Why are Australian horror movies so damn good...

Why are Australian horror movies so damn good? Is it because they're in constant fear for their lives whenever they step foot outside?

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They aren't. You're just saying they are because you work for some australian film commission or grant department. Kill your family, shill.

Has the communication skills of this board broken down so much that any word of positivity is automatically suspect? You can like things and start threads about the things that you like. It's okay. You're allowed to do that.

Yes, replying in the manner of a redditor or some other outsider will make you less suspect, retard. Do it. Kill your little boy.

Not everyone goes out of their way to act like a fourteen year old edgelord, chief.

>keeps the reddit space
>keeps trying to force the country that brought us Babadook like it's some cinematic powerhouse
You lost, outsider.

Okay? Do you feel better now that's out of your system?

They're called question marks, not statement marks, femme brain.

What happened that you're so angry? Work okay?

>the femme brain attempts to use feelings to judge the situation (as always)
You're not doing so well, shill.

Well, I mean, you're obviously upset. If you talked about why you're so emotional over this thread existing, you might feel better.

Snowtown and Lake Mungo are modern classics.

>calling your unfounded claim obvious in an attempt to make it seem true
It must be your first day here. Here's a question for you: Why do literally all the horror movies frrom your prison island shit when even non-English speakers in Asia can make horror kino?
Imagine samefagging your shit thread and pretending no one will notice even though you used the same outsider formatting as all your other posts.

Lake Mungo is based

I mean, like, you could be doing anything else right now. But you're just wasting your time on here. Doing this. Don't you have any hobbies? Anything better to do? But you're just having an emotional outburst here, on this anonymous Korean basket-weaving forum. Do you get some sort of...emotional gratification from acting like an edgy fourteen year old in front of everyone? Aren't you embarrassed?

the only, and i mean THE ONLY good aussie horror is RAZORBACK

Holy shit, I'm sold on the premise and the poster alone.

Attached: razor.jpg (736x556, 119K)

Fuck off nigger

you will not be disappointed

>I mean, like,
Stopped reading right there. Fags and women hold no sway here. It's obvious you can't answer the simple question asked of you because that would mean admitting the nanny state you work for has to admit it's getting shown up by non-Anglophones.
>posting from a phone
>on Yea Forums
Die, normie zoomer.

I need to see it again. I wasn’t as into slow-burn horror as I am now, when I saw it the first time.

Thx for bumping the thread :)

Did an Australian take your girlfriend, man? Is that what happened?

Again, gays and women don't belong here.
>pretending the femme-brained psychology angle is going to work after it being explained to you that you're not smart enough to pull it off
Pay attention, Sheila, you stupid whore.

I just wanna know why you're so upset by the existence of other people. It's gonna be okay, man. I promise.

Gays and women aren't people, dunce. If you'd lurked like you should've, you wouldn't need locals to tell you what's up.

you know what actually i take that back. i forgot about THE SURVIVOR and NEXT OF KIN

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So like, if women and gays are both inhuman, then you're kinda limited in your dating options, aren't you? Oh wait, this is sour grapes psychology! I get it now. You're just upset because no one will go out with you.

Abo detected.

and it's more cosmic horror but THE LAST WAVE

Attached: last-wave1.jpg (533x763, 108K)

That zombie movie that came out a few years ago was pretty good. Also Black Sheep.

>i'll just keep acting faggy and pretend the psychology angle is going to work
You know this is why you queers get murdered, right? You think you're Oscar Wilde and you keep pushing until you mouth off to the wrong person who puts you in your place permanently.
Did they teach you to go caps for the full title in aborigine school?

t. shut-in virgin loser with zero friends

Please stop samefagging. Your grandfather would be ashamed.

Dude, fucking relax. You're going to give yourself an aneurysm. Behaving like this is obviously not making you happy. So why do you keep doing it?

>that outsider who doesn't know when greentext is appropriate and ends up calling himself a shut-in virgin loser with zero friends
So this is the power of an australian education.
>u mad!
Congrats, you're operating on the same level as a little black kid getting told on the playground.

>The Australian Film Commission (AFC) was an Australian government agency with a mandate to promote the creation and distribution of films in Australia as well as to preserve the country's film history. It also had a production arm responsible for production and commissioning of films for the Australian Government. It was established by the Whitlam Government in 1975 as the successor to the Australian Film Development Corporation set up by the Gorton Government. The AFC had offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane.[1]

>The AFC was funded in part by the national government and in part from its return on investments in film production as well as interest on film development loans. It financially assisted film and television production and also produced films generally intended for government purposes, through its production arm, Film Australia,[2]—previously known as the Commonwealth Film Unit. A Film Australia feature film for children, Let the Balloon Go, was released in 1976.

