ITT: true kino that only capeshitters and enemies of cinema hate
ITT: true kino that only capeshitters and enemies of cinema hate
Quite honestly, Linklater nailed the passage of time thing better with the Before Trilogy than Boyhood, though Boyhood is good.
lmao YMS likes this movie
fuck off fag
>dude it took 12 years to make
Imagine being involved in making this movie and wasting 12 years of your life
It wasn't very good; childhood was okay, everything past the age of 13 is just kind of mediocre.
that true kino is very forgettable
WHAT THE FUCK IS wrong with you people.
i was involved in a production by a well known director on a well known film. it was his passion project. the script was 500 pages. he got 1/10th of the budget he asked for but still stormed ahead to shoot the massive undertaking. "it's gonna be the greatest film of all time," he said, "no one has ever done a film this big on this budget."
it was a fucking nightmare. we were in the jungle in Mexico for 2 months living in concrete blocks, sleeping on fishnets and being eaten alive by mosquitos. i personally got the shits twice, probably from eating un-boiled carrots I bought from a Mayan.
shooting went on for 2 and a half years. toward the end of the shoot the director didnt even get licenses for shooting locations; he would have people show up and just expect them to act in the middle of public spaces like a mall and a bar. we spent a week shooting a bar scene where we didnt even have the bar set up; we were just supposed to go in and shoot and hope we didn't get kicked out.
whatever, case in point, passion projects are fucking bullshit, don't listen to passionate artists, they are too headstrong and dogmatic
oh yeah, my point ultimately was, a 12 year project is a gimmick; film is about using your imagination. thanks for the ted talk
Chaos Walking?
Did you also tow a ship through the jungle? Werner is that you?
>grosses 10 billion dollars while being kino in your path
>not a film everyone can agree was shit
pocahontas, dances with wolves... story has been done before, it's not shit, but there's nothing special about it.
if RLM didn't like it then I don't like it. Simples!
I agree with this post.
Also Before Sunset is my favorite of the three.
I bet the actor kills himself at some point. Guaranteed
The same could be said of anything that makes money. Every idea has already been done.
haha yeah imagine wasting that much of your life
>film is about using your imagination
If you wanted to use your imagination you'd read a book you fucking cretin
However you wasted your time was more worthwhile then the production of boyhood, masturbating, playing video games and browsing Yea Forums while living in your parents house was a better pursuit, take solace in the fact that you weren't involved in making this trash.
the boy turned ugly when he grew up, what a disappointment