I watched a horrible meltdown happen on HBO this week - a sickening, radioactive disaster that happened right there on my TV screen.
But enough about Game of Thrones - let’s talk about Chernobyl.
I watched a horrible meltdown happen on HBO this week - a sickening, radioactive disaster that happened right there on my TV screen.
But enough about Game of Thrones - let’s talk about Chernobyl.
Other urls found in this thread:
I was afraid you might be delusional when I read the first part of your sentence, but carry on.
same. i was about to send him to the infirmary.
Lads. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that the iodine pill requesting nurse is going to become a mary sue and ruin the show.
Is there a more sinister call in history?
I like you user
Please go to the infirmary.
Dyatlov did nothing wrong.
I am old enough to remember it actually happening. It finally got reported on western television after the soviets admitted the disaster. I thought it was odd that one of the soviet guys on TV was playing with a rubiks cube nervously while he was talking about the details of the accident.
Guys, I think I got too many Roentgens
There is a mary sue but its not the nurse lady. Though that scene was pretty fucking bad
what am I looking at?
horse hoof
A circumcised dick
>t. jelly anteater dick
i've seen worse
HBO is tracking the DL of this episode and has been sending out letters to ISPs. Fuck them
I'll buy it on blu-ray but I'm not fucking paying for HBO.
I won't pay them a dime. Proof of isp contacts inc. Fuck HBO
mmm, wagyu
>Lol why the fuck would you need an iodine pull you stupid fucking bitch?! Get back in the kitchen
Gee this show sure is subtle...
That's literally impossible. You're in shock.
t. mutilated goy-in-training
>t. Coping cut fag
My brother was born in 1986 in Bucharest. When my mom was pregnant, she was outside at the park and it started “snowing”. People rushed to get her pregnant ass off the street
Comrade Fomin!
Punish Mr Dyatlov
Why is he so hard headed?
>t. triggered virgins
>lives until 1995 then dies of cancer
master troll dyatlov
I don't know why you men are saying the readings are 3.6 roentgen, the dosimeter the fire department has said 200 roentgen.
Yo T, that Russian ain’t here. The fuck are we supposed to do now?
god Im sick of being the only white guy I know who has seen this show
how come the only people who find this show entertaining are either black or hispanic? I thought they wouldnt be into this show.
How old are you comrade
>Trusting Moscow's shit
Because the reactor fucking exploding wasn't supposed to be possible. Because if the reactor did explode, it likely means they are all fucked anyways. Because if he has to tell his boss that the reactor exploded under his watch, Comrade Kalashnikov will offer him a retirement plan.
You will never regain your forskin
shes a doctor not a nurse, and the point of that scene was to show that even the other doctors don't imagine that the reactor can meltdown
this user is in shock. someone get him out of here
Do not trust the dosimeter comrade, the equipment is faulty.
Is /ourguy gonna make it, boys?
oh no, in other words absolutely nothing is different LOLOLOL
What other radiation media have you enjoyed?
he died of heart failure
What is your point?
you should be asking that question
> I thought they wouldnt be into this show.
>falling for the racism meme
my entire mexican family watches this show. its on HBO, everyone has that shit
Is it pronounced prepat
The Virgin /terror/
>tragedy completely avoidable if not for hubris
>villain is unrealistic, mythological force of nature
>everyone trapped and unwillingly died
>story untold to the world because nobody could find them
>inuits actually speak esquimaux, need subtitles to understand them
>gets killed by lead poisoning of 26ppm
The Chad /kinobyl/
>tragedy, but unavoidable because we must ultimately embrace nuclear energy
>villain is realistic, scientific force of nature
>workers willingly stayed behind in power plant to save humanity, real Soviet man
>story untold to the world because they willingly cut off phonelines to avoid misinformation
>all russians speak british english, no subtitles required
>survives radiation poisoning of 3.6 roentgen
>my entire mexican family watches this show.
right. Im pretty sure if 5,000 plus ex convicts were watching this show the ratings for it would be a lot higher.
or does the tv in the dayroom at the local county jail stay tuned on HBO now instead of telenovelas and the price is right?
Sorry. Based Bacилий will be dead in 3 weeks.
Me, too. I was 16 years old.
