>“Haha. Made you look”
>“Haha. Made you look”
Other urls found in this thread:
First for hot heads
Why is it so good bros?
Superior meme general here:
Commieblocks are really not bad to live in unless you want to have a house with a garden. Definitively not much worse than your average apartment building.
Love seeing my meme being re-distributed, Comrades!
Generator trip, Full load rejection, Turbine trip
Go outside and make real friends.
>this is our time to shine
Oh, I see what you did there.
Mfw, you realise the real Chernobyl was the friends you made along the way.
>when you're desperate to make friends but you're not funny and your memes are trash because your IQ is low
If the soviets were gommies why did they have cash?
world was still communist, tovarich
Go to the roof Yea Forums
what is this, Vasili?
whens next episode
May 13
>mfw the reactor didn't explode and it's all just a big prank
Can’t spell radiation without “rad.” They’re just red-faced because they got punked.
>it was just a big scare
>i get to go home and feel like i just woke up from a bad dream
it's been out barely a week and there's a plethora of memes about it, love it
>it's been out barely a week and there's a plethora of memes about it, love it
Yeah I have not seen anything like it.
I had to hang out with a girl to be able to watch it but I don't have HBO at my place and I want to see it again without her running her mouth the whole time.
Where can I stream it?
posting again for
>wow user why would the ussr lie and try to cover up an industrial accident?
oh I dont know.
its not like the west used this as a huge propaganda victory and sensationalist alarmist headlines for a year.
that seems quite harsh
Next episode when?
>sent thousands of men to deal with a highly radioactive disaster site with next to no protection
>lies for hours and sent workers and firemen to stand right next to the exploded core when there was no reason to
it seemed like comfy living in this imgur.com
aaaa fuck game of thrones
>400 threads since chernobyl premiered
>constantly talking about this kino docudrama that satiates the demand for quality writing, great production values, top tier music and design that is rarely seen anymore
>adult themes that respects its audience, not dumbed down for women or dark skinned people
honest question. do you think a non white person or female has ever once posted in a chernobyl thread?
I am confident stating that not a single female or dark skinned person has ever contaminated one of these threads and that is why they are so successful and fun to participate in.
do you guys think women or mud apes will ever get something or produce something like this for their mass consumption? or are they doomed to worldstar and reality tv?
>asians you guys count as honorary whites, I mean actual dark skinned people from the southern hemisphere or middle east or india. rape apes not gooks.
torrent it, fucktard
back to r9k bud
in theory you're correct this is a white mans show, but it's completely unnecessary to even bring it up.
>commieblocks arent really that bad compared to the shitty western version of commieblocks
you dont say
whenever something of quality comes out or gains popularity
and the discussion and discourse surrounding it is really productive or at least very informative and entertaining.
not with just tv or movies. I mean anything really. you can see it happen on almost every board.
whenever that happens I have to step back and think "wow. this is what the world used to be like. this is the way things worked. you had decent men directing the outcome and popularity of modern media and great things were endorsed and produced"
back before we had to pander to women and monkeys.
giving those animals the right to vote and agency was a huge mistake. but here we are. shoveling billions into africa waiting for those chimps to finally learn how to imitate real humans. flooded with 75 IQ violent brown people from mexico and north africa. women have made a kardashian whose breakout fame came from fucking some nigger and then having said nigger urinate on her in a sex tape.
we can never go back.
the chains of the xx and melanin enhanced will forever be around our necks.
but every now and then we can still get away with making a movie featuring an all white or even all male cast.
the terror
master and commander
death of stalin
generation kill
john adams
>on the last episode of chernobyl dr karen ignobalu from kenya is flown in to vienna to give her momentous speech on nuclear transparency
god. fucking. damn. it.
I'd never want to live in a house in the middle of nowhere having to waste time to get to anywhere interesting. A nice clean and comfy 40m2 apartment with a big balcony, 20 minutes or less from the city centre next to a public transport stop is my idea of a perfect home.
my mom really enjoyed the terror
is elephant foot dangerous rn?
ya and for like the next 100k years
she really enjoys black dick up her ass too
>but it's completely unnecessary to even bring it up.
a group of men sit down to dinner in portland maine.
wow this restuarant is really nice. its quiet and everyone is really respectful. those 3 guys a few tables over are talking about he fall of the roman empire. there is womens golf on the tv above the bar. the streets outside are clean and the valet said we dont have to worry about crime around here. there was even a poster about a local production of shakespeare in the park on the door to the bathroom.
god I wish things were like this where Im from in detroit. I dont understand why things cant be this way where I live. how are things in mexico city where youre from? safe and full of high brow culture like here I imagine?
its unnecessary to bring up the common thread of what makes the world worth actually living in?
thats out of line for you?
please prove me wrong.
if youre dark skinned and posting in a chernobyl thread give me (you) right now
lets see how many abduls, tyrones, juans and panjeers there are ITT
Am an operator at a U.S nuclear power plant. AMA
I want to make a Monolit character in Anomaly and explore the CCCP right now.
