Why am I the only one enjoying this shit?

Why am I the only one enjoying this shit?

What I loved about this show was that it defied fantasy convention, among other things. And there are real consequences to every action.

That's still what I'm seeing.

The hero "Yaaas Queen" is having her counsellors turn on her because she is displaying signs of madness, the trait of her father. Her inept action and lack of battle prowess has cost her a dragon, and endangered the lives of her advisors. She's seen as foreign invader, and probably, should have stayed in Essos with her ancient cities. Cities she liberated only to be re-enslaved as soon as her occupation ended.

If anything, and I say this truthfully, the show has gotten better since the departure of GRRM. Fewer bullshit scenes and characters. Less wine drinking. What did GRRM give us?
High Septom, pointless season.
Dorne, pointless season.
House of Black and White, pointless progression.
Brienne and Pod wandering around, pointless progression.

D&D have tightened up an incoherent unfinished work, with purpose, and are giving it a coherent direction. If it were left to GRRM we would have a 20 season show, 5 seasons being Dunc and Egg side stories.

So thank you Based D&D, show is still absolute kino.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The only marked bad scene from this season so far, is this one.

The absolute stupidity of doing face to face negotiation, in front of ballista, with no diplomats. A poorly thought out scene.

But even this scene makes sense in context that Cersei could kill them all here and end it, but instead chooses to enrage Daenerys, and force her to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and forever be known as a mad queen, regardless of outcome.


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based d&d

I don't mind anything that's happened this season because the season isn't over. Because this is the final stretch of the series and the story is still untold.

Like, how much of a pisspants little cunt does one have to be to throw a tantrum that everything is ruined? That's seriously the actions and behaviors of a retarded child who needs to be smacked, a lot.

I'm reserving judgment about the season and series until I've seen the season and series.


I've never watched this stupid show and always hated the obnoxious fans so I've picked it up after S08E03 and now I watch it to enjoy the destruction of a megafranchise because of incompetent management and writing. It's like watching a Titanic sinking where the show itself is a Titanic.

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It's kind of a murder mystery, though. There are so many questions. How the fuck did this all get past quality control? Are there no consultants? Why the most expensive TV series in history can't hire competent writers? Why on Earth would they rush the ending? We might never know.

I wouldn't be suprised that after almost 10 years of the same shit DiDo just want out and rather close it with a quick wrap-up then have three more seasons of it.

I genuinely don't like how the cowardly coughing cockless faggot groveled under shittier rulers and as soon as he's slightly displeased with dany he betrays her.

People have been complaining since the first season.

Honestly 7-8 have been some of the better seasons. Better acting. Better production. Tighter pacing.

Still objectively the best show on television.

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ThAT's becasue they removed his whole Aegon Blackfyre plotline that made sense why he was always working with the current king but plotting in the background to eventually replace him with a better one. His whole talk about "for the relam" was to further his goal to see his personel perfectly bred king on the throne and not do what is literally best for the realm. But without that plotline you have to take it at face valuve which makes him look crazy seeing how he destablizes everything where he can for no apperant reason.

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The writing is still top tier, the most viewers on television, and ending on its own terms.

I'm sure they appreciate the views though.

Cite an example of "bad writing"

You can't, and if you've never seen the show, how do you have any context?

Cuz you are very big brain and maybe you're even Based like D&D. Are you basede?

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Why not?

He basically left to gauge Daenerys's ruling competency, and from what he has seen, she threatens her advisors, she burns people alive, she doesn't respect native customs or tradition, and every place she has "liberated" is a thousand times worse now than before she arrived.

The only prerequisite she had for ruling is her familiar claim, which had disintegrated, and her foreign forces and dragons, which are fading fast.

Shes a conqueror, not a competent ruler.


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Not him but having Arya kill the Night King is bad writing. Her storyline never once had anything to really do with the north. It was more about revenge against everyone who had wronged her. Yet Jon does fuck all during the battle when his entire arc was about the north, the wall, and warning everyone against the undead.

As for episode four: three (and only three) balistae bolts get fired from behind a blind cliff to kill the dragon. Yet Dany flies in straight at less than half the distance with the entire fleet barrage and none hit. They capture Missandei and treat her like she's important despite having no way (that I can remember) of telling she's Dany's right hand girl. Plus with all the people that swam ashore, she shouldn't be the only one who was captured where ever she was found.

This video can explain it better than I can. The writing is objectively bad and the screen directing/military tactics are objectively bad.