Greetings, fellow oldfag
>3 weeks
So, episode 3?
half of the show is a lampoon on how the soviet system of "if you fuck up - gulags" can lead to willful incompetence, how did you not get this
>to save humanity
Weird way of typing "to pour water into a ditch"
hey shill people who are paid to constnatly make these boring threads where nothing actually happens why have you still not posted any pictures of the full cast so i can see if there's any attractive curvy girls with short hair in the series i can fap to.
post your memes comrades
preepyat in english
How likely is it this would happen if you got particles of the core on your hand from handling that graphite container?
not a "meme", jackass. facebook is more your speed if you think literally everything on the internet is a "meme"
go to hell and kill yourself
The War Game is old but pure Kino
Threads is great too
>Yea Forums - HBO and Disney advertising
>how dare they talk about tv shows on Television & Film?????
Let's be real, radiation poisoning is capitalist propaganda.
Oh, Doctor, doctor, can't you see I'm burning, burning
Oh, Doctor, doctor, is this 3.6 I'm feeling?
Graphite at night give such delight
We all leave before the morning light
Please don't go no please don't go
Cause I don't want to stay near the reactor on my own
Oh, Doctor, doctor, can't you see I'm burning, burning
Oh, Doctor, doctor, is this 3.6 I'm feeling?
just like the reactor now lol
why is Fukushima so fucking boring as a nuclear tragedy? even TMI is better in that sense
>unavoidable because we must ultimately embrace nuclear energy
Only in retarded countries that just hire Homer Simpsons off the street to oversee the reactors.
how many niggers?
>inb4 ukrainians are niggers
you are right but you know what i mean
none :)
It focuses on mostly men. At least the first ep. The only women worth noting are the iodine girl and the firefighters wife. I agree with you though these threads reek of shill
so are these hairy things fuel and control rods?
>mad USSR faggot detected
Fukushima happened because of natural events overwhelming improper procedures, while TMi was entirely human-caused.
Fukushima is boring because info is on very tight wraps. It is the worst nuclear disaster to date and causing massive problems. They don't talk about it as to not scare the public
Those are the thermal dispersers for the core.
what do they do?
idk, i just made it up.
disperse heat?
disperse heat
They cut costs like retards.
>be nip
>place emergency generators within reach of tsunamis
>be surprised when a tsunami fucks them
It's a good thing seawater can dilute radiation much better than burning ash that people can inhale.
What is that play dough looking stuff?
>It is the worst nuclear disaster to date
Absolutely not. Chernobyl has it beat by miles and kyshtym was probably worse.
>400 threads since chernobyl premiered
>constantly talking about this kino docudrama that satiates the demand for quality writing, great production values, top tier music and design that is rarely seen anymore
>adult themes that respects its audience, not dumbed down for women or dark skinned people
honest question. do you think a non white person or female has ever once posted in a chernobyl thread?
I am confident stating that not a single female or dark skinned person has ever contaminated one of these threads and that is why they are so successful and fun to participate in.
do you guys think women or mud apes will ever get something or produce something like this for their mass consumption? or are they doomed to worldstar and reality tv?
>asians you guys count as honorary whites, I mean actual dark skinned people from the southern hemisphere or middle east or india. rape apes not gooks.
Someone should make a Wojak of him with a white cap, moustache, and a sunburnt face.
>not liking bollywood kino
>Someone should make a Wojak
Agreed. I got to say their uniforms reminds me a lot of a mix between inmates shit and the boomer nightwear stereotype.
This could be the tag line to a cool horror game. Hmmm... Still waiting on that one I guess
wanna read about a shitshow
it's already been done. I saw it in an earlier thread
It was an esoteric bit of knowledge at the time. And considering the culture of stubborn denial, the old guy would have been commended for sticking to his job - delivering babies.
>fucking bureaucratic incompetence all over
>"have to please my superiors so I'll just lie and deny everything" said every fucking one except 3 or 4 people that all got fucked anyway
>mfw I find myself giving a tiny bit of ground to anti-nuclear power faggots
not quite. Fukushima used a design made for the midwest not for anywhere near water. IIRC the core is in a basement so it if go flooded bad stuff would happen
partially, you havn't lived in a hellish dictatorship have you?
Jews watch it and enjoy it more than you do. How does that make you feel?
At some point some roastie posted that she's afraid to watch because she's pregnant, but didn't get any replies
> 3.6 overall is actually significant and evacuation would be a good idea...