Do you have cancer already?
Thoughts on Entergy?
Know anything about Vermont Yankee and the absolute fuckery the state government was playing with it?
how big is your infirmary?
thank god there is another hispanic person ITT
I thought I was the only one.
>The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor.
So far been a great experience. Only been working for them for little over a year. 9 months of that time was classroom instruction. So only 3 months of actual plant time hnder my belt. Plant badge for proof
i was wondering where the women were
i thought USSR loved women in science
Dont have one. Anything over minor first aid is not handled at the plant
What if not all hipster-looking faggots with stupid tattoos are completely worthless?
where do you send delusional engineers then?
If Mazin wanted a prominent female character to leaven a story dominated by men, why did he leave out Maria Protsenko, the architect who designed Pripyat and supervised its evacuation?
The user who posted this last thread got me worried about the rest of the series
i-it's just a little sunburn, right?
Clarifier watch
>yfw he was right all along
dumb comrades overreacting all the time
Fuck this general won't last for a week on those reddit memes alone bros ;_;
Did anything more serious than first aid ever happen? I suppose nothing that has to do with radiation though.
So how did the US not have a huge disaster when 3 mile island went up? Did they clamp down on it hard?
Less threads will make the ones on Mondays better
we didnt have a reactor explode
By using a proper reactor design and not a suicide device.
TMI wasn't operated by Ukranians
ive seen worse
>this is your brain on estrogen supplements
Okay so I watched the first epsiode. I thought it was great, one of the best qualities of the show is how atmospheric it is. It builds a believable atmosphere of suspense and dread. But my qualm is why they have a bunch of actors with British accents portraying Ukrainians. I'm fine with it being in English, but I wish they would have gone for authentic accents. Unless they actually are Ukrainian accents speaking English and I'm just interpreting it as British? Someone fill me in plox.
So Non American here; what actually happened? Someone fucked up and the reactor almost melted down, but no radiation got out?
Dyatlov is the bad guy.
It was a partial meltdown. I think the outer walls of the core weren't breached.
>So Non American here; what actually happened? Someone fucked up and the reactor almost melted down, but no radiation got out?
No nigger what happened is the Graphite control rods were unable to drop into the reactor causing a build up of Xenon 135 which resulted in an excesses of pressure causing the reactors top to blow off and forcing the nuclear fuel down. the nuclear fuel going down is probably the cause of the lava in the site now.
it's been out for less than 72 hours
Because these threads are being made by shills and it's obvious as fuck. There are already like 50 high quality shoops of epic quotes and people spamming the same shit over and over
How is speaking English with a Russian accent any more believable?
im black and im in these threads
where is your god now
>high quality
Thank you for believing in us, comrade.
god damn it
Imagine witnessing thousands of capeshit threads for months then coming here and saying this
Equipment failures, human error, and incompetence led to the reactor losing coolant and melting down and a bunch of contaminated coolant leaking into the containment building due to some other equipment failure I can't immediately recall. The melted fuel rods reacted with the water in the core to produce a bunch of hydrogen that had to be carefully vented to avoid a fukushima situation, which was done successfully.
The big difference was Three Mile Island used an American PWR design that didn't have huge increases in reactivity when cooling was lost, and had a proper containment built around it.
Also unlike Fukushima which exploded due to hydrogen buildup, the plant layout wasn't ultra retarded and allowed for the containment to flood without cutting power and removing the ability to vent the core.
>everyone is dressing the part of a soviet citizen / scientist / soldier / politician
>everyone is speaking like a soviet citizen
>everyone is running around in locations that are of soviet origin
>all actors are acting their parts well because they don't just have to read their lines in a broken russian accent to please the whims of mental midgets online
>bruh wtf where are muh broken english accents? my immursion is broken, nothing else matters but the accents!
I recently bought a Chernobyl liquidator medal, the seller says it wasn't radioactive, but ever since it's been on my desk I've been getting headaches and feeling quite ill, no joke. I'm pretty sure this is a coincidence though.