Arya horse face killing le night king while having 0 connection to that plot. all of her "training" was a season of her washing bodies, sweeping floors and getting her ass kicked by the waif. How about arya getting stabbed 5 times in the gut by a twisted knife and jumping into literal whitewater and next day runs from the terminator and is all good. How about the sand snakes wanting to avenge oberyn.... by killing oberyn family? This show is laughable at best

Those high school bullies really gave you guys brain damage. You're the type of contrarian children who would eat your own shit just to stand out and be special because you failed at everything else in life

>i mad now

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>At least the boo-

>What I loved about this show was that it defied fantasy convention, among other things. And there are real consequences to every action.
>That's still what I'm seeing.



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Was just looking for this. She gets a 4 foot platform advantage and somehow enters a huge open courtyard in the middle of hundreds of wights and all the other blue man group dudes. No one sees or hears her despite in the scene just before the wights went into a frenzy over the sound of her blood dripping onto tile.

Please oh wise and grand OP. How on The Sevens Green Planetos did Dany not see the massive Iron Fleet when she was hundreds of feet in the air. Or better yet how oh how did Euron manage to shoot the dragon three times in a row from behind some stupid massive boulder you little shit? How when it was established that dragon scales are stronger than steel did the bolts pierce the skin so eaily? How is it that when she was flying straight at the guns they missed every shot. How did Euron manage to capture Missandrie without going near Danys fleet? How the fuck did any of that make sense? Why are you such an obnoxious faggot?

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All of that training is disclipine. And to be fair we didn't see everything she was taught. She concludes her training by assassinating several people. The training is complete.

She had been training for six seasons with no real payoff. Her killing the Night King is great writing. Who else makes sense? Jon? For Jon to kill the Night King every single whitewalker has to be dead. It makes even less sense.

Also Jon's character is the heroic commander of a half dozen battles. Hik not killing the Night King doesn't detract from his conquests in any way.

The Oberyn part makes sense in that the Prince of Dorne was a crippled fool who wanted to unite with the Lannisters, he may as well be a traitor.

>This video can explain it better

If you don't have your own opinions you are just sheeping along with another autist.

Missandei being captured while coming ashore is no less realistic than fucking ice zombies and dragons my guy.

The ballistae is your best argument but even then its easily dismissed by saying various shots missed above them / off screen.

>that spacing

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The character Arya jumping neck level is not unbelievable. And why would being grabbed kill her? She weighs 90 pounds.

The actress Maisie needing assisted jump is believable.

Ayra has been training to be a killer since episode 1. That writing made sense to me.

>The character Arya jumping neck level is not unbelievable
Oh you fucking retarded brainlet, for one, she couldn't have approached the wights without making VERY LOUD NOISES when walking on the snow


>And why would being grabbed kill her? She weighs 90 pounds
Look up method of execution known as 'hanging'

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I have my own opinions on the show. Literally everything in that video is an opinion I share because the writing is shit. Multiple scenes with Jaime, Brienne, and others being completely swarmed by wights, camera cuts away. And they're fine. Sending cavalry into a swarm is stupid, putting trebuchets ahead of your army and not behind the walls is stupid, the wights were shown to be completely and utterly destroyed by fire yet 4-5 of them put out the fire trench. Then the massive swarm of undead sieging the castle turns into a Walking Dead episode with Arya sneaking around the castle.

The video just makes all my points for me without me having to write it all out.

It's not the jump that bothers me, it's her managing to sneak into the courtyard surrounded by hundreds of enemies, including the Night King's direct subordinates yet jumps 8 feet off the ground for a kill.

Killing the enemies that wronged her and her family, yes. Killing the Night King which she didn't know existed until like one episode prior is stupid.

It's established that Euron's ballista or "Scorpions" are a highly modified version (65% stronger as said in the post-show) designed after Jaime's Scorpion failed to kill Rhaegal initially.

It's also shown that each ship has a Scorpion, so its not only Euron firing.

It's also much easier to aim at a coasting unsuspecting target than fire directly at a target at full speed capable of weaving in and out.

Any more retarded questions, oh user of simple mind?

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But she's a trained killer. If she saw a really bad threat, including one to her brother, seems like she would want to end that.

Line spacing has always been used on Yea Forums, my retarded hikki cuck.

So how come Dany didn't see them?

The wights in the godswood had stopped attacking anything for several minutes. That's why Theon stopped attacking them, talked to Bran a little bit, and charged the Night King.

Sure she would. But it's bad writing to have her be the one when her arc had nothing to do with it. Jon's ENTIRE ARC prior to meeting Dany was preparing for the Night King... Martin's writing would've never gone that way.

What do you get out of these shitty baits? Is the (you) really worth it?

Arya approaching on snow would've been audible to all of the white walkers and NK loooong before Arya would've been in lunging distance

Also the sudden stop by her neck would've either outright killed or paralyzed her

>Any more retarded questions, oh user of simple mind?
Yeah, why are you calling ballistas scorpions?