> The real number was 5.6 roentgens per SECOND...
Holy mother of god...
Threadly reminder that we probably only have one more kino episode before roastie takes over
have sex
>Main roastie appears in both trailers but only gets a single line of dialogue
That's a good sign, right?
The authentic phone calls made it sound like "Priipet" or "Preepit".
A Boy and his Dog has a kino ending
prip pee yat
Read the synopsis for future episodes on IMDb
Ulana and Ludimila, completely made up by the way, are major characters, enough to appear in the one sentence synopsis.
It's Samurai Jack S5 all over again.
this is exactly what would happen realistically.
thyroid cancer in 3, 2, 1 ...
>mfw I find myself giving a tiny bit of ground to anti-nuclear power faggots
Don’t. Give ground to anti-communism and denounce it’s modern manifestations like the so-called progressives. (who would put unqualified people in positions of responsibility based on their skin colour or gender to fill made up quotas to virtue signal)
Lyudmilla will represent what the wives of the first responding firefighters went through - how the state wanted to sweep their husband’s fate under the rug when they died agonizing deaths in the coming weeks. Read “Voices from Chernobyl”: the first interview of the book is a woman who’s pretty much the basis of this character.
I'm not worried about Lyudmilla.
You mean the wife of the firefighter? Her story is real, stop spouting bs. Google Lyudmila Ignatenko.
What about Ulana then?
No idea. If she's the scientist mary sue then she's made up. Hopefully that one reviewer is wrong and she doesn't ruin the series.
When it comes to her all I can say is there was a female nuclear scientist mentioned in one of the interviews in the aforementioned book, but all her role was to confirm that their institute’s sensors can read the higher levels of radiation as well. (which is one of the scenes from the trailer)
So yeah, they took this character and expanded her role to fill the required “strong woman” quota.
I have a request.
Would a kind user much more gifted in Photoshop than I make it where Dyatlov is holding a (You) in his outstretched hand but it says (U-235) and is glowing green?
>>tragedy, but unavoidable because we must ultimately embrace nuclear energy
Retard. There were so many ways to avoid it
Started watching The Terror, it's good.
>tfw will never experience The Terror threads
Is this show historically accurate? I hate historical fiction because it always makes shit up, but I think Chernobyl is really interesting.
Nope, no graphite. We're good. Thank god we didn't listen to those delusional comrades.
So far, entirely accurate, but the following episodes will introduce fictional characters and conversations that never happened.
What specifically fucked this guy up so bad? Neutrons, photons, or something else?
guys i love the show but I am afraid one of the females will develop super powers from the nuclear reaction and become a Mary Sue and tell the white men to pay more taxes even though the government can't run the post office well so why should we pay taxes I didn't agree to be born a citizen, I am Sovereign over my own self. any way, can't wait for summer break, 10th grade has been so hard
(and dark elf magik)
Dude, spoilers!!
High energy particles in general that constitute radiation, which is basically everything you said.
Just burned his arm, shouldn't lift up weird bricks from the ground. Probably felt burning on his arm, take out his gloves and ripped the skin.
he died looking like a irradiated piece of shit, which is what he was
how many roentgens per hour are you on? like 3.6 my dude. you are like little baby, watch this
we will have to wait 30 years for Fukushima kino
I can't decide whether this series will help or hurt the Pripyat tourism business.
seethe less tho
it's more of a generational/education statement than a "this triggers virgins" statement. Young people educated in the 80s were going to be MUCH more aware of something like iodine pills AND much less likely to lapse into the Stalinist "lol wot problem" mentality. The point of that scene was to show that the old guard was actively unwilling to even think of the idea that the nuclear reactor would go fucky, much less think about how to prepare for if it did.
Plus Soviets were WAY ahead of the west when it came to women being treated as "equal" in the workplace. Doubles the labor force.
And honestly fuck your Mary Sue bullshit you just turn that into "girl that triggers me" memespeak and it means nothing.
It becomes a zombie thriller in ep 3.
>actors not speaking russian
нeт, cпacибo
The entire industry is based on morbid fascination, this can only help.
i want to bite it
But everyone would try to save those zombies.
Would it be emitting more of a certain kind of radiation than any other? Sorry if this question is too abstruse.
