 150 billion everyone thought it would be.

This can't happen soon enough. Forces Jews to get real jobs.

I wonder if 4channel itself is worth even $4 million dollars

So what's the new social media that will claim the throne?

Vice stopped being good after Gavin McInnes left

I watch my Bob Ross on Vice

>When you're a kid/high schooler
Instagram, Snapchat, VSCO if you're a whore

>When you're in university
Instagram, Snapchat (but using it less), Facebook because international students force you to use it for group projects, VSCO if you're a female who somehow can afford nice trips constantly

>When you've graduated
Instagram, Facebook to keep up with family members

I'm a 26 year old boomer who works with some younger people and this is how it seems to be

dunno, I'm not hip with the kids to know

Dropped the investigative journalism and turned into High Times


Pornhub comment section

24 year old boomer and i concur

spot on

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Now this is based

source? ive never browsed it before

>queering homelessness
>SLAM poetry

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Had to read it like 3 times before my brain stopped skipping

The user generated content and analytics are worth a ton to entertainment companies and the like, there's just no good way for the site to monetize it

It's just crazy to me. There was the late 90's dot com boom and failure, then MySpace getting bought from that huge dicked bastard Tom for like 600 million dollars and immediately turning into shit. Hasn't twitter not even generated a profit yet? I don't understand how even boomers wouldn't be hugely skeptical of any web property

that article is damn confusing

The last 10 years have been a fuckin bizarre time to be alive

How is she penniless if she deals ketamine? And how is she homeless if she has a garage?

Are you honestly claiming vice and all other alternative media sites did not go full SJW? You are a special kind of Reddit faggot

They’re literally funded by Soros (google it). But anyway their production value is really good. It’s a shame they could be the greatest media outlet but they’re just a partisan organ of leftists.

Hate to get political but it’s political entertainment.


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Easy. They catered to zoomer mentality instead of boomer mentality that made them popular in the first place.

All the goofballs are coming out of the woodwork. It's fantastic.

name of article?

I'm 28 and I still don't know what instagram is other than it's where normies post their photos but I might be messing that up with snapchat

Clown world indeed

Oh no how can we deal with such a problem?

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It's funny when they actually do learn to code and the Nazis start complaining about SJWs invading their brogrammer safe space

Because corporate execs are really not as smart as you may think they are. All you need is some marketing fuckwit to wine and dine them, throw a few hundred buzzwords at them and they can convince them to invest into fucking anything.

wasn't the founder of vice the guy who founded proud boys

>dude I'm so out of touch with society, doesn't that make me so interesting and cool!?

It does the opposite my man.

Is there a template for this or do I have to bust it out on my own?

Broadly wrote an article about how female drug dealers are tested by sexism and how there's too many dudes slinging acid to suburban teens or opioids to addicts.
Really makes you think how great things must be when you complain that women need to also earn cash by giving rotted people their crack.

Snapchat is for sending pictures that delete after they've been viewed so must people just send nudes or offensive pics to each other on it.

Instagram is for normies and shitty amateur "photographers" to post heavily edited pictures to give the appearance of some grand life when really they're just like everyone else.

You may be confused because Instagram stole a lot of Snapchat's features.

i never gave a shit about vice until that north korean documentary. they had a couple other decent documentaries after that, then they started doing really fucking stupid documentaries about indian prostitutes for vishnu and other dumb shit like that. i just completely lost interest. it seems like they were trying to target this very small hyper hipster group of retards that take acid and dmt a lot. i dont know what the fuck they were thinking.

>Make indy counter culture content
>HBO steps in
>No longer make low key documentaries for which they became famous.

Gavin McInnes and Shane Smith founded Vice. Gavin was forced out for being too edgy and funny, leaving Shane to run the bitch into a wall of corporate horseshit and social pandering.

problem is they don't code. they get hired as part of diversity initiatives and then spend all the spare time they have from never having to work to complain about all the people actually working

crash can't come soon enough

it went from cool documentaries to "millenials ironically vape lucky charms to circumcise whales in bulgaria" or some dumb shit

Shit man, VICE used to make some damn good stuff
>that series where they take a train to siberia, get pissed drunk, team up with ex-soviet mafiamen and track down north korean labor camps
peak comfy

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It's incredible that the decline of Vice into the mess that it is today begins literally exactly when Gavin left. He really was the soul of Vice.

>forced out for being too edgy and funny

Yeah. That's why.

No I'm serious I don't know. I always stayed off normie sites, but I still had an idea of what was going on. I knew the difference between myspace and facebook and how they worked and why facebook overtook myspace but now I'm completely in the dark and for the first time in my life I feel genuinely out of touch. All of my remaining friends from high school have dried up at this point and I spend all my time alone on Yea Forums.

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Fuck Vice for ruining what used to be SBS2.

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You got another take or are ya just gonna act like you know something that you really don't?

Vice, like pretty much every liberal "news" blog source, basically raised millions of dollars around 2014-15 by convincing idiot investors that there's a huge market selling essentially fake news to brainwashed progressive college kids, and since that's a huge market they'll definitely make their money back (somehow) so they all proceeded to buy huge big city office buildings and hire idiot bloggers for 6-figure salaries and spent the rest on parties like they'd struck a gold mine.