Calculations performed after the accident showed that the ORM at 01:22:30 was equal to eight manual control rods. The minimum permissible ORM stipulated in the operating procedures was 15 rods. The test commenced at 01:23:04; the turbine stop valves were closed and the four pumps powered by the slowing turbine started to run down. The slower flowrate, together with the entry to the core of slightly warmer feedwater, may have caused boiling (void formation) at the bottom of the core. This, along with xenon burnout, could have resulted in a runaway increase in power. An alternative view is that the power excursion was triggered by the insertion of the control rodse after the scram button was pressed (at 01:23:40)f.At 01:23:43, the power excursion rate emergency protection system signals came on and power exceeded 530 MWt and continued to rise. Fuel elements ruptured, leading to increased steam generation, which in turn further increased power owing to the large positive void coefficient. Damage to even three or four fuel assemblies would have been enough to lead to the destruction of the reactor. The rupture of several fuel channels increased the pressure in the reactor to the extent that the 1000 t reactor support plate became detached, consequently jamming the control rods, which were only halfway down by that time. As the channel pipes began to rupture, mass steam generation occurred as a result of depressurisation of the reactor cooling circuit. A note in the operating log of the Chief Reactor Control Engineer reads: "01:24: Severe shocks; the RCPS rods stopped moving before they reached the lower limit stop switches; power switch of clutch mechanisms is off."
Nothing too serious that I can remember. You have to keep in mind that even though nuclear is special and unique, its very similiar to any other industrial site. Complete with heavy machinery the possibility of falling objects, slip trips falls etc. All the usual safety brief fodder. Where it begins to differ is the incorporation of the separation of workspaces ie the RCA or radiologically controlled area, c zones or contaminated zones, high contam zones, high rad areas, locked high rad areas. Its truly not as big and bad as many would have you believe. Inside containment on the refuel floor when they have the drywell and reactor pressure vessel head off, looking down off the bridge is quite cool though. Everything else is just a maze of pipes and machinery desu. Im having a hell of a time learning my way around and learning all of the interlocks with the systems
Yeah, I really like the series so far
>But my qualm is why they have a bunch of actors with British accents portraying Ukrainians. I'm fine with it being in English, but I wish they would have gone for authentic accents.
Have you watched anything like this? It's cheap and terrible.
There are plenty of capeshit shills too, as well as the shills working overtime in the Alita threads
What the fuck is Dyatlov's problem?
It took me way too long to understand this image and why this shitty meme was in the op
No, but I played STALKER and everyone in that had silly russian accents, I can't be immersed in something set in eastern europe unless the people talk in silly russian accents.
Denial, fear, shock. A little bit of all?
should have played with russian voices, Tyrone.
I've already accepted it's an English-language production because it's HBO, it just would have been nice to have Ukrainian or Russian accents. I get your point though and see how it's kind of picky if it's not in the native language anyway. If it wad in Russian with subs that woukd have been the most authentic, but then they wpuld have to get Russian actors instead.
Probably, but I can't name anything off the top of my head. I don't really mind it.
Well that's retarded and you deserve to have your immersion broken.
>playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R in English
I swear, the russian accent posters are the biggest morons of this board.
Imagine listening to shitty attempts at Ukrainian accents for an hour.
ask her for her HBO GO password. If she let’s you use it keep her. If she doesn’t, tell her to go to infirmary.
>Broken english accents
Ukrainian or Russian accents you tard, but spoken in English.
I am fine with it in English and prefer it that way, but it is immersion-killing when they go to the detail you desribe and they all have British accents. Criticize me some more and say that the fact is in English is already immersion-killing, I don't care.
Either they get native speaking russians and ukrainians and shit, either they go with an english cast
But wanting the english cast to try their hardest to pull a retarded silly accent is a really dumb fucking idea. The inverted R in the title is stupid enough.
Yeah, sorry if I sounded ignorant. You know, people like to dramatize it because of Chernobyl and others. But out of all the hundreds of plants that were ever built and turned on, only a handful had important incidents.
How fucked is humanity if theres economic collapse and no one works in the plant anymore.
>muh immershun, never mind the fact that they are all dressed the part, and that the dialog is authentic, and that the performances are authentic due to the fact that the actors don't have to do a shitty forced accent! i must have my broken russian acceeeeeent!!!!!!! *voice breaks*
God damn, how pathetic can you get?
This gut wasn't me but I did play a bit of STALKER and I considered mentioning it. It's a good-enough example for what it would be like, that or Metro.
>tried to play Stalker
>got sick of slowly walking back and forth across the same map over and over again to finish goals
>gave up after 8 hours
what am I doing wrong lads
You're not playing AMK AE 1.4.1
>shitty video games with made-up stories should be held in higher regard than a dramatization of a real story about real people just because the video game story has people talking in shitty russian accents
I realize this is an anonymous image board, and embarrassing yourself is part and parcel of postings here, but this is too much, even by my standards.
you didn't play Call of Prypiat which is the only truly worthwhile game in the serie.
>Ukrainian or Russian accents you tard, but spoken in English.
Yeah, listening to some Brits try and struggle their way through convincing the audience they're native Ukranians speaking English for whatever reason would be a HUGE improvement.
>pic related. It's you.
well meme'd
not even the guy you're replying to, it's not that big of a deal bro
The great american shitposter
Yeah, it would be difficult for all of them to learn the accents and then act with them convincingly. I guess it works well enough for what it is, you just have to suspend disbelief and accept their British accents along with the fact it is in English.
