just watched this and thought it was hilarious. what does Yea Forums think of it?
Just watched this and thought it was hilarious. what does Yea Forums think of it?
Other urls found in this thread:
I seen it when i was a kid and it remained my fav film for like 6 years. Still funny, but not really aimed for adults i'd say.
Not as good as Bruno
Possibly the greatest comedy of all time.
I loved it
One of my favorites comedies
>What's up with it vanilla face?
It shows what people really were thinking, as crude or inappropriate as it may have been. I think it holds up.
I still love the film and probably would even if i only encountered it today. But i think i just am not the target audience anymore, many things are just that much more funny for an adolescent.(even more than everything else)
What Bruno has going for it is how ridiculously over the top it is. Like, it doesn't hold back in the slightest. And I guess when you're going for this kind of comedy that does play in your favour...
I love how the audienced did support his speech about doing war crimes.
could not be made in today's political climate
Transparent anti-white propaganda. No wonder considering the hack and fraud Cohen is.
Anyone falling for this insidious garbage is as stupid as it gets.
ver' nice
Utter classic based on how much it made me laugh out loud
Still haven't seen Bruno lol
my favourite comedy and probably one of the best comedies made
t. kike
my two absolute favorites
>film directly shits on jews the entire time
A rare example of a movie that made me laugh out loud in the theater (everyone else did, too). It's one of the best comedies made this century.
I want every single "we must never forget" babbler to separately justify the part about tricking an old man with an amputated arm into wearing a sex toy as a joke.
The same people who want everything to be fair game are also the biggest crybabies about their own sacred cows.
you are schizophrenic (unironically)
>could not be made in today's political climate
Big Mouth was made recently and is way more anti-PC. They still could not make it today, but because people are conditioned now to be suspicious of people acting weird with cameras following them.
There is no criticism of Jews whatsoever in this movie. The character is a caricature of a backward rural anti-Semite. Everything "he" says about Jews is supposed to be obviously wrong and to point up how disgusting he is.
The Blair witch project of comedy
I wish I could watch this for the first time with my friends again
This. Its an uberjew making fun of whitey.
>it shits on jews so it must be anti jewish!!!1
You're the exact type of gullible retard the film targeted. Of course the film """shits""" on jews because the creator himself is a fucking jew you daft cunt.
The travesty is that it shits on whites and dastardly edits footage to make people look worse and paint them in a specific light. Typical kike tactic.
i suppose when you're as mentally ill as you and a black hole for humor, nothing is funny and everything is a personal attack.
I don't get it, how would a born to wealth privileged Jew using his Hollywood connections (he's related to a top level talent agent) to shit all over people who were not threatening him in any way later result in an increase in anti-Semitism?
Thank you Sascha Cohen for teaching us to disregard optics.
>BAAAAW semitic man make fun of me :((((
A bad craftsman blames his tools, but a comedian who isn't funny and who falls back on calling his audience names probably isn't a comedian to begin with.
>shits on whites
where? are you a redneck? if so you deserve to be shat on.
This would have been fine in our culture. But we're not in our culture any more. We're in their culture, where if you look at one of them the wrong way you lose your job and go to jail.
Not him but youre a retard if you dont think that was part of Cohens point in Borats character
It defames the Kazakhs, who are Turkic Central Asians and one of the most important developing economies, its actual material is an update of old Jenny Youngman Borscht Belt Polack jokes, and the whole movie depends on hatred.
Do you post "waaah" when Jews demand censorship and imprisonment for people saying hurtful words?
i don't care what you think his point is, it's funny and everyone was made fun of equally if only you retards could fix your tunnel vision
>better to keep gypsies away I think
>audience applauds
It was a more rational time.
Fun fact: courageous free speech defender Cohen originally planned to do Borat as an Albanian (which would actually explain a lot, since absolutely nothing about the vaguely South Eastern European character is Kazakh). He didn't because the Albanian Mafia in London threatened him. Let that sink in and keep it in mind for all future interactions.
yes. now fuck off, schizo's don't deserve replies. here's your final non (you) and back to your containment board . don't watch movies if everything hurts your feelings.
Literally everywhere where he annoys people and they tell him to fuck off because of his obnoxiousness.
>haha that racist goober tried to smack him after he just tried to kiss greet him
>haha the lady and the racist southeners just can't handle a foreigner being foreign for telling him to fuck off and take his shit in his bag with him, the nerve!!11
>haha that car salesman nods and agrees with his backward backwater views on women, so typical sexist white american!11
All of which is edited in post. Cohen, master of cutting scenes apart to elicit a certain reaction.