The problem is, literally none of these companies ever actually made any money because (and this is the important part), progressive millennials don't actually read news or news sites. So they aren't an ad demographic at all.

Now these companies are crashing and burning, but the people working at them all follow eachother on social media and live in this idiot echo chamber bubble believing that they work in a real industry and there's real careers out there for them.

The BIGGEST progressive news outlet on the internet right now isn't CNN, or MSNBC or anything, it's literally Occupy Democrats, a fucking Antifa conspiracy website, and Fox News gets more traffic than every single left-leaning news outlet and blog and cable channel COMBINED.

>documentary about searching for the 1% bunkers in new zealand
>no bunkers found

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>tfw tea girl never got saved
hopefully she's still alive

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>that series where Simon went to Ukraine during the start of the fighting after Euromaidan and got abducted by Pro-Russian militiamen about halfway through it.

To give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she's barely subsisting on ketamine sales and is squatting in a friend's garage. Journo headlines often denature the details out of all recognition to get them on 1-2 lines

Vice's most recent episode was complaining about how the South African government is having trouble seizing white farmers' land, I shit you not

They filled it with liberal bullshit, but liberal bullshit is yesterday's fad not today's

Lets not go that far.

>watch Who is the Coolest episode of KvS
>Gavin shows up as a judge of "cool"
>dressed like this

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Y'all got a link to that shit?

When does AI get good enough?

Only good thing hey made was action Bronson watching ancient aliens

What happened to the left, man? I used to be a genuine fedora-tipping atheist laughing with my fellow neckbeards about how stupid people were for believing in bigfoot and the flying spaghetti monster (not that I've changed, just gotten more better at hiding my power levels), but now even those guys look more sane and rational compared to what's going on in leftist spaces online.

>interesting documentaries where the filmmakers put themselves in dangerous situations for the sake of getting footage
>dumb hipster bullshit that only a very small minority could ever watch without cringing in disgust
Hmm I wonder.

That's actually only a very small part of it. The real issue was the shady tactics Vice (and pretty much every nu"journalism" site) uses to artificially inflate their own influence and milk money from oblivious investors.

What year was that? I used to read Vice back when it was a magazine and kinda funny and interesting. It was also very politically incorrect. Tons of photos of girls flashing their boobs at parties and such.

In 5-10 years.

In case you're wondering, it's always in 5-10 years. Funding cycle.

Gavin may not be particularly compelling as a person, especially in his weird "I'm an angry old man but also super punk rock" kind of way now, but the dude apparently knows how to run a media business because his current one is growing pretty fast.

after he was kidnapped and buttfucked by russians they put in some awful zoomer chick reporter. actually around that time all the reporters seemed to get replaced by women.

i don't know, but like i said, jobs that require thinking will be replaced before specialized labor like installing tile or fixing plumbing. it's probably not as far off as we think.

Has anyone looked at Vice's twitter?
I mean actually LOOKED at it?
The thing spits out 4 tweets an hour. And 2 million people are following it. Disregarding quality, youre telling me 2 million human beings want to have their feeds absolutely swamped with this shit?
Something aint right here

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I've found there a handful of good writers for Vice still, but they are diamonds in a pile of turds.

Same even though I am a non-fedora-tipping atheist. Something happened between 2010 and 2013 that broke the western online space and a bunch of people on the left went fucking insane


That's RIGHT when the decline begins

Sorry to hear that fren. You're always welcome to play D&D or drink if you live near DC

sjw culture war shit
yeah they all inflate the number of clicks they get

Yeah, Tim "Change The Name" Pool mentioned that on Rogan, didn't he? I didn't really understand what he said though. What he said didn't make any sense to me, like they were buying permission from other sites to claim that the clicks those sites were actually to their site? That wasn't it, right? That'd just be outright fraud.

Damn Russia seems comfy af

2008 is the true decline. The seeds were just planted in 07

>things that have literally never happened

What type of AI? LSTMs? I only ask because i've mostly worked with LSTMs

There was a vice video where the guy went into a warzone in Mali where French commandos were BTFOing Boko Haram, AND THE RETARD RAN OUT OF BATTERIES. The last part of it was just still images of dead bodies.

What an embarrassment.

Kind of and while it's fraud it's such that is hard to deal with legally because the outdated laws and the way it works are too vague

true boomers know it was 2001

nigga that's nothing, we're living in a time when spiderman/elsa abuse channels have millions of youtube subscribers

>What happened to the left, man?
Marxism, really. Specifically, colleges breeding this Marxist culture of teaching kids to be soft bleeding hearts who think with their emotions and not with their heads, and then raising them to teach the next generation. Feelings became paramount and somewhere along the lines, protesting became more than just a thing you do because you're a bored college kid, it became real life. And what you are mattered more than your character. Offense became a given, and your level of outrage became an indicator of how correct your opinion was.

Basically, there was no Vietnam to fight, so the hippie generation taught their kids to fight everything, because being a protester was their identity now. That's what the Left became.

