Hot Rock Edition
Hot Rock Edition
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haven't watched yet, is it russian with english subs? not sure i could take it seriously in english
So when does the next episode air?
based. I tried making one in last thread and got bored half way through.
Missed the second Dominic.
hbo shows air every week at the same time
entirely english, no accents for the most part. Doesnt have that authentic "russian feel", but is good still
How much did the coal lobby pay HBO to do this show?
english actors speaking english, sometimes in an attempt at russian accents
although it's not enemy at the gates tier bad from what clips ive seen
not even cheesy russian accents? how the fuck could they blow it so bad
About 3.50
I need to proof my memes better
what makes you think the current day coal lobby can even afford a sack of sandwiches
FUCK this is a good edit.
Help a brainlet out, this shot implies the murder cloud is fucking up the tress, not that its Autumn correct?
blowing it is what they do best in this show
I don’t think anyone is trying to put on an accent. The curly-haired woman is Irish and Skarsgard is some other vaguely European ethnicity.
>Murder cloud
He's delusional, get him to the infirmiray.
Yes but it supposedly happened gradually over some time not the next day. Look up the Red Forest.
I was under the impression that it was just light filtering through the cloud, turning orange. I dont think a radioactive cloud could kill trees that fast.
coal is the #1 means of power generation in countries without nuclear, the lobby can add booze and hookers to those sandwiches
Non American, can someone explain what hbo is like, I get they show their own shows on Sunday nights, but then what Midweek, do they also have movies on everyday?
It implies Autumn. 3.6 roentgen cannot cause that kind of damage
It killed them but didn’t turn them red immediately.
ITT: Nothing but shills.
>You'll be fine
He'll be fine
>fuck phones, fuck Khodemchuk but most of all, fuck niggers!
what the hell HBO???
Lmao this dood can't handle his feed water. Or as i like to call it, spicy water.
Get him to the infirmary.
Everyone is talking with their natural accents because cheesy russian accents are retarded, especially since the show isn't set in Russia.
yes besides having their own shows they have old and newer box office kovies. it's like a......home box office
It is autumn, it is known that trees suck up high volumes of radiation, smog and pollution
Look at the surrounding forest for as far as the eye can see. Where else is it red?
Only redditor normies watch HBO trash.
>he thinks Ukrainians dont have russian accents
Lads I fucking love this show.. Do you think it will be better than the terror
>coal lobby
They broke nigga.
Very reddit.
>the terror
Homosexual detected.
get out
Have sex
Explain why you post in a thread for a tv show you hate
But you're on my site, election tourist.
Explain why you're on a site where you don't belong, phonetard.
>missing quads
nice try virgin literally have sex
>missing punctuation
Nice try, Jamal. Literally go back to
Nothing to see here fellow stalker!
So they've had a bunch of exposed scientist walking in and out of their bunker in their contaminated gear, so the committee room is fucked right?
>the incel cries out in pain
Give it to me straight lads, can an RBMK reactor really never explode? So how did this one?
Nice try faggots
Go back to cape shit reddit threads
>all I can do is regurgitate post-2016 memes
You're making it really obvious, redditor.
>reddit spacing
>shilling HBO normie shows
Post invalidated, outsider.
It didn't.
is this show just supposed to be a historical drama? Or does it involve supernatural/horror elements like The Terror?
Yeah bro, it's like STALKER but made into a HBO show, there's stalkers and bloodsuckers and mutants, and people have to get artefacts.
>will it be like this other faggot favorite?
Its only been 1 episode and so far, but everything appears to be going for an accurate depiction.
It involves natural horror.
>That one SEETHING cape shitter ITT
Ey Tone you bring that water already?
No no no... it was 3.6, not great but not terrible.
why didn't they just pee on it? They may have even gotten lucky and had their dicks double in length.
>talking to the room passive aggressively because you were raised by a single mother
Being effeminate is something to be ashamed of, Mary.
Can't wait for the divers scene.
>tfw no STALKER miniseries
Also based liquidators, the balls on those guys.
He's from reddit as well
>reddit spacing again
>posting from a phone again
Be white. Learn the lessons presented to you.
>He just can't live without his capeshit threads
Are there any queen slay sassy black liquidators?
you can always spot the "I FIT IN" underage b&
>capitalizing greentext
You need to be lurking, not posting, phonetard.
You can always spot the "My parents were poor and didn't teach me the value of writing like an actual white person" toddlers under 25.
Oh no no no
>desktop posting
>Oh no no no
I see you can't stop regurgitating faggot slang. You should know this is a straights only site.
