Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #489
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Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!
> kissu
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Guys are we going to Meet Up at Huntington or Laguna?
Maybe you need a >BOOP
be healed by zapan
>Doc Ido journal arrives next Wednesday
Feels good
d-don't even say it
magic thread
We should vote
I vote Huntington
25TH, 5PM (is earlier better?)
5pm sounds perfect
How about we meet at *ahem* 4:20?
yeah i'll probably sit this one out then
Are any anons flying in for this?
Don't sit it out! We want you there! We dont gotta bring weed
sounds güd to me
don't be a square, most people don't sound like they're gonna smoke anyway.
Some are coming from co
Even though this is bait I'm still mad at this having a release date.
And don’t forget we eat at Denny’s after and chat all night
You fags need to give it a rest. Its literally the same 5 anons that keep making threads like this and commenting on it.
This is such fucking bullshit unironically. Captain Marvel comes out almost a month after Alita, yet gets an official blu-ray release date and pre-order before.
That's the most important part
It sounds like only one or two anons are going to smoke
Personally I’m only taking one hit but mainly to do an IRL Joe Rogan podcast with Alita impersonation
>being this much of a stick in the mud
Hey, what's your problem?
Get VA to do it with you and record it for us
I'm the 3rd CO user. The others are planning to drive out. I may jump in witn them. I am thinking about flying out though too. I need to check cost of tickets still. Would need to arrange airport to beach transportation and was wondering if anyone else is that far into air travel planning.
Oh shit I sincerely hope we get some decent OC out of this meet. Make it happen. Replay scenes from the film with shitty props let's see it.
Not that user but I would feel the same way honestly, or just leave when the bong comes out...
We’re al least going to write /ALITA/ in the sand
Last few meets we technically got lots of OC and golden hilarious moments but it’s one of those things where everyone is in that moment having so much fun we don’t think about recording it
>Ywn see VA drunkenly larp with a stick pretending it's the damascus blade
>you fags need to give it a rest
Oh the irony
You can't fight it you might as well get over it
I don’t mind weed, I smoke it from time to time but some anons just don’t like it bro
/ALITA/ frens come from all places and backgrounds so we’re not all alike
We CO anons kicked ass with our OC last time
Cant wait to meet the CO chads
We’re all going to have so much fun
Leaked pic of the last /ALITA/ meet
I would love for this to be a feud between the groups of you guys one-upping each other.
Can't wait to meet you either fren
How would we one up each other? Via IRL shitposting?
Sure. Burn a Zapan effigy idk whatver you creative people can think of
>not using a tripod and remote shutter
Oh god
Don't tempt me
I can make a shitty zapan plush to burn at the stake by the meetup
i'm not trying to be a stick in the mud you know. i'd rather not show up and let the anons have a good time than be noticeably uncomfortable when people start smoking, but whatever
It's because Captain Marvel made much more money, and was also a better movie
I think the anons would rather take it somewhere else or not do it at all than make someone uncomfortable, certainly there wouldn't be any pressure on you
Don’t worry user you’re not a stick in the mud
I understand if it makes you uncomfortable, I think weed smells like shit but when it comes to that you and I can chat one on one about random shit and I promise the meets are so much fun you don’t really notice that sort of thing. Come and have some fun with us
Nice try friend.
Uh actually smoking weed is mandatory. It is CA after all. Weed is a part of life.
>mfw anyone even implies that CM is good
It seems like there would be fewer anons smoking than not anyways
Zapan is based
I'm kinda glad they got rid of the dumbass chin beard thing in the film
This meet up is sounding more and more lame as the plan come together. This prejudice against weed smokers is obnoxious. Its no different then being against gays coming to the meet up because only heterosexuals are allowed. Seriously. Check your personalities and let people be who they are and enjoy themselves as they want. Fuck. I wouldn't think that needs to be pointed out but apparently it does.
He still sort of hard a bit of it and it bothered me too but his overall design was impressive as hell, what a chad
>this is prejudice
People are free to come or not. That's their problem to not come. I'd imagine that so long as everyone is respectful of each other and perhaps there's a designated smoking area for all those who wish to partake vs those who don't, nothing should be that big of an issue.