>muh historical fiction is the superior artistic product and anything else has nothing relevant to say about anything
shitting up threads with their retardation since threads exist.
Reddit here, is this show the new game of thrones for us?
You're posting in the wrong board.
Am I the only one that thinks that Nuclear Power Plants are comfy ?
They are always surrounded by giant gardens, rivers and awesome Nature.
I love de_nuke in cs:go aswell
Seriously, he seems really upset. Didn't realize asking for different accents would trigger him and so many others.
I refuse to believe a black person is enjoying this show.
aint no thicc bitches. aint nobody smoking dat loud. tyler perry isnt cross dressing in it and calling telling people dey need jesus.
>walk into starbucks in january. I dont even drink coffee but Im dying of thirst and its right there on the way to work. finna get an iced tea.
>black guy is sitting in the corner dressed how a 5 year old thinks a smart adult would dress. oversized thick black glasses. button up. dark jeans. kinda betrayed the whole look with a air jordan logo backpack.
>start creeping over there after my order so I can get a glimpse of what he's reading
>worn copy of THE HUNGER GAMES
checks out. crisis averted. I was almost gonna have to start questioning some of my long held convictions.
the best part about the whole thing is now that Ive had time to think about it, Im almost positive this was a way to pick up girls.
>hmmm how I'z lets these white bitches know Im all smart and sensitive and shit
then with the reasoning capacity of a toddler he grabbed a popular book to impress them light skinned bitches and dressed like he just got off work from a jewelry section of a department store.
okay so we have one black guy.
but he still needs to prove he's black. whats your favorite soda? chicken place?
It's fun, there are a couple of exoskeletons in the second floor of the corridor of the wish granter.
Yes, neither STALKER nor Metro have anything relevant to say about anything. STALKER is a hodge-podge jigsaw of storylines and catchphrases while Metro is a bastardization of a pseudo-intellectual book series.
How is that a meme again? Don't get me wrong, I like all three games, but if I had to choose one to recommend to someone who wants to start out and has trouble getting into SoC, I'd definitely recommend Prypiat.
Yo T, that Russian ain’t here. But the air tastes like fuckin’ metal or some shit.
another blackie reportin in
>shitty video games with made-up stories should be held in higher regard than a dramatization of a real story about real people just because the video game story has people talking in shitty russian accents
I didn't even say that you idiotic strawman builder. Never even implied they should be looked at as superior. I was just comparing to what it would be like. God, this place is insufferable at times.
>muh historical fiction is the superior artistic product and anything else has nothing relevant to say about anything
See above. I never implied that you retard.
Look who's talking
You should never start at the end, and CoP has an uninteresting story compared to SoC. muh helicopters over three maps. really lame desu
They do though. Present a compelling post-apo universe with interesting characters, an enjoyable critique of the pseudo scientific reasoning that lead to chernobyl and most of the original soviet nuclear program for that matter, an interesting view of science, its place in society and a easily understandable parable of some of its basic philosophical problems in a heavily dysfunctional society. Can't say for Metro as I barely remember anything about it, but STALKER definitely has some interesting ideas that aren't an insult to intelligence, as well as good art and visual ideas in general.
You didnt sound ignorant. I had the same perception before going through initial non licensed operator class. And its funny you say that because it was stressed to us over and over in class how human operators ALWAYS intervene to cause the problem. These plants and systems are over engineered to the nth degree. They will literally, and I mean literally automatically align themselves to safe shutdown configuration with all control rods inserted and coolant (ECCS) emergency core cooling systems aligned to the core with ZERO human intervention. Everyone and I mean everyone on site could die at the same moment and the plant would be fine. Operators tend to not trust their indications though as witnessed by TMI and the NRC gets their panties in a bunch (as they should) when control room operators allow the plant to function by any automatic interlock or action as it shows plant personnel can not adequately safely run a nuclear power plant. I hear the saying alot “we do not operate by interlocks”. Hopefully this answered question as well. But eventually operators would need to be dispatched after a month worst case scenario. A complete loss of diesel generators/off site power would complicate things enormously. But again back to the nth degree thing, control room operators have a secondary control room as well to fall back to.
These scenarios are drilled with the licensed guys in the simulator every 5 weeks. Super stressful stuff
still spoopy even though I'm completely safe
The biggest brainlet opinion ever
>black people can't enjoy stuff that doesn't fit into stereotypes like big booty bitches and lean
damn, you got that tesla iq
to be fair chernobyl airs at the same time as empire on fox so its not fair to expect them to be represented here
In a shutdown cooldown into complete loss of power, everyone dies, how long could the plant sit there before decay heat causes a meltdown? Or would it?
dude what the fuck is wrong with you lol
wow...72 hours. how could anyone possibly have made shoops so soon. They take weeks.