Of course he's able to shit on Arabs and Whites while pretending to shit on everyone equally when he jokes about jews because he's a jew himself.
Imagine a non-jew doing such a film. Oh wait, that's impossible.
>baaaw jews are destroying muh life
>everyone could be made fun of equally
Objectively false and not arguable.
Cohen has condemned anti-Semitism and the criticism of the State of Israel on nunerous occasions. After Borat came out he tried taking a moralistic tone about how this had shown how evil Americans are. This was a major trope pushed throughout the controlled media. It failed because actually Cohen's victims often come off as patient and friendly.
i sort of feel bad for you but at the same time you're obsessed with being a victim and you have to insert your current year politics into a comedy from 13 years ago to make things out that aren't even there.
>while he jokes about jews
Keep flat out lying to us, this isn't classified information we're talking about. Cohen never jokes about what he believes to be the Herrenvolk. He mocks a fictitious anti-Semite in order to dismiss criticism of Israel.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Also they left the best scene out of the release
Learn to quote you absolutely retarded schizophrenic.
>obsessed with being a victim
Yeah I'm sure we all remember when user here got the State of Florida to make it illegal to criticize him in their public education system.
Oh no wait, that wasn't user, who was that again?
You're as gullible as it gets. Or 12 years old.
Yes? That's literally what I said. His jokes about jews are stereotypical representations of non-jews about jews. He mocks the idea of joking about jews.
Thank you Sascha Baron Cohen for endangering the lives of Jewish people. Really showing off that vaunted high IQ.
some people watch Borat the wrong way. they take the character at face value and laugh at his silly accent and deliberate racism/sexism when it the actual point of the show is the ignorance/uncomfortableness/confusion of the interviewees
So if I say Albanians are dumb, and then I have an Albanian puppet say that Jews make babies into cookies as an illustration of Albanian dumnbess, that's "making fun of everyone equally"?
i bet jews are losing their shit because some morons on a anime site hate them
>when it the actual point of the show is the ignorance/uncomfortableness/confusion of the interviewees
If that was really all it was about, he wouldn't have paraded around through media promoting his shitty films as some fort of elaborate satire exposing views of Americans. He is a filthy manipulator..
you are obsessed with being a victim more than the average twitter tranny sjw. you can't laugh at one of the best comedies of this century so far without crying about kikes. did you not get enough attention from your parents?
If that's the "right" way then why wasn't it done like the millions of candid camera type operations that preveded it, where all focus on the finished product is on the mark?
South Africans have a guy like this only actually talented. He never asked a handicapped man to wear a sex toy on camera.
Yes, but more specifically it's because they've never been told "no" in their entire lives, their instinct is to bring suit, and they don't know who to sue.
well what you said is part of showing the ignorance, like i said. its precisely satires that makes fun of ignorant people (see the national anthem clip at the rodeo)
Reminder not to give any more (You)'s to the schizo, he's literally just baiting for replies seeing who will give him attention without quoting his replies.
So, just namecalling and repetition. Okay. You must write for him.
I think he is an absolute piece of shit despite liking his previous works. It's fine to mock conservatives, republicans, etc. but in his case it's completely one-sided. You can call me butt hurt all you want but it’s downright retarded to listen to someone who doesn’t hold the same standards to their own political aisle.
You're a snowflake.
This guy has the right idea. Criticism and discussion is not what happens at Yea Forums. This thread is a Cohen fan thread, for people who appreciate Cohen's genius. I myself am telling on that guy who doesn't agree with us. Mods need to let us downvote people like that. I've been looking for the downvote button everywhere.
It's great
Cohen is literally a vocal supporter of Zionism. He could give less of a shit about America.
>He never asked a handicapped man to wear a sex toy on camera.
Additionally, the entire scenes from his village are fake. Completely fictional, which in light of his shitty film being a mockumentary, a genre of film dedicated to parody the documentary, and thus at least pretend to be real while it is not, is scandalous to the highest degree.
The fake village is a village in Romania. Southern Europe. He abused these people without them knowing what the fuck was even going on, directly lying to them about his endeavor. And it payed off for him. He banked on the knowledge that the typical viewer doesn't know anything about Kazakhstan and it worked. Kazhak people are Asian, they don't even live in Europe nor do they even look European. Moreover, the majority of them are muslim, which means that whenever people now think about Kazakhstan they are instantly going to think about the backwater illusion created by this fraud Cohen and thus only paint Kazakhstan in a terrible light.
