Name a more 2000’s movie

Name a more 2000’s movie

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mission impossible 2


Unironically the last good FnF

Josie and the Pussycats

Charlie’s Angels

Resident Evil 2

Good luck topping THIS.

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Uhh the original


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2f2f was way more 2000s. That's the perfect example I can think of for a peak of that "Swag Culture". Big cars, big tit bitches, big chains, big rims

I love Parker Posey. She always played annoying/bitchy characters but she makes me laugh.

Also the best one

Rat Race

Eurotrip 2004
Scotty doesn't know edition.

Actually not bad, but not top 2000s movie

Does Bring It On count?

Big Trouble

Everything had to be darker and grittier.

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Crap, forgot about that one. That's the most 2000s film you can find.

Road trip for me

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there was never a good fnf

the world was so much better before everyone became cell phone zombie slaves

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This or pic related.

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It really was

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A guilty pleasure of mine.

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absolutely based
>tried to rent this at blockbuster before my friends 13th birthday
>got my mom to take it up to the register and hid in the games section so the clerk won't see me
>starts lecturing her about all the violence and nudity anyways
>have to rent wrestlemania for the gamecube instead
fuck that snitch clerk

For me it's The Transporter

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I think you'll be hard-pressed to find something more 2000 than this one, though many films listed here are great contenders. American Pie came out in '99 though, bud. It's proto-2000 in style though.
I think Superbad really marked the end of the 2000s era, what do you guys think?

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Cruel intentions

My biggest problem with TD is the lack of Suki from 2Fast. They had ever chance to make a movie filled with Sukies and we got a spic?

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Superbad was definitely the peak of 2000s comedies

Idiot then, idiot now

When tires screech, take a sip
When someone is punched in the face, take a shot
When a woman in a short skirt is bent over an engine, take a shot
When you hear a “dump valve”, take a shot
When Bow Wow tries to sell something, take a shot
When someone says “guyjin”, or the Japanese word for “outsider”, take a shot

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Super Bad is this generations Dazed and Confused.

Dude Where's My Car is peak 2000's cheese/happy go lucky mindset.
Super Bad is the best representation of every day life in the 2000's.

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>tfw all these posts remind you of buying pirate videotapes and DVDs when you were in your early teens

I wish they would hurry up and build a nostalgia machine that you can plug your brain into (._. )

All of these replies and no one mentions pic related

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there aren't any females on this board, sorry

I miss that sort of meta nihilistic 90s 00s humor
Comedies fucking suck now and movies are dead
Some tv shows are good

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Came here to post that

Bad Boys II

They Came Together is pretty good for that but it's already 5 years old.

>dump valve
waste gate?

>not posting teriyaki boyz music video

My lesbian roommate and her gf made me watch this when it first came out on DVD. I didn't want to watch a girl's movie but the told me it had Lindsay Lohan in a low cut top so I watched anyway. Goddamn is that movie high school kino.

Damn shame what happened to that girl. I had a crush on here ever since she was in Parent Trap and I learned we shared the same birthday.

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the only answer

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BAAASED this movie is fuckin great

Based lesbo gf
Man I had so many mummy girl friends back then too what went wrong?
T. 28 year old virgin

Rip Lindsay lohans milkers

Prime Lohan was GOAT, but cocaine is one hell of a drug.

Dykes know kino, bro. They weren't even the hot internet lesbians either. One of them was almost cute but kind of small and boyish. The other was 6'5 and 300 lbs of farm girl fat and muscle. They were fun to hang out with though.

The farm girl sounds based I wonder if they ever thought about mff domming you
Was the big girl at least Thicc?

They were pretty fucking gay. They would occasionally bring their dyke friends over for orgies but they never seemed inclined to invite me.

I mocked this movie for years since I always thought Heathers was overlooked (before the musical), despite having never actually seen Mean Girls. Then last year I had to watch it for certain reasons and it was fucking kino. Legitimately funny, comfy and with a good heart. I've seen it a couple times now and wouldn't mind watching again soon

For me, it's Euro Trip

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Unbased dykes
My mum hates em lmao and gfd me
Mummies ar best gf

The Girl Next Door for how they used cell phones. This is exactly how we lived in the aughts.

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This was a good movie. I just realized they stopped making middle budget movies like this. Everything now is either a blockbuster or an indie.

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fucking hivemind, literally my first thought

>I just realized they stopped making middle budget movies like this

I miss them desu, even when they were shit you never felt cheated.

did that bitch ever do anything outside of this and those pre-movie AMC Theater "movie is starting" promo videos?

blessed thread


what was with the 2000's and trying to push scrawny jewish guys as charmismatic ladies men?


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M8 the main guy in American Pie literally fucks a pie out of desperation for anything resembling sex.

One of my wife's favorites. It was one of the first movies released when we started dating in 2007.

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>Only openly Jewish one cucks the only openly white one by fucking his mom
>Pure coincidence

You need to learn to think around corners, bro. When it comes to the Jews all bets are off.