This post.
TMI was staged to drum up fear against the nuclear energy industry so the fossil fuel giants could stay in charge
>There are already like 50 high quality shoops
Why, thanks, man.
This man is delusional I've seen it before
>>black people can't enjoy stuff that doesn't fit into stereotypes like big booty bitches and lean
thats exactly what Im saying. but Im also including hispanics, arabs, and whatever else is out there.
but youre saying
>black people being such a small minority dont have the resources or consumer pull to get their 8 part series about the punic wars ever produced because only blacks and hispanics would watch something without sprite commercials and bitches twerking
yeah thats why you see all those impressive book cases in the background of vine video compilations
Now, why the fuck would you start a race debate in a fucking Chernobyl thread, you fucking retard.
why did they hire workers that all thought a rector core could explode??? Were they diversity hires?
is this shitposting or are you one of those breitbart boomers that cmae over during the election?
>I base my racial beliefs upon vine video compilations
every human specie that ever roamed the earth would need to be genocided senpai
with you first tbqh
but im a spic
>not using every opportunity to discuss black dicks
the first thread was literally 99% posts talking about how liberals will hate the show because it doesn't have diversity and black people
like these people are making stuff up to get mad about at this point
poltards from hotwheels' website
im female and i watch Chernobyl
>zero russians
I'll believe there might be one stray pavement ape ITT. but I refuse to believe half the posts in here dont come from beyond the volga.
Yeah, fuck off pal, you're indulging him so don't play innocent.
>yeah thats why you see all those impressive book cases in the background of vine video compilations
What you're doing wrong is not locating and stocking yourself with every sparkler and flash artifact you get your hands on
if I was russian, I would larp as a nigger online too, much less embarassing
nearly trips of truth
why did he not calmly explain to the soldier, that he too infact will now die a terrible, horrible irradiated death, merely by accompanying him on the journey to the roof?
That would depend on a ton of factors. If the core is not cooled it will continue to heat up. That much is a given. I wouldnt be able to answer that. We have a department called reactor engineering that performs all of those calculations and would be able to spit that out easily. The way they actually design the reactor is interesting even when it comes to meltdowns. The materials that will be melted through are engineered to alleviate many of the worst case scenarios. It would still be a bad bad day at the powerhouse though
It was not a RBMK and had a containment building instead of a shed that Ivans kept their reactor in.Nowhere outside of the USSR such reactor design would get built in power plant scale.
So if everyone on Earth died at the same time, with also every reactor having been in a shutdown state for six months, power dies,
it is a neutron poison retard block4 nearly shut itself down during prolonged low power state.The procedure for test was retarded and shift supervisor was an idiot it was a freak accident on a fundamentally flawed reactor design
>go to see The Master in theatres
zero blacks or hispanics, few women
>go to see Dunkirk in theatres
zero blacks or hispanics, few women
>go to see Arrival in theatres
zero blacks or hispanics, few women
>go to see The Revenant in theatres
zero blacks or hispanics, few women
>go to see Hell or High Water in theatres
zero blacks or hispanics, few women
>go to see Django Unchained in theatres
wont make that mistake again. how any pale skinned person would pay money to listen to dark skinned people shout at a screen and record snapchats is beyond me.
but yeah. Im sure there is a fucking voracious hunger for high brow well made cinema among all the mexicans and blacks. Im sure once we allow EBT cards to be used at cinemas we will finally return to a great renaissance of thoughtful pieces of great merit.
Power dies, reactor would eventually meltdown without interference?
vamos pinche yanta
Wed be fucked my dude. The magic hot rocks dont get any cooler after you kill the power thats why nuclear power is “special and unique”. Theres a reason decomissioning plants are such a big deal. It still requires a full team of operators and plant personnel even when not producing a dime of electricity.
>hey man two guys said there is no core and a bunch of guys are red in the face and vomit all over the floor, maybe-
This is your brain on Party membership.
It's actually your brain on knowing you're going to die horribly from radiation or from gulag
add to that list
tinker tailor
band of brothers
lonesome dove
I claudius
all of ken burns docu's
or any other mini series thats really well written and starring predominantly white males
once the jews finally create the mulatto slave race after flooding north america and europe with 60 IQ darkies the only stuff getting made still starring whites and well written will be an endless series of holocaust films and shows. and even then they will probably have to throw in some wise cracking black sidekick who smokes weed and a huge tittied brazillian with a fat ass to keep their attention.
Do you know what shock is?
Sorry for shitty pic quality but heres some class notes on what im talking about. Generic fundamentals, BWR (boiling water reactor) tech. core thermal limits must be maintained and hydrogen production must be controlled for regardless even post SCRAM
why don't we just launch them into space
>muh shock
Go choke on your vomit, Dyatlov.