What an insidious kike. And as evidenced by this thread, the gullible moron populace ate it up like it was preprogrammed.
embarrassing cope
not anti-white, anti american
Sascha Baron Cohen is the most talented comedian of his generation and the anti-Semitic criticism of his daring work needs to be censored.
Anti American and Anti Arab.
>when he makes that black government eat tit cheese
>when the nice old jews shapeshift into cockroaches
>Anti Arab
how so?
George Saunders on Borat:
i laughed so hard at the old jews turning into cockroaches, i don't remember the last time i laughed at a film like that
>people not realising this is bait
... unless of course it's not bait
Borat hails from Kazakhstan, a majority Muslim nation. All the disgusting and horrendous shit he does, says and portrays, reflects back on muslims.
Free speech is supposed to be about keeping open all possible bases of information regardless of their current popularity, not about frivolous naughty jokes and insulting people.
oh sure. kazakhstanis arent arabs but i guess to the uninformed viewer they are the same.
Even if that is true, I'm not taking the time to research that, why does it bother you? You seem triggered that he doesn't care about 'murica.
>it's completely one-sided
It's not his fault that most of the braindead racist scumbags are cuckservatives, you whiny faggot
That's the point and what Cohen counts on.
so? fuck muslims you crying snowflake. and fuck rednecks too. the movie didn't even make fun of whites in general, just cringe southern americans.
Borat speaks Polish. Only speakers of Polish will get that. He says "Dzien Dobry," "jak sie masz," "dziekuje" and other Polish phrases. The film's opening and closing scenes were shot in a real Eastern European village. Real Eastern European folk music is played on the soundtrack.
With "Ali G," Baron Cohen exploited vicious stereotypes of Blacks. With "Borat" Baron Cohen is not targeting Kazaks. He's exploiting a centuries-old, contemptuous and hateful stereotype of Eastern European peasants that can be found in various Western cultures - witness the American "Polak joke" - - and is common in one thread of Jewish culture. In this stereotype, Poles, and, by extension, Eastern European Christian peasants, are, like Borat, ignorant, bestial, and disgusting. A good précis of the stereotype can be found in a famous passage in Isaac Bashevis Singer's "The Slave."
The bible belt is trash full of trash people.
What the fuck are you talking about? Why does he HAVE to mock everyone equally?
Why are you moving the goalpoasts now? Did or didn't he make fun of non-jews but veil his equally intended satirical criticism of jews behind fictional representations of jews?
He's a slimey cunt that can only edit and fake his stunts to get results he desires.
What is your problem? Hitler's not talking about "Jews" as in "all Jews," he clearly said "financiers." Do you own a bank? No? Then what are you worried about?
true, their depiction in borat is hilarious and completely accurate
You spelled "San Francisco" wrong.
Yes, another good point. Nothing about his fictitious character is even remotely genuine or believable. He mixes aspects and traits from several different ethnicites and counts on the average viewer not to notice it.
Didn't care for the picture
I wanted to like bruno, but as an actual gayfag, it made me cringe. That sex scene with the bike and fire hydrant, did anyone want to see that?
Oh jesus christ, name one actual way that the bible belt is better than the bay area.
you could only be this assmad about his pokes at rednecks if you're a redneck yourself. keep seething
Because of how free speech works. You're supposed to have learned this in high school. Mocking everybody is satire. Mocking one group of people, or exempting one group from mockery, is bigotry. Bigotry and satire are not the same thing.
>crowd cheers
It's a great movie.
Keep moving the goalpoasts. Cohen is a hack and a fraud. Not my problem if you like getting duped.
They don't have human excrement on the sidewalks.
So you are pro censorship and want people to stop mocking each other?
get therapy you absolute moron. i'm from eastern europe and i thought it was funny as fuck, i think he mixed a bunch of regions together so it wasn't too similar to any distinct country. i thought americans were supposed to find everything funny, not be whiny cunts like this?
The "war on terror" that Netanyahu told us was a great idea. They make you fight unjust wars and then they mock you for it.
When I saw it in the theater at least half the audience walked out.
Trying to actually redpill Yea Forums? A valiant effort but probably futile.
>missing the point
Ha ha, stupid goyim, he still has their money.
Why should people be okay with ethnical vilification when the fictional work purports to be a satire mocking views behind a veil of nonexistent equality?
