*Record Scratch*
*Freeze Frame*
Yup, that’s me...
*Record Scratch*
best part of the movie
Yea, fuck Jews lmao
Should’ve learnt German. Even as a kid I thought the knifer wouldn’t understand him as he pleaded.
>/pol/lacks are the only people that are able to justify Upham's cowardliness
Says a lot 2bh
This scene fucked me up as a kid.
To this day I can't even watch it without getting pissed off.
Perhaps that is it's purpose. Jewish propaganda to feel sympathetic to jews. But now the goyim know
>600 million kikes died like this
Didn't know he was jewish, just knew he was a comrade and the dude in the hallway was being a coward and allowed for an agonizingly hopeless and creeping death for his friend when he could have easily been saved.
>not the og poster
I used to admire hitler, then i found out he didn't really kill 6 million jews ;(
Eh, I thought it was kinda realistic. Not everyone’s a hero, user.
Same. Knifing would probably be a faster death but I’d much prefer it if he got beat to death (or better yet knock the German out when he had his head on the floor.)
>tfw you realise the jewish guy represents all jews, the german guy represents nazi germany, the knife represents the holocause, and upham represents america, who just stood by and watched it happen
I can't justify the US' entry into the European war desu
Spielberg has never accused of being a master of subtlety.
you can see the precut stop for the knife
yah its fucked I hate it
He's a talentless hack honestly. He only gets by on account of getting better people to work under him
He shows his star of david neckalace to passing German POWs while saying "Juden" and pointing to himself. His way of talking shit
>who just stood by and watched it happen
was america really ready to stop the holocaust?
Jews aren't anyones comrades or friends
if you look at that exxact moment you can tell there is nothing the knife is stabbing except the uniform, it looks like there is just air beneath the clothing.
*never been
time to stop the drinking
I remember seeing War Horse and seeing the same saccharine sweetness and attempts at some sort of emotional story, but it felt so uninspired and empty.
ya the military teaches you to go shhhuush die now sweetie not to jab him in the heart and go find a real gun as quickly as possible.
>America is at fault for not stopping something they had no idea was happening
I'm not some /pol/fag but to assume that America had virtually any knowledge it was happening until WAY after the fact is history-illiterate.
>everything I don't like is propaganda
must be tiresome.
Good goy. Propaganda doesn't exist. Trust the media, trust hollywood. They know best
>better imprison Asian Americans just in case they're spies!
feel bad for jews, goyim
Doesn't matter, they still resent the US for not declaring war on Germany in 1933. Jews who came to America from the Soviet Union in the 70's will bitch about America turning away Jewish refugees while the USSR was carving up Poland with Hitler. It doesn't have to make sense, it's just an excuse to hate.
All media is propaganda. Meaning is created ex nihilo, forms on the void. Who controls the forms that everyone else sees?
Shut the fuck up back to off to video games, Kojima.
What the fuck are you talking about, retard? Projection is all you have, because you have no argument.
What did he mean by this?
>literally a copy-paste "muh good guy" response due to brainwashing
that's not even remotely cogent, you brainless faggot.
I mean, it WAS bad that we were turning away JEwish refugees. I was just correcting some retard about "hurr durrr, Muricastan knew about da Holocaust".
What does that have to do with my statement that America did not historically know about the Holocaust taking place?
Heather o Rourke died after she got under him
>is literally an "everything I don't like, is propeegander" meme
Jesus, get off this site already and let your brain develop more. You don't know what words mean.
>unlike my fringe, Youtubers, snake oil salesmen and "alternative" media personas who are absolutely not trying to sell a brand, or a book, or remain relevant on social media for neetbucks at all! Trust completely independent, unverified and unqualified sources because I agree with them!
it shows that you are a drooling imbecile
imagine being this fucking stupid
Neither of those things are related to each other though, you colossal fucking retardo.
>u just a dum dum hehee
Propaganda needs to inherently be without consent, coercive and without allowance to criticism you fucking buzzword-riddled, sufferer of mild autism. You consent to watching the news, you aren't force-fed information from your television or media. This isn't North Korea. Something having a political agenda, message or attack, does not propaganda it make.
Fucking brainlet.
"Everything" is not the same thing as "everything I don't like." Virtually all media has some aspects that are more than an impartial presentation of bare facts. If it influences your real-world behavior through anything other than logos, it's propaganda. Admittedly that's a broader definition than others would use, but it's still accurate. Even bare presentations of facts may be biased through selective presentation and omission, and framing.
I like how nobody ever takes your political positions seriously since you can't even properly defend them on any forum, outlet or message board so become a blubbering five year old mess trying to score "u mad" points.
>Virtually all media has some aspects that are more than an impartial presentation of bare facts
That's not propaganda though.
>muh logos
Get the fuck out, pseudo.
>it's accurate because I said so
It's not even remotely accurate. You're just saying "the news lies". Lying doesn't just MAKE something propaganda, I swear...it's like you kids genuinely don't know what constitutes propagandizing.
>Even bare presentations of facts may be biased through selective presentation and omission, and framing.
Having a bias isn't propaganda by itself. You're just using broad strokes to justify this wide birth of things you dislike, labeled as "propeeeganderr".
don't worry they got us back in the end
>Stop something that didn't happen
"Propaganda" is, to me, influencing through media and through means other than a systematic, complete, and unbiased presentation of facts. I've already said that's a broader definition than historical definitions of the word, but there's not really a precise word for what I'm focused on. So, propaganda.
>You're just saying "the news lies".
Not really.
>here is what it is to ME...
I don't care, it's wrong. Fuck off.
>So I know this isn't technically propaganda, but it fee fees that way to me personally so I'm going to incorrectly use the word for things I dislike
Literally /pol/niggers in a nutshell.
>but there's not really a precise word for what I'm focused on
There is, it's called political bias. And there is nothing illegal or wrong with a political bias in a highly political free and developed country.
>grandfather stabbed to death by nazi soldier while his jewish ally coward outside
>mericans still won the war and freed the news from the camps
>60 years later walking down to my grandfathers grave to put flowers on it
>nigger sucker punches me and steals my wallet and pisses on the flowers
>no witnesses (aka 50 other niggers)
>post on facebook about how angry and humiliated I was to be mugged by black guy
>ATF busts down my door with the FBI
>shoots my dog
>under arrest for hate speech
>jewish prosecutor is practically crying to the jewish judge about the rise in hate crimes in america because of white extremism
>says it's another shoah and I need to be locked up to prevent anti semitism
>100 years into the future
>grandfathers organic remains are extracted by a mining company and processed in to fossil fuel
>there's currently a power outage in a Korean hospital, but that oil is used to power generators to keep the power going so that the doctors can circumcise new born korean babies and ship their foreskins to new york where they're made into facial creams.
Written by the father of modern propaganda who was also the nephew of Sigmund Freud, how cohencidnetal.
Oh shit, well if he said it, it MUST be true! Case closed.
Not to be an ass user but Bernays is considered the creator of modern propaganda.
>*Record Scratch*
>*Freeze Frame*
>Yup, that’s me...
Name 5 movies that do this
If the only requirements are a lack of objectivity and an attempt to influence, I need only claim that media is only rarely objective and usually attempting to influence, even by selectively using the truth. Which is what I'm saying.
The bias is not the same thing as the medium and work used to communicate that bias.