2008 was a turning point in a lot of things. Rise of social media, smart phones, wifi everywhere, Obama elected

>come on bro, it's the 21st century, what's the worst that could possibly happen if we elect a black man as President of the free world?
>Western civilization collapses

lmfao, fugggg

Shane smith got metoo’d, I knew it was the end when I read that. Is Ben Anderson still there? The programming is fucked. They play 50 episodes of huangs world in a row, then some random movie, then infomercials, then a weed cooking show marathon, it’s all over the place

>I'm a 26 year old boomer

People this stupid should be removed from society.

>like they were buying permission from other sites to claim that the clicks those sites were actually to their site? That wasn't it, right? That'd just be outright fraud.

So basically what happens is you have these clickbait article links at the bottom of any given blog post. Those articles are usually written by bots or farmed out for pennies by companies that sell them to bigger sites. They're clickbait, so people do click them, and the company that owns them sells that traffic to the site that wants to pay for it, so when traffic is aggregated and analyzed, it looks like those clicks are generated at the site that bought them, rather than somewhere else.

It's more complex than that, but it is a thing and it's been around for a while. It's basically like buying Twitter followers or some shit. It's stupid and it doesn't fool anyone who looks closely, but on the surface it seems level if all you care about is skimming the numbers to see if the site is pulling traffic or not.

>Marxist culture of teaching kids to be soft bleeding hearts who think with their emotions and not with their heads
This is not marxist at all. Nothing about current SJW shit is marxist in any way.

26yr old boomer here. it's pretty much this. instagram for browsing, facebook for retarded memes, chat and the event calendar. if i could somehow just have the calendar i would do away with facebook

Vice made a lot of kinos back in the day
>The North Korea series
>American Truckers in Africa
>The Ukraine War reporting
>Goat fucking in Colombia
>Reporting North Korean Labor camps in Russia
>Oil smuggling in Nigeria

Vice was biased in their politics back then too but that didn't stop them from making quality content every once in a while along with the usual hyper lefty stuff. Nowadays it's almost exclusively left leaning topics .

Instagram is owned by FB soooo it works out for them.

And they all peddled the same brand of leftoid shit.

you aren't looking in the right leftist spaces.

Most people don't give a shit, they have two millions youtube subscriptions to garbage they don' t watch anymore, their desktop are train wrecks with four empty new text file and a bunch of shit they can barely identify, hundreds of improperly named files are clogging their download folder, they like thousands of retarded facebook pages publishing stupid shit on an hourly basis and their phones are in an even worse state.
They just don't care.

This is how it works
>have clickbait Top 10 best ___ List
>make user manually click 'Next' ten times to see #1
>this is counted as 10 unique views as opposed to one

repeat ad infinitum and that's how traffic numbers are fraudulently inflated

pretty much only place people don't seem to be unhinged retards these days small forums and comments sections for porn

they hired women and blacks

You acted like a retard and it attracted actual retards.

I never heard of General butt naked until vice


It is, I'm not defining every bit of it here. But the whole method was imported from the Frankfurt system where Marxist ideals of class consciousness leading to rebellion and "liberation" is introduced slowly, by the teachers teaching future teachers, each letting the ideas percolate more and more over time.

The SJW "feelings over facts" isn't inherently Marxist, but the idea of segregating society into classes, Capitalism as an evil oppressive system, and enforced social equity are all Marxist principals, albiet they're more derivations than anything actually in Marx's writings.

They're bots to make it seem more popular.

Don't you wish you were rich enough to throw $400 million to shut someone up? I wish I could...with you.

Couple that with the few who do read those sites are savvy enough to have an ad blocker.

I'm convinced the little ad revenue they get is from the same inner circle clicking all over the site and the occasional normie who gets offended by some inflammatory headline.


There are literally no "good leftist spaces" because it is physically impossible to be a leftist and have sane, cogent, coherent ideas worth discussing.

You literally cannot name a single place that isn't either just centrist, or hyper-liberal drivel.

This but unironically

that's because the "left" of the last 2 decades didn't actually accomplish much. Stop war in mid-east-no. Stop oppressive US spying on its own citizens-no. Punish the banks after fin. crisis-no. The reason their activism seemed so cool and comfy is because 90% of them didn't do anything and the last 10% are now leading members of the current antifa/socialist orgs.

Incredibly accurate. It's like a digital form of hoarding.

only braindead stoners with no money watch vice

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Well, sort of yeah.

Also let's not forget, Youtube (which has struggled since it was bought by Google to ever turn a single penny) managed to wipe out $71 BILLION of Google's money this past year alone literally because they demonitized content, banned creators and lost their audience, and went through multiple Adpocalypses as big companies pulled ads off the site over controversies with content they promote.

The leftist media empire is cracking right now and it's desperate for ways to make money.

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>26 yo

Live Leak is still going strong, though. And to think that it evolved from a gore website.

I noticed this too. I left grad school around 2012 and went to work for a few years so didn't pay attention to SJW crap. When I got laid off I started reading the typical lefty blue pilled crap that I used to read and found it insufferable. I seriously found Breitbart more interesting.

I could have told you with a lot less research that obviously people like Soros and other billionaire conglomerates fund the fucking Antifa and SJW shit in order to distract, deflect, and protect their own interests. That's not news.

