What happened?

What happened?

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he was an insufferable faggot but I miss the gaming channel, surprised he was married to a woman

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>Not Blu

AIDS and nobody listens to techno.


Jack hates Mike?

And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie
You thirty six year old bald headed fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let it go its over
Nobody listens to Techno

he needed to find other work after PreRec ended. He said he'll be back

Did he died? I literally only watch the videos, no reddit shit

what happened to aidsmoby?

You'd think working with RLM you'd make enough along with freelance editing. Maybe the latter is harder.

I honestly don't get the "aidsmoby" thing. It's not like moby doesn't already look like he has aids. At least it's a memorable nickname I guess

Moby because he looks like Moby and AIDS because he’s a faggot.

I think hes actaully likable and way better guest than josh or the other nobdies

Isn't he the only RLM guy with a wife and kids?

mike and jessi are married and have a son named ethan

He had a good redemption arc tbqh

His performative faggotry is universal in nature and expands beyond mere sexual preferences.

couldnt handle being bullied by Yea Forums

I must have gotten way behind on RLM stalking threads

Jack's brain is vanilla in a good way, but he VS's pretty hard. Josh is a bit more pointed and lacks timing.

hes better then rich

Never forget

reviewer wise yes entertainment wise no

Back when you could say fag without people freaking out.

Just post the pasta

woah the bad guy is the good guy plot twist



Attached: faggyjacko.jpg (648x788, 124K)

lol wat

Jack's true self comes out when he gets liquored up, which subsequently makes him the best commentator.

Best RLM drunk is Mike

This is a joke right? That's clearly Lawrence Fishburn

Attached: jackgettingcucked.jpg (239x268, 12K)

Mike always feels like he's faking it, playing it up for the camera. Which is funny, but less authentic than drunk Jack.