>In 1998-99, Film Finance Corporation Australia was set up as a government-owned corporation and took over the major role of financing feature film and television production, with the AFC concentrating on the funding of development, marketing and research work for the media. Film Australia became a separate entity.

>Then in legislation in 2008, the Australian Government created a new agency, Screen Australia, which merged the major government film bodies Film Finance Corporation Australia, Film Australia, and the Australian Film Commission back into a single body, albeit with slightly different functions, roles and financing methods. Screen Australia started operating in July 2008.

How fucking sad does a government have to be to shill on Yea Forums?

Like, you've spent the better part of an hour being an edgelord in public. You're obviously upset, and it's weird. I want to know why you're so angry over the existence of Australian horror movies. Honestly, this is more fascinating than anything else that I could be doing. Why are you, you?

>i bet saying "like" will make him mad instead of pity me for not having a decent father
You try too hard and you're not smart enough, Oscar.

>if I don’t like X, anyone that does is coming from a disingenuous place. I am the ultimate arbiter of taste, and my opinion is objective fact. I have no issue existing offline, have a social life and people enjoy being in my company

How fucking sad does a government have to be to shill on Yea Forums?

The guy replying to OP is a faggot and OP is based for making a non capeshit/GoT thread

Dude, you're the one sperging out like this, and you're insulting my parentage?

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How fucking sad does a government have to be to shill on Yea Forums?

They aren't, you strange little man.

I honestly don't know what this guy's problem is. Australia is doing some cool shit with their scary movies, how is this a bad thing for a thread?

>no u!
>u mad!
You argue like a black kid.
We don't format like that here, G-man. This isn't reddit. We don't eat shit like Babadook here.

How many devices do you think OP is posting from right now? How much does Faggot Island pay him to shill here in an attempt to make aussie film a "thing" when it never will be?

Check out Acolytes. Underated australian horror.

If you aren't mad, then why are you acting like you're mad? Why aren't you doing something else? Anything else? Literally anything you could be doing would be more enriching than this. I'm just a dick that enjoys egging people like you along, so I can do this all night and have a great time.

You are so fucking weird, dude. This is seriously the funniest shit in a long time.

Why do you women need to explain everything in the context of emotions?
>I'm just a dick that enjoys egging people like you along, so I can do this all night and have a great time.
Ah, yes, the old "I'm just like you, fellow 4channers!" strategy. You're an absolute moron and shit at your job.
>hurr durr ur so le random!

Get a good look, Yea Forums. This is the best Australia can do in an attempt to get you to watch their low quality films. Pathetic. You'd think the decedents of criminals would be better liars and swindlers.

Ausfag here. Haven't seen that one but Babadook was goofy and stupid.
Wake in Fright is fucking terrifying though.
The lighting and soundtrack in that is incredible. Iva Davies from Icehouse did the music.

Boys in the Trees was really good too. Innuendo was unsettling.

Bet money this guy’s ex is dating an Australian filmmaker. Do you think he writes out porn involving them, or does he just use his imagination? She probably has him blocked on Facebook, so he has a fake following her. Just silently watching them be happy together while he silently seethes.

Like, why are you behaving like this? Just tell us. I can't be the only person that's wondering what's animating your deeply weird ass.

Tell us more about your cuckold fantasies, queerbait.

Lake Mungo was super spooky right up until it turned out it wasn't a skinwalker story.

Speaking of which, did a movie ever get made that's similar in tone to the skinwalker pastas you see on /x/? Like a dude and his friend(s) in the woods and one gets killed/replaced/imitated by a walker?

Is there anything skinwalker related that's good? I tend to roll my eyes at that shit, so I'm genuinely curious.

>when you come from an English speaking country but fail 10 times harder at making decent movies than even the koreans

Oh my fucking god. How long has it been since this guy’s gone out with friends?

>everything is about emotions and socialization, right fellow ladies?!

>Oh my fucking god.

Attached: Limp Wrist.jpg (550x309, 11K)

hahaha oh wow

>hahaha oh wow

Is that supposed to be an insult? Not everyone's in the closet, man, or, again, behaving like a fourteen year old edgelord in public.

Anyone seen Snowtown?

>being gay is acceptable and anyone who thinks otherwise is a teenage edgelord!!!

This is getting less funny and more depressing.

Go in fresh, and keep in mind that it's a true-crime story about serial killers that went to pains in order to be as accurate to the crimes as possible.

>remember, ladies, feelings are what really counts!

>definitely isn’t having an emotional outburst in public, over the existence of Australian horror movies.

>everyone feels their way through life just like me!

What else is this episode that you're having other than an emotional outburst? As has been pointed out to you, there's an unlimited number of things that you could be doing, rather than this. What is the purpose of your behavior?

