/tp/ - Twin Peaks

Why did Leland RAPE Laura Palmer? Did he just want to have sex with a young girl like in Fire Walk With Me or did he want to forcibly rape his daughter?

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because she was the chosen one

You didn't need to spoiler that. Everyone who has even hard of Twin Peaks knows Leland did it.

I didn't know. Just watched it a year ago and managed to watch all of it without knowing how things end up


Bob did the raping you absolutely Peakslet

I watched it for the first time last year without knowing who did it. I am a bong though, so maybe it was bigger in the states and everyone knows who did it.

have sex

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Sorry, keep forgetting and just select it from the autocomplete thingy

But Bob was just a metaphor for evil

>reddit pseud general


/tpg/ > /tp/

fuck your half-assed threads

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He does this to keep the "david lunch lol" bot out. FUCK YOU LUNCHBOT!!! YOU FUCKING FUCK. FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUCK!!

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Lynch fans are insufferable queers.

How does one full-ass a peaks thread

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Here's to your fuck, Frank.

Reminder season 3 was garbage

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I truly think Fire Walk With Me would have been significantly better and better received by critics and audiences if Cooper was in all the Desmond scenes as per the original script. I know there's a running theory that the Deer Meadow stuff is all Cooper's dream (the one he tries to talk to Cole about), but it would've been much stronger if it was all Coop.

>reddit imports still have Yea Forums folders
Newfag detected.

the only reason they got kyle at all was by casting bowie as jeffries

Why did everyone care so much about that coked up ugly roastie? honestly that's what I didn't understand about the show

Well the town is very small (5,000 people the sign is canonically wrong) and she did a ton of work in the community: she taught Josie English, she worked with Johnny Horne, she did the meals on wheels, was the homecoming queen, etc. So everyone knew her at face value as a beautiful girl who is a shining star in the community. Of course the people that banged her knew she was a filthy whore but they loved that too.

I also think part of it is because Lynch had a weird upbringing and probably autistic and I think he truly thinks small towns are that connected.

Small towns are pretty connected, he's not wrong. It's like pareto principal- 20% of the people are doing 80% of the things that go on.
If you have a daily routine, as all of the people in the show do, you will be running into the same people time and time again.

If I could go back in time I'd figure out a way for Kyle to play the entire role as he was meant to.
And I'd tell Lynch not to fuck up the editing in the Jefferies / Convenience Store scene.

Favorite scene?


I would change nothing, not even late season 2.
It would mean we wouldn't have gotten the same Return, if we got The Return at all.

I bet his mom was a druggie whore too.

I'm a huge Lynch fan and honestly the Return should've been 12 episodes.

>I'm a huge Lynch fan


The Return is probably the best show ever put on television. If Fire Walk With Me wasn't so perfect it would be far and away the best part of the franchise.

small towns are pretty connected though. twin peaks in a weird way remind me of my high school. always knew all the kids and their parents and what they were up to


The Return blew reddit the fuck out.

It was originally planned to be just 12 episodes but Showtime wanted to milk that cow for all it was worth.

>acshtully reddit doesn't even like this show despite all proof of every poster who discusses it here being a redditor proving otherwise
Uh huh.

Most of his stuff is literal

Literally fucking stupid.

why didn't coop pull out?

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reminder tp is a scifi and about interdimensional beings

>if i keep forcing it others will follow!

Lynch is based and will always be based, zoomie.
Get real.

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watch the doc above majestic. Will explain everything

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only zoomers like the return

weak bait

So, the owls are the eyes and ears of the spirits inhabiting both Lodges? Yin & Yang, the town a chess board? Laura's intuition helped her understand and traverse the Black Lodge, hence she didn't fall prey to the Doppelgänger like Coop did. Mind you, I've only seen the S1 & 2 of the series, not FWWM nor Return.
Audrey is the best girl, Shelly is nice, Donna should be slapped, Norma too safe

How is that bait? It's true. The Return is for zoomers and pseuds who think its "epic" because its purposely frustrating and obtuse.

You're not even trying dude. Have one last (you).

>purposely frustrating and obtuse
what a brainlet