What will be the Tomatometer scores for the final two episodes (based on leaks and/or well-reasoned theories)????
I predict 40% and 20%
What will be the Tomatometer scores for the final two episodes (based on leaks and/or well-reasoned theories)????
I predict 40% and 20%
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Normies will love the last episode. 100% fresh, cemented as a classic show.
I predict 5% and 11%
>Normies will love the last episode.
Not if Jon winds up killing Dany.
there hasn't been an episode above a 4/10 since hardhome until s8e4. they're just mad because dany is getting btfo
episode 4 is 58% ?
Episode 4 was the best this season
>92% and 88% for fan service episodes where literally nothing happened
I'm starting to realize that if I ever ran a tv show, I'd hate my audience worse than Cersei hates the poor bastards she's cramming into the Red Keep.
I can't wait for the outrage. D&D will revel in it, thinking it was a masterpiece that was expertly crafted throughout the last three seasons. I will revel in it because of the anger that the Yass Queen was slain.
As shit as this season was, Episode 4 was the most entertaining. I mean epi 1 and 2 were absolte shit. Is everyone mad because they killed our waifu?
Season 8's writing has been an absolute shit fire. like, SJW fanfac trash.
Episode 4 triggered SJWs all across the internet, that's actually the only redeeming quality of this season.
Normies will fucking hate the twist of Danny being the final villain.
I can't wait for the outrage.
>"I can't believe they made that crazy bitch who burnt people alive evil!"
She's basically George Bush as a magical girl with dragons.
4 was fucking awful what are you on about. The first half hour was medieval sex in the city
Fucking hate dany and how people kept being cucks and surrendering and serving her. This whole show would be so much better if people weren't such cucks that did all for the pusy and kept becoming whipped
Doesn't matter. A lot of people are expressing hate for this season and the show's almost over.
Hello Mr. Dumb and Dumber, but you're wrong! It will matter! Your reputation is stained now; You don't finish what you start and leave your employers to deal the mess you've created
this, i dont understand. it was my favorite episode of this season by far.
>4 was fucking awful what are you on about.
Still the best of this season
>see characters who look like me, be continually treated like their lives don't matter
lol It's funny. Many other and I, used to hate "MUH DRAGONS" Danny, but the way they're fucking her over this season she's made so sympathetic and takes so much shit i actually hope she wins.
>Sacrifice dragong to save Jon
>Sacrifice half her armies to save em
>Saves the north - they don't give a fuck about her
>Don't/barly get help to take the Iron Throne
>Warden of the north/Sansa hates her for no reason other than silly high school tire "bitch is on my territory"
>Betrayed by Sansa
>Betrayed by Jon
>Betrayed by Tyrion
>Betrayed by Varys
>Melisandre died while Tyrion is "negoating"
>Every advice Tyrion gives her turn to shit
I hope she burns King's Landing and Cersei to the ground, have her dragon eat the little bitch dwarf, put Jon's head on a stick and have sansa eaten by dogs.
Hush and eat up the spin-offs ... and the books (if they're ever finished).
>eat up the spin-offs
Whos the scriptwriter?
Why are Starks the most honorless bunch of ungrateful inbreed fucktards?
>Lord Baelish marches hir army north and saves them in the battle
>They assassinate him after they invited him in as a guest
>Denearys marches her army north and saves them in the battle
>Lmao, lets betray her
Jesus fuck. What is going on. Why are all children and wards of Ned Stark such traitors?
>Robb betrays Walder Frey
>Theon betrays North
>Jon betrays Night watch
>Arya betrays Faceless men
>Sansa betrays Baelish
>Bran betrays Hodor and Frogfu
Fair point but again doesn't matter. You people complain about all of these films and shows and yet end up watching them and discussing them on this board.
I don't pay for them
the second episode was the best of the season so far though, an actual great episode
Good for you.
>What will be the Tomatometer scores for the final two episodes (based on leaks and/or well-reasoned theories)????
They will shut down the tomatometer and blame Russian trolls
no u
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells
Jingle all the rape
Oh, what fun
It is to see
The holes of KL gape
Why do we allow people looking like this to live in civilized countries?
has somebody made a Melisandre the giant joke yet?
um, The Winds of Winter
If D&D make Daenerys mad and order the raping everything is forgiven.
Were women a mistake?
But that doesn't say much...
>only now are people magically realizing how shit got is
It's somehow more infuriating than them never figuring it out
Oh and RT has the entirety of season 6 and 7 as fresh:
2 was fan servicey but it tied up Briennes arc well (she should have died in 3) and had some nice moments. It was a very very easy episode to get right, it was safe, talky and very little happened.