That was absolute kino. I remember watching that and reading news that time in the West thinking myself "well thats not how it looks like in the ground by Vice",

Well, not quite that, but there was certainly a level of cognitive dissonance entrenched in the '08 election - as if electing a Black president would magically "resolve" race issues

>that's because the "left" of the last 2 decades didn't actually accomplish much. Stop war in mid-east-no. Stop oppressive US spying on its own citizens-no. Punish the banks after fin. crisis-no.
wouldn't exactly call myself a republican but this is why I went from retarded lefty college student to disillusioned guy who just avoids politics out of sadness.
I was the first guy to make fun of libertarians and now they're the only ones who make a tiny bit of sense to me

The irony is that right now the media is so supportive of the SJW shit, it's taken over Hollywood, and tech and games and journalism and every industry that has an actual voice in society, which creates the illusion that half or more of the country are these screeching SJW fucks who want everything to be brown people and anti-America, anti-Capitalist, etc.

But the truth is, it's just a tiny portion of the population that screams and screams and screams until people cave and give them their way because they don't want to be called racists or bigots.

I don't blame Obama really... something weird happened around 2013 or so. There's a guy who was on Joe Rogan and wrote a book about the rise of SJW shit on college campuses said the same thing. That basically around 2013 - 2014 there was an entire generational shift that even professors (not exactly conservatives) could keep up with. This is when shit like the rise of Jordan Peterson and that guy from Evergreen who instigated an administrative takeover happened.



I remember old vice well. They peaked with their 10 years of Do's and Don'ts book, and that was a long time ago.

Jonathan Haidt maybe

Obama didn't cause the current left-wing liberal madness. I wouldn't even say he was a product of it, because he was literally a charismatic politician slinging hope for a better future that people bought.

In fact, I'd say if anything it was the fact that a black guy was President and things DIDN'T change that really incited the left more than anything, because they believed it was a whole new world.

But what are the "right" leftist spaces? Some tiny forum with 100 users? The main issue is that the mainstream online leftist spaces went from relatively normal to fucking batshit retarded in the span of 10 years.

Yes, Vice and Gawker are literally liberal garbage pandering trash blogs that exist exclusively to sell SJW ideas to SJW kids.

Post more if this dumb cunt so i can seethe at her stupid face

I am the exception

>That's not news.
It is news, because most people don't know about it or actively deny it. Most people would consider you an insane conspiracy theorist if you brought it up.

lol I'm not going to tell a bunch of Joe Rogan fans where the last few cool leftists hang out you're just going to ruin it.

Anywhere that doesn't throw you in comment jail and allows you to post anonymously.

This basically, they stopped actually trying.

Don't bother

How amusing.

Shit long predates any deliberate subversion though. I noticed it when my atheist / "skeptic" buddies, who were happy to laugh at literally everything, suddenly became very sullen and hostile when feminist talking-points started popping up, with all that elevatorgate and athiem+ shit and so on, and I called it retarded like I would've for anything else that obviously retarded. Suddenly, it was no longer cool to criticize the stupid ideas. And also men are evil and women are victims, and so on. Even started seeing those mentally ill trannies popping up shitting the place up. And by mentally ill, I don't mean that they were trannies, I mean that they were mentally ill people who also were trannies. Some of the shit they wrote dude. I still remember one who'd frequently post pictures """she""" took from her phone of randoms out in public, who """she""" would then go on to shame for allegedly being stupid enough to think """she""" was really female, followed by rants about how evil "cis" people were. Or """she"""'d post tumblr blogs from authors, who were very clearly deeply mentally ill, ranting about insane shit like how women *should* live in a state of constant terror from the threat of at-any-moment-RAPE, with rhetoric like, at any moment a man in public could just rape you and other men standing nearby will cheer him on, et cetera.
This was way back in 2010 or something. And all this shit and much, much, much fucking worse was tolerated by these communities of supposed "skeptics".

For all their talk of having no "sacred cows", feminism definitely was one of theirs. Though I never understood why, and still honestly don't. I would've thought a community of compulsive contrarians would've resisted this shit. But they didn't. Or they were just play-acting at being contrarians, and actually cared more about being part of the "atheist community" than having principles.


>t. never read vice when it was only a magazine.

>Most people would consider you an insane conspiracy theorist if you brought it up.

Most people also don't know that AOC literally auditioned for the part to be the person that Justice Democrats, a Soros-backed organization with the help of multiple Silicon Valley businesspeople, would buy into a sure-thing primary race to get a Congress seat just so she can stir shit up and read Soros-approved talking points on mainstream TV.

But all of that is plainly available information that anyone can look up.

Sounds like you're just making shit up then
>Joe Rogan fans
This is a thread about the fall of Vice, not some retarded podcast. I've never listened to Joe Rogan and I don't plan to.

it was bought by rupert murdoch and became a left leaning millenial fox news instead of a left leaning documentary making service

>Anywhere that doesn't throw you in comment jail
Does the average normie care about censorship though?
>post anonymously
Popular social media is all about attention whoring. People who care about anonymity are a very small minority.

fox news is popular (and presumably profitable) though

>where the last few cool leftists hang out

I literally cannot fathom what a leftist might discuss that isn't whining about the capitalist patriarchy not paying reparations to black transgenders or crying about how Trump is going to start rounding up and exterminating Mexicans soon.

