Mohammad, the muslim prophet with the powers of flame

mohammad, the muslim prophet with the powers of flame

Attached: South_park_muhammad.jpg (262x252, 17K)

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I can kind of understand freaking out over images of god, but why do muslims lose their shit over depictions of a man who was by all accounts a completely normal arab guy? Isn't that the entire point of the religion, a random arab merchant got the director's cut of the bible/torah direct from Arab Yahweh?

god south park is so funny now, so unique, their comedy is so unique and different and special, its what makes south park so unique and funny

Shit I forgot to download the HQ version of this banned episode that was found this week/

He wasn't normal, that's what I don't like about Christianity or Islam. Both prophets are perfect men who do not sin, they are unhuman. At least in Judaism they don't lie to you. Even some of the greatest like King David and Moses have sinned and none of it has been denied.

Based uncut jew hebe

Ultimately I don't really think you can make a logical argument with someone who believes in ghosts

Also Judaism isn't a missionary religion. They haven't murdered anyone for not wanting to convert in at least 2,800 years.

True, they just murder people for the possibility of more shekels


Why would an incarnation of God sin

>have sinned

Actually Judaism is quite beautiful, very GoT-esque in the sense that most of the named and talked about kings are deeply flawed characters and their flaws often end up being their undoing.

The Tanakh at least, Tanakh outside of the Torah is really just like Jewish lore and learnings/wisdom. The Torah is all Jews really care about as that's the laws/rules etc. that they need to follow to avoid them ending up like Saul etc.

It was a law that countered Greek Orthodox iconiclasm. It actually says that muslims are not allowed to show depictions of all the profits, that includes Jesus, btw. And this law does not apply to non-muslims.

So it's all a bullshit excuse to act like desert niggers, and for media kikes to give them an excuse to attack. Trey and Matt did nothing wrong.

>At least in Judaism they don't lie to you.

Yeah it's hilarious to think there was a time when Jews were literally force circumcizing/converting vast populations of conquered peoples when today they are so insular and exclusionary, making conversion a fairly arduous and lengthy process for an outsider.

Yay, casual racism.

Please stop defending these christ-killers, judaism is an evil religion. Just read the torah.


>They haven't murdered anyone for not wanting to convert in at least 2,800 years.
Read up the Kitos War.

What race?


>Both prophets are perfect men who do not sin, they are unhuman
It's been a long time since I studied Islam but that isn't true. For starters, in the Christian religion Jesus isn't a prophet, he's supposed to be the incarnation of God on earth. Second, Muhammad is supposed to have just been a good, Arab (because this is critical, Islam is Arab supremacist at its core) merchant man who saw the word of God revealed to him. Words from God like "nobody is allowed to have more than 3 wives except for Muhammad", "If Muhammad wants to fuck your wife God says you should let him", "If Muhammad wants to fuck your 10 year old daughter you should let him", and so on, just totally neutral, random pronouncements from god that totally aren't the nutty fantasies of a pedophile warlord.

I don't like Christianity either, but at least Jesus had the good sense to get himself executed before he could go full cult leader on the middle east.

The general idea is that if they don't use images of him they won't start worshipping him instead of Allah. But then they just go name every first son Muhammad. Muslims are autistic from all the inbreeding.

I'm guessing you mean the Talmud? That's where most of the Jew-y conspiratorial master race stuff usually gets misinterpreted from.

Because Mohammad looked like a twink faggot irl. He married an older woman for her money. He’s supposed to be a chad warrior type

Jews are white

It's about preventing idolatry and accurately preserving the ways of the religion.

Muslims see Christianity as a religion corrupted over time.

Also you should always keep it in your mind that life was very different when people started practicing these religions


"The more things change the more they stay the same" - Jesus Christ, 30AD

Modern jews worship Pagan Gods and follow a bastardazied version of Babylonian and Egyptian religion. The Hebrews who lived in Judea changed faith when their Messiah arrived and spread the true word. The Pharisee who already infiltrated the Hebrew saw him as a threat and had him killed. Since then the jews have been following a false religion that worships Satan.


muslims see schools as bombing targets
what they think, do, say, and feel doesn't matter. they keep killing lolis

I'm not a historian or anything but AFAIK there was an insane amount of diversity in early Christian beliefs and most of it only got "resolved" through politics and violence

That's not the case with Islam and they've always been anal about staying true to the initial form of their religion.

Ironically Christianity getting corrupted over time is what makes it better suited for today

Watched this episode last night drunk as fuck.
How was it alright to show him here, but not in later seasons?

>He wasn't normal, that's what I don't like about Christianity or Islam
That's what I hate about ignorant, they don't know anything about Islam. All prophets were normal in the sense in which they could make mistakes or completely fail. It's even written in the Koran that had Muhammad tried to modify the revelation he was given, Allah would have broken his neck. He also made a msitake, 2 verses that were inspired by Satan, he canceled them when he realized his mistake. Jonas made amistake when he quit, he was tried and repented and then succeeded.

What happened to newspapers and artists who have showed him in the past? Its not safe.

devil verses came salman rushid that school of thought isn't accepted in islam you dumb nigger.

>devil verses came salman rushid that school of thought isn't accepted in islam you dumb nigger.
Salman Rushdie is a jew who capitalized on ignorant goyim. The devil verses are mentioned in the Koran and were abolished immediately.

jews rape kids

>At least in Judaism they don't lie to you.
see: the holocaust

no they aren't
go donate to some titty-streamer you emasculated beta

Talmud not Torah, you liar

Read our Talmud and discover the rabbi who talked about God having a penis and vagina or the son of abraham that became a flame sword wielding cyborg named mettatron

There's an interview on YouTube with Matt and Trey discussing it. The producers were actually quite shocked they had previously shown the paedo prior, they're clueless fucks.

Matt/Trey also discussed how shit Family Guy is in this interview.

This is how.

Attached: 1532059020291.jpg (1058x544, 104K)

>At least in Judaism they don't lie to you.
Kek, the whole religion is based on lying to God to avoid punishment


Bullshit post through and through, considering the oldest Koran every found showed that they literally wrote and then rewrote the pages and changed shit around. They are autistic? Yes. Their religion actually didn't change? Nah. They pick and choose from Hadiths, that were made hundreds of years after Porkhammed lived. Either way the Koran itself is retarded in its contents.

Charlie Hebdo changed everything. All this talk from some people about "opposing Islamophobia" and "respecting their faith" is just a smokescreen for the fact that they're afraid of getting killed.

well fuck me Parker&Stone did 9/11

Serious question: why did no one give a fuck when they aired this vs. when they wanted to do it again in like 2006 or something? Muslims went apeshit.

Brown people are stupid