>you must be emotional otherwise you wouldn't be here doing the thing i'm doing too!

>I don't have emotions, screeched the guy having an emotional outburst

I’m just egging you along, shitlord. If you were a bull, I’d have a red cape, but ain’t no one called you a bull, eh Nancy?

>thaying you you're not emotional tight now ith jutht like thaying you don't have them

What are you even doing, Deborah? What does that even mean?

>76 posts
>11 posters

Attached: 1536303641019.png (380x342, 263K)

>i'm actually the one in charge here, shitlord. i'm MAKING you make fun of me and my shilling job. i'm jutht THAT powerful on an anonymous site, girlfriend!
>i'll thtart calling YOU a girl now! that'll show you I'm not thtupid!

Just think, if the edgelord had just not said anything, the thread would've died a natural death by now. But instead, he just keeps it on the front page. Amazing. Has the self awareness of a toadstool.


>not recognizing Cox' affectation

And you say I'm new, Rachel.

Attached: WkK0O.jpg (1920x1080, 95K)

>i'm MAKING him rethpond! thith ith acthully what i want him to do!
>what do you mean you don't watch thcrubths? itth redditth favorite! itth tho much FUN!!!

Awww, look at this little closet case. Come on out sweety, we’re ready to welcome you whenever you’re ready.

>making fun of uth gays means you're actually gay too! thith ith highly logical.

Why are you talking like that? Are you like this in public? Do you have a job?

Like, if fucko over here thought this was a shill thread, why is he helping to keep it on the front page? I smell a false flag!

>Ummmm.... like.... why are you talking like that? Are you like thith in public? I bet you don't even work for the Authtralian Film Board

Ma’am, this is a Denny’s

do you have a diagnosed mental illness? Are you on medication for your condition?

>being an edgy fourteen year old is a mental illness

>thtop! you mutht be crathy or thumthing...
>have thex thweety

How many times has missy over here been asked to leave an establishment?


No, like, seriously. What’s your diagnosis aside from just being an asshole with zero self awareness?

>thethe empty lineth make my pothts tho much eathier to read. they don't mean i'm from reddit or leaning dithabled!

>No....... like.............. theriously, aththole. can i pinch your script? i totes need a xanax!

Thank you for helping me keep my thread on the main page, and providing me with plenty of entertainment. I’m getting caught up on my podcasts while I wind your spergy ass up.

Dude, line breaks are in the MLA style-guide. If someone breaks up paragraphs with a space, it means they went to college. So, you've pretty much got that exactly backwards.

>Is there anything skinwalker related that's good?
The Feast movies are pretty good. They're more comedic than actually scary, though. Imagine the cast from It's Always Sunny having to escape a town full of skinless Gremlins on steroids.

>danth monkey! i'm MAKING you do thith! i'm powerful and independent no matter what you white males thay!
>the thtyle guide theth that you should do thith, thweety! thath why all thoth bokth and newthpaperth are double spathed! it hath nothing to do with me finding everything hard to read!

You can stop responding whenever you like, ma'am. As long as I can upset you, I'll keep this thread alive.

I can't believe they have to publicly fund movies other there

>thee? i'm MAKING you rethpond!
It's a backwards country in literally every way.

Speaking as an American, I'd much rather have my tax money go to the arts than the military.

How is publicly funded arts backwards?

Nice try, Bruce. You're not American.
>How is forcing people to financially subsidize artists wrong?
This is how people can tell you're from a nanny state without any further information. Now tell me about how you're happy you don't have the means to defend yourself or your family. Then get arrested for having flat girl porn. You're chump who flushed the Enlightenment down the shitter.

Can you possibly be projecting any harder? Also, none of that invalidates why publicly funded arts is a good idea. We have the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) in America, and they're part of what keeps the arts alive in this country. Shakespeare's entire career depended on the patronage of the state, as just one example I can think of immediately. Or the Sistine Chapel, any number of great works by the masters depended on public funding. Fucking Mozart! Jesus wept.

>. Now tell me about how you're happy you don't have the means to defend yourself or your family
Country isn't a shithole, don't need to.

>you're being tho thilly! the public hath a right to appropriate the product of your labor. don't you underthand? all these other countries that you don't live in did it!
Is, you can't. You're childish for believing otherwise and allowing the state to convince you that you're not capable of it or of or to be trusted with protecting yourself, your family and your property. Read that again: You are fucking childish. That's why they call it a nanny state and that's why men don't respect you.

>if you aren’t cowering in your bunker cause your neighbor has brown skin then you’re acting like a child.

Well fucking excuse me for actually trying to address you like an adult.