I can be, but it would also be pretty predictable. Arya was a nice twist imo. Jon I think they will finish as king though. His arc is going to be betraying Dany

They literally show a paning shot of the ships coming out from behind the mountains/cliff sides to ambush them. Is it that difficult to understand simple visual storytelling?

Must be nice to be dumb enough to enjoy Spectacle > Story garbage. Tasty b8 though, tyvm.

For one, and stop autistically screeching, the "stage" she leaps from commits that she comes from behind the weirwood tree.

Its also established previously shes quicker than a drop of blood. Take that as you will. This is a magic centric fantasy universe and Arya is a character established around stealth and face-changing.

how did they shoot the dragons through the cliffs than?

Let me guess, american education

>how did they shoot the dragons through the cliffs than?
Over the horizon radar for tracking the dragons and guided bolts

>Sending cavalry into a swarm is stupid

I thought this was debunked already.

You have estimated 100,000 cavalry, in an open-field, with enchanted fire weapons, against an estimated 100,000 undead, who as much as we've seen may as well be shambling corpses.

If anything, logic dictates that half of the dothraki charge should've been enough to completely eviscerate the entire undead horde.

That's exactly what cavalry are used for, charging against infantry in an open field.

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What if she just jumped off some WW?

They were hidden behind the coastal peninsula, as established in the previous tracking shot.

>If anything, logic dictates that half of the dothraki charge should've been enough to completely eviscerate the entire undead horde.
False, the dothraki had steel weapons, to kill a single wight they'd have had literally chopped them up to pieces
>That's exactly what cavalry are used for, charging against infantry in an open field.

D&D literally said in the behind the scenes episode that arya was to literally appear out of nowhere

But they only send the cavalry. If they were hoping to win based on a pure swarm tactic, why would you leave the rest of your military might behind to watch? And the fire swords do effectively nothing. They had already planned that charge before the got the enchantment which would've been even less effective.

>It's bad writing to have her be the one when her arch had nothing to do with it

Why? Deviated from expectation? Isn't that why this show was initially heralded? Anyone can die and things are surprising?

>Also the stop by her neck would've killed or paralyzed her

He grabs her with both arms. The weight is evenly distributed.

The ships moved out from cover

That would be like Pot Pie killing Cersei. Yes it would be unexpected but it'd still be stupid. Arya didn't even complete her initial goal of everyone on her list. Then she sprints out after Mellisandre has her little chat. Apparently "Not today" is magical code for "Head to the Godswood and appear out of thin air to kill the most powerful being in existence with 8,000 years of planning."

This. Based.

>Pot Pie
You mean Hot Pie you illiterate showfag?

got dissenters getting blown the fuck out itt


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Nah, she'd definitely be a corpse, just re-watched the scene, hear weapon hand is jacknifed, she can't support her weight with that

That is absolutely what light calvary has never been used for.

I agree EXCEPT they aren't staging the action or scenes with any logical coherence. Too many things dont make sense regardless of the story.

Handful of retards baiting tonight obviously.To humor you
>weapons that don't kill them
>not heavy cav, almost no charging power head on against wights that move as a tidal wave

The showrunners dont understand anything. They had cav charging in a wedge in battle of the bastards against lines that didn't warrant it. And yes what you said is always stupid. Cavalry were until late 1800s the most mobile and versatile force that was never committed fully unless it was going to win.

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That scene was just so fucking bad, I actually thought I was watching a dream sequence. Like it was so poorly done and over the top that I literally thought we were going to have Dany waking up in bed from a nightmare right after.

Basic military strategy.

Why drag the phallanx into open field? They are the last defense.

If anything I would've had them in formation behind the fire trench, as it is a more sound tactic, but if you consider my statement in the OP, I say she has made mistakes of which she has paid greatly. Part of the fun of the show.

if the night king just side-stepped a bit, she'd faceplant, right?

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>What I loved about this show was that it defied fantasy convention,
Redshirts dying en masse while the main characters all survive under the same circumstances is very conventional
>There are real consequences to every action
You mean when cersei blew up the Vatican, didn't even bother lying about it, and no one caring? Or Jon falling in a frozen lake with armor on and being fine?
>The hero "Yaaas Queen" is having her counsellors turn on her because she is displaying signs of madness
They have no problem with her before and thought she was a perfect ruler, then turn on her in one episode out of nowhere, two days after she helped kill Satan and save the world, it makes no sense
>Her inept action and lack of battle prowess has cost her a dragon, and endangered the lives of her advisors
Her decisions aren't inept, they're badly written, there's basically not a character there, just shit happening that makes no sense, physically impossible ballistas, teleporting armies, Dany "forgetting" about the iron fleet,
>D&D have tightened up an incoherent unfinished work, with purpose, and are giving it a coherent direction
Pretty much all the fan theories back when there was still hype for this season had more purpose and coherence than what we've gotten

Dabid is jumping ship in search of Mousebux

So are you alluding that Hot Pie has the same fighting prowess as a faceless acolyte that has shown capable of defeating Brienne in single combat and also stealthy enough to kill the entire Frey house?