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
Roadside Picnic.
if a show or film is completely panned by stacy and jamal you know it has potential to be good
never trust the opinion of people who get their news and worldview from instagram feeds
why are eurocucks so upset?
Fukushima is an extinction level event. They dont talk about it or release any info because it would cause panic.
Imagine seething THIS hard that America leads the world while you live in an irrelevant shithole.
So why exactly was the the chief engineer saying the reactor couldn't explode?
Thought it was kind of dumb.
Threads (warning it's unpleasant)
>Fukushima is an extinction level event
lol wot
I have episode 2.
I can give it you you, just send me your IP adress and your mobile phone number
Because it couldn't.
guys I think it's a scam
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Lads should I play STALKER? I want to immerse myself in radiationkino.
America is a non-white irrelevant shithole on the brink of collapse. You will all be CHINA'ED very soon.
No. Stalker is shit.
Is it good? My father was there, so this is personal for me.
how is it possible for someone to have such shit taste
Don't watch it comrade if you still respect your father
why are slavshits so obsessed with projection?
... and like Ждaлкep? I don't know.
>first two, maybe three episodes will be kinda
>Then three episodes of Emily Watson the femme super-scientist-investigator blowing up the male dominated cover-up will be dog shit.
The highly energised packets (photons) of radiation are working like a cheese grater on your cells and DNA, knocking out the electrons that hold atoms bonded together. So when the dose is sufficiently high your skin just falls apart. One survived said all the skin on his foot came off like a sock after acute exposure.
Yea Forums
No neutrons or beta particles?
That's a scale model, user
great series. it was trump's fault after all.
Yea Forums is like mental and social radiation.
Yeah no shit it's a fucking model, I'm asking what the specific part of the model is supposed to be.
So I'm rewatching this again, and noticed this detail immediately after the blast. Is this a ray or pure fucking radiation beaming directly up from the reactor core?
>The right-hand pool in building #5 started leaking in February 1982. Finding cracks in the metal coating required diving into the pool, which was out of the question due to the gamma radiation levels in the vicinity of the nuclear waste drums reaching 17,000 R/h. An attempt to eliminate the leak was made by pouring in 20 sacks of flour, thus filling the cracks with dough. However, the leak continued, and the service personnel discovered icing on the right side of the building. The method was clearly ineffective.
How bad are 17'000 roentgens?
seems pretty good from what I've watched
Are you so delicate that you can you no criticism whatsoever? Everything in that image is true.
>dishonest leaders making unintentional mistakes beyond their comprehension
That nicely summed up Obama’s foreign policy
I thought so. The same beam the hits them right in the face. Such great foreshadowing. It really does keep getting better.
/chernobyl/ threads are only 64% white
racists btfo yet again
No it shows that Dyatlov and the doctor fear/trust the state enough to not even entertain the idea of the reactor melting down/exploding.
What in the sweet love of fuck are you doing comrade. Back to the language re-education camps for you, I think.
3.6, not great but not terrible. You’re in shock
Ok retard
t. Lives in Fukushima
>get your ass irradiated for the rest of your life
Dem Soviets was a mistake.
it was graphite that was irradiated during fission
it would be covered in particles, small bits of uranium fuel that were radioactive, which would have been sending off all sorts of radiation
alpha particles can't penetrate skin and beta particles can't penetrate through a glove, so it's only the photons being emitted that can hurt a hand. The graphite was probably warm, which is low energy photons, some people reported seeing glowing graphite which would be light, another low level. then it also would have been giving of X-ray radiation, which can go through leather and do damage after a while. which means the type of radiation that can do damage quick is gamma rays
these rays go right through cells and hit atoms along the way, knocking off electrons, which go flying about breaking chemical bonds, which break up molecules, which starts breaking up blood and skin cells
the fuck is that?
>spend all this money for curing yourselves
reddit shit
how old are you?
Unfiltered Reddit.
What motivates someone to type up a shitpost like this?
Not having regular sex and meaningful relationships.
Thanks for the response! One last question: would neutron radiation be a factor at all, or is that an extension of gamma radiation?
Being a frustrated woman, I would guess.
Enough questions comrade, you need to go to the infimary.
>tv shows women and people with dark skin will never understand the show
love it so far. we are still a few episodes away from the female scientist emily watson plays who is gonna strain things.
hope it shows the worldwide hysteria all over the globe.
europe, usa, everywhere lost their fucking minds when it happened.
