>I am forgotten

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the fuck is this? Some kinda grumlin?


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>that mouth smile

Hi! I am a transwoman who was born with micropenis. I am not trans because of it, it is actually unrelated. I am also gifted with a very feminine face and hips as well. I never fully masculinized. I have a few genetic herpdongs that don't cause many issues, I am sterile.

Interestingly enough, my penis is about a quarter inch smaller after hormones, from 2.25 inches hard to just under two. PROOF!

Behold, images. NSFW. Severely. One shows my penis soft and not manipulated, one shows it soft and pushed out, one shows it rock hard, one shows hormones proof, one is a picture of me. So, fire away!

why did i click on this

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thank god for that

Her sister goes/went to my school. Is a big time cunt.

Christ. *his. (((They’ve))) gotten to me anons

its funny how forced that fake smile is
sad stuff


Holy shit, it's a /jaz/ thread!

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poor little kike

I just did this talking about a tranny with my brother the other day and had a hard FUGG when i realized

>>If only you knew how bad things really are....

did ahmir neck himself in the end?

jazzposting was kino af, but we midgeposting now

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Tranny without a feminine benis, is there anything sadder in the whole world?

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Stories? Was she very smug?

How does one not die from their fake vagina collapsing in on itself

Let's do one more, for old times sake..

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its literally just the fucking offseason you brainlet
of course there aren't /jazzgens/ when the show isn't airing

This girl is attending HARVARD, haters. Maybe try going there, debate her, and THEN come back and preach.

Aye, I can do that.

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How bout a 6 year old boy forced to take hormone drugs so that he never reaches puberty? One who has never, and will never, experience sexual pleasure?
One whose entire life has been public knowledge, including his micropeen?
One who doomed to be a horrible, dickless freak forever?

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Shut your stupid mouth, Incel! Ari is a Jewish princess put on this Earth to prove the God of Abraham is alive and all powerful!

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What are the chances we will get another season? 41%?


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I'm the guy that keeps telling Amir to kill himself on Instagram, ask me anything.

why hasn't he killed himself yet?

Yeah it’s kinda disturbing how easily it happens. Shit has gone too far.
Met her at a party after a game day. She was kinda cunty, about what you’d expect from a Jewish chick from S FL(I think they’re from down south I can’t remember desu) who has a tranny brother. Her brothers are also twats but didn’t meet them personally.

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What are his responses?

what the fuck is dialation?

F fren

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Lose some weight. What is it with trans people and transitioning and staying ham-planets. Why make it worse for yourself.

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I'm so glad you'll end up killing yourself, tranny freak

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