

Seriously? Ozymandias is supposed to be a genius. Why would he subscribe to an ethical theory for brainlets?

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Being a genius doesn't make you suddenly a flawless all-seeing deity. In fact at the end of the comic there was a page where he was desperately seeking approval from Dr. Manhattan who just told him that nothing ever ends, which left him scared and unsure if what he did was right. Beats me why the Snyder wanted to portray him as this triumphant character in the movie

This picture has convinced me that Snyder really does make kino. That shit looks so good.

I wish they would have done the false flag alien invasion in the movie.

name a better ethical framework then

>don't kill some people despite saving the rest of the planet because killing is bad my mom said so

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>muh good
>muh morality
nice spooks nerd

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nice haircut

>'utilitarianism is garbage' said guy who uses it daily.

Utilitarianism applied by a genius and (unintentionally) his all powerful friend is perfect though

The categorical imperative. Treating people as a means to an end is wrong. People are an ends in and of themselves. We should treat people in a way we would be OK with being treated. No one is OK with dying so it is wrong to kill, regardless of if lives can be saved by doing so.

this thread needs more trolley problems

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>solving global warming

why not multitrack drifting and kill everyone?


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>plastic suit with nipples

that's a big problem...

Grow the fuck up and have sex.

making judgment calls on uncertainties isnt utilitarian.

Its like a sheriff who has to find a culprit for a racial crime when he cant. He knows if he cant there is a 70% chance of riots and mass death. or he can execute and innocent man and stop the riots from happening all together. What do you do?

the answer is you only act when you are 99% certain. Ozzy wasnt99% certain so he made the wrong call

Such a shitty boring villain

Ok, not the same user
Do you realize how fucking retarded you have to be to equate value of a persons opinion on whether or not they stuck their meat on a wet hole? Fuckers, a 25 year old girl tried to sleep with me when I was 15. I told her to fuck off. A big tiddy goth girl tried to give me a tit fuck. I told her I was a Christian and not about that life, then I told her to fuck off. I never dated in high school because the girl always eventually wanted to have sex. I told them I was breaking up with them, then told them to fuck off. I was a shy beta-ish nerd when I was a child. When that 25 year old tried to fuck me something snapped. I became a chad, but not just any chad. A new kind of Chad. A Chad who despised modern sex, and the degeneracy it breeds. I spend my time improving myself and buying guns and rare designer shoes but only the red ones. I go to libraries in search of a christian gf, I started my own telecommunications company and make over 1.3 million dollars a year. I workout for 2 1/2 hours everyday after work and I only need to sleep for 4 hours to fully replenish. Sometimes I hire hookers to come over to my house and I talk to them about Jesus and Salvation. I have brought over 30 hookers to the Lord, fucker. One time I was at a bar discussing a deal with a AT&T representative and a roastie was grinding up against me and I pushed her to the ground and spat on her. I got that deal and a 10% funding bonus. My T levels are off the charts. My balls are massive and I am officially apart of the Never Cum Gang.
Fuck faggots and degenerates
Fuck Women
but most importantly FUCK SEX


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Reddit tier pasta just kill yourself

Comic didn’t really have a villain.

99%? Not 98%? Not 98.9%? Seems very arbitrary.

>No one is OK with dying so it is wrong to kill,

No one is ok with being punished, so is punishment wrong? You're going to have to come up with better justification for not killing than that.

I'd be OK with dying if it saved lives, and so have been countless other people throughout history. What now?

lel what if your life is threatened by armed opponents? are you gonna let yourself get killed?

i think so because i'd be confused and sleepy at that point

It bothered me how everybody in the movie was a 10/10 casting choice and then this dweeby looking fucker comes along.




There are alot of geniuses who are absolutely retarded at some things. Common mistake is to think just because someone is smart at one thing, they're smart at everything

Actual Philosophy undergrad here, Kantian Ethics still have major problems. It doesn't have a method for resolving which duties to abide by in a given situation since all imperatives are treated with equal weight i.e. always tell the truth VS always protect/be loyal to your friends. It also totally disregards the emotions behind an action which seem intuitively to matter i.e. you visit your friend in the hospital because you like them and care about them not JUST because you have a moral duty to visit them, and it would be weird/borderline fucked if you visited your buddy in the ER solely because you have a duty to them and not because you actually care about them. Those are just a few off the top of my head

Based on what I've learned about Kant I wouldn't be surprised if he was autistic. Still a brilliant thinker but the hint of autism is there if your radar is calibrated properly.

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god forbid someone try something new


Did you miss the Schumacher Batman films?