>The Virgin /terror/
The worst type of poster, one who is in shock.
There's a Pepe.
The actual fission reaction produced neutrons, and when the lid blew off, a whole shit ton of neturons got shot out, most of them probably going up and out into space
after that, only small bits of radioactive fuel would have been everywhere, not active fizzle (except for maybe in the pool of material still in the reactor), so the only neutron decay would have been the random and occasional one knocked out by gamma rays, but probably not enough to be as serious as the uranium smoke and dust going into peoples mouths and eyes and nose. noticeable if anyone had measured, but not biologically significant
There's this one. Could be better with the regular wojak face though.
I dont think Yea Forums has been around enough blacks or hispanics to differentiate which option is which
I think they think the trip out fool option is the black option instead of the barbershop option.
This thing is really a milestone of HBO and the whole tv industry. Because it's really traumatic but it happens out there.
HBO can now make a show about a place out there (a place that is not Westeros )
It is cт for cтaлкep, not жд. That doesn't make any sense, if you try to say it out loud you'd sound like you have a speech impediment.
how accurate is it, that several people had immediate detrimental effects (death) immediately after being exposed to the radiation? I read some wikis and it's always formulated like the people died days or weeks after being exposed
10% black 20 % hispanic 60% white 10% other tracks pretty close with general american demographics.
we exist
So is it good? Thinking of grabbin some snacks and watchin this
The effects, depending on the dose, can be immediate or only show up days later.
uhhh what, its Yea Forums dude, place is like 40% gooks, 50% white and 'white' with 10% blacks, spics and other shit
What actor is that? Can't find him in cast on imdb. For a minute seriously thought is it Michael Biehn
This bothered the fuck out of me when I first saw it. At least now I’m numb to it and have had to digest what the fuck I was looking at.
Yes, that happens when people receive a lethal dose. The few who died almost immediately were exposed to lethal doses of radiation x1000. Speeds things up quite a bit.
>muh soviet bureaucracy
the number of deaths directly attributable to chernobyle disaster can be counted on 3 or 4 hands, something like a quarter of them are from things like the initial explosions and helicopter crashes, not radiation sickness
the entire population, some 45,000 people were evacuated in a space of three hours using 1200 buses, only 30 hours after the first inkling of trouble. the only effect on the population was a 3 percent rise in lifetime cancer risk.
600,000 liquidators entered the city and you can fit a list of total casualties on a postcard
White people famously have shitty taste in media.
Great so far.
we are counting slavs as whites as well correct?
because then its like 75% white.
Huh, interesting. Thanks again!
>600,000 liquidators entered the city
And 60k died due to radiation, 165k became disabled people
End yourself, commie
>the number of deaths directly attributable to chernobyle disaster can be counted on 3 or 4 hands
super easy to do with all the mutations lol
>And 60k died due to radiation, 165k became disabled people
>Ukrainians counting the list of casualties
>And 60k died due to radiation, 165k became disabled people
kys mutt
Nice denial
He played Jory Cassel in GoT. His name is Jamie Sives.
yes i said 'whites' and you vastly underestimate the amount of gooks from the west posting on Yea Forums, saying that 10% of Yea Forums is black and hispanic is extremely generous too
hehehe nice crossover
it's all from first hand accounts
skip to 35 minutes
acute radiation poisoning and burning or blistering can all hit in under 30 minutes
it can if you ignore the 600 helicopter crew that died in the subsequent months who's deaths were covered up or falsely attributed to Afghanistan
The frantic mass evacuation probably ruined more lives than the radiation.
It\'s just the Cherenkov effect. Completely normal phenomenon and can happen with minimal radiation.
Я pyccкий, пидopac ты кoммиcapcкий,
>"Oi, Vasilly"
>"Oi, don't pick dat up m8, fooken 'el lad"
I'm not exactly sure this is what Russian sounded like in 1986
oh shit
many of our comrades here are delusional
Are the commies really incompetent and delusional as this show portrayed?
I didnt say that.
I said less than 10% of dark skinned people had taste.
even the darkies that come here are here for big assed brazillian webms and maybe to pirate yung xxxuzivert da savage's new album off mu.
