Alright Yea Forums, what is your least favorite MCU film? Mine is the obvious one, though Iron Man 2 is close behind.
Alright Yea Forums, what is your least favorite MCU film? Mine is the obvious one, though Iron Man 2 is close behind
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Fuck capeshit
Spider-Man: Homecoming. I'd take bland shit like Dark World over another cringefest like Homecoming. Keaton as Vulture was the only thing redeemable about that movie.
Thor: Gagsoncock
Embarrassing the whole way through, I’ve never cringed so much in a theater. “Devil’s Anus” is bad even for RedditHumor, almost walked out
captain marvel
IM3 and it's not even remoteley close.
what is this?
Why even watch this one?
What were you expecting?
Unironically Endgame since I fucking abhor time travel
the 4 objective worst are:
THOR 2 - boring and forgettable
CAPTAIN MARVEL - cringe and bluepilled
BLACK PANTHER - cringe and bluepilled
AGE OF ULTRON - did everything wrong
Fun fact about Thor 2: it's the only MCU movie without any scenes that take place in the US.
Could that be part of the reason?
Also, I don't understand why people rank Iron Man 2 so low. It has RDJ doing maximum adlibbing, War Machine debuts, fights Whiplash, Dad made to resemble Walt Disney (not sure if that one was obvious to most people). What more do you need?
what is with people on here caring so much about nationality
I didn't even realize there were no scenes in the US until now lmao
Regardless of where it takes place it's easily the worst mcu film
Black Panther, easily. It's SO dumb.
> Endgame - Removes point of prior films
> Captain Marvel - Boring
> Thor Ragnarok - Inconsistent tone and destruction of character
> Iron Man 3 - Awesome set-up, shit ending
> Thor 2 - bland/generic
I don't consider Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Thor Quipnerock, or Homecoming to exist so my pick is Age of Ultron.
Why do you watch that shit
>Dad made to resemble Walt Disney
There is some Disney in him but he's mostly Howard Hughes.
Black panther
> Black Panther also, but it's so forgettable i forgot it existed.
> Homecoming also was shit, but that's more due to Sony than Marvel
age of ultron
it's such a drag
I liked it, the only bad parts are the earth related parts. I think if it had been more in depth like LotR it could have stood a better chance. Theres no reason for villians to be easily defeated in just one movie.
Why do you so desperately need to discuss cape-shit.
Particularly tragic because the trailer really did make it look like capekino
Why do you reply to threads instead of hiding them?
>We almost had Sam Rockwell cast as Tony Stark
>To make up for it Favreu cast him in the sequel that nobody even remembers anymore
captain marvel objectively because disney bought millions of seats to contain the bomb
Both him and Jeff Bridges as Obadiah deserve a lot more recognition.
The truth this man speaks. Dark world was aight.
>Iron Man 3 - Awesome set-up, shit ending
This. I enjoyed everything about 3 up until the final fight. After the Mandarin twist I was hoping for some Metal Gear-type conspiracy to be afoot but they pussed out and gave themselves an easy out with a boring, flavorless villain no one remembers.
Iron Man 3
Thor 2 is kinda shitty and forgettable, but Iron Man pisses me off because it had way more potential but shits the bed with it.
0/10 bait, cunt
>Could that be part of the reason?
time travel is the cheapest fucking shit ever and proves the writers were hacks
What is with Iron Man movies and villains? They're all just "another rival industrialist turned psycho"
3 was the worst offender, I mean at least in Iron Man 2 there was Sam Rockwells character AND whiplash.
They deserved to get sued for that false advertising
Least favorite is really all in a bracket:
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Civil War
GotG1 (funny 1st time, loses charm after that)
GotG2 (nice costumes, dumb movie)
Thor 2 (Asgard looked great, dumb movie)
Thor 3 (stupid, looks cheap)
Age of Ultron (tryhard/overdone/boring)
Ant-Man (boring/unfunny)
Ant-Man and Wasp (laughed only once)
Captain America 1 (boring, forgettable)
Black Panther
Tolerable bracket:
Iron Man 1
Incredible Hulk
Homecoming (Vulture saves this)
Doc Strange (clever 3rd act)
Good for MCU
Avengers 1
Winter Soldier
Infinity War
haven't seen endgame or cap marvel yet, dunno where to put em
I don't get all the hate for Iron Man 2. I rewatched it recently and it's really not that bad, but obviously not as good as the first.
it's a fucking nothing story and they completely waste Mickey Rourke's character with another lets-kill-the-drones video game ending battle
This, time travel is such a cheap childish fix to any problem, and also thanos turns into a generic villian
God, I forgot how much I loved the design of that broken Ultron. If they had kept that instead of >muh perfect humanoid robot with a perfect ass, the movie would've been so much more interesting.
man, when I saw this trailer and that broken ultron
I thought he was gonna go insurgency mode and wreak terror across the world, splitting up the avengers and maybe do something cool
but nope
Man, I cannot emphasize how much I hate Age of Ultron.
>dogshit CGI
>completely ruined Ultron as a character
>introduced 3 useless characters, just to kill off Quicksilver and have Vision dick around for like 2 other flicks before getting nae nae'd by Thanos, leaving only Scarlett "pale veiny tits with no personality" Witch
>boring. bland.
Did I mention how unforgivably awful they made Ultron?
>bro just laser blast that physical body lmao not like he can just upload himself online and be a real threat
For a superintelligent AI he sure was a retard, obsessed dropping a meteor on the Earth (admittedly a cool idea for a plot but executed horribly) and making quips over, I dunno, self-preservation and infinite replication.