They sure as fuck do, mental illness goes untreated far more often in rural areas. Also, way more meth.
I like how, in the past, the Parasite would put an authoritative face or voice before us and Tell us How It Was and we would accept it. And now we have this peanut gallery where we can talk back to the Fein people, and they absolutely cannot handle it, they're trying to impose censorship at every turn, they have lost their minds.
Borat speaks Polish because Sasha Baron-Cohen speaks Polish. All the “Kazakh” text is in Hebrew, because he also knows Hebrew.
Don’t be so easily offended, cunt.
Nigga, they are the human excrement.
I thought it was funny 13 years ago when I saw it, now I think about my life 13 years ago and I get depressed and borat is no longer funny just like jackass or anything else that's lost its humor over time.
Because we said so, goy, and what we say goes.
because it's funny and not everyone reads into things so bizarrely with such tunnel vision like you do?
My favorite part was when Cohen was socially awkward while pretending to be an uneducated central Asian.
In fact, "Borat" has a lot in common with Marian Marzynski's controversial film "Shtetl." In both, cameras invade an impoverished Eastern European peasant village. Villagers who are not sophisticated or worldly are conned into appearing on camera to perform for us as if they were trained monkeys. We laugh at them, or feel disgust at them, because they are dirty, because they are poor, and because they keep pigs. In any case, gazing at these lesser peasants, we know that we are superior. Perhaps Baron Cohen will try this technique next in a Darfur refugee camp or a homeless shelter. Poor, unsophisticated people can be so amusing.
>I’m angry at someone who goes out of his way to paint America in a bad light.
Hell yeah I’m angry. What a crime it is to want to see someone not portray your home and the people who inhabit it as inferior and evil.
It really is though. He has full control over his show and can interview anyone from the left who is a bigger retard 90% of the time.
are you literally a gypsy yourself? is this why you're so triggered? he wasn't making fun of "eastern europeans" by the way he was making fun of subhuman gypsies, which you obviously are one yourself.
He was robbed. ROBBED.
Both are still funny though
So he makes fun of poverty stricken people but because they are European it's okay?
Imagine the outcry if he did that in Africa. Oh wait..
If you see the deleted scens on the DVD, you'll notice that a lot of them are actually funnier than what made it into the film, but they don't make the points that he wanted to make.
An example of this is where he tries to buy a dog from a sanctuary whilst asking ever more ridiculous questions culminating in him asking the woman in charge how to cook the dog. It is brilliant but his attempt to coax her into acquiescing with Borat's antisemitism, by asking how to train it to attack Jews, backfires when she tells him off saying that Jews are god's children too, which would have derailed the 'evil christian bigot redneck' theme had it been included.
I thought it was very funny, in 2006
So the Romanian who was tricked into wearing a sex toy has something to do with Romani? What?
gypsies are disgusting and niggers are disgusting, you fail to make a point and keep repeating "imagine [X thing that i think would upset libturds" [soi parenthesis" in place of anything with value.
>make the points he was trying to make
No, they didn't fit the narrative story the rest of the skits were structured in.
Of course, in Baron-Cohern's narrative of America, blacks are the good guys, which is why they are spared ridicule - keep in mind that the black prostitute is the only character in the movie to be treated with explicit sympathy - and white southerners are the bad guys, to be mocked mercilessly.
The old Jewish couple in the bed and breakfast are also spared ridicule. In his scene with them, Baron-Cohen turns his mockery entirely back on himself and his Borat character's anti-Jewish superstitions.
Yeah his agenda is clearly to to coax people into tacitly agreeing with his defamatory statements about Jews or other minorities and then make a grand point about society as if it was evil. He's a hack.
>romanians are mostly gypsies
woah. shocking
No, you are failing to understand that he manipulates, edits and fakes all of his scenes to achieve a desired result.
Since I have some Jewish background and can easily "pass" for a Jew to American Jews (though I would never even try it with an Israeli,) I've been privy to some pretty interesting conversations.
It's very interesting that American Jews still feel a whiff of contempt for Russians and Poles. It's specifically towards Russians and Poles, and this is different from WASP prejuice (which would be just as down on Hungarians, peasant-class Greeks, Bulgarians, etc.) This is painting with a broad brush, but in my experience, Hungarians are seen as "cultured," Slovaks etc. are seen as respectable peasants, but there is still a feeling that Russians and Poles are dirty and stupid. Israelis don't seem to show anything like the same associations.