I 100% guarantee you a black or hispanic has never posted in a chernobyl thread here. or anywhere else. the nba playoffs are on. they got bigger fish to fry.
why do Russian men kill themselves more than trannies?
more like theres a heavy amount of nepotism and "i dont want comrade stalin making me disappear"
short answer being ye
name a system other than soviet gommunism that could have evacuated 50,000 people in 3 hours and then sent 600,000 people to clean up radiation
when fukushima diachi first happened, some of the initial predictions were alot worse than what we actually had to deal with, and the government was contemplating evacuating some larger metro areas.
the scale of the task was so far beyond them it was straight up considered impossible, they couldn't even approach in organization and mobilization that the soviets pulled off 40 years earlier. It would have been a fumbling alot worse than we are seeing in this show, seeing as the operations in Chernobyl were kind of ridiculously effective in terms of keeping the population safe
How fucking new are you? The game was in the development so long that everyone started to call it Ждaлкep instead of Cтaлкep.
All their trannies move to my country which is full of tolerance and gibs.
>Female character: breathes
>Fuckin mary sue!
why do mongolian rape babies call everyone mutt?
not falling for it, Vladimir
That is how we keep the people from undermining the fruits of their labor.
Who are you quoting?
the commanders of helicopter units flown in from Afghanistan say they lost around 600 men
fuck off Wiki reader
One of the problem was that they couldn't believe that something like this happened so sudden, so they took a wrong idea and begin to act in wrong direction. Some things in this adaptation were exaggerated but overall it's really how it was in real life.
Name a system which uses RBMK reactors other than soviets.
Projecting, or trying to pretend they aren't commies
why are russian shills so cringey?
He was just playing with matches comrade. It had nothing to do with the hydrogen tank explosion.
Tы нe pyccкий, ты гoвнo.
they evacuated the entire city 30 hours after the first tiniest hint of trouble and it only took 3 hours. not a single civilian died from Chernobyl, not one
>ты гoвнo.
Ho я нe кoммyниcт. Кcтaти нe нaпoмнить, кaк вaшe лыcoe гoвнo oтмaзывaлocь oт yчacтия в ликвидaции?
>name a system other than soviet gommunism that could have evacuated 50,000 people in 3 hours and then sent 600,000 people to clean up radiation
any system which has even a shred of care for their people? almost anywhere civilised would be able to find a way
The elephant's foot is still slowly melts the concrete bottom floor, which means that it is quite possible that it will slide down and reach the groundwater. What are the possible consequences?
How many times have you watched the pilot?
>After first hint, 30 hour later
Something doesn't match
>not a single civilian died from Chernobyl, not one
and how quickly could you organize the evacuation of 50,000 people?
because they actually believe the garbage they've been brainwashed with, their education system is so poor state propaganda fills the gaps and in the end you have a near useless pawn to spout shit and continue to feed the oligarchs and think they are doing well.
you're aware photons is light right?
Imagine being this delusional
*throws up
ok but what if they were lying?
It's what you get when you shoot or send to the gulags anyone who shows intelligence or initiative.
oh okay i guess the population teleported out of the city..
Comrade Dyatlov has lost his composure, please escort him out
it's just a flesh wound, nothing to see comrade
Under 10 hours tops, it was located not far from Kiev after all
It hasn't moved much since its initial position in 86. That was a fear they had at the start. They dug a tunnel by hand beneath the reactor and filled it with concrete in order to prevent that from ever happening. The elephant's foot has hardened on the outside and started to crack and dust. Still warm on the inside but not enough to melt stuff. If what you said had happened, it would have formed a lot of steam underground and then exploded again, covering Europe even more in radioactive stuff. Never mind contaminating all the drinking water.
Yes, torn out of the reactor.
3.6 times
What do i vote?
t. Finland
reindeer don't get to vote
he had a glove tho? how does this happen? the radiation of the graphite is so strong that it goes thru?
that graphite was inches away from the fuel rods while it was still in the reactor
radiation? you have any idea how hot that graphite could've gotten?
Russians don't sit around and talk about their feelings like faggots
you do know how radiation works right?
I'm from E.Europe but no a Slav, what do?
Also, I find it funny how some say "this thread/show is for whites only" then in the same breath curse Slavs and call them nonwhite even though the whole show is about them.
Every single one of those firefighters died within weeks just from being around that stuff.