>no good way for the site to monetize it
And that is why I only trust news and memes from 4channel, and nowhere else.

I know, I'm just saying that people are shockingly ignorant about this stuff and have been conditioned by the media to dismiss it as "conspiracy theories".

yeah they'll out of business soon kek

are you talking about the ex goons on twitter that say fag and retard but still get mad if you call someone a tranny

found the trumptard

I know but the people posting about Joe Rogan and frankfurt school garbage are going to see whatever I link so no. It's not that hard to find anyway

Fox News is literally the biggest news organization in America. It's hugely profitable.

Vice, Gawker, any other lefty blog, CNN, they're all shrinking. Hell, CNN just laid off like 100 people.

Aren't those guys mostly unemployed weak white guys who are virgins?

>reading any of these sites and thinking it's not shill propaganda.


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its hilarious how everyone who blogs about quitting buzzfeed finds their lives extremely improved afterwards

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That specific reporter actually does a decent job of staying objective on her projects. The short-black-haired girl is totally the opposite.

Shane used to be cool too in the early days, it's strange how the site went full propaganda mode

The audience for social justice and neoliberal horseshit is smaller than anticipated.

we all know about r/cumtown dude

>b-but it's not REAL leftism
Leftists and their excuses...

sorry are you mad that leftists don't like capitalism? What a retard

lol, fuck off with your leftyrat conspiracy theories.
SJWs were created in support of the Obama regime. Their movement gained massive momentum during the Trayvon Martin shooting.

this post reeks of boomer

It was always this bad, you just started to notice because they started to come after shit you cared/knew about.

Protip: Politics was never about facts or policies or principles, it was always just disguised tribalism. If one side is 'more right' about a topic than the other, it's purely by accident and not due to that side's merit or virtue. When you analyze politics through the lens of tribalism and human cognitive biases, everything suddenly makes a lot more sense.

post some vice KINOJOURNO, this is my favouriite

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most of that was because they demonetized virtually anything that had a clip of something else, not because they were "curbing the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories" which weren't monetized to begin with and still exist on the platform.

I think you're conflating "SJWs" with "Black Lives Matter". They're linked, but not necessarily the same. In fact, BLM (while now mostly defunct) used to take over lots of spaces for and shout over other types of SJWs like gay pride marches and shit.

No, I'm not mad that leftists are retarded, it's just who they are. But I'm genuinely curious what liberals and lefties talk about when they gather, if not those things I mentioned. What else do you cry about? Being poor in a major metropolitan area but not wanting to leave? Your enormous student loans you've never paid a penny towards? How your country needs to import more third-world migrants so white people can be cancelled? Which celebrity or movie is too problematic to watch?

I'm serious, what do you discuss?

VICE literally has an entire section of their website based on stories about "Cultural Appropriation". Not a story. A SECTION of stories. One that is several pages long.

Vice still has the odd video that's decent. Vox also does ok videos when they stay away from politics.

You forgot Mary Sue, Jezebel, Kotaku and Polygon.

>when they actually do learn to code

Shit that never happens

What if VICE is secretly waging a war against Disney and SJW media by exposing it's absurdity?

those are all still gawker

Yep, It was the CIA and wallstreet that shot trayvon martin.

>I think you're conflating "SJWs" with "Black Lives Matter".
I didn't, the dipshit tinfoil hat infographic did. The go-to defense for anyone criticizing the Obama regime was sexist/racist/homophobe.
SJWs weren't some grand FBI plot to foil those dastardly commies

why are you so curious about what retarded people discuss in private? Sounds like you really want to be a lefty but don't want to admit it lol

certain someone was promiised to be president and funnel millions of dollars to them

Daily Reminder.

Attached: VICE and Facts Statement.jpg (718x614, 318K)

I was one of these people in Oakland (white male that attended OWS protests and go fed up by SJW balkanization) this graph is so fucking correct. The only other guy in media that is hip to this is that guy with the black beanie (I forget his name) that takes down twitter on Joe Rogan's podcast. He did a lot of coverage on OWS but became fed up and isn't 'alt right' exactly but he's become 'alt right adjacent' at least mostly because of how fed up he is with lefty bullshit.

There's a reason why OWS got forgotten as THE social justice movement of the decade and was replaced by the corporate media supported BLM movement. It's so obvious.

How come vice doesnt send people to the jungle to lick wild toads or walk around suicide forests anymore?

it was really funny how BLM completely disappeared after the 2016 election

Do they unironically want people to look like that? I can't imagine seeing this and not feeling disgust.

Everyone in this theead is a fucking loser

Yup that's it. Thanks.

Seth Abrahams (the fag who created Court TV and turned MSNBC into a hardcore liberal hugbox in the 00s) owns Mary Sue so it's going to be a bit harder to kill sadly

get woke, go broke.

They were good for a very short period of time when Gavin Mcinnes wanted the edge/fringe views given light instead of the pozzed far left group think it became.

edgelord hipsters devolved into hipster snowflakes.

You don’t know what you’re talking about

>Sounds like you really want to be a lefty but don't want to admit it lol

Fuck, you figured me out.