It's true, everyone who has a brain knows CM is better.
It was literally only one user lol
Most of us smoke or don’t care if others do
I assume you already have a lovingly crafted Hugo plush by now
Look at this fag. Ha!
>smoking is all but outright outlawed
>zapan's face almost ripped perfectly in half
tee hee
Ed really was perfect for it
>Help! I'm being oppressed!
Weed is legal in CA and good many other states unlike your shine you backwater redneck retard.
That's because of incels like you
>unlike your shine you
Uh... lay off the weed before posting.
Yo weed bros an user pointed out we should get the smoking done a little early because they might not allow us stay inside the Denny’s for long if we all smell
>a handful of about 200-300 "incels" has sway over tens of thousands of ratings
Cope more, Brie-cuck.
Uh... lay off the before posting.
Excellent bait jerome
I wouldn't want to meet gays either tbqh
i’m not going to smoke because i’m not that into it. still am bringing hamms though and will cruise through a few of those. things will just have to be played by ear really.
why can't y'all just bring incense sticks, bottles of Fabreeze spray, and that deodorizing O2 spray stuff? That's how the pros do it, ayyyyy
Weak. You're too high.
Based Satan digits
At least Captain Marvel is getting a sequel, unlike Alita, whose sequels are dead in the water
Fuck that actually made me laugh
Oh shit this is a good plan
Idc for smoking but I definitely want to eat at Denny’s after and not get kicked out.
Thanks for the idea user
>At least
Already moving the goal posts, I see
>whose sequels are dead in the water
Seriously, are you going to be on suicide watch when Jimbo announces the sequel? I'm a little worried about you.
unholy post
This is exactly the weed paranoia that's gonna ruin this meet up. What a load of shit.
Whatever happened to that user who ordered like $100 of chocolate online on /ALITA/‘s advice? Did they OD and die?
Dont be so negative, meetup gonna be fun. Everything'll work out.
Weak. You're too drunk.
For once I'm not jealous of people able to go to a meetup...
is denny’s different in LA? here everyone there seems to be trashed out of their mind and there’s often fights/ commotion. not saying that’s how we’d be but there’s a high bar to getting booted from a Denny’s in my experience.
Pros use a portable smoke buddy
Noticeably uncomfortable? Grow up dude, it's just weed, you don't have to smoke it.
Jerome really goin for it
This is why no one likes potheads.
>Help, they won't let me smoke weed they're being mean!
>Acts like an asshat.
Nice try Jerome. But you’re not going to split the group. Fuck off
No it’s pretty chill here actually. At most you’ll see a few group of friends (like us lol) talking and smiling a little loud but that’s it.
enough fucking weed talk, post wholesome alitas
Nah this happens every time with shitposting and fighting beforehand. The meets always work out. Honestly the more concerning one was the guy LARPing about going on a shooting. This is much less of a legit concern than that.
I didn’t want to impose but I was going to offer to take the meet-up out to dinner as long as you guys promised to go easy on the Cristal.
>Jerome pitting us against each other.
For God's sake, we're all reasonable adults. Those so triggered but the smell of pot can choose to stand far away from those who light up. People who don't smoke can hang with others who don't smoke, or non-smokers and smokes who don't care either way can also mingle with each other. Really not that hard to get along.
I don't think you should bring Hamms. That stuff is pretty gross. Its malt liquor or some other low grade swill isn't it? Its bad enough the pot heads are gonna stink everyone up. Booze like that will make everything worse. People will have malt liqour breath and probably spill the Hamms on each other too or worse someone pukes. No way Denny's will let us in if we stink of cheap booze, weed and vomit. Boozers and potheads should just do their own thing and not ruin our comfy meet up tbqh.
You could also not light up so everyone could have fun together. But you're too high to think clearly.
Can I post le funny may-mays?
>Is it safe to get comfy again?
I wish drugs did something for me. Then I could be cool and bribe whores to wear my Alita shirt to bed.
I don't smoke or drink, asshole. I'm not so self-centered to think about just myself, but for the good of the group.
It's always time for comfy user. You just say the word and we do it.