>commits suicide more than trannies and faggots combined
I really wish they show(ed?) that being created.
actually kill yourself
Actually this bothered me a lot. I'm fucking tired of every god damn role being filled with some English twat. Even Russians speaking English would have been acceptable.
There is nothing wrong with suicide.
>Leonid Telyatnikov was the head of the fire department at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and led the team of firefighters to the fire at reactor number 4 which became the Chernobyl disaster. Despite the radiological dangers, they had no radiation suits, no respirators, and no working dosimeters. From results of a blood test it was estimated he received 4 grays of radiation.
>Telyatnikov headed the fire fighting effort at Chernobyl Reactor Unit 4 after the explosion on April 26, 1986. At that time Telyatnikov was the chief of military fire prevention at the Chernobyl nuclear-power station. Telyatnikov and his subordinates ascended the badly damaged and heavily radiation contaminated roof of Reactor Unit 4 more than once in order to prevent the fires from spreading and endangering Reactor Unit 3.
>Major Leonid Telyatnikov, the commander of Fire Station No. 2, was on holiday (some also say he was drunk because it was his brother's birthday), but he lived in Prypiat and had received the alarm signal by telephone. He arrived at the reactor site about 10 minutes after the firemen had begun their battle and he then took overall command. He climbed onto the roof of Reactor Unit 3. Although there were at least five fires on the roof, the reactor was still operating. The priorities of the firemen were clear — they had to extinguish the fires on the roof of the undamaged reactor and in the machine hall. They used mainly water to do this. Despite their efforts, they could not prevent the fire from spreading before the Kiev fire brigade arrived to replace them.
In 1987 Telyatnikov was named a Hero of the Soviet Union and died on December 2, 2004 (aged 53).
My mum understood it.
On the whole your sexism and racism is baseless prejudice. Why don't you go outside and meet actual people? Maybe you will come to judge people on merit and character as opposed to color or gender.
They will probably show it but it was discovered months after the accident. They all thought that thing would still be in the reactor so they drilled into the containment vessel and found out it was empty.
>I'm fucking tired of every god damn role being filled with some English twat
Why are most roles nowadays going to brits?
>Reactor Unit 3
What about the first wave of firefighters, specifically?
>Communism caused a horrific problem, potentially could have wiped out many many more had those divers not done their thing
>PEOPLE under Communism sacrificed themselves to solve the problem
Imagine dodging uncle Joe's Gulag vacation lottery only to have your entire family/city die of cancer because some fucks needed to test their ideas
prove it shill
>people are actually taking what the doctor said about iodine pills as "poor womyn being oppressed"
It's showing how they weren't prepared for it not poor womyn you fucking retards.
A lot of productions tend to base themselves in London or southern England to avoid the bullshit circus in LA. Also England provides a lot more consistency with serious dramatic actors since most come from the theatrical world or the drama schools. And then there's also the unwritten convention that non-English speakers being portrayed as speaking English should speak British English.
Brits also age like fucking milk. They are better suited for miniseries or anything less than 2 seasons.
i have fuck all knowledge about all that, that's why i'm asking. tried studying wiki but i found nothing that would explain radiation burns/effects of immediate radiation on skin like it's in the episode(skin peeling off)
It’s not about oppression; it’s about a young lady being more knowledgeable than an elderly doctor. It’s still not complaint-worthy, though, considering the doctor’s sentiment was extremely common among the educated.
>Telyatnikov and his subordinates ascended the badly damaged and heavily radiation contaminated roof of Reactor Unit 4 more than once in order to prevent the fires from spreading and endangering Reactor Unit 3.
There aren't many others mentioned by name or where they came from. These guys died shortly after:
Tishchura, Vladimir- Sergeant, Kibenok's unit, fighting fires in the reactor department, separator room, and the central hall - died on May 10th.
Titenok, Nikolai -Chief Sergeant, Kibenok's unit, fighting fires in the reactor department, separator room, and the central hall; received fatal dose during attempt to extinguish the roof and the reactor core - died May 16th.
Vashchuk, Nikolai - A sergeant in Kibenok's unit, he fought fires in the reactor department, separator room, and the central hall - died May 14th.
Short answer: no Russian actors because this is a western production primarily for the western audience, fake Russian accents sound dumb, American accents break the immersion for the American viewer.
