What's the first thing you'd do if you were turned into a Pikachu?
What's the first thing you'd do if you were turned into a Pikachu?
zap my.... oh yeah, oh yeah...
Walk into women's dressing rooms
murder people who pissed me off
Make the Auschwitz electrocution chambers real.
Explore randomly generated dungeons
Find a big strong Pokémon to do lewd things to my tiny body.
Probably convince some girl to fuck me.
Electrocute as many Jews and Niggers as I possibly could
Have sex.
gay frottage with another pikachu
Comic book convention where I try at get as cuddly as possible with chubby qt big titty cosplay bitches by acting like a dumb cuddly animal.
Then find a hot one that's an absolute bastshit deviant sex-fiend to actually have pika-sex with.
Lick my PIKA balls
Good choices.
You won't find a hot one, probably more likely to find an obese sweaty furry.
crawl into some big tiddies
Shock you
downsize, I don't need as big of house If I'm like a foot tall.
Also I'm an electrical engineer, so I'd probably figure out a way to go off grid with the electricity from my own body.
Kek, I wished they'd bring those games back.
Have sex with every hot pokemon I can find
rape Jinx