Did you miss every scene with Arya in it?

>This is a magic centric fantasy universe and Arya is a character established around stealth and face-changing.
So you didn't watch the episode? D&D said on behind the scenes Arya lost her special powers when she got her head knocked before the library scene


Also the show talked about the Dothraki charge for seasons and seasons. We finally got to see it and people freaked the fucked out. That's what they do.

It was this easy to kill a dragon this whole time?

I'm enjoying the reaction to it. Watching people turn on their favorite show in real time.

Mad OP, you must be stopped.

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Read the books before the show but sure. Attack a minor point of a wrong name of some completely unimportant character from like 6 seasons ago. Great counterargument.


He's a servant. Assuming he was in the capital, he could technically poison her or any other shady way. Death comes in many forms. I picked a random character. Even the cast was surprised that Arya was going to be the one to kill the Night King.

Single line Pike calavry, no.

These are horse lords who have been established since the first season that this style charge is their speciality. Their weapons are designed for cavalry charge.

Cavalry is for giving you a mobility advantage. You don't charge them head-on, haphazardly. It's a complete waste, highly inefficient use.

yummy for my tummy

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>Never committed fully unless it was going to win

No one knew if the dead could be defeated, so I give them a little breathing room.

>These are horse lords who have been established since the first season that this style charge is their speciality.
Maybe you should look up how they were actually used

They can run down retreating enemies easy but the dead don't fall back

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>idk if we can beat nazi germany on d-day, let's abandon all conventional tactics and storm the beach with our tanks first

You do against open-field cavalry that have no pikes.

If they do not have pikes, or archers, its the perfect thing to do.

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>look up how a hypothetical army is used

Like the mongols? They were mostly horse archers. This is an incomparable force.

>If they do not have pikes, or archers, its the perfect thing to do.
No, its not

It is only acceptable if the enemy is divided, shattered and running away - If they are in one mass and willing to fight do not fucking charge them

>it was determined that the show would need to end in season 8
>the writers managed to figure out a way to wrap it up and give it coherent direction

Imagine that, a show (story) that has been given a deadline for ending somehow gains a coherent direction, as opposed to something with no deadline having no foreseeable end and no 'coherent direction'.

Are you actually retarded?

>Six of every ten Mongol troopers were light cavalry horse archers; the remaining four were more heavily armored and armed lancers.
And they were in strenght of tens of thousands, your average mongol army has more lancers than total dothraki in s08e03, stop spewing shit

>You don't charge dothraki cavalry like that!
>She literally did against Jaime
>Completely fucked his army up
>"Your people can't fight"
>Jaime: "You havent seen them on the field, we cant beat them!"

Do argument fags consider that the Dothraki to this point have never been defeated?

Who in this horde do you tell to do a "wedge formation"? They essentially dictate themselves.

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>3 lines of infantry
the dead were hundred lines deep and see in the fucking dark you dipshit

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god this is so cringe

Are you? GRRM still hasnt even finished the second to last book.

Should we wait 20 years to wrap up this show? GRRM has provided outlines every step of the way.

Difference is they charged in the pitch darkness against a horde of unfeeling zombies using weapons that can't kill them(this was the plan before Melisandre showed up randomly).

Thats not how you use cavalry in real life, much less against the undead in the dark

Undead aren't infantry, a two man spear wall wouldn't do anything. This is evidence of more shit writing. Their spears arent long enough (see unsullied, actually) and the men arent stacked thick enough to hold up against a charge. Ironically a strong spear wall would have been best against the tidal wave of undead which is why it is so frustrating. The show had that, and they had the cavalry to flank with, Worse still, this is basic common knowledge that 5/10 people know from games like rome and shogun total war. Its just regular basic well known info.

Even the show ROME that DnD used as inspiration for getting this show made talk about this.

kill yourself loser virgin


CG was pretty shit.

I have less issue with the story points than the fact they are rushing a ending. Feels like we really should have had this season be all about the white walkers and the next dedicated to who wins the throne.