For more in-depth answers to these (and more!) questions be sure to listen to the HBO Chernobyl podcast with the show creator. They talk about how it was to research, write and create this fenomenal show. Which parts were accurate to real events and which parts were dramatized a little.
sort of, the radiation is ionzing the air molecules
source: the show's podcast
It’s kind of like being struck by lightning. You’re burned all the way through at once. Your body has no insulation for gamma rays, meaning the burns don’t form on the surface of the skin.
>i have fuck all knowledge about all that, that's why i'm asking
thats fine
just know graphite doesn't melt until like 4000K, but sources say the core couldve reached at least 1700K
Whereas asbestos melts at
Britain has a long tradition of great Shakespearean actors, so for dramatic shows like this, they're a freaking gold mine of talent to pull from
well, it's the immense heat and radiation ionizing the atmosphere directly above it as it pours out of the suddenly open reactor
so, kinda?
>Britain has a long tradition of great Shakespearean actors
No they don't. And that does not translate well into actual acting.
THat analogy helps. So it's like getting a burn, but from the inside, because your flesh is what burns? That sounds fucking horrible.
Look up the different types of radiation and how they affect you. Alpha radiation only hurts you it if gets inside you. But once it does, it can't get out cause skin stops it. Beta burns are caused by you guessed it + that graphite had just been in a core that overheated and exploded. Gamama and the rest just pass through you and fuck you up no matter what you're wearing since your not Lead Man nor Concrete Man.
Basically the same thing desu. We can say a Tesla coil produces visible electricity, or that it emits electricity in such a way that ionizes air. Same idea with gamma rays.
>Nation that gave us Shakespeare
>Not having a history of good theater and actors
Do you need to go to the infirmary, comrade?
they tell you how to block it
blockage can be absorption tho
which is why naked skin will absorb alpha radiation easily, which sucks
beta just means its energy can pass through and still be absorbed
which ofc can translate to interior damage
higher penetration damage probably dose its damage by non absorbing means
I also intentionally made a typo (gamama) so that it would fit with the pic.
It’s more like your molecules are burning - or melting, perhaps. Flesh, blood, bone, and any cells therein are broken down on a fundamental level.
>It’s more like your molecules are burning - or melting
molecules don't melt
And in this case they definitely don’t burn, but how else should I put it? “Disintegrate” feels too dramatic.
Save the drama for the other fundamental forces of the universe that fuck you up.
breaking down
no such thing as a molecule melting tho
yeah you could say its semantics but it still reads like pseudoscience when said
Try this one. Dude went to China and NK and got blown away by how the people worshiped Mao/Kim Il Sung and wanted that for himself.
It reads like pseudoscience to a scientist. This guy clearly isn’t, so I tried to put it as dead-simple as possible.
you should still try to prevent the spread of misinformation
>only to have your entire family/city die of cancer
did you know that only 28 people died from the disaster, and not a single one of them was an uninvolved civilian
his last speech is kino. Everyone begins by being quiet and cheering but then some people start booing and everyone joins in and then people storm the palace as he speaks
He was pretty weird as a person. One dude who knew and worked with him said that he never had a friend, then he met his wife. She was a real basket case. This aired on ABC about the revolution youtube.com
I live 20 minutes walking distance form the square where your speech happened.
It's more slow burn, but interesting because how worse it is. Chernobyl blew up and threatened the land as it spread clouds and debris, so it was relatively quickly dealt with. Fukushima exploded a little but was and has been "contained" but it's still going, still just burning away and rising in radiation more and more.
So with Chernobyl everyone involved was at a dangerous risk, both inside the plant and out. With Fukushima though, people outside aren't at a terribly high risk and the exclusion zone is smaller and not as dangerous, but entering the plant is impossible to even machines.
>Dangerous amounts, but comparably less radiation over a wider area, that was contained and abandoned
>Utra extrame super death amounts of radiation mainly within the plant itself, that hasn't yet been dealt with properly and is getting worse
There's a little artistic license exaggeration with the stubborn refusal mentality of the people (they were but not as flagrant as the show) and the nature of the radiation injuries sustained (more interesting for a show to depict people melting alive in real time rather than burns showing up hours later), but otherwise it seems quite accurate. Just accept that everyone isn't speaking Russian or fake Russian accents though.
This looks as much intimidating as VEGA when you first see it in Doom 2016
this is our time to shine comrades
Thanks for the explanation, user.