Shit man, imagine how much fun it must be to live in a world where every human you meet is a Nazi, where you're owed money just for existing, and where you can get your way by screaming incoherently? I desperately want to throw away my ability to think and reason to be that.

>I didn't, the dipshit tinfoil hat infographic did.
That's fair, I skimmed it but didn't read much because none of it was really news or of interest. I don't believe SJWs were made by the FBI, I think SJWs are a product of the college system and grown by the old hippies of the 60s who went on to be bullshit academics. I think they were created when people saw that they could get their way and win fights by shutting down conversation rather than overcoming the challenge, and when the louder you demanded something, the more entitled to it you became.

>this graph is so fucking correct.
that infograph is standard commie revisionism. SJWs and twitter activism were fueled by incidents like the Trayvon martin shooting and as a way to deflect criticism against Obama. It had fuck all do with FBI/CIA/ Wallstreet

There is literally no way this is real. This is a parody, it has to be.

yeah imagine a world where everyone gets free money that would be terrible

Vice was cool for like 3 seconds in the early 2010s until the suits showed up thinking they could buy it and leverage it into reaching the millennial market. So whatever made vice interesting gets watered down by the fact they get bought out by disney and rupert murdoch.

I mean, boomers are some stupid motherfuckers if it took them 10 years to figure out the new media scam

>some dude invents a "cutting edge website" that "gets" millineals
>he takes the website and makes it reach the highest value is possibbly can
>boomers start parachuting in asking to buy it
>guy agrees, takes the money and runs
>Boomers hire a new female or shitskin ceo
>boomers find out the website was over valued garbage that doesnt really influence anyone.
>the website starts tanking hard
>somwhere some bearded hipster is laughing in his 10 mansions

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I liked some viceland shows, is viceland still going?

Tons of people including here have been saying that boomers using it spelled doom

By the time zoomers stopped using it it should have been obvious

Theyve been subtly trying to rebrand because they predicted it too

BLM mostly stopped being necessary because the conversation shifted from police violence to other things. I also think they broke up into other things, lots probably got redpilled by Kanye and other blacks speaking out, but I think a good chunk ended up as black militants like the Israelites or the Kemet people.

4channel.org/tv/ of course

>But the truth is, it's just a tiny portion of the population that screams and screams and screams until people cave and give them their way because they don't want to be called racists or bigots.
This has more or less been how social progressivism has operated since the French Revolution.

The majority of the people were at least fine with the king, if not supportive. It was primarily a small clique of middle class lawyers and journalists who riled up the unemployed people of Paris against him - a tiny, tiny minority of the French population.

When the French had genuine free and fair elections with universal male sufferage, what did they do? They elected Napoleon III and made him Emperor.

What did they do when he was captured in battle by the Germans and leftist deposed him? They elected a 2/3s majority monarchists, in 1871 - 82 years after the original French Revolution, a supermajority of the French people still supported the monarchy. Yet somehow, that's not the history most people are taught, and somehow the French people didn't get what they clearly wanted, despite having a democracy.

The simple reason is that radical leftist dominated the intelligentsia - journalists, lawyers and academic, and they used their positions to brow-beat everyone else into going along with their ideas. They write the histories, they tell the stories, they own people's minds, and so in the long run they keep getting their way.

These people need to be controlled, or failing that, they need to be exterminated so that the rest of us can be free of their control.

Based schizo user


Facebook would be totally fucked without the acquisition of IG. They saw how popular it was becoming with young people, and jumped on it. I doubt they would around much longer without IG.

>yeah imagine a world where everyone gets free money that would be terrible
How can money be free? Where does it come from? Who would make anything? What is even the point of the money if it's just free for everyone?

Let me guess, your argument is platforming?

Like making a documentary about the most pathetic "alt right" retards they could find is right wing because they gave them a platform? Or is it just that they arent fully demented commies?

>homeless drug dealer recites poetry

ok, this is epic

There's this place called 4 chan that's pretty cool.

>Didn’t they used to make some good stuff?
10 or more years ago when I got into their stuff . then all of a sudden their you tube channel went from 20k subs to 100k then 1 million and the entire time the quality was dropping it started with this cringe hipster then it devolved into this dumb ass drug addict licking toads .

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Go dilate and you'll feel better.

Shane, the guy who went to Liberia to interview general but naked.

The guy the got a couple of thao lady boys and brought them back to his hotel with a jaccuzzi.

there's literally a how-to video:

>See VICE guide to Liberia
>Think I found a cool website
>Immediately see article about fat homeless lesbians that eat out of dumpsters

why are you asking me these things? Have you already decided leftism is retarded and bad without doing any research into what they believe? Sure seems that way.

Ironically I first heard about George Soros from a black activist that didn't like Jew interlopers into the black civil rights movements. He was red pilled about a lot of stuff. Interesting dude.I wonder if Louis Farakkahn getting banned will red pill black people at all.

CNN and msnbc get far more page views than OD aka “Washington Press” - they have direct traffic and more referrals whereas OD relies only on a few FB pages





>Loses the argument
>Throws the game board up in the air like a child
Have sex.