Weed poster is obviously Jerome trying to split the group before the meet, ignore it
Speaking of beach, we got any manga pics or fan art of Alita at the beach in a bikini or something?
Also here’s a comfy Big Guy. Big guys need to be comfy too
>I'm just vehemently defending an activity most of the group is going to splinter away from.
Yah I'm pretty sure I won't be going anymore. I don't want to deal with pot heads, drunks and straight edge faggots all yelling at each other over who has to stand where when they do what. How childish. I thought this was an adult forum. Turns out its populated by 12 year olds I guess.
Even if one person wanted to do it and nobody else did, I wouldn't give a shit and think that they should be able to. And if everyone else is so offended by it that they don't even wanna be near said person, I'd be more than happy to hang out with them. I don't smoke or drink, but I don't give a fuck if others around me do.
I mean...I kinda liked the movie but is it really worth having this many discussion threads about it?
I could stare at this for hours.
Good for you. You won't be missed.
hamms isn’t malt liquor it’s just mellow beer like coors. and lmao denny’s wouldn’t even be a business if they kicked out drunks that’s half their clientele. open 24 hours for a reason. not that I plan on getting hammered I general enjoy a few beers at the beach when I’m there.
>Therefore I will force this opinion on everyone!
Throw us your favourite things about it user while you're here.
>Jimbo announces the sequel
Not happening, IT BOMBED.
>forcing everyone to do want they want
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
pretty clear to distinguish who's being reasonable and who's obviously trying to instigate crap
>Now go stand over there and sometimes mingle while we stink up the place.
>Oh, you want to go into a restaurant now? Well... oops! Too bad! GROW UP KID.
Integrity will never go out of style and Alita is the character who embodies it most.
The only one else who comes close is K from BR2049 and we'll keep making threads about that one too.
>Why do you ask? You wouldn't want to look at such things, would you?
Bomb is when you don't even make the budget back. By the way, that figure is wrong. The production was $200million, but tax credits knocked off $30million, so $170million is the accurate budget.
A "flop" is when it's at least made the budget back but hasn't broken even nor has made any profit.
So, also not the case for this movie. It's made anywhere between $44-$4million in profit.
If Denny's turned away everyone who smelled like pot eventually they wouldn't have a business
i mean if we're taking nude beaches...
>tfw only limited to Dennys because of potheads
>not wanting suntime funtime Alitas
But, Ido-kun...
Did you even bother to read through the conversation? Whoever the fuck Jerome is isn't the issue here. A handful of self-righteous anons took it upon themselves to chastise people planning on having fun and smoking a little weed. These faggots blew up the issue and threatened to not even come if anyone puffed a joint. Trolls aren't the issue here. Asshole anons telling others what they can and can't do and making a big issue about it is.
Justice League made 623 million on a 300 million budget and lost money. By that logic, there's no doubt that this also lost money.
yeah, it's pretty obvious too. Literally nobody besides one user being anxious even gives a shit that some want to smoke and a bunch of others don't want to and don't have any problem with others doing so. Don't let believe Jerome's lies. Meetup is gonna be sick, it's gonna be comfy and we're all gonna get /healed/.
Wait, is it seriously such a problem to ask someone not to smoke weed for, like, a few hours?
>t not a pothead
Also, it's fucking California, not Mississippi, lol. 1/3rd of the people smoke pot as much as normies drink booze.
this one is really cute user.
Justice League had way more advertising
Also, all the numbers expand when the budget increases. Larger budget has to make 2.5x back vs 2x back to break even, for example.
False equivalency, desu
>Posting my ancient OC
really digging how many new blanket OCs have been made
>whats the bfd maaaan
or don't idc
That self-satisfied smile is the most adorable thing ever
So how many are coming? I know the 3 CO chads are showing up, VA, another cool user from the previous meet and me. Anyone else? We have 6 confirmed so far?
>threatened to not even come if anyone puffed a joint.
Lol, you're making it sound like they threatened to blow up the meet or something. Why the fuck do you care if straightedge crybabies don't come? What, would you rather they be there so they can be awkward and annoying around those who light up? Let them not come.
>Asshole anons telling others what they can and can't do and making a big issue about it is.