It's a little bit like the attitude that Chinese show towards Vietnamese and Philippinos.
no theyre not retard
Such researching, much fact. Knowledge. Wow (wow).
What are some other movies you can't discuss on Yea Forums anymore?
>Big Mouth
pedophile propaganda. not surprising in the least that it was made today
>Mocking everybody is satire.
No, mocking everybody that acts like a stupid cunt by society's standards is satire. Open a dictionary and learn what the words mean you fucking moron.
>Baron-Cohen turns his mockery entirely back on himself and his Borat character's anti-Jewish superstitions.
This precisely. Everything Borat does and utters reflects back on the actual character aspects in real life, namely his non-jew, Muslim origin. Therefore, whenever he "jokes" about jews, he only summons centuries old, stereotypical ideas of jews by non-jews, ergo mocking non-jews for believing these supposed canards.
He's as transparent as it gets and it sickens me that it all just so easily flies above the general populace's gullible heads.
If the film included a scene where
- a heterosexual, Christian, white Southern male
- went to the home of a black woman,
- who had invited the man to her home, and was going all out to host him with her best hospitality,
- in front of her guests, in the middle of a dinner party,
- that white, Christian, Southern man handed the black woman a clear plastic bag containing his own fecal matter,
Would you find that knee-slappingly funny?
I still laugh at certain parts but it's not the same, my brother and I had a 24 pack of natural ice in the back of the dollar theater getting drunk watching borat and it seemed funnier at the time.
So there are no Jews who do anything stupid? Did Michael Bloomberg convert?
the black women wasnt there until the end? did you even watch the movie and even got the point sasha was making?
yikes, disgusting gypsy. you know people can use the internet right?
>Slightly more than 10% of the population of Romania is formed of minorities of Romania. The principal minorities are Roma, although other smaller ethnic groups exist too.
i can't imagine how much higher it would be if all the non-accounted for gypsies were counted.
you don't even get a you tranny, quit typing like you chug 10 gallons of sòi a day.
>you can't discuss
People are discussing it. Did you mean to write "praise"?
So in other words the United States of America is Wakanda, Canada is Jamaica, and Israel is Palestine.
The film is being dissected and its problematic contents are laid bare.
Care to join or do you only worship everything this fraud does?
>tfw you'll never get to watch Borat with a packed audience on opening weekend
yeah. what were you trying to say here?
That would be pretty funny.
Maybe Cohen should make a film about one of the sources of contemporary anti-semitism in Eastern Europe. The sex slave traffic of thousands of girls into Israel.
he means to say "what are some movies you can't talk about anymore without being invaded by /pol/ crossposters"
>Also they left the best scene out of the release
You got that right
Nothing in Borat would ever top this scene
>150 replies
>43 posters
the samefagging in this thread is pathetic and the autism tears are delusional
Bruno is Borat off meds. Most insane film.
Jews have a massive hard on for the Russians, going back to when they were emigrants out of the Russian Empire.
You could characterize much of the hysteria about Russia in the last 2 years as a reawakened Jewish fear of the Russians.
Obviously 15 years ago or whenever Borat was released, Eastern Europe was much less of a serious threat so they were more willing to mock them than to take them seriously.
>anyone who disagrees with me is /pol/
>They still could not make it today, but because people are conditioned now to be suspicious of people acting weird with cameras following them.
They wouldn't be if this movie and Bruno weren't made, so yes it could be made today
We usually ignore lefty /pol/ and their mindless cock sucking of Cohen if that’s what you mean.
so then 90% of romanians are NOT Roma. retarded racist
150/43~3. About fifty people getting about three shots each sounds pretty reasonable.
>these levels of reaching, nitpicking, and buzzwords aren't /pol/
yeah nah
>doge meme speech
Fuck right off back to plebbit you cocksucking little faggot
What emotion does this face convey?
Yes, it has to be said that, with really extreme concept comedy, you destroy your own potential. It's one-offs because you can't get back that same initial effect.
quit your driveling, gypsy. sniff some glue to make yourself feel better.
/pol/ confirmed, and have sex.
The general public can't even identify a Jew from a non Jew, let alone comprehend that kind of propaganda.
When you go back and look at the media with a critical lense, even going back to the 1950s, the underlying themes have always been about the acquisition and maintenance of their leadership in goyish society.
We're dealing with a well oiled, multi trillion dollar propaganda machine.
What if a neo-Nazi videotape from the 90s, when neo-Nazis existed, if they ever did, were to emerge, and it was "anti-Semitic Borat," tricking Jews into admitting how much they hate white christians, how they pretend to care about blacks to be able to use them, how they view Arabs as subhuman.
