>women are ruling everything and are portrayed as smarter than all the men, it's still not enough
Women are ruling everything and are portrayed as smarter than all the men, it's still not enough
ok game of thrones is based now
Wait for the articles that will come when she becomes the mad queen and jon stabs her to death. Just so predictable.
>Wait for the articles that will come when she becomes the mad queen and jon stabs her to death
Seriously I don't know why Yea Forums is complaining, it's making normies angry and dabbing on women
>nows not the time for salt
>that comes later
I don't watch GoT. I thought the show made a point years ago of killing off fan favorites. What's their problem?
A lot of normie reaction webms incoming
>Seriously I don't know why Yea Forums is complaining, it's making normies angry and dabbing on women
I think it's pissing off pretty much everyone
>are portrayed as smarter than all the men
Haha what? What show are you watching?
if D&D really go with that one I can see why they'll be offline during the episode. besides the disinterested normies who just want to see dragons and don't engage online, the yaskqeenslay audience and their thirsty orbiters are pretty much the only ones who aren't hatewatching it. they're gonna get so much flak if a stronk womyn doesn't end up winning the game of thrones
tf is she the hillary of westeros now? D&D colluded with the freefolk didn't they?
in the narrative as they intend it user, not your interpretation of it
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!
For me, it's based.
What the fuck??
Because it's still a horrid feminist shitfest but as we know you can't please those people
>in the narrative as they intend it user, not your interpretation of it
Now you're sounding like a mentally ill jew trying to assert that there is no objective reality
I remember what Sean Lock said about Game of Thrones years ago
>Yeah, strong female characters
>who all get their tits out
Still makes me laugh
Better yet, she'll die before she even becomes queen, then Westeros will be ruled by a council of 5 (white) men.
>all remaining males are subservient to the stronk wahmen
>arya kills the night king with Marvel magic
>show literally states Sansa is the smartest character alive
Whatever you say, Schlomo.
Actually you sound like a retard who can't into words.
When will this female empowerment bullshit stop?
>Yeah, strong female characters
>who all get their tits out
That's my fetish.
I said your incorrect interpretation of someone's message isn't as valid as their intended interpretation. so actually I'm saying the literal opposite of what you interpreted my message to be.
I'll go out on a limb and guess this is a trend with (you).
kek, I don't remember seeing him say that, but it sounds like something he'd say
even women are smart enough to realize that modern media is only pandering to them to subjugate them
bread and circuses
they want their feminists shows to be good, but when you insert gender issues and stronk womyn in a series, thats not possible because the people in charge is retarded.
like with doctor who,when a series dies the first sing is that it becomes more and more feminist.
>show literally states Sansa is the smartest character alive
That is not said by narrator but by a character in-universe you dumb fuck
>their intended interpretation
you're a fucking meme man, THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS
It was on 8Oo10C iirc
Based Sean, sums up GoT and its fanbase's gender politics nonsense
For 40,000 years man has ruled over women. But now a few feminist think they can reverse this and be equal to man. Nice try roasties. No matter what you do you'll always be the inferior sex.
Have children.
I would really be more comfortable if you would just have sex. Please.
>stronk wahmen
>loses a fucking dragon to ballistas
Do you even fucking read what you write?
Next time around there will be enough Zyklon B for every cockroach
Dumb women think bossing people around means you're smart.
>Haha what? What show are you watching?
This is true of nearly literally every show on television. I'm actually hard pressed to think of ANY shows at the moment where the female isn't portrayed as being the 'adult/in charge/correct' essentially eternally.
Hell, I can't even think of any commercials where that isn't true.
Clearly the men on GoT are smarter than the women user, have you been watching the show at all?
D&D talked about how Sansa is a master manipulator now and can think many steps ahead like little finger. Not that you’re wrong but I can’t think of who’s supposed to be smarter than Sansa at the moment, certainly not Tyrion anymore
>I can’t think of who’s supposed to be smarter than Sansa at the moment, certainly not Tyrion anymore
Dude a literaly sack of potatoes has higher IQ than Sansa at the moment, she isn't doing anything at all, in fact, I bet she doesn't do a single thing for the rest of the show except breath, smile and smalltalk.
There hasn't been a single woman on the show on par with likes of Tywin
The fact that the show writers are incompetent doesn't change their intent, which is that Sansa is the smartest person in the show now.
You know begging for sex is never going to get you laid, right?
>can't tell difference between your asshole and a hole in the ground
>Coming off the back of The Long Night’s excellent twist ending
just fucking kill me now
Easy on the Pepsi!
thots BTFO