Thank God Captain Marvel came along to same Vision and Scarlett Witch from being the least interesting characters in the MCU
the "I'm already there" line gave me hope, but it was misplaced
Inifinite Wars
Thor Ragnarok
Guardians 1 and 2
Dr Strange
Iron Man
Avengers Endgame
Captain America Civil War
Avengers 2
Avengers 1
Spider Man
Thor 2
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Thor 1
Black Panther
Captain shit actress vomit marvel
I forget the rest
Black Panther is shit, but since USA wanted to be political, i bet disney buy half of their own tickets and lied about the numbers
Captain Marvel is even worse and these have news and sources saying that Disney buy half number of the own tickets of their movies who increased the numbers in the end or lied about the numbers with support of the same media, who censored people against it in tomattoes, while every comment in non-moderate websites around every country of the world talk shit about Captain shit actress race bait vomit and don't care for their character in movie because of the disgust of the actress and the American websites of DNC race bait news and other similar disgusting trash
I'm from Brazil
Here had no hype for black panther
Here the websites, comments, normal people, nobody stopped to watch Captain Marvelshit, nobody liked her, everybody in the theater loved see Captain Marvel beaten by Thanos like the trash who she was, everybody was sad because they nerfed and destroyed Thor to make the other characters become great
This 100%. They relegated their most historically popular character to Iron Man's sidekick in a transparent effort to have him fit into the larger universe, and shot it like a fucking TV show. Some of the most thrilling and exhilarating scenes in the Raimi movies (and even the Webb ones) were just him webslinging through the city; this one ends with him driving a fucking Audi to the final confrontation.
Iron Man 3 is probably the best script they've ever worked with. If Shane Black weren't so terrible at directing action, it might've been the best movie.
>Captain shit actress vomit marvel
You fucking dumb incel
He did upload himself to the internet, Vision purged him from it.
Fuck this
winter soldier
shills were as shameless as to call it a smart movie. stopped watching all those retarded marvel/disney flicks right there
Everybody fuck donkeycrap
Ultron wanted to save the world by destroying it. Great movie
Age of Ultron was fucking garbage. Also, I don’t get why people dislike Ragnarok, I thought it was great and better than the 2 other boring Thor movies.
What is the move at 0:08 called?
I'm more pissed that they obviously should have held off using time travel 'til Kang showed up.
Iron Man 2 was terrible - How the fuck do you waste Mickey Rourke as the bad guy and NOT have some epic fight to end the movie - Nope, we got Marvel shit
Can't really think, from the source material, what they left out. Spies? There's the proper Mandarin, of course.
The Ultron drones were a better design than actual Ultron. And his voice should be highly roboticised, not 'and starring an actor you've heard of'.
Ragnarok, I think, it was just not funny most of the time. But Ultron wasn't that good, either.
If I recall that scene where Thor picks up Tony is the most awkward shit ever because he does it for no reason since he's just mildly upset with him. The trailer tries to make it look like the Avengers are all driven apart and mentally wrecked by Ultron but I don't remember that ever being nearly as prevalent in the actual film.
I didn't hate his perfect form but it would have been more fitting to reveal it really late in the movie as his final form/masterpiece he's been constructing and have it actually be really powerful. Instead they reveal it early on and it's just slightly better than the flunky Ultrons. I feel like they just totally didn't get that Ultron is supposed to be fucking terrifying in that he's the most powerful supercomputer but with screws loose. The more broken he seems the creepier he gets yet they had him quipping and talking like a regular dude. He should've been more like AM from I Have No Mouth, although obviously less fucked up
Iron Man 3
captain marvel was fucking awful
also i really hope theres a thunderbolts movies with sam rockwell in a shitty ironman suit
Why does everyone shit on Thor 2, it's lackluster and somewhat generic but still a solid capeshit movie. Herslag and Dennings are qts, Hiddleson scenes are fun, and while Thor isn't as fun as in IW but he's still a chad.
MCU movies that are objectively worse than Dark World:
Thor 1
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Captain America 1 (the second half is bad enough to put the whole movie down)
Age of Ultron
Probably Captain Marvel, but I have no interest in seeing it.
BP narrowly beats Thor 2, it's generic but the We Wuz Kangz schlock and PS2 graphics are hilarious.
didnt know ragnarok had so much hate, its probably my favourite solo mcu film.
captain marvel was utter dogshit tho. i went into that film expecting a fun mcu film but what the fuck did i just watch. so glad brie larson had only like 5 mins in endgame
CapeKino Tier:
Iron Man
Winter Soldier
Good Tier:
Guardians 1+2
Avengers 1, IW
Iron Man 3
Bad but Watchable Tier:
Age of Ultron
Cap 1
Thor 2
Iron Man 2
Incredible Hulk
Yikes Tier:
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Civil War
Never saw Strange or Ant-Man 2
I don't get why people shit on Thor 2. Shakespearean Thor > Le Funny Man Thor. Maybe I'm forgetting a bunch of plot holes or something because it's been a while, but I remember enjoying Thor and Loki teaming up to fight a bunch of space elves that wanted some spirit thing that possessed Thor's girlfriend.
Ironman 2 is underrated.
>Shakespearean Thor > Le Funny Man Thor
Sure, but Branaugh's Thor is the quasi-Shakespearean one. The Dark World's utter blandness and sub-GOT aesthetics can fuck off.
Also, why did they go full retard with the sexual stuff?
Guardians of the Galaxy, jerk off jokes.
Spiderman Homecoming, it was porn jokes and kids talking about fucking adult super heroes.
Then Thor Ragnorok, orgy and ass jokes.
Endgame, Thor telling some kid he'll shove his hammer up his butt.
Reminder that only comics fags hate Ragnarok