My only guess is they are incredibly cash poor and can barely afford to do this season.

literally samefagging kike

please tell us more about strategy of an unreal horde of soldiers vs an undead horde

you absolute autist

They chose to make a show about a story that wasn't finished yet.

>Do argument fags consider that the Dothraki to this point have never been defeated?
And Dany managed to literally EXTINCT them in ONE BATTLE SCENE, WELL FUCKING DONE


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>Let me tell you how *I* would've utilized an imaginary force to defeat an army of ice zombies!!

have sex

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The undead see in the dark and do not retreat



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Yes, I would have utilized them better.




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To be fair, they are horselords

Its not like they can just fit inside the castle and chill

That's all you got, bud? I didnt care about it and laughed most of that episode. I'm just entertaining your retard posts because I'm drunk.

>the undead see in the dark

Yeah, and the undead chose the darkest time to attack.

Are we faulting the dothraki for not having nightvision now? Have sex.

No, you are incorrect.

It was obviously longer than 1 minute. Go time it and prove me otherwise. Cuck.

>To be fair, they are horselords
>Its not like they can just fit inside the castle and chill
Thats still not how you use cavalry, as seen from their performance (all dead in less than a minute from contact) in ep. 3

I'd have had thousand times better tactics that wold've left 95% of them alive at the end while causing 300-900% more casualties on the dead

Ah a drunken degenerate, no wonder your posts are so low IQ

mad granny dany is CUTE!

>Are we faulting the dothraki for not having nightvision now?
>No, you are incorrect.
I am 100% correct here you faggot, they instantly disintigrated as a fighting force therefore that is not the correct way to handle cavalry

You didn't say anything

No thats still exactly how you use cavalry.

And you'd have 900% more kills?

900x zero is still zero, N I G G E R

>No thats still exactly how you use cavalry.
Did you even watch the episode you kike? They all died instantly

Fucking mentally ill jews ruining the board

I love how Jon Snow had someone carve hundreds of white blocks, and squeeze them onto the map table like that, just to make the point that "hey guys, there's a lot of zombies"

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Damn OP you really riled the tards with this one

Behold, jewish mental illness

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You are 100% incorrect, in my episode the dothraki defeated the undead and you can't disprove me.

For the record, in the glorious Reich, you'd be the first to be gassed, you, you D O U B L E. N I G G E R.

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I wasnt pretending

>the dothraki defeated the undead
Disney, Ford and Hitler were right, reality is objective and your people are blight upon civilization

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All of that training was about as retarded as could be. She didnt learn any of the things we see her do onscreen. She is a feminist power fantasy. Jon should have been the one to kill him. All of the white walkers should have fought and killed/ be killed by the heroes at winterfell. It may not detract from Jon's conquests but it certainly detracts from the 8 SEASON ARC of that fucking character. It isn't subverting expectations. It makes no sense and was pure cringe. Jon has been reduced to a grovelling weak man just like all of the other men. "Doran was weak." Yes he was, but he was saving the lives of innocent dornish men from another pointless war. Oberyn died in a trial by combat that he volunteered for. The writing has become pathetic since they went past georgies books. End of story


>Why am I the only one enjoying this shit?
because its stupid and you're the only one too stupid not to realize it. Characters making shitty decisions used to make sense within the script, now its just lazy writing to move the plot where it has to be.

I'm going to sage your thread and leave it now, hope you come to your senses

I agree with this post

>All of that training is disclipine. And to be fair we didn't see everything she was taught. She concludes her training by assassinating several people. The training is complete.

Her training was not even 20% done, and the order of assassins who taught her would not ever allow someone to just walk out on them if they felt like it, Arya should have died the instant she fucked the faceless man over.
Her still being alive and running around like a naruto ninja is pure fanfiction and bad writing.

>She had been training for six seasons with no real payoff.
Yeah, she has been training to kill humans, I think I must have missed the part where got did a crossover with the witcher and geralt taught Arya the ways of the witcher.
Arya was trained to kill humans, not magical creatures like white walkers.

>Her killing the Night King is great writing. Who else makes sense? Jon?
Hmm, lets see, one door number one we have the man who has been fighting and learning the best ways to kill white walkers since this show began.
Behind door number 2 we have a girl who does not even know what a white walker is.
Hmmm I wonder which one I should pick, the guy who has experience in killing white walkers or the girl who never traded blows with white walkers, its so hard to make a choice.

>For Jon to kill the Night King every single whitewalker has to be dead. It makes even less sense.
The same should be true for Arya, since the writers showed us a scene of Arya FAILING to sneak past five of zombies, and yet five seconds later she can teleport past 50 white walkers thanks to the power of bad writing.