THEY AREN'T TELLING OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN AND CAN'T DO. They're telling what THEY will do, and that's on them and no one's forcing them to show up. Now STFU.
Gotta say Gangsta got off pretty light in that race all things considered. Just losing an arm is decent compared to decapitation
>me thinking about trying to have fun at a meetup with this poster
>Posting MY oc
CO anons hopefully get me on the way to you guys.
>didn't post OC to keep the chain going
+1 for a cross-country user
guys look what i got in the mail...
Wait, is it seriously such a problem to allow someone to smoke a little weed for, like, a few minutes?
maybe Alita went light on him since he said 'no worries' when she asked them to take it easy on her.
>Go to a group meeting.
>Can't hold off indulging long enough to have a good time.
>Can't have a good time without it.
Really fries my brain.
fine, sorry; here's a shit one I did a while ago
Alita generals were a mistake
It's too late user.
It's too late.
Cheers Todd back on track
Eh I see where both sides are coming from. The weed anons just want to sit back and enjoy the view with a little smoke, and the other user (just one) doesn’t like the smell which is perfectly reasonable. There’s always doubt and anxiety specially if it’s their first /ALITA/ meet but it always works out awesome in the end.
>plenty of Game of Thrones fans and conversation in real life
>plenty of MCU fans and conversation in real life
>no one wants to talk about Alita
I know there's more than one, because I'm at least the second. More than likely the third.
I don't mind anyone doing it... just can't be around me cuz i'm in the process of getting hired for a job i really need and i can't chance failing a piss test
This. Fuck the potheads trying to shit up the meet up. Its probably the Colorado anons. That whole state is a bunch of pothead retards.
You're not going to fail a piss test just because someone smoked a joint 20 feet away from you
Because Alita sucks
Say that to my face ᵃnᵈ nᵒᵗ ᵒnˡᶦnᵉ...
Again... its a job i really need and can't take ANY chances
Third reporting in. I don't see why this meet up has to allow weed. I'm fine with beer drinking. Weed is just gross though.
Go fuck yourself you judgemental prick
Thread man confirmed racist
Don’t worry straight edge bros. I have something special planned for all of you while the weed anons chill. It’s going to be great
This one has a few bonus tracks, right?
Don't listen to that pothead. Even the slightest whiff of dope smoke will screw your test up. The potheads shouldn't be threatening your employment. We should make them have their own fire or better yet tell them to find a different beach to be on.
Nice try Jerome you can't tear us apart
lol, you can't fail a piss test from being near second-hand marijuana smoke, you numbskull. Only if you inhale/consume it directly.
Besides, you can always cheat a piss test. Tell a non-smoking fried to piss in ziplock bag for you right before your test. Double bag this (just to be safe) and keep it in your crotch. When it's time to do the test, they'll leave you alone in the stall. You can close the door, just can't lock it, there are no cameras, and they won't look at you. Take the bag out of your crotch and pretend it's your dick. Don't pee for too long or too short, just right so that you empty the contents of the bag out in a reasonable time. They're going to ask you to pee in a cup and to pee some in the bowl and not to flush. Once you've emptied the bag, keep it stuff in your crotch so you don't leave evidence. There's no Pee DNA (PNA?) test, so they'll never be able to tell it wasn't your pee.
t. guy who did this before and it worked.
nice how much was it user?
Honestly, I hate the smell and their in-your-face attitude about it really puts me off. If I even voice my opinion the first thing they do is get hostile about it. There really isn't a way to have a good time with people under the influence of mind-altering drugs if your sober.
If you want to do weed, great, go ahead, just don't demand I hang out with you and change who I fundamentally am because you can't face the idea you can't do without a drug.
Sorry that was harsh but seriously that kind of attitude is the worst and it will get you nowhere.
I'm not going to call you a wino just because Napa Valley is in California.
I think we should just call the meet up in to the cops. Tell them some dope heads are harassing us. All the weed smokers will get arrested for public weed smoking. We can be comfy without them.
