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>let's rip off Armageddon

How come netflix barely shilled this? I honestly didn’t know it was released on there until some autist on Yea Forums started posting webms a week later

Sauce me

Wandering earth

Attached: 1556912370524.webm (1920x1080, 2.33M)


>they made the Japanese character commit suicide

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what is wrong with his head?

This is the dumbest shit I ever seen. Like a iphone video game trailer

not kinopilled

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A modern 2001

remember a few months ago when the yangang WFAM r/asianmasculinity faggots tried to push this garbage as good?
it's not my fault their parents brought them to "north america" and they can't go back

Attached: kino.webm (720x282, 908K)

I'll never understand why Asian american cucks shill so hard for china when their media is shit and Japanese+Korean is better.

kino that literally takes mankind beyond the galaxy. how do you say "bravo" in Chinese

does earth find another sun?

coincidentally its aimed towards the same audience, chinese bugmen.


You sound like the type of person who plays "clap for Xi"

It'll take 2500 years of travel

aw, miso sorry :(

>when lesser races are too brainlet to comprehend massive undertakings

You're a big guy

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>that visible nip

>you are dumb if you don't play along
oh brainless chink, chinese water and propaganda has decayed your braincells to zero.

how does the earth stay alive with no sun that long. should have ignited jupiter and turned it into a sun like 2010 book (not sure about the movie i never watched it)

the monoliths do some weird shit and that's the outcome yeah

The sun would just expand and eat us

damn shame about the plastic fakers.

the entire surface freezes over in space. anything sufficiently underground survives. life near thermal vents on the ocean floor survives. given that they have the tech to move the entire earth in the first place in this film, it's probably safe to say they've built vast cities deep underground with artificial UV lights, farms, samples of all the surface species we want to save, etc. Otherwise there would be literally no point to the movie.

Reminder that actual Chinese/Koreans/Japanese hate 'Asian Americans' with a passion and love White people.


>because it's cool

Attached: Martian_head_hologram.png (1436x1080, 841K)

gravity and shit

why americans can't make cool shit like this anymore?

Do you think the director could even understand an explanation on how fast Earth would've been moving to clear off Jupiter just like that?

Because they're Chinese duh.
Reminder letting the Japs have their "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" would have been the best course of action.

unironically kino. you don’t get anything memorable like this in hollywood.

it depends on how far is the camera supposed to be. also, it can be on fast forward or slow motion for purely aesthetical purposes. anyway, what's your estimate?

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The suits were fucking awesome
I loved that one guy who was climbing by grabing the wall with his suit's strength

American sci fi feels so small and void of aspirations when compared to this
I think american movies used to be creative and full of grandeur like that back in the 40s, but nowadays are basically formulaic, bland propaganda, afraid of being out of the line

Even the posters are so much cooler than whatever bullshit current hollywood is making now

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Said the capeshit gobbling mutt.