>that video where they interviewed the african warlord who ate people on the battlefield

what the fuck went so wrong since then?

Their Syrian Civil War/ISIS documentaries were their only saving grace.

>So what's the new social media that will claim the throne?
who knows? for about 5 min everyone thought it would be G+, and even trying to force people to use it didn't save it, and google finally took it out behind the shed and put it down last month. If what's her name gets her way and breaks facebutt and other social media up like Bell Telephone in the 80s, I doubt we will see a clear cut replacement.

>Have you already decided leftism is retarded and bad without doing any research into what they believe?
Hahaha fucking what

>I wonder if Louis Farakkahn getting banned will red pill black people at all.
Snoop Dogg tweeted that Facebook should ban him because he supports Farrakahn and that his followers should flood the place with Farrakahn videos. Tons and tons of blacks unironically support the dude, they consider him a minister and a hero.

So the answer to that is probably no. I think in other ways a lot more blacks are leaving the left though, more and more they're looking at the shit around them and realizing the Democrats and liberals who run every major area they live in haven't done shit for them in 50 years.

Though let's be real, the grand majority of blacks are just Worldstar stereotypes who can barely speak much less cognate socially or politically.

kek, you probably have some trotskyist insider already

The actual tipping point was 2013. Obama's re-election was the tipping point as the lunatic left never expected Obama to get re-elected and when he did, they started to accelerate their evil schemes because they thought the re-election of a black man to the Presidency, meant that the nation had "changed" enough to hit the pedal and accelerate to their end goal: A Thousand Year SJW Reich

you are correct

4+Yea Forums /leftypol/

>having to filter out something

yeah, nah

The boomers bought vice and started social justice marketing like retards.

I aint watching that shit

Clearly this guy hasn't joined the #yanggang

>why are you asking me to back up my outlandish claims with some scrap of evidence

lmfao kid you're alllll-right

that's the opposite of vice spirit but then again, since their shift towards tv, viceland, vice news, it's been nothing but a shell of what vice was
>Shane Smith (20%)
>The Walt Disney Company (26%)
>A&E Networks (20%)
>TPG Capital (44%)
This is all you need to know about Vice now.

As I said, Obama's election plus the now discredited demographic math meme (which said that 2012 was the last time the GOP could win by going after just the white vote) made the lunatic left think shit had changed more than it had really changed. They accelerated and accelerated HARD and it backfired big time when Gamergate hit and woke the sleeping masses and stopped their plans and put them on the defensive

Tim pool. He recently got tired of this shit and wants to make skate videos. I’m surprised he lasted this long covering the shit

>If what's her name gets her way and breaks facebutt and other social media up like Bell Telephone in the 80s




He didn't leave the company, he was thrown out by pinkhairs, like they did at Mozilla and tried to do with Linux.

>this fat fuck stayed
>gavin left

If Shane weren't a fat raging alcoholic he'd sell his stake yesterday and sail off into the sunset.

this it's obvious to anyone with literally more than two braincells to rub together

corporations&banks (who are objectively disproportionately run by jews, thanks for making me antisemitic /pol/) HATE grassroots movements so they lobby government to infiltrate and derail them

transnational companies, business interests and a small group of very, very rich men rule the world and want to keep ruling it so in their efforts they drive the planet further into the ground

>christians are dumb and backward
>but that guy that hurt my feelings is going to hell
Why do people tell journalists to learn to code? Ohhhh, riiight, because of journalists telling blue collar whites to die.
I hear Rust is good this time of year.

So he's not fighting twitter anymore? That's too bad.





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SJWs were created by the feds to divide&conquer the occupy movement, as they were quickly becoming an actual threat to the plutocratic hegemony of judeomasonic ultra rich coastal elites

at first the occupy movement was united in opposition to corporations, then COINTELPRO did its magic by injecting identity politics which the left stupidly lapped up, and suddenly the movement was less about "end extreme income inequality and corporate irresponsibility" and more "oppresion pyramids, intersectional racial theory, whites not allowed to participate" SJW nonsense that has permeated the left

The thing about the white vote is the Sailer strategy: whites united still beat everybody because nonwhites don't vote. If every mestizo in the country actually voted (which our broken system would allow regardless of citizenship) they'd have been a bellwether plurality in the 2000s. As it is, even when they're a majority, that won't show up in polling because they don't vote.

He makes daily videos on youtube where he reads articles and gives his opinion on it. Always gets dozens of thousands of views per video.

the funny part is that his alcoholism is part of what made early vice docs so great because Shane would drink to deal with very scary situations he was in. Look at the one about Sudan, for instance, he interviews a warlord while slurring drunk. the tv crew was in the country illegally sneaking around past armed police units to get there and faced serious prison time if caught.

