What do you think of MatPat and Stephanie?

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I think they’re awesome.

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something about her is not very attractive I can't put my finger on it.

Her face alone looks oldish

her eyes
cringey soulless youtuber in it for money

Stephanie is a cutie pie.

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They're a cute couple, hope they last forever.

Stephanie has very nice eyes.

That’s a bit harsh, user. MatPat and Stephanie are really nice people.

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Based and GTLivepilled. MatPat and Stephanie are the cutest couple ever.

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What do you guys think of MatPat and Stephanie’s GTLive livestreams?

I think they’re pure patrician kino. MatPat and Steph are fucking based.

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Why do youtubers always date chicks with horse faces?

Be nice to Stephanie, user. She’s a sweetheart and a cutie pie.

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Time fly's, had no idea they had a kid already but good for them!

please don't lewd my cousin stephanie - thanks

Ollie is adorable. I bet MatPat and Stephanie are fantastic parents.

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she looks like the kind of girl who wouldn't talk to me

I’m not lewding her, user. I just think Stephanie is cute as a button.

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Aw... Stephanie is a really nice and sweet girl. I bet you two would be good friends. It doesn’t hurt that she’s cute as fuck.

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thanks user - meant it more for those with her more revealing pics - honestly kinda weird seeing her pop up on Yea Forums a bunch anytime matt is brought up and the things people say about her is totally out there - she's super cool

Look at that pit sweat. Holy hell

Based Stephposter

Yeah. I understand.

I’m just a big fan of MatPat and Stephanie and I think they’re a really cute and sweet couple on GTLive. That’s all.

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Chick on the left looks like my adopted cousin who was raped as a child

Don’t be creepy about it, user. Stephanie is a wholesome girl.

Cheers user. You are based and Stephpilled.

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Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread.

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>having white kids in 2019
How the fuck is this still allowed?

Post the pic, you know the one

Don’t talk to me faggot!

MatPat and Stephanie are hardcore rebels.

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no soul

What pic, user?


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they look like siblings.

MatPat and Stephanie are full of soul.

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fake false soulless disingenuous hollow empty void vacant insubstantial purposeless phony feigned counterfeit pseudo undead insincere pretend put-on synthetic artificial imitation manufactured simulated false

They are.

Lots of people say that, but I personally don’t see the resemblance.

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What are you getting at, user?

Solid meme.

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I think it's the shape of her face. It's too angular, but in the wrong places.

All YouTubers are sociopaths.
The ones who make content for kids are the worst.

>tfw you don't have a family like this

She looks very pretty


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I can't stand this faggot and all the """""""""""jokes"""""""""" he makes.


Stephanie’s face is perfect.

Take the GTLive pill, user. MatPat and Stephanie are awesome.

I feel you.

Based and Stephpilled.

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MatPat’s jokes can be a little cringey sometimes, but he’s a funny guy. Watch the GTLive livestreams. He’s more natural there. Stephanie has great chemistry with him.


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why the long face


user speaks the truth

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Stephanie is a goddess.

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“Sweet Home Alabama...”

MatPat and Stephanie are nothing like that though.

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Who you calling hollow?!

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no clue who the fuck they are, wouldnt miss em if they fell off the face of our flat Earth.

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50 replies and still nothin? Post the pic

How many Five Nights at Freddy's videos do you have to make before you're considered to make content for kids?

fuck off shill

You’re missing out, user.

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Theyre a cute couple but matpat is definitely gay.

What pic do you mean, user? I would post it if you were more specific.


The FNAF videos are fun, but Game Theory and Film Theory have made so many other videos about so many different topics.

No. I will shill to my heart’s content.

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Pure undistilled onions.

Her eyes are 'crazy eyes' the kind of person who will eventually cheat on you and/or kill you.

Meanwhile the guy has 'empty' eyes, he's desperate for attention/attachment of any kind - regardless of if he knows it's the wrong sort of attention.

Fun fact: Stephanie actually thought MatPat was gay when they first met in college.

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