Season 3 was unironically fucking terrible

Season 3 was unironically fucking terrible.

I love the original series, FWWM and I do like the last two episodes of Season 3, but everything that lead up to it was utter garbage and total disrespect to the fans, the original actors, and everyone involved in the making of it.

Fuck you Yea Forums

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Must feel bad to be so wrong.

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>visually looks like amateur fan film garbage
>focuses on the most bland FBI characters
>7 minutes of sweeping
>boring music performances at the end of nearly every episode
>tons of plots are randomly focused on then abandoned
>ruined nearly every original character from the series
>evil coop's plan made no sense

I liked the sound design at least.

>buys gay phones
>likes gay shows
Must suck being a reddit fish out of water.

Is that you, Michael J. Anderson?

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you know what to do, faggot

>total disrespect to the fans, the original actors

>t. redditor who always tries to hard
>writes like a black kid
Kill you and your family?

>battles his feelings of inadequacy and state of virginity by making shitty threads on 4channel in order to start useless fights with anons

S3 general?
S3 general.
Best new character was definitely Diane

rank seasons
2 >> 1 >> 3

>leans on the female-brained soft """science""" of psychology
>isn't even smart enough to realize the person he's replying to doesn't make threads
This type of shit is why you stay poor.

season 3 is for zoomers who think they are patricians for liking something so different
it's also loved by memespouters


>reddit meme

3 > 1 > 2


>not the Mitchums

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>dude let's just remake the Horne brothers but more reddit!

What isn't reddit to you, zoomeroo?

get bent

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