The true retardation of the scene is Arya stabbing the Night king exactly where his armor would protect him, if Arya is truly an experienced assassin like you say, she would never do such an amateur mistake like this, she would stab the NK in the eyes or neck, you know, those soft exposed targets that are not protected by fucking armor.

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Things that didn't make sense in that scene
>dragon clearly in range of the ballista, the other one was much further away and still got sniped by the fleet
Things that should have happened that would have made it better
>Cersei just pushes Missandei off the wall, no sword-work

>I just want a predictable show where everything happens how I want it to
Go write your own books then faggot. No one cares

What's with the varys coughing memes? Any explanation?

Clearly you cared, otherwise you would not be trying to defend this show braindead writing for mindless sheep.

I cared to come call you a faggot. I didn't care about what your opinions where

Varys is seen coughing after getting washed up on the shore. Reddit faggots for some reason thought it was meme worthy.

the real question is how did he survive this?

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>Azor Ahai is an anagram of Varyz the Spider

Good one user.

Are you under the influence of something?

watching you try and defend this is arousing. I wish to pound your boipucci.

>The hero "Yaaas Queen" is having her counsellors turn on her because she is displaying signs of madness, the trait of her father. Her inept action and lack of battle prowess has cost her a dragon, and endangered the lives of her advisors.
Well, to be fair, she was airborne, in a world without any sort of air power whatsoever, several hundred feet up, moving at a fair clip (I'm guessing ~40mph) and she got blindsided by an enemy that should have been visible, by all accounts, and was only not because of the shit writing. The horrible crap writing that needs to have Euron popping his fleet out of warp right under Dany's dragon in order to score a kill and shock the audience with the cheap thrills of a grand creature being slaughtered in bloody spectacle.

What I'm trying to say is, this show is legitimately shit, now that GRRM is out of the driver's seat.

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TV show lost any of it's symbolism, nuance and foreshadowing. I love long rambling series, each chapter gives new information on current characters agenda or give a different POV about an old incident. You don't get the full harrenhall tourney the first time it's told to you, you piece bits and pieces of how the entire shitshow started slowly as different characters tell you about different things that happened. The politics of the past that inform the actions of now are mostly gutted, so are the prophecies that drive a number of characters.

I'd have to actually go back as far as the second season and start making a full list of grievances I have with the series, but I understand that some of the long passages/histories may not be needed in full if the series wanted to keep it's 10 ep seasons (if these fucks just did a standard 20 episode year, they could have done everything, they were raking in so much fucking money it should have been possible to keep high quality sets/costumes with 20 episodes a year).

Desire of (You)s

Arya's powers are:
>magic to shapeshift, requires access to dead body for skinning
Her training made her better for sneaking, it doesn't give her magic strength/dexterity/speed.
The NK threw an ice spear, to a great height, with enough force to penetrate dragon hide. He also impaled a man with a wooden stick, through two armour plates. How the fuck did Arya not die the moment he caught her? How did she get into that position? She can't face steal an other because they don't leave corpses. Her combat training only puts her at 'good' level for her age, her combat style is still about thrusts with a rapier. Remember the whole gimmick in the early seasons about armour fucking mattering and that her style would need finesse and training to be useful for stabbing ""unprotected"" parts (seriously why the fuck did everyone start forgetting helms, neck/leg protection).

Why are the trebs/catapults outside? Put them inside and have them SPAM the moment the dead are in range and never stop firing. Make the tiny fire moat a larger fire moat, longer than 1 body, the tactic of sacrificing a few to douse the flame will still happen but your moat will still chew through a few (the are meant to INSTANTLY light up if exposed to fire, there's also the thing about open bodies of water like a river/sea stopping others). The shitty horses before Mel showed up could have only cut up the dead, so their best use would have been to harass the sides/bait the dead if at all possible. As others mentioned light/heavy cavalry are used to break formations, the dead won't do that, so sending them into the middle of a death swarm only adds to the death swarms numbers. The dragons, the fucking dragons needed to be carpet bombing the entire time. almost no one should be outside the wall, everyone should be using what ever fire arrows they can manage (wheres the fucking oil for use at the walls/murder holes), some glorified oil grenade should have been used like at the wall with the barrel bombs.


>hurr it's upgraded
Upgraded enough to hit a dragon from over 1000 yards away over open sights while on the sea? On land it'd be an asspull

>The dragons, the fucking dragons needed to be carpet bombing the entire time.
This does happen; it's the only remotely satisfying part of the episode, watching them rip through thousands at a time.

Because they'd been demolished by a huge fucking dragon, were heavily outnumbered and effectively ambushed. If they'd used the dragons to torch open paths for the Dothraki to charge through it'd have made more sense


They do it once

Not him but
>Don't use my thinking thoughts, that would take effort. I'll instead call him a faggot, that's a good one.