>inb4 "no u!" because you're low IQ
Being in that room meant you were already dead so they should have just jumped in
reddit is that way
imagine being this kid
*Aims mosin nagant at radioactive Chernobyl dog.
>i'm too poor to own an adult computer
>i'm gay and say faggy shit like "yikearooney"
Imagine buying a phone specifically made for faggots and retards.
>he's unironically having conversations with himself
capeshits down the hall
Yea Forums is a few clicks left broski
>reddit space
You're on 4channel :^)
oh honey no
>pretending you're being feminine ironically
You're not. You're what happens when fathers fail.
>its a spacebar nazi
This idea is so freaky to me. Like I get drinking poison and knowing you're about to die, but you cant see extreme radiation. You only know your dead because you read about it.
>Full stop
>Ey Tone, you taste metal?
your father failed when he decided to not abort you
I love all the weird sounding beeps and boops
>"""thinks""" anyone is talking about a spacebar
You have to have an IQ over 110 to post here.
>actually having a Yea Forums folder after 2010
>no u!
Nice one, black kid. Did you reset your IP or are you actually whiteknighting for another man like a fucking fag?
>pretending proper capitalization and punctuation on a child's chinese cartoon website makes you a successful man among men
cringe and yikespilled with a dab of whaev bruv lul gotcha SAFE
I like the Control Room warning sounds, very sexy
>just be lazy like me and all my low IQ poor friends, user
No, thanks. I prefer being white and superior.
>he actually replies to MULTIPLE people at once in one post
>he doesnt know spacing is done with a spacebar
>he thinks about the right years not to have folders
>he uses the term whiteknight
If you honestly believe the average IQ of this board is anywhere above 100, you’re part of the problem.
>why would you use in-built site abilities, user?
>don't you know that's hard to read on my faggotphone?
happens to me all the time with DARING SYNTHESIS
imagine being a dying race, yikearooney
Im about 20 percent sure I read the book this is from as a child
It's like being a super hero! :^)
1 out of 5 doesn't impress anyone
This show has really opened my eyes. How was I not told my mechanical pencils literally used radioactive material to write? I thought graphite was a common material, should I be wearing lead-lined gloves when I write? I don't was hand cancer. Can I sue Staples for not having a warning label?
>all attempts at gaining the upper hand destroyed by posting from a device specifically made for faggots and retards
>being retarded is OK!
You're the problem. Your family collecting welfare is the problem.
Imagine pretending you're actually trolling people by acting like the gay youngest sibling no one likes in the first place.
You need to start holding up your end of this, Corky.
Ok so I just called staples and spoke to Marshal the manager, he said he would call the cops if I called back. Should I lawyer up?
AMC roadside picnic shelved before principle photgraphy
probably for the best
There is no graphite comrade.
>probably for the best
Kill yourself.
I want to watch this show but I get lightheaded and start to feel sick around talk of cancer, tumors, radiation and all that. Is it chock full?
Despite being a show about Chernobyl, one of the largest nuclear reactor disasters, these's actually zero radiation present at all. Everyone at the plant got lucky and completely avoided the effects of the core and got away safely!
You'll be fine
You should probably avoid it
Of course not
yes, the show regularly shows people dying and melting due to extreme radiation sickness.
lmao, I'm such a faggot
I didn’t see any of that. I DIIIDN’T. BECAUSE IT WASN’T THERE.
There was no graphite in those pencils.
Don't fall for the misinformation. The show has none of that.
pls gib link to episode 2
get a load of this multiposter
Why is STALKER so comfy bros?
We are born of the Zone
Made men by the Zone
Undone by the Zone
Graphite isn't radioactive unless you build a nuclear reactor out of it, which they did
It was only 3.6 rontgens, basically just banter.
This man is delusional, get him out of here
name one thing that could go wrong
You could get stabbed in the eye by Jaime Lannister
No graphite, comrade
Don’t try to fool me. I know a vape pen when I see one.
The meter only goes up to 3.6, it must only be 3.6
can i get a link? haven't downloaded anything in months (years?) but this looks like kino
What are you trying to say?
yeah i'm not in the us...
pirate bay
get it on rarbg or 1337x how incompetent can you be?
What are you implying comrade? Are you saying our benevolent leaders made a error?
>leave kino to us
Not bad, but not terrible.
bruh i dont need an IP just give me a link
Do you taste metal?
Fucking moscow, sending us shite equipment and they wonder why things go wrong
Why does this show bring out all the putinbots?
Comrades, I went to check on the core and found what looked like a portal to the abyss, what do?
Why would I want to watch a show that's just about a water tank exploding? It's not even that big of a deal.