Never mind the pic, that handwriting
Based af.
Is this worth watching?
He was simply scared shitless knowing most of the blame for this whill fall on him as a direct supervisor of the experiment, party or not you fucking mroron
Is there a more sinister call in history?
this DESU
All these shill threads and posts are finally making me want to leave this dump
I hear it makes you delusional.
not really. apparently we have 2 niggers and a roastie here posting as well.
Im sure there's some turk or paki in here enjoying the series also maybe.
well actually it explains it perfectly
This show is making me wish I lived in/nostalgic for the Soviet Union, I'm confused bros
It absolutely does. Denial, shifting of blame etc.
Wtf is wrong with you? Why is this so hard to decipher?
It’s wishful thinking. He is deluding himself into thinking it’s only a minor incident.
>smoking dat loud
Those guys in the core smoked something for sure.
So is the Horror similar kino to this? I'm thinking about giving it a go.
You mean Terror? It's good but diferent. Terror is a moody series about men getting stranded slowly moving to their end while Chernobyl is straight to the point from the first episode (that's also due to a shorter form factor). Also nothing supernatural about it.
uhhhhhhh actually jalen rose and stephen a smith
(both black, both professional journalists) talked about how much they loved the chernobyl show on espn after it came out
then go
they're fake tho
Years ago I watched some documentary on Chernobyl and this was played in it. I haven't been able to find the doc again since but I always remembered this part. The strange military-industrial quality of the call and dial tones has such a surreal quality that gives me the creeps.
HBO is tracking the DL of this episode and has been sending out letters to ISPs. Fuck them. My posts are being deleted also. Pics of the email inc
so what
the whole point is that the only reason we can have chernobyl threads and good shows like this being made is because of white people
you can have chernobyl threads and series without women or people who listen to rap and eat flamin hot cheetos
but you cant have chernobyl threads or series like them without above 90 IQ white males
get what Im saying? Im saying things of quality being celebrated and lowest common denominator trash like teen mom or power or desperate housewives are mutually exclusive.
like women and darkies dont contribute or make great tv or interesting cinema.
but whites males do. hell Ill even throw the jews in there begrudgingly.
you wont find any dark skin or vaginas in this thread. but Im sure you can find tons of brown people and females in this thread
Im just saying there is a clear distinction and we need to hold onto what we have and fight for what we want to see made
>Get caught
you know google/mega is the way now, right?
Is this based on Roadside Picnic? My only knowledge of it is literally from the first ten posts of this thread.
>try to break the law
>get stopped
It's based on the actual Chernobyl disaster.
This is the only piece of graphite you will find around here. Ignore all other reports of found graphite around this building, comrade.
May I say, they handled it not great, but not terrible.
Neat, but a bit disappointing. Is it just American propaganda against the now gone Soviet Union?
You've been in this for too long, Ruskie. You're becoming delusional.
You fucked with the wrong person HBO.
>propaganda against a defunct & non-existant government
hmmmm i dunno man... maybe?
I'm American.
American propaganda is still going after "socialism" or "communism" so that is why I ask.
And how do you index that?
uh huh
Just saw the first episode, and I got to say... This show is really, really, really, good.
ok fine i'll fucking watch it Yea Forums. now gimme the torrent
>Is it just American propaganda against the now gone Soviet Union?
Why is it so hard for people to admit that the Soviet government massively fucked up during Chernobyl?
>so that is why I ask
Listen here Volodya, native English speakers use contractions.
what the fuck is that verb
sure, don't watch it. it's total propaganda. in fact, you should leave the thread immediately
find it yourself you goddamn retard, how difficult is it?
Dont go to HQ tomorrow
Because its comfy and dont have any nigger
can't be bothered lad
how do you even know how to post on here?
Well no one would have a problem if it was a Ukrainian film company that made the show, but one has to wonder why anglos are making a show about a historic event and people that has nothing to do with them (again). It’s only natural one would suspect propaganda.
CoP blows, man. Only saving grace is that it's the only one still getting mods.
ShoC with ZRP > CoP any day.
where can i find the links?
It's probably because the westerners values storytelling more than anyone else.
glad to have you here user
i just use forum.snahp.it
x265 subforums, run various codes through the 64 bit decoder to get megalinks
>django unchained
you have a pretty loose definition of high brow, user
>why anglos are making a show about a historic event and people that has nothing to do with them (again). It’s only natural one would suspect propaganda.
Get a load of this commie.
Breaking news, Chernobyl shitted not only USSR territory and now it's common european problem
fuck ZRP is autistic garbage man
give me AMK or just let me load up CoC
It still has nothing to do with anglos. Also anglos aren’t european.
you dont use a vpn?
>It still has nothing to do with anglos.
>Also anglos aren’t european.