>dragon flying quickly a thousand feet away is sniped with pinpoint accuracy by 3 different ballistae
>said ballistae were behind an island and not in line of sight, so they must have fired blindly
>all when there's no way in hell these people had practice hitting flying targets
>a fourth shot nearly hits Dany off the back of a dragon, an even smaller target on a flying target
>meanwhile 10 of them can't hit a dragon once when it's flying directly at them
>every single person is too stupid to swim the dragons under the ships, where the ballistae can't aim, and effortlessly sink the whole fleet
This is probably the single most retarded scene in the entire show and was done purely for shock value and subversion. If you ate it up, congratulations. You'd probably be just as entertained by someone dangling a shiny object in your face.

They make like 2 passes. Let's be generous here.

Granted they got MISTED by the NK and then harassed by Viserion.

Predictability is not always bad. Predictability is good, shows rational and coherent plotting. If it was a slapstick comedy it would be fine, but this (well, didn't use to be) is not a comedy where I can let such things slide. If you've dropped enough clues, follow through, your readers have done well to piece together where you're headed. The only shocking things in early GoT is that many houses are power hungry and will do shitty things at the drop of a hat to claw at more power. Most betrayals are completely telegraphed based on what you know about a character/organisation.

>this will never be how it went down

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And yet the retards above will defend the writing because 'You didn't expect that.'

i want to cum in her pussy

>Arcs should end in a way I find satisfying to be considered good

if you didn't wretch in real time when this scene was over you're a fuckin idiot

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Imagine shilling this shitshow for free

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>Having Arya kill a 10,000 year old God of death, who kicked so much ass the first time around they built a thousand foot tall thousand mile long magic wall to keep him out instead of fight the first eight seconds she lays eyes on him is an end to an arc

They knocked over a piece of cardboard. Sam is more threatening. It's not even an arc

>imagine spending this much time and effort to troll a board of strangers on Yea Forums.

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Just finished. Damn that good. This is now my headcanon

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I'd take the homing upgrade too

>Her storyline never once had anything to really do with the north. It was more about revenge against everyone who had wronged her
Isn’t GoT and espesially asoiaf all about breaking these classic tropes that the hero everyone expects saves the day? I see nothing wrong with arya offing nk, i have some problems with the way she did it, but hey nothing’s perfect. So could everyone stop it about these arcs, real people and events don’t happen according to some arc, so why would they happen in GoT. Random shit happens also. Arya was at winterfell, she had a knife and she knew how to use it. Maybe it wasn’t motivated by revenge, but by the will to live.

How the fuck is that map useful? You can't move anything on it without some faggoty selfie-stick-looking magnet pole.

>at first I was like...
>but then I

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based, fuck the fat fuck and his boring meandering shit about robert's bastards and the arya clone and darkshadow starfirre or whatever that faggot is called

If you go back and watch the second season you can already start to see the direction falling apart. For example when Arya tells Jaqen to kill the Armory Loach he gets there in half a second and the scene just cuts to the man falling through a door with a dart in his neck. You didn't really care at the time because whatever, it's fine. Loach wasn't important and Jaqen is cool. But it's shit like that that led to the bullshit we're seeing in season 8 on full display. It all started in season 2 and just got away with a little more each season, a little more, a little more. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

>displaying signs of madness
Such as?
Come on you faggot, defend this cancer writing. Name a single thing that can accurately be defined as 'madness'

De-realization, Dany has an episode on middle of the post-battle celebrations

wtf i love this season now

Its the season that makes sure D&D never work in TV again, you don't just fuck over your previous employer for millions and just switch jobs

like jorah dying to a shitty knife through plate armor

Being sad that nobody appreciates what you did during the battle is now 'having an episode'?

Fuck off and come up with something better.

-crucifying all the Wise Masters of Astapor just because a small fraction of them decided to crucify slave children
-burning the Tarly family (and many others) alive
-admitting that she doesn't actually want to make the world better, she just wants revenge for what happened to her family
-denying the birthright of the rightful King and Savior, Stannis Baratheon

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Listen to the sounds the show runners decided to put around when that happens, shes clearly fucking mentally ill

>Yeah, she has been training to kill humans, I think I must have missed the part where got did a crossover with the witcher and geralt taught Arya the ways of the witcher.

Thanks for the kek user, I really needed it today.

my favorite idea, if the leaks end up being true, is that D&D didn't fuck over their employers.

they genuinely thought their choices were good artistically and convinced HBO execs to greenlight them.

that would actually be totally consistent with their writing choices generally, and Benioffs decisions in the movies he's been involved with. the idea that they've never understood what they're doing and think that their ideas are good explains a lot about the show since season 5.