Because it's the most embarassing fuckup in nuclear history that is directly responsible for wrecking the USSR, and Vatniks just can't deal
what is this character's actual name?
Insert the control rods manually
>watching Western propaganda
What game are you playing?
Actually, all that happens is the roof lit on fire. Nothing to worry about.
Alexander Yuvchenko
Go to 34:10 (That's him)
Aleksandr Yuvchenko
You are confused. Someone get user out of here.
Its so fucking hilarious that Diatlov and Bryukhanov had the same response to the Roentgen reading
USSRs don't just collapse. Call the fire brigade.
all the fucking disinformation, i swear to fucking lenin
smokes, lets go
where's the fucking day shift when you need them
He would be proud of you, young man.
>The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor.
What did they mean by this?
I really tried to turn ON THE GOTDAMN ROOF into a thing at the height of the BvS shitposting era and it never took off.
On that fateful night, the water pumps in the newly commissioned No 4 reactor were being safety-tested. As the clock ticked past midnight, an argument was raging about the right power level at which to start the test. But what no one knew, thanks to years of error and cover up, was that there was a fatal flaw in the reactor design that made it unstable at low power levels. As power levels were lowered in preparation for the test, they dropped too low and the reactor ground to a halt. Meanwhile, unseen, a dangerous hot spot was building deep in the reactor.
To raise the power, the boron control rods were removed. It was like cocking a gun, and when, at 1.20am on April 26 1986, the test began and the turbines were turned off, the reactor was turned into a volcanic steam pressure cooker. Emergency shutdown procedures were started, but when the control rods were reinserted, their graphite tips caused the power levels to rise so dramatically that a portion of the reactor was destroyed. There were two explosions and the 500-tonne safety cap was blown off the reactor. It was the worst nuclear accident in history.
thanks, tovarisch
>[Clapping Intensifies]
because it's part of the autistic perry white sequence in the 3rd act where Lois Lane is like I need a helicopter and hes like lol nope and then she's like its not for business and hes like ITS ON THE GOTDAMN ROOF
i want a stalker show now .....
Get water into it comrade, then go find Khodemchuk and get the good dosimeter
How the fuck did he live?
Who knows, my worry is the director will focus too much on the 'cost of lies' stuff and lose focus on the more interesting parts of the disaster.
it cannot be translated to the screen
not diying
and its only 3.6 who care rigth ?
Tons of treatment and skin grafts
So what you are saying is that a control system tank blew up?
Not sure, he absorbed 4.1Sv, (4-5Sv is a lethal dose), must be genetic, his life is probably shortened though.
He didn't go near the reactor and get blasted in the face, the contact burns from holding the doors open was enough to make him sick and get him sent to hospital pretty quickly after the accident
You're obviously wrong, Comrade user. now, go to the roof of the USSR and look for yourself.
No, that's not possible on a RBMK.
finally, the dayshift is here
It seems to me like the more interesting parts are only going to be used as a tool to emphasize the cost of lies bit. I see the fireman couple being a big part of this, where she goes to the hospital and demands to see him and we get that line from the trailer, "you can't touch him". Then it transitions back to the imaginary scientist lady lecturing the central committee on the cost of lies.
>The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor.
I wonder how much of you know the name of this board...
There was an attempt. But then suddenly for no reason Ukraine wanted to join the EU.
it's the current year, we all knew a yas queen would be in it
I've got a huge headache and I'm starting to feel quite sick. What did my body mean by this?
in roentgens or sieverts?
Take a reading of your piss bottles, what do you get?
Does it really provoke a sunburn, like UV rays?
The account from Yuvchenko says that the two that went it got red faces from surveying the core for about a minute.
you're getting blasted with what i can only assume is a spectrum of rays
some will get absorbed
Bane 4U Bigguy Weaponised Autism Center
he's right you know
On the meter that only goes up to 3.6R, I got 3.6R, not great not terrible.
this user is in shock
The Soviet Ministry of Dyatlovposting
>rape apes not gooks
I love the crossover memes
Why are so many of these filenames start with noble comrade?
>he thinks there was graphite
you should go to the infirmary user
Not really man. As long as they didn’t have irradiated material on them the commmitee is ok from that form of radiation
FYI the cores blew up
autism and laziness being reinforced
guys I think I saw some graphite on the ground
yike and oofpilled
hbo's mmm brigade at work
Remember when those fuckers survived 200 roentgens with an anti-cancer patch?
Surely you misspoke Comrade, and meant to say you saw a flashlight on the ground?
Ants are highly resistant to radiation
Super excited for some soviet kino next episode.
What was the guard thinking when bring buddy to look down into the core?
