>Of David Fincher's Fight Club, he says, "I saw thirty minutes of it only because our trailer is playing in front of it. And I would love to go on railing about the movie, but I'm just going to pretend as if I haven't seen it. It's just unbearable. I wish David Fincher testicular cancer, for all of his jokes about it, I wish him testicular fucking cancer."
Itt when directors reveal themselves as hacks
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His dad just died of cancer. He said sorry after.
based. fuck fight club
>Going to a movie just to see a trailer if your own film
That's pretty harsh. It's just a lame movie.
fight club is reddit. based paul fucking mutts and dabbing on hacks
wtf is his problem
YouTube didn’t exist in 1999 you dumb fucking zoomer.
Reminder Patrice had the best take on fight club
>internet didnt exist in 1999
fuck off boomer cunt
It wasn’t as easy to watch movie trailers back then. They were mostly low quality QuickTime videos.
Surely it would be non trivial to download it for your own movie? Maybe the studio would even send you a CD of the movie
Absolutely based
fuck white dudes
patrice has so many good moments. I still listen to the 12 hour audio of him talking about movies from time to time. youtube.com
He seems to understand the major theme of the movie, but thinks it wasn't intentional I guess?
you are now aware the fighting in fight club is an allegory for gay sex
seething shitskin
why are niggers so obsessed with white males
im never giving a single view to youtube movie """"""""""""""""""""critics"""""""""""""""""""""""
Embedded videos don't give views. You can safely watch videos on Yea Forums without worrying about giving fake news or ecelebs any views.
he's a """"""comedian""""" actually
basically just a loud fat black male with a race complex
patrice o'neal is a comic you retard. the video is a clip from a radio show
PTA has not made a single good film
prove me wrong
t.someone that says nigger a lot but seethes anytime someone say anything remotely negative about white people
You pussies are just as bad as the sjws you hate
stupid people don't make me seethe and most brown people are really, really stupid.
>Reminder Patrice had the best take on fight club
>fuck white dudes
Patrice was essentially shitting himself with fear because he saw white masculinity and thought it was going to hang him in the theatre. He missed the entire point, ignored the Tyler character, and acted like a woman... pure projection.
He was use to hanging out with beta kiss asses like Opie who loved his "blackness" and calling all women unloved hoes
this is a mixed bag
a lot of what he observes is intentional
but the "burden of dishonesty" of having to come into work and feign civility when he puts on the white guy voice is interesting and i wanted to hear more about what he meant by guilt (presumably not white guilt)
it's more that he did that thing black people and brown people do all the time where they can literally only see the world through the culture of successful white countries. Ignoring other countries where the same things are prevalent (also coming from their success) like Korea & Japan for instance.
Basically their own people are garbage, their countries are garbage so they see anything that isn't as garbage as "white"
You're right about that. But he sure has made a lot of great ones!
>black guy views white culture schtick
reminds me of those 2 fat dudes from Me, Myself and Irene
>butthurted nigger who has an inferiority complex