There's an interview somewhere, an original Occupy guy saying everything was going fine (by activist standards) and then one day there were all these new people imposing these rules about who could speak. The "Progressive Stack" was a hierarchy rewarding nonwhiteness.

fuck off faggot it never was

This guy gets it. I went to the first Occupy protest in Oakland and there were all kinds of middle class people of all races (mostly white though) like the nurses union. I went to another one a few months later and it became a shitshow of "fuck white ppl" and "I'm a lesbian-communist-black-depressed-handicapped-whateverist person so you need to let me make speeches for hours" ...it became really retarded and went off the rails about the initial intent of OWS. A few years later Black Lives Matter happened and it's like OWS never happened.

unironically Yea Forums

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iddk, i just hope that it allows c*nnyposting

>Popular social media is all about attention whoring.
Both true and untrue.
>People who care about anonymity are a very small minority.
Completely wrong. Everyone cares.
There is a need to present yourself, and there is a need to be free from whatever that could be restrictive, platform, it's community or own identity
Even if that's happening on the same platform, in the same place

Smith staged a coup to expel Gavin from the magazine. It's widely known.

There was three founders of Vice: Shane (who handled the money and hiring at the company), Gavin (who was in charge of the entire creative direction of the magazine, in terms of controlling what kinds of articles the magazine ran and their tone, the themes of each issue, and even ghost write a ton of articles when the writing staff came up short and they needed articles written ASAP to fill the remaining pages of the magazine that month, and a third guy (a Paki) who was a huge heroin addict and who basically did nothing.

>Be Disney
>Invest 400 million into new internet media company
>User growth isn't as expected
>OY VEY better call the whole thing a loss
>Disney now has a 400 million tax write off

Basically Disney bought Vice and got the US government to pay for it.

What the fuck is up with ketamine dealers?

>2.3 billion from Endgame
>get about 1 billion after split with foreign and US theaters
>movie cost 400 to 500 million dollars to make and market
>lose 400 million on Vice
>yfw Disney barely broke even on Endgame

Is Disney finished?

Shane wanted to sell out and sell Vice to the highest bidder. He was also getting pissed off that Gavin was slipping and letting his true conservative nature come out (Shane believed it would kill Vice, as this was back during the height of the Bush II era).

So Shane wanted to get rid of Gavin and sell Vice. To do so, he spent several years hatching his plot: he basically neutralized the third founder by basically telling him he was cool with him shooting heroin and being worthless and having him buy off of dealers that Shane knew who would keep him supplied so as to make him a non-entity at Vice. He then manipulated an overworked and underpaid Gavin into letting him take on more of the responsibilities at the company. This included hiring all of the editors and writers, which was normally Gavin's job. One Shane had put people that were loyal to him and him alone and got the Paki so drug addled that he would do anything Shane wanted to get his next fix from Shane's dealer friends, Shane staged a full on coup and forced Gavin to take a massive buy-out of his ownership of the company and sign a NDA that banned him from ever talking shit about how Shane stabbed him in the back and betrayed him, or else be fired and get NOTHING. To the point that, to this day, Gavin basically has to dance super tightly, around how he left Vice in terms of just saying he was "bought out".

Shane won and sold the company, but at the time, Gavin came out ahead. Post-Gavin Vice had SEVERAL years in the wilderness being non-profitable and doing multiple failed ventures (including a failed partnership with MTV) before their Youtube channel finally caught on and they used it to get their HBO deal. Meanwhile Gavin formed his own ad agency and did quite well until his infamous anti-trans article came out and he was expelled from said agency (which basically caused him to go full alt-right).

What was up with the Paki? Did he front seed money back in the day?

>would be the key to advertising towards younger people
I guess they never heard of ublock

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Its almost like they prioritized hiring woke minorities instead of competent people.

Are you in NYC? Did you work for Vice?

It's real.

Not sure because I'll probably still be stuck here with you retards

>go out to lunch at trendy, shitty, overpriced taco restaurant
>server has giant perfect titties but this is irrelevant
>overhear table next to us
>two 20-something white girls, dressed like a hipster halloween costume
>"It's just so nice to finally be writing for Vice. I really feel so connected to my generation, for once."
>take a smelly shit in the bathroom
>consider not flushing

I fucking hate Vice and their influence on my garbage generation


>archiving the internet is right-wing


>Snapchat is truly for kids
i thought it was to get nudes from streamers?




>blowing 400 million to try and stop people from naturally coming to the conclusion that Jews are evil

what if you take a picture of the picture?

On snapchat if you screenshot a picture the person who sent it will be notified

So is there a voice and tone like that, now, that isn't nutty, reactionary, alt-right?

I'm assuming the people that think colleges brainwash kids have never been to college? You're lucky to get most of their fuckers to go to class let a lone give to shits what's being said. And half of that shit is online now so you don't even have contact with anyone. College is boring as fuck.

I have a snapchat and if normies don't want to add me on there they can go kill themselves. If I'm using social media it's going to be strictly what I want people to see instead of every dipfuck in the world shitting on themselves. The reason why faceberg gets shilled so hard is so that wrong thinkers can have their lives ruined over a slightly edgy meme posted. Snapchat is better because it's more personal

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I'm sure there's ways to block that?

you can but it requires an external app to work around or a screen recorder. the external apps also usually get you banned

new generations in college



You can record your screen prior to opening the snap. I've held onto countless nudes this way.

well that's why there's root or just use a pc?

i dont know why you're interrogatinf me im just answering yiur question ;_;

well if you're sending nudes to people and think they are being deleted then you should probably know that they aren't

just have a second phone to snap a pic of it lmao

o-ok thanks

>Frankfurt School

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