Would such a film get the same distribution rights as Borat did?
>reddit spacing
do you unironically think the /pol/ shitflinging and inability to process humour in this thread is a sign of intelligence?
I liked it, taking the piss out of Americans. I dont think I'd enjoy it today unless Borat fucked with college fags.
It doesn't shit on whites, it shits on burgers like you for being retarded.
Because you get tons of pussy white knighting Borat? That’s gonna be a yikes from me sweetie.
this. everyone crying ITT is a burgerlard and it makes the movie even better.
It's all capeshit, GOT, /pol/fags crying about how every other piece of media is "problematic," and other people making offtopic threads to complain about /pol/ these days
I don’t know. Do you laugh at any of the retards in these videos?
The heart of the issue: in the average evangelical american christian's eyes, jews can do no wrong and you must follow them 100%.
watched it semi recently and it held up surprisingly well.
not as god tier as post-9/11 america tho. It came out at just the right time similar to Team America
i'm not going to waste my time watching that shit and giving some retard youtube view money.
>Low quality bait
/leftypol/ confirmed, dilate.
stay in your cesspit of mental illness, movies aren't for you
You have shit taste buddy. You need to go back to r/Movies.
you need to go back to the point in your childhood that made it impossible for you to ever become well adjusted, you soi gurgling mecha virgin.
Why are you so triggered bro? Are you scared that people who support your politics will be shown as retards?
You must be a really interesting person irl. I’m guessing you have a big fat gunt.
I hate Sacha, but some of the lines/reactions in this movie were kino.
The whole car dealership scene for one.
Bro, your insults are so last year. Do you have anything to bring to the conversation?
>Jews have a massive hard on for the Russians
>You could characterize much of the hysteria about Russia in the last 2 years as a reawakened Jewish fear of the Russians.
Elaborate please if you're able to, I'm curious
>support my politics
>being able to laugh at a funny movie is politics
get help unironically. i know you think you come across as a chad redpill activist with your inability to laugh and separate real kike subversion with a comedy flick, but you've been crying more than twitter cunts this entire thread and it reeks of low self esteem and virginity. i'm not clicking your links, now fuck off.
If you accuse someone of being an outsider then you are suggesting that you are apart of a group.
cope harder femme brain
Jews were the ... well, what they are now for us, for the Polish elite, in the period when Poland was actually a great European power and included Lithuania and Ukraine. Then Poland declined and fell, and was divided between Prussia, Austria, and Russia. Jews had done so well in the heyday that Poland was called the Paradise for Jews, but when Russia, which never had a native Jewish population, acquired the Eastern remnant of Polish Jewry, the Jews were restricted to "the Pale of Settlement" and generally discriminated against. So Jews in that region went from being plantation overseers and what we would call managers to being despised exiled poor farmers.
>board culture exists
>/pol/ bringing politics into everything and sucking the fun out of films is being an outsider
woah... really makes you think
Thanks for the reply. I am a huge fan of Borat now. I literally cried laughing at his funny accent. Did you know that you should feel offended for what this person said?
When you said hard on I thought it was something more along the lines of fear+respect+curiosity (?)
cool. have sex
It was the best comedy ever made
Shame everything he did after it wasn't as good but I still enjoyed it
T. Closet fag
I thought it was aladeen
I know that I’ll get the usual Borat defense squad spamming me replies but I’ll give my two cents.
It's well crafted social engineering but less and less are failing for it. Cohen's specialty is giving the illusion he's mocking both sides equally, when he typically goes soft with the left but attacks the right under the belt. He's very dishonest, that's the most effective kind of propaganda because naive people cannot see the nuances or his endgames and think he's being fair and neutral in the name of comedy. You just need 2 minutes to check Cohen's writing staff and frequent collaborators (the most notable one being Larry Charles, also a chosen one), to see it's also mostly members of the tribe (professional nepotism) who belong to the same ideologically incestuous network as the late night circuit and Comedy Central propaganda shows, where you'll always find the same ideological and financial collusion between Hollywood, the DNC and Zionist institutions. He purposely targets fringe Republican nutcases, hours and hours of footage so they could cut all the most stupid bits to 5 minutes in order to make the whole political right look insane. He will never treat Israeli or DNC or Hollywood power this way, as he will always go for the low hanging fruits. Seeing old neocon boomers get exposed as retards is always good comedy but don't be delusional, this is manipulative propaganda.