1 is whatever.
4 was messy and rushed and paced insanely badly.
3...dont get me started.
>tfw people who like the new seasons unironically though 1-4 was bad
Why do people act that that rating is somewhat of a success against the got hype propaganda?
The first episode was boring as fuck, dialogue was shit and many more things too, yet it has a 92% rating. It should have a 40% since S5+
Ratings didn't even drop a little bit after S4. They only became a bit more volatile.
don't forget all the people she crucified
Danyfags absolutely SEETHING
With S8E04, "The Last of the Starks" over:
- 2nd worst rated episode by /got/ at 4.27, with the worst episode S8E03, "The Long Night" rated at 4.23 (-0.04)
- 3rd worst rated episode by Westeros.org at 5.53
- 2nd worst rated episode by Rotten Tomatoes at 7.16, with the worst episode S6E08, "No One" rated at 7.00 (-0.16)
- worst rated episode by IMDB at 7.00, with the 2nd worst episode S6E08, "No One" rated at 8.20 (+1.20)
So white anons, can you explain what it feels like to see characters who look like you (Ser Jorah, Robb Stark, Littlefinger, Ned, etc.) die?
And left Astapor, Yunkai and Mareen in worse condition than when she conquered them rife with civil unrest
Episode 3 was the worst one so far.
>long-winded battle episode
>but without any of the interesting dialogue like cersei telling sansa the realities of what will happen instead of comforting her during blackwater
The show is 99% white (it’s a medieval show so not a problem desu) so white people dying is meh, happens all the time.
Am I alone thinking EP 4 was the best this season? They have all been trash, but probably 4>2>1>3
can't you read graphs? the one in OP put e4 as the worst, which even with the episode being bad is wrong, it's only that low because normies get mad at kelly c turning into the mad queen build up
>mad queen build up
Normies won't believe it until the final episode.
muh oppression
>What will be the Tomatometer scores for the final two episodes
Not great, but not terrible. I've seen worse.
so what you're saying is that the showrunners are racist because they have desensitized you from caring that the white people die?
God I hope the SJWs freak out and eat HBO alive. The entertainment industry needs to wake up and realize these mutants are not worth throwing away talented staff and logical story arcs just to cater to them.
Remember when it used to be racist to say some black person looks like a black actor or character, especially if they looked nothing like that actor or character beyond both of them being black? Those were cool times.
He betrayed multiple kings too. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree
It's all just propaganda. They rated it highly because they thought it was the start of YAAAAAS QUEEN and lgbtpoc protagonists win everything (maybe because of the scenes in E1 where Missandei gets microaggressed by northern peasants) and that's it. Rapidly it was clear that's not how its going to go
>ser jorah
didn't give a fuck, too beta
>robb stark
had it coming, completely politically deaf
mad, they had to neuter his character for him to die like that
suprised, but he had it coming like robb
if you get mad at the death of a character based on race, you're unironically racist and retarded
I have rewatched E3 four times now and it only gets better every watch. I honesty think its going to go down as one of the best episodes in the entire series on retrospect
I want to take advantage of the demand for a "black" game of thrones and make one that's kind of interracial. I have a lot of storylines in mind so I just need to make it kind of coherent but the central plot will involve 3 black families, though the 3rd got BLEACHED in the previous two generations and there's tension because "they aren't one of us anymore," especially because the guy who started the bleaching was an extremely low caste white guy. There's a young black kid main character who has a rough time and his ultimate fate is that he talks to much and gets him and his extended family massacred by a bunch of religiously fanatical white dudes at a funeral (that was logistically retarded because they held it in the dead's family lands which are in basically enemy territory during a war, and yes this is entirely inspired by the Serenity Now funeral massacre in World of Warcraft).
Sorry for blogging I just wanna get that off my chest.
discord trannies and feminists are going crazy because danny goes mad lmao. Didnt know there are so many twitter trannies on Yea Forums that also hate on the last episode.
episode 1 and 2 could've been skipped. Nothing happened, it was boring as fuck. Episode 4 at least had some kind of dialogue that makes the show interesting
Reddit hates the show now and HBO doesn't pay to AstroTurf Reddit like Disney does to create false opinions so nah it's going to have to stand on its own merit.
i didn´t know other countries Besides México has this kind of normies too.
lmao fpbp
Sandor and beric?
George Bush was a nice guy. I don"t think Dany is a spokeswoman for the Iron bankers.
you see it everywhere all the time so you don't know what it's like not to. if all characters were black you wouldn't relate or empathize seeing as how you fucking loser pasty incels throw tantrums every time a nonwhite character gets a role in a popular movie.