The prom subplot in this movie was almost irrelevant.

>the nanny state slave can't comprehend concealed carry because his overlords have decreed that he can't be trusted with personal responsibility
I like how every post you make just illustrates how thoughtless you are.

>Well fucking exthuse me!

It sets the plot in motion, and that's all it really needs to do.

>she says, definitely having a strong grasp of Australian politics, crime rates, their history with guns and the opinions of the public, from America, definitely knowing how other countries should conduct themselves

as an American taxpayer, i'd support my taxes going to the military to shoot artists.

>she says on an anonymous Amsterdam wooden shoe appreciation website devoted to the discussion of the arts, created by artists

>you don't know why we don't have these freedoms and personal responsibilities, so it doesn't matter that we don't have them
Yes, that's right. Mommy will take care of you. Put your head back under the covers. It's OK to be a baby all your life. All those lessons from history about becoming an independent adult male have nothing to do with you. It's better this way. Just give mommy your paycheck and she'll do the rest.

Says the American, telling other countries how to govern themselves. Like an American.

On an American site. That all the inferior countries come to in order to talk about American media and partake in American memes. Because all other western nations failed to not fuck themselves up last century. Yes, you really brought some shit to light here.

>my country gets to tell everyone else how to govern themselves, while we can’t even do a good job governing ourselves. And then we screech like an inbred hillbilly if anyone points out good ideas from other countries.

>>my country gets to tell everyone else how to govern themselves
In this case we're just laughing at you for being toddlers.
>while we can’t even do a good job governing ourselves
Largest economy. Most powerful military. Most cultural influence. You're just crying because you don't understand the necessity of social stratification. Your retarded ancestors relied on sentimentality instead of reason. There has to be winners and losers for capitalism to work.
>And then we screech like an inbred hillbilly if anyone points out good ideas from other countries.
Must really grind your gears to know that without my country having a military presence in yours, your lifestyle simply wouldn't exist. Who do you think keeps the prices of imports low by deterring actual fucking naval piracy, crib inhabitant? You can't even provide the baseline requirements of a functioning country for yourselves. What's worse is that you wear this as a badge of honor, as if living in fantasy land where bad guys will just leave you alone is strength and sign of enlightenment. Grow up. Figure out how the world works. Figure out how people actually behave. Mommy won't protect you forever.

Where do you work again?

Having trouble coming up with a factual argument against anything I've said? Trying to deflect or change the subject? Figures. I run a cluster of homes that house people with developmental disabilities. That's why it's so easy to corner you in an argument. You're literally on the same level as the retards. It's my job to manage large numbers of people like you.

This entire sperg-out is due to some American busybody who’s outraged that other countries govern themselves in a way that he doesn’t like. He’s been rage posting for three hours because another country, that he has no say in, publicly funds the arts...when his tax money goes to the National Endowment for the Arts, which annually contributes to filmmaking projects.

>definitely isn’t a NEAT either living off of his parents or some form of the social safety net while trumpeting the values of ‘by-your-bootstraps’ capitalism that he’s under the delusion America operates under

God you’re boring

>y-you're emotional!
>y-you're trying to tell us what to do instead of laughing at us for being children
>the NEA means you're a hypocrite even though I have no idea of its budget relative to anything or how that budget is funded
So basically you're just repeating yourself. I'm thinking you're the sperg here.
>no one else could possibly be a grown up since I'm not
You can start by reliably ending sentences like an adult white person, child.

Glad to see you've all come to your senses and realize that there's nothing interesting about australian movies and that they literally have to be shilled for anyone to notice. Morons.

I'm going to go read a book.

You definitely fucking need to, kid.

>busybody who’s outraged that other countries govern themselves in a way that he doesn’t like
>t. australian who thinks americans need to get rid of their rights and enforce "sensible gun control"

Loved Ones is okay, was incredibly hyped up at the time and I found it a little disappointing. My other Aussie horror reference is Body Melt, which is paced like shit but has a couple fantastic moments that aren’t worth the rest of the movie. The whole hillbilly subplot was retarded

Dumb niggers like you are 9/10 of why Yea Forums sucks these days. I hope you die coughing blood asshole.

>mad shill is mad
This board sucks because of kids (anyone under 25), redditors and phones. It's not even debatable.

Australians will never be members of the film community and jannies will never be members of the Yea Forums community. This is a shill thread paid for by The Australian Film Commission.

>what is walkabout
>what is wake in fright
>what is picnic at hanging rock
>what is the interview
>what is dead calm

Attached: Walkabout.1971.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE-[47.59.835-49.14.452].webm (640x360, 2.84M)

Lowbrow garbage, Bruce. It's like your toddler hanging you a finger painted picture and calling it high art.