I love her facial expressions she’s too cute
>I have something special planned for all of you while the weed anons chill. It’s going to be great
I think the biggest problem now is douchbags like this possibly being there... i sure as shit don't want to hang out with this type of person
>keeps running away
Everyone will know it was you and the cops won't like that you wasted their time, good luck getting invited to a meet-up ever again
> Jerome trying to tear the group apart because of weed
Nice try but it won’t work
>Captain Marvel was a better movie
is it actually possible to have that opinion?
blessed images c:
Not at our /ALITA/ meet up it isn't. Pretty clear that most anons are a it weed with good reasons already posted. Maybe we should agree to disagree and have two meetups, one for actual Alita fans and one for dope smokers who saw Alita once or whatever.
This is your best work in quite some time, Jerome.
how about that alita amirirte guys haha
>and their in-your-face attitude about it
I swear... potheads are as bad as vegans sometimes
>hating on someone just because of stereotypes about where they live
>calling them a retard for no reason
>surprised when people get upset by that
I bet you're a barrel of fun yourself user
He'll never win though. Cuz we got the strength of the heart.
How will anyone know who did it? Its not that hard to walk off and make the call.
>Not at our /ALITA/ meet up it isn't.
You're not the fucking dictator of the thread or the meet. People will bring whatever the fuck they want to bring. People who are chill and don't care can hang out with each other, can branch off into drinking & non-drinking, smoking & non-smoking, mixed, and those who have that much of an issue with any of it can leave early or not show up at all. Simple as.
at least he's showing some effort and changing up his tactics. but also lmao that he's a little bitch enough to pick on VA but too much of bitch to take on SA
That's why potheads shouldn't be allowed at our Alita meet up.
>actual Alita fans
>dope smokers who saw Alita once or whatever.
I've smoked weed every day, several times a day, for years, and I've seen Alita in the theaters 13 times and I'm as big a fan as any of you.
BTW, Rosa smokes pot.
Well because the person who seems most likely to ruin everyone's day walked off for no reason and then the cops showed up.
Which they won't, not by the time everyone is done anywars, and nobody would be carrying enough to get busted for in the first place.
That's like trying to mix oil and water. It won't work. The degenerate pot heads have already made it clear that weed comes first and comfy second if ever. I don't see what the issue is here. All the drunkards and dope smokers can go be retards down the beach somewhere. They can also get a second table at Denny's because myself don't want to smell their stink.
a-am I allowed through Checkpoint Comfy?
Thank vamplita!
I personally don't have that attitude at all, and I'm sorry you have such a paper-thin caricature stereotype of marijuana users. I'm the kind who you'd never know I smoked pot unless you saw me do it right in front of you, because it's nothing I like to talk about or base a culture around, I just do it, and I don't have beef with anyone who does or doesn't do it, but you must realize that you lot are being just as rigid and judgemental about not smoking pot as you claim you see for those who do smoke pot.
>I've smoked weed every day, several times a day, for years
How do you even breathe?
>I've seen Alita in the theaters 13 times I'd be surprised if you could remember your name let alone how many times you saw Alita
>I'm as big a fan as any of you.
Yes because it's fucking true, and most agree judging by the box office
I should have something silly and cozy for you guys some time tonight if I'm not lazy. It's been too long since I've done something like that.
Enough arguments
How you holding up /ALITA/?
I worked on my panzer kunst today and now I’m resting my injuries reading the mango with some chill background music on
I'll make the call and come straight back before the cops arrive. They wont bust me. I won't be drinking or getting stoned.
>mfw the thread descends into chaos
>It won't work.
Your opinion. I'm sure there will be smokers and non-smokers alike who will show up and all get along. If you think otherwise and don't want to come, don't. You're wasting your time trying to convince others not to. People are going to do what they're going to do.
>The degenerate pot heads have already made it clear that weed comes first and comfy second if ever.
Just like you, a "degenerate straightedge" makes your own sense of being comfy prioritized over others' freedoms in doing something they like and makes them feel comfy? Totally not being a hypocrite, are we?
>I don't see what the issue is here.
Neither do I. You don't go, and everything will be just fine.
>All the drunkards and dope smokers can go be retards down the beach somewhere.
>They can also get a second table at Denny's because myself don't want to smell their stink.
Right, have fun by yourself because you're too much of a wet blanket straightedge autist to hang out with people whoa aren't exactly like you.