So as you, insect
i swear to god if you reply to this braindead tripfag one more time and give him an excuse to post, i will slap the roentgens out of you comrade
Anglos were a Germanic tribe from Northern Germany you shit eating tripfag
Keep larping anglos
Пoшёл нaхyй
Lol Germans aren’t European either. They’re Central Asian.
Taste vanilla before you add sprinkles. ZRP fixes 98% of the bugs present in the 1.0005 version of the game.
>the mountain decapitates missandei
>blacks and hispanics and women collectively lose their shit
>hbo makes a show about white males fucking up and dying horrible deaths
Im sure plenty of blacks and hispanics are watching this show.
Germans are a recent distinct ethnicity originating from the last 1000 years in what is now Germany.
oh my christ, i'm so drunk and dumb i didn't realize you meant Zone Reclamation Project, i was thinking of the other one that adds individual bullets you must add to a magazine, but the name escape me
forgive me, ZRP is essential. Autumn Aurora 2 on top of that isn't bad either.
jesus fuck i have just committed a sin
just play AMK AE lmao what's the big deal? you don't like having fun and experiencing stalger the way it's meant to be?
Germans are basically the same as Mongols, Turks, and Khazars.
Zone of Alienation, i liked it.
don't worry about the sidequests
because it makes for a good horror/disaster story you fucking retard
jesus christ where did all these autistic retards come into the thread and shitted it up
so far I count:
>the /pol/ race baiting autist
>the tripfag r*dditor subhuman
>the tankie revisionist
You're basically retarded.
>Ruins your kino
At least the first episode was amazing.
should I get a doctors recommendation on that hun?
>forgot his trip
oh noooo
that sucks, go to the infirmary.
I would have sex with this Rusky
When does she show up? at least we may have one good episode left.
Your mom goes to Chernobyl
>>the tankie revisionist
huh? what does that mean?
I'm not in camp and passed college.
How else user?
Only a pleb would play only one stalker mod.
Still, I recommend vanilla for the first time, then you can do whatever the fuck after that. AMK might be a little too brutal for a first play through.
>AMK might be a little too brutal for a first play through.
such is life in the zone fren
I love it when I make the anons fight each other
she does now?
Do you think she should be worried user?
If so, what do you recommend?
>the unironic commie
>the unironic poltard
>the unironic redditor and his trip
The underage cancer killing Yea Forums
Anomaly is the most kino STALKER experience
You didn't see blacks watching this show.
Next episode. I love the low key reality feel, byt now we have a fictional power woman coming in for no reason. At least Stellan Sarsgaard will be there (playing a real guy) but even that takes me out of the raw reality style
Is it invite only? Looks kind of shady
I don't see any fighting user.
Can you google that, copy and paste please?
What is the name of the actress who plays the iodine qt?
t h i s
guess they closed registration 2 months ago
nvm bud
they're the spawn of reddit.com
go look user
Imagine hating on a show for episodes *that haven't even aired yet*. You literally have no idea what it's going to be like.
>start watching
>out of 3 people so far, 2 are from The Terror
This is gonna be kino, I know it already.
>all this fuss over 3.6 roentgen
get a grip
If only you knew how bad but not great either things really are
LIKE A BOY!!!!!!!!!
no need to worry comrade, its not good but not bad.
>wow guys its really great when white males can get together and produce something without forced diversity or having a bunch of jew producers blatantly pandering to women and niggers and spics with unrealistic characters and bad writing. I really appreciate good productions like this. Its regrettable that there isnt a bigger market for things like this. Still Im glad things like this can still be made from time to time.
yeah. and Im the stupid one.
the absolute state of Chernobyl problems
I'm cringing rn
so wait, did they take the control rods out for the test?
yeah but then they jammed them in again and apparently it gets hotter for a while before cooling down but idk
you okay cupcake?
it looks like this
The interaction of very hot fuel with the cooling water led to fuel fragmentation along with rapid steam production and an increase in pressure. The design characteristics of the reactor were such that substantial damage to even three or four fuel assemblies would – and did – result in the destruction of the reactor. The overpressure caused the 1000 t cover plate of the reactor to become partially detached, rupturing the fuel channels and jamming all the control rods, which by that time were only halfway down. Intense steam generation then spread throughout the whole core (fed by water dumped into the core due to the rupture of the emergency cooling circuit) causing a steam explosion and releasing fission products to the atmosphere. About two to three seconds later, a second explosion threw out fragments from the fuel channels and hot graphite. There is some dispute among experts about the character of this second explosion, but it is likely to have been caused by the production of hydrogen from zirconium-steam reactions.
No, but it most likely will suck because I really don't see what a fictional character being everywhere and doing everything good can possibly add to good historical fiction.
