Why do I get sociopath vibes from this guy

why do I get sociopath vibes from this guy

seems like a nice enough dude but something’s “off”

Attached: B8E55E70-9051-48F1-8267-64B7E0D7A965.png (1334x750, 1.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:


his channel is youtube kino

He unironically has Asperger's, unlike the incels here who claim that disease to get on disability. You can tell from his stilted physical mannerisms, over-practiced expressions, and the way he tries to stare at people's faces when they talk.
I'm pretty sure that's why he started doing the show, i.e. because he has a disability too.

post more wonderful adorable monsters

Attached: magic best friend autism.png (699x395, 458K)

because he rapes all the freaks in his show

>pic very related

Attached: file.png (768x565, 476K)

>To stare into the void

Attached: Screenshot-2019-1-26 tv - What's his fucking endgame - Television Film - 4chan.jpg (1640x3859, 1021K)

dios mio..

because you're unadjusted and you project your own mental illness onto others.

Literal brainlets

Attached: 400.jpg (585x399, 79K)

Why do you post these threads from your phone, but reply from your pc computer?

>pc computer
>personal computer computer

you absolute buffoon

Attached: CA01B9D4-223A-4050-A4FF-5B13A95066E0.png (1334x750, 1.4M)

i noticed the same thing, it's just the same phoneposter spamming the same thread over and over. i think he's in love with SBBSK.

these are the best types of threads

Thanks. I didn't need to know this existed

post that webm

>he doesn't know

pretty much me on the left

I legit thought I was looking at a ventriloquist from the thumbnail

Attached: the-harrowing-of-hell-follower-of-hieronymus-bosch.jpg (900x674, 172K)

>implying you wouldn't

People who hate on these videos are literal brainlets.

dude he beat the crap out of that girl of course he's a sociopath


For real though, I get the vibe that he's an evangelical Christian and there's an underlying anti-abortion message to the whole thing. You can hear it in the way he keeps going back to the point that all of these people "have a right to be born and to live their lives."

Imagine being malformed and this Chad-lite mogs you on youtube

The guy looks like a complete faggot

>30 minutes
finally he's fucked off

>not picking the Chromozoned 18 girl
What's it like having shit taste user?

Why do you say that? Do you want to kiss him or something?