>mfw I forget my reaction image again
Looking forward to it.
doing alright a bit tired, feel like i might turn in earlier than usual tonight.
I was doing good till I was informed I am a degenerate pothead and wont be allowed to attend the Alita meet up because I stink and will ruin the evening. Feels bad tbqh.
dude who care! you do you and leave it at that!
You might not be worried about the cops busting you, but I'd be worried about everyone else ever speaking to you again for trying to call the cops on them just because they're having fun without your permission.
more Berzerker workout today. Now just getting comfy with /alita/ and steve1989. Peak comfy.
>How do you even breathe?
In through the nose, out through the mouth.
I really don't care about what you doubt or not. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, least of all to you, least of all my love and devotion for Alita.
You all have autism and should get help. And your memes are gay so it's not even the entertaining type of autism.
Well she can't do it at our meet up. Someone needs to tell her she isn't welcome because she stinks.
Wow, not a single fact in that pig's trough of autistic screeching.
it's been a while since we saw you
Any new Steve content? I haven't gotten through his entire backlog yet but I definitely prefer his modern ration vids.
I love you user.
That's nice, Jerome, but go see the movie.
Brie doesn't smoke weed either. She is ok in my book even if I don't like her movies. Fuck all these weed smokers stinking our thread up though. They need to go.
Hey nice to see you back
I'd rather hang out with Rosa than you any day, even after 12 hours of wearing a mocap suit in the Austin heat
well you don’t have to worry about me coming down. not driving that far to have some child start screeching because I want to have a couple beers on a beach with some friends, after putting up with LA traffic on Memorial Day. i’ll Be comfortably grilling at home, looking forward to seeing some nice posts.
Not since the tranny freakout have I seen such craft.
I'd love to see you there user, if someone's not having a good time they're free to leave but don't stay away just because of one person
>is okay with Brie
>is this anti other Alitans just because they smoke
Maybe YOU should leave the thread.
>Comfyline failed
Sadly this. I don't care who does what. That few stood up for people being cool and doing whatever is a real bummer. I just don't understand why people just can't be chill.
nah, he's pretty slow. Latest ones are still a month old. He did a Chinese MRE though and if you know him, he'll eat anything. He couldn't do it and I don't blame him.
I think almost everyone is chill but the haters/trolls are just a lot more vocal and combative
Even if Jerome fails to deter any meet-up anons from attending, he'll still have achieved victory if the meet-up anons are suspicious of each other because of his machinations.
I'll be getting this but waiting until the Japanese DVD/BD comes out, because I want the Japanese dub. (confirmed weeb)
I won't be suspicious of anything because I have been ignoring any of this drama lol
>That few stood up for people being cool and doing whatever is a real bummer.
>tfw you're one of those guys
>tfw you got heat from both sides
I only watch his modern, unexpired MRE videos. I won't watch someone risk pic related or even death for my amusement, especially a cool guy like Steve.
Comfy comes from repetitive excellence in posting. They can never outlast us user. Build it up step by step.
I'm beyond orange jelly right now.
>Jerome shitposting about shooting up meet
>doesn't happen, meet is great
>Jerome shitposting about ruining the meet either by going full straightedge or full dude weed lmao
It's not gonna happen, guys. It'll be really comfy and I hope you all come. Things'll work out.
Let's let it fucking drop already and comfypost
One person made the statement they weren't gonna have fun and leave if anyone so much as puffed a joint. Then a bunch of anons formed up behind them and took a shit on anyone even considering smoking a little weed or sipping a beer. One user started this shitshow. Its bullshit. They should apologize for being such a pain in the ass for planning the meet up.
It's kinda silly but I'm glad he liked the ADF rations makes me glad to see my country does that right. also actually in topic what do you think Martian army rations are like? Since there's clearly biological soldiers in the invasion.
Impossible. A few anons from previous meets are coming and we’re all very close and maximum comfy, the first time meet anons are just going to ease into the confines and we’re all going to have the best of times
I don't think he'd ever truly risk his health; he seems to know the difference between lethally rotten vs 'it'll make you puke a bit'.