Hopefully she won't be an insufferable know-it-all who is always right, a mouthpiece for the writers and their 30 years hindsight on the matter. And if we're really lucky she won't have much screen time and everything else will be on par with what we've seen so far
But I really don't see how they can make this character even remotely good, or enhance the story, or anything really.
so what you're telling me is that reactor itself didn't explode
negatory user, everything is under control.
did bionerd die?
you go, then
>proceeds to send comrade with ak behind you
>ok I go
>no one reposts your oc
man, why even bother writing this shit down. its gotta be in the book. its written down in the book, why rewrite it
>two eyes
>one for each book
whats the problem here?
how many times have you watched the first ep Yea Forums?
i'm considering a 3rd now
going to watch it again later today
I cant think of anything else released in 2019 I'd actually call good, so its nice to have found something nice for once.
I'll watch it a second time right before ep 2
physically impossible retard
No it didn’t comrade.
NO, it didn't!
and there are no chunks of graphite on the ground!
>take him to the execution room
user you're in shock
you should head to the infirmary
are you fucking stupid comrade
Three. I feel so autistic rewatching the entire thing, but I can't help it. At least I'm far from alone.
you're delusional comrade
Where is the Graphite?
Asking for a friend.
what is this speech to text thing? was it a computer program set up to mirror the call? or did they actually have computers that could do that in the 80's?
I've been researching Chernobyl for years. At least once a week I'm on google earth looking at street view.
>mfw all this delusion
Guards, this man is delusional
in the reactor where it should be
most definitely NOT scattered across the roof
not great, not terrible
based, i started researching about the whole thing when i was like 12 and am still going
Its addictive. Started looking into Palieski State Radioecological Reserve after seeing some photos of it.
why does this show have so many meme lines
i love it
Everyone's blowing this show way out of proportion I give it a 3.6
people are saying your face can't get red from radiation this is what wiki says about the Yuvchenkov guy who held open the door
>Despite Yuvchenko's explanation that there were no control rods left, the four climbed a stairwell to Level 35 to survey the damage; Yuvchenko held open the massive door into the reactor room and the other three proceeded in to locate the control rod mechanism; after no more than a minute of surveying the reactor debris, enough for all three to sustain fatal doses of radiation, they returned, their skin darkened with "nuclear tan" in reaction to the high radiation dose.
which is it? did their faces turn red or not? was it delusion?
i've seen worse
it takes minutes for a sunburn to manifest itself, so why not full blown gamma radiation? but their skin was likely darkened a bit by the ash.
It's still very dangerous
this is why I use spf 100 when putting out nuclear reactor fires.
How does HBO manage to be so kino?
I had settled to enjoying average shitty shows again after The Terror and now they come along and shit on everything else again, now everything else will be shittier in comparison.
Just watched the first episode. Bring me up to speed, what have I missed here? Thought it was great, btw. Really brought out that foreboding sense of dread, btw, not out of the disaster we see unfolding before us, but from the malicious incompetent mismanagement that many of us are all too familiar with.
Seriously, it scared the fuck out of me.
The Terror was not on HBO
same here, scary movies don't do anything for me anymore but this made my heart jump.
-t. never witnessed a Russian's thermonuclear assdamage over Ukraine doing anything
I could've sworn it was, fuck. But yeah, shows that do this are usually HBO, I remember having the same feeling with Rome, BoB, first GOT season.
The Terror was absolute shit.
>what have I missed here
Pick a line from the show and it's probably been made into a meme. Also the visuals have been revealed to be almost totally accurate. Oh, and there have been questions and answers about nuclear chemistry of varying levels of complexity.
The Terror was a great show, only drawback is the supernatural elements. If someoen makes a cut that gets rid of Tuunbaq altogether it'd be a solid 9/10 show.
eat shit
Neat. Any posts or caps of particular note? Looks like I've found my new /comfy/ thread to reside in for a while. The production value on this show is astounding. Too bad the encoders couldn't encode for shit, though. By far the worst artifacting I've ever seen in my entire life. Even Yify is better holy shit.
writing things facilitates memorization
chernobyl baby
What likely happened was that the director brought on one actor from the Terror, who then promptly said "you know, I know some other good men for this job". I'm pretty sure there are like 4.
I thought the whole point was that they were all suffering from heavy lead poisoning, so the Tuunbaq was likely either completely imagined or a regular polar bear.
I mean, its adapted from a book that has those supernatural elements where its not a hallucination, so while you can think of it that way, the show still would've been better without it.
What you want is an actual depiction of the expedition, not the Terror.
What I want is pretty much exactly the same show minus the bear scenes.
Well that's retarded because then it's not the Terror.
Why? Why? why would you mention that?? Don't you understand that talking about that ruins a thread? I don't care if you are right or wrong, I'm not paying attention to that, just let me enjoy this thread and this series in peace FUUUCK
The roof of unit 3 obviously