>Her training was not even 20% done, and the order of assassins who taught her would not ever allow someone to just walk out on them if they felt like it, Arya should have died the instant she fucked the faceless man over.
>Her still being alive and running around like a naruto ninja is pure fanfiction and bad writing.
This may be true

>Yeah, she has been training to kill humans, I think I must have missed the part where got did a crossover with the witcher and geralt taught Arya the ways of the witcher.
>Arya was trained to kill humans, not magical creatures like white walkers.
It would seem that killing a white walker and killing a human can be done in the same manner: stab with valyrian steel

>Hmm, lets see, one door number one we have the man who has been fighting and learning the best ways to kill white walkers since this show began.
>Behind door number 2 we have a girl who does not even know what a white walker is.
>Hmmm I wonder which one I should pick, the guy who has experience in killing white walkers or the girl who never traded blows with white walkers, its so hard to make a choice.
I have never hit a nigger, but I would expect that my experiences with hitting a white guy could still help me with the former task.

>The same should be true for Arya, since the writers showed us a scene of Arya FAILING to sneak past five of zombies, and yet five seconds later she can teleport past 50 white walkers thanks to the power of bad writing.
>The true retardation of the scene is Arya stabbing the Night king exactly where his armor would protect him, if Arya is truly an experienced assassin like you say, she would never do such an amateur mistake like this, she would stab the NK in the eyes or neck, you know, those soft exposed targets that are not protected by fucking armor.
Valyrian steel>some 8000 year old shitty armor. Also Arya tried to hit NK in the neck, but NK blocked it. Option 2, stab in the gut with off hand.

There was a thread here yesterday saying HBO wanted 10 season but D&D instead want to go over to disney to work on Star Wars

that doesn't mean that they didn't think their 8-season version would be better, or that they COULDN'T have done a satisfying 8-season version.

alienating literally everyone doesn't make sense, so it's actually more logical to assume they simply deluded themselves that people would think Mad Dany was a literary ending like The Sopranos.

You are a low iq subhuman, user.If you actually take a look at the earlier seasons people that paid the ultimate price did things that led them to the consequences that they had.After the show completely went towards a different direction story went into much more linear path where characters become caricatures of themselves, shock values and quips thrown around right and left nonstop and people are dying randomly without any climatic resolution and the story arcs are being shortened to fit into narrative since the seasons are all rushed now.These became the glaring issues that Got has now.Fuck you and retards who blindly support this casual garbage made for niggers and mouth breathers

>crucifying all the Wise Masters of Astapor just because a small fraction of them decided to crucify slave children
Hardly madness. This is what typically happens to civilians when a city is conquered. Look at history kid.
>burning the Tarly family (and many others) alive
Executing your enemies in a war is madness? Would you prefer they be burned when they were dead first?
>admitting that she doesn't actually want to make the world better, she just wants revenge for what happened to her family
So? This is madness to you? Wanting revenge?
>denying the birthright of the rightful King and Savior, Stannis Baratheon
Now here's a true example of madness. Burning your kid alive and marching into certain death.

What sounds? I can hardly remember anything. You mean the background noises got dampened or something? Vague.


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I don't get this meme. This happened for 2 seconds. Wasn't even really funny

it certainly isn't if you have watched western television at all, ever

Its a pretty clear signal

-Arya is seen in one shot prior silently skulking around the edge of the Godswood
>Arya leaps out of the darkness at the Night King
>the Night King grabs Arya by the neck
>she goes to knife him and he grabs her arm
-she drops her knife
-having evaded the dragon, Jon Snow stumbles into the scene
-in one flowing motion he picks up a nearby bow and arrow from a fallen soldier (with the obsidian-tipped arrows) and shoots
>the Night King explodes, and all the other White Walkers with him

There, I fixed the stupid scene. Jon still delivered the killing blow, and did while protecting two of his loved ones.

the story is decent enough (if you're willing to accept how they handled the night king and his army at least), it's just the writing/execution that's disappointing

The thing with Melissandre and Beric made it clear that is someone was her destiny to finish the White Walkers
Stop doing gymnastics to defend this shitty show, fanboy (or shill)
It’s embarrassing

>having “nice twists” justify bad writing
You’re cancer
Do you also watch reaction videos?

8-3 was the end of post season 3 GOT now with 8-4 it's back to season 1-3 GoT. You can see that in how Varys and Tyrion had relevant dialogue for the first time in 4 years.

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Nice Try lmfao which D are you?
dont defend this deus ex machina filled, plot hole/armor infested, sloppily written, fan servicey season.