Notice how he hasn't paired his liberal parody character with a liberal target, even though it's how he operates with the conservatives.
My favourite scene was when he talks with the black guys and then talks with the hotel receptionist the same way and he calls security.
Isn't this the movie where he walks into a bar and starts shit talking on the Jews and makes friends with all the patrons?
>attacks the right
he just made fun of stupid ameriturds and rednecks calm down. nothing of value was lost.
bruno is better
Ah righto. It's complicated. I'm not Russian or Jewish, so I can't really put things into perspective well, but the Jews basically hate the shit out of the Tsars because they were treated as an other under the monarchy.
So the emigrants out of Russia into America held onto this grudge.
The second wave was a result of the Soviet Union collapsing. The Soviets were initially dominated by Jews, but Stalin purged the shit out of them after the foundation of Israel and the Soviet Union held an anti-Zionist view for throughout the Cold War.
Jews resented this.
It's a very complicated topic and I could write many posts about it.
God damn look at this ass hurt. What a faggot.
How did literally no one call him out for not looking anything like a Kazakh? Not even the politicians and shit. Are Americans really that ignorant?
As for the reason why the Western press is jumping up and down about Russia;
1. Russia is no longer a pushover like it was in the 90s and early 00s. They've arguably bested America in the Ukraine and Syria.
2. Trump's campaign in 2015/2016 made them VERY fearful of a strongman autocrat like Putin being in charge of the USA. Hence the need to try to bring down Trump's presidency with collusion narratives.
3. The aforementioned ethnic grudge.
most americans don't even know it exists.
Mostly that it's like a sketch show with really good and fucking terrible parts.
Nah, I meant the Jews have history with the Russians and they resent them for it.
Imperial Russia basically had the same reputation that Germany has now for them.
remains to be seen, user. instead he did it as a tv series
What would you say about this?
Why does footage of white people being retarded on camera make you feel victimized?
What leads you to believe you can fool people into thinking that you're a psychiatrist?
It's great. It was all downhill for Sasha after that though.
>dodges the question
Lmao I don't even need to be a psychiatrist
Kids having sex with kids isn't pedophile propaganda you pervert.
Some people look bad, but a lot of them are impressively patient with the crazy foreign man.
And I don't need to smell you to know your ancestry.
Because it's edited and the outrage is engineered to prove a nonexistent point?
Ancestry of what?
How do you prove a non-existent point?
What do you seek to prove with progressivism?
>How do you prove a non-existent point?
By lying and deceiving.
funny stuff
bruno was not very good
This is comedy kino. Did you watch that new one about Hitler coming back? Looks a lot like Borat and its hilarious
I never said I was proving something with progressivism. What are trying to do with these pigeon holes you keep trying to shove me into? Why won't you answer the original question?
So you feel marginalized by a boogieman trying to prove something about that you know isn't true?
good goys keep watching and laffing
jus humor heh
You being a retard has been the funniest thing in this thread
I liked it because it took a shit on the neocons who were the dominant culture at the time. He’s a one trick pony when you compare Borat to everything else though. You can’t really hold standards for one side when you have none for your own.
You are very stupid if you honestly think that the Jewish comedian was serious in his insults towards Jews.
Not when you're that gullible.
Imagine being this retarded.
imagine being so stupid that you didnt get that all the people attacking , mocking jews were portrayed as low class and dumb.
Step aside, Yea Forums‘s favorite reviewer is here to state the truth.
>hey guys anyone remember this funny comedy from last decade
Why do you think you should be able to demand that one group be singled out and humiliated by itself? You do that a lot with black folk in meatspace?
Putin exiled the egregious Jews in the late 90s. Russia isn't Nazi Germany, it actually is a multiethnic country.
If Putin explicitly went after the Jews then Russia would be a pariah state.
both those guys gay
Honestly the whole “I’m just a caricature take my opponents seriously but not me ” schtick is really gross. It’s as outdated as the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.
This, there was one particularly egregious sonofabitch who was stealing public assets, killing journalists (only a crime when Putin does it), and using Chechen terrorists as hitmen. Putin took care of him.
It's a power disparity between him and the people he interviews and to top it off and make things 10x worse is that he flat out LIED and deliberately DECEIVED them about who or what he was.
Slimey cunt.
The comedy is that he is a crazy sexist foreigner with backwards beliefs. The Americans are just background live reactions to his wacky foreign antics. There isn't a grand Jewish plot in Borat you dumb fuck.