Things are always ok with Alita in the end. No matter what.
anons can smoke, anons can't not smoke, anons can drink, anons can not drink. It doesn't matter, we will all have a good time. Jerome lives for division. Don't let him do it.
comfy will prevail just give it time
*can not >_>
I am gonna ease into the party by cheifing mad weed and blowing smoke in everyone's face. Its all because of this thread too.
If any user isn't comfortable and wants to leave then that's fine but being hostile towards other people or actively sabotaging the meetup would be extremely uncomfy
Fuck I love you people so much. You're all the greatest.
>Martian MRES
based on child-warrior program/cyborg nature of the URM and Alita's reaction to simple things like oranges and chocolate my guess is a tasteless nutrient-protein-carb paste.
How can you blow smoke into people's faces when you're not even in the same county?
I tend to either fall asleep to his videos or become so interested that I'll stay up reading about rations or related military stuff.
Guys what happens if this Jerome troll shows up? I mean how would we know. All the info is online. They could show up and cause problems. They may even bring friends. Now I'm worried about coming especially since their might be cops. I'm 19 and don't need to be busted for public drinking or whatever.
lol I've done both. Mostly I'll watch them when I'm eating though because it's autistically comfy hearing him tear into the various cans and packing.
this is false flagging but
>don't drink if you're worried about that
>Alitabros/sisters are chads and staceys. We'll beat the shit out of Jerome and his friends.
>cops won't do shit
Little too obvious there, you're slipping.
Holy shit me too I watch them when I'm cutting weight because it makes my bland food seem on par by comparison. He also was the reason I switched to instant coffee.
Yeah that sounds reasonable and appropriately militaristic. They don't even get MnM packets the poor soldiers.
same user. you all seem like really nice people. i really wish to meet you all someday.
I hope Jerome does show up. Jerome should show up. What's an Alita get together without our pet troll?
Lmfao what a faggot queer fucker movie
rewatched the Chinese one just now and came away with this gem lol; also yeah, the URM berzerkers probably are lucky they aren't put in stasis between missions or something. Must've been a really dull life outside of combat.
>I'll watch them when I'm eating though
>it makes my bland food seem on par by comparison
Bladerunner was ALMOST right. Instead of holograms making delicious food illusions to distract us from our bland masses of carbohydrates, we'll rather look at a dude tear into military rations while we eat our food.
Jerome can't come unless you get him an emanator.
>tfw your posting style is distinctive enough that everyone knows you're not Jerome or an impostor
>>cops won't do shit
oh boy... are you in for a surprise
Nice false flag. But if he did I’m pretty sure I can kick his ass, unironically.
the other anons would help me kick his ass too.
Also get better content Jerome. The last shooter threat was funnier
Haha okay user go see the movie though
that’d be great if Jerome showed up I’d like my photo with him.
lol yeah but what did you think of it?
Blu-ray when?
July? Maybe?
As much as I hate watching a thread descend into chaos I can't see how Jerome is to blame for it this time. Alitanons started this mess when they shit on the potheads who got all riled up. This looks like a homegrown conflict. Jerome is probably just sitting their laughing at us.
you have so little to say about this movie you jump straight to the "it made more money argument"
I'm not wrong though.
Im begging every single on of ya in the thread to HAVE SEX
>Alitanons started this mess
Here we go again
yeah it's a real shame, but we should just move past it. best avoid this conflict and not give Jerome the satisfaction he wants
Felt oddly blue today. Hope tomorrow is better.
Good night, friends.
Regardless, come meet day it’ll be comfy, as is tradition. We have some of the core group showing up and we’re all like family. Everything is going to be okay and I can’t wait to make new frens
Based have sex poster
>started this mess when they shit on the potheads
enjoy your drum circle faggot
No problem user what's your address
Wanna talk about it user? If not then sleep well
Night fren sweet dreams and stay comfy
well still nothing to say
surprised you answered so fast since your last reply was like 40 minutes ago
guess you hang out a lot around here? that should tell you something
checked comfy Vector
Only a few more posts and we can start fresh with a new comfy thread.
Enjoy your crushing loneliness, try not to think about how it's all your fault
Who wants to bake the bread
It's just transient things, hopefully.
I can bake
not me
Best of luck with them user