Predator (1987)

Will movies like this ever happen again?

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>Predator remake
>Jesse Ventura's character played by big, muscular Black butch lesbian
>I'mma sexual Tyrannosaurus, and I'mma HONNGREE BITCH!!

Watch the latest one. Its the same shit but removes any pretense that being macho will save you from an alien better armed than you.

How is The Predator?

If Predator was released today, Yea Forums would hate it for being too ethnically diverse

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What makes this movie really great besides the actors is the fact that its actually a chamber play.
The whole movie with the very small exception of the introduction plays at the same location.
Unlike todays movies where they have to do a damn world tour with three different story lines.

desu, blacks of Predator were based and not build around their race.

Wrong. Nobody cared because it wasnt forced feed to us. And no damn social media to remind us about that months before the movies gets released

No. Because writers no longer understand the masculine desire to engage with the primal, and to overcome a superior enemy. And if they do, the studios do not want to show that.

It's horribly stupid and fucks up the very simple lore the movies had.

Kind of a mess. The initial predators motivations don't make much sense considering he starts killing everyone right away. The second predator that shows up has even more retarded motivations, and by that I mean they involve literal retardation. It also tries to inject a lot of humor but often its more groan worthy than making you laugh.

Honestly I was rooting for the predators more than the humans.

If Predator was released today, the movie industry would have to be in a very different place with a very different outlook. A world where SJW shit didn't ruin everything.

Does it mention the AvP movies and Xenos?

The Predator was fuckin kino

Just stopped by to say that, Peace

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Super giganigga predator is seeking out an autistic kid to drink his spinal fluid to evolve further


Best in the franchise second to the original

I think there's a small reference to those movies, I can't remember what it was.

The first Predator has gone rogue, is being chased, crash lands, only chases the humans when they steal his gear. Is intercepted by the Super Predator, which was clearly sent to kill it.

The Super Predator doesn't care at first about the human squad, but is tasked to eliminate the gear they have, as well as the initial Predator's ship.

It does so, but decides to capture the aspie kid that accessed the helmet interface as a prize, presumably for expertimentation.

It was pretty straightforward.

not really

>Its the same shit but removes any pretense that being macho will save you from an alien better armed than you.
That's exactly the point of the first movie. A bunch of meaty lads get thoroughly wrecked by a much fiercer predator and only win by resorting to intellect.

Be honest Yea Forums. How many times
Have you actually watched this movie? I watch it every time it's on. I know I've seen it at least 15 times. Great movie

>no smarmy jew to lead the team and look out of place
>no female soldiers
>no reference to Israel having a right to exist
It scores low on the kosher diversimeter.