>had a Harold & Kumar crazy night with my brothers and cousin trying to get into a theater to see Borat on opening weekend, and it was so worth it
Ah, good times
I'm from Kazakhstan, and Borat was one of my favourite movies because it hits close to home at some things but it really did make people think my country is full of inbred gypsies when its just boring meek asian muslims
>The comedian said the target of the film was not Kazakhstan, which has talked of suing him over his portrayal of the country, but those who believed such a place could exist.
>He added: "The joke is not on Kazakhstan. I think the joke is on people who can believe that the Kazakhstan that I describe can exist – who believe that there's a country where homosexuals wear blue hats and the women live in cages and they drink fermented horse urine and the age of consent has been raised to nine years old."
Haha those stupid people who believed a filmmaker for selling them one idea and then doing the very opposite of it. SO racist and stupid lmao
I know. I’m agreeing with you. I’m not the guy you were replying to.
Haha look at me make an ass out of myself, eesent eet fahnny me and my terrible fake accent haha I'm such a comedic genieoos!
> It's all /pol/ nobody on the entire rest of the website disagrees with me it's all that magic evil board WAAAAH
100% this. What the fuck is up with all of the pro-(((Baron Cohen))) shills on this board?
I remember renting it on DVD and watching it with my mom. Not the best choice for that.
>deceptive cuts showing the crowd cheering
>deceptive fake crowd noise
>deceptive fake crowd reactions
The crowd were idiot rednecks tho
Hai faiv
Yea Forums, /his/, and Yea Forums are all full of the same types with the same writing patterns. You'll see the same thing on Yea Forums but with a different general personality type. If you veer too far outside of the acceptable discourse as defined by the industy leaders who produce the content that you discuss, you're going to come under attack from the types who rely on that material for their fulfillment. For Yea Forums that's the animation and comics industries. for Yea Forums and /his/ that's academia, and for Yea Forums that's hollywood. What do those three groups have in common?
To continue what I'm trying to get at is that they might be Jews, or they might just be low IQ weirdos who need their favorite Howard Stern regulars or whatever to be right in order to feel complete. Yea Forums will always need to justify Batman not killing the Joker.
>What do those three groups have in common?
They all want cancerous /pol/ retards off their board who only pop into threads to derail them.
Anyone trying to argue that Cohen is anything but a disingenuous propagandist needs to re-watch Bruno. On top of that, they should bear in mind when The Dictator was made and what the plan was for the middle east at that time. Production on the movie started a few months before Gaddafi was assassinated, and it was in theaters only a few months afterwards. It was a painfully transparent attempt to shape public opinion on the toppling of governments in that region, and it was considered his least funny movie at the time. He's not a comedian.
Attend a divine liturgy in your area
As always, shills deliberately misuse words to disrupt conversation.
Derailing a thread is like corrupting data. A thread about HO scale model trains is derailed (heh) when some jerk insists on making the thread about "The Princess Bride." That's a great movie but it's not about model trains. If you start a thread about communism and some replies argue that communism is bad and wrong, your thread is not being derailed. People are disagreeing with you.
I totally forgot about that. He literally made a propaganda film in support of the Arab Spring directed at ignorant Americans. He got in trouble for that one because it was so crudely anti-Arab.
Cohen is a hack and a fraud.
jak cie masz my name-a borat
These are some of the best posts I've read in a while. Saved
Wrote the last three of those, I have to go to bed but I wanted to mention something. Just in case some of you guys are stuck in the existentialist/Neitzsche/pagan/atheist natsoc dead end, you should seriously look into Eastern Orthodoxy. Jews don't hate the truth because of genetics (though that might be part of it) so much as the fact that their entire identity is based on the rejection of the logos given flesh. Just look into the logos stuff and don't collapse into homoerotic nihilism like "dissident right" twitter and their catboy dm groups
Noted. Will read into it.
The one with the cheese guy, was it a deleted scene? I forgot
One of the best scenes ever.
THIS. Jews do not believe that objective truth is even knowable. Everything is just your side of the story. So if course it's only sensible to lie constantly, assuming that everybody else is always lying.
>being this upset about him feeling some gypsy town in Romania rather than a gypsy town in Kazhakstan
I'm Romanian and I dont give a shit. In fact, no one other than you gives a shit
Because you're a good goy.
You got me, I'm a slave to my jewish masters because I'm not throthing at the mouth because they filmed in Romania and called in Kazakhstan
Excellent. Thank you