>tfw you looked at the core
Is Dyatlov posting the new Frank posting?
>i must follow tovarich orders or they will keel me
yep. shit's fucky.
Shit comrade, you got a free UV session
Why does touching irradiated shit fuck you up later rather than immediately?
>me versus me after I checked the core
I asked this in another thread and got a bunch of replies agreeing with me, but did anyone else feel fucking queasy watching the episode for the first time? Nothing in film or television has really gotten under my skin as much.
>me v me checking that core
>Now THAT'S What I Call A Core 86!
Can't wait to get that Emily Watson character on screen. Bout to smash that old white man party apparatus and show patriarchy whats what!
3.6 roentgen can do that to you. It's not great but not terrible
Depends on how irradiated the object is, and it takes time for the radiation to break apart your DNA and for bad shit to start happening like your cells forgetting how to regenerate and shit.
based crossover
Wait, it's already out?
user, you are on this thread to shitpost about the show. Nothing else.
Outside of looking at an atomic detonation or walking into a full power reactor, most radioactive sources aren't strong enough to vaporise someone. But large amounts of ionizing radiation breaks your DNA and fucks up your cells, which kills you, but not like a bullet.
>I'm just going to... wait by the door.
idk pic related is one that's getting did every year until 2025.
Doing a bit of a Fibonacci meme with some of them. The song Lateralus by Tool is a big influence on the production schedule. Literally the years are structured around the lyrics and progressive numerology but no homo tho
Episode 1 came out on Monday
Kind of off topic, but the Red Forest is the only real life parallel I can think of that sorta matches up with Warcraft's Plaguelands.
Why is CIA being pursued by a Dementor?
What does it say?
>me v me realizing there's a dementor
>Ivan I posted it again comrade!
He’s a wizardly guy
What were the people in the control room for reactor 3 thinking? Literally next door down in the same building.
>sucks to be those fags
right one's kinda cool
and yet:
>physical media
Involuntary Cinemacy
that's red forest where they dumped radiactive material and topsoil
>especially since the show isn't set in Russia
ukraine is about as much separate from russia as texas is to the USA.
the Christopher pool - Hiroyuki Nishimura shitpost center
>especially since the show isn't set in Russia
I'm sorry is this show set before or after the fall of the Soviet Union?
it's for historical preservation for after society collapses and everything stored on computers eventually becomes inaccessible over time.
We're entering a dark age. How many people today can operate a computer from 30 years ago? How many computers today can get info from computers 30 years ago? 90% this internet shit dies with no physical evidence that it ever existed. Eventually all of this cloud storage will get outdated and the companies we rely on will collapse. Everything you create in your black mirror to pass the time will mean nothing at all. Physical media is arguable the better route to take towards an afterlife.
Are those Welch's fruit snacks?
>all according to keikaku
real talk. do you think non whites or females have even heard of this show?
maybe a few wine aunts caught it out of boredom on a monday because law and order SVU wasnt on.
today i learned that the people around chernobyl had an iodine deficient diet, so thyroid cancer jumped up from the disaster
Today I learned that Russians will be triggered by television shows.
whats the last option supposed to be
no jewish option, gonna vote black
>Chto pro "uy" vam napisat?
>Slojno chto-to tut skazat...
>Chtob jUYda bit effektivney,
>Nado mUYshUYtsUY kachat.
Something about jews going "oy"?
ukraine doesnt belong to russia he got like a dental x-ray's worth?
well i dont speak in absolutes but i certainly aggree, the show sets up its hopeless and thicc atmosphere very nicely, death seems like the real deal
black people cant use scissors on their hair.
they have to use electric clippers.
>but I see all these black women with nice straight black hair
its indian hair. thats a wig. they call it a weave. its a billion dollar industry.
Conifers don't change colors in Autumn. They're EVER-greens
If humanity lasts long enough, in 500+ years or so, will they find old dusty server rooms intact from whatever is coming and paleontologists will have bits of "ancient computer sciences" studies to try and piece it all together?
It's just going to smell real bad and that's it
Being a fat drunk. Seriously, both shielded his important bits from lethal radiation doses.
vodka actually works?
You're delusional, get to the infirmary
There's obviously not a ton of documentation, but theoretically it can provide a modicum of protection.
they didn't even really dive, it was just knee deep water, and none of them died from radiation exposure.
The whole story of 3 divers going in knowing they were going to die is a complete lie.
people are saying your face can't get red from radiation this is what wiki says about the Yuvchenkov guy who held open the door
>Despite Yuvchenko's explanation that there were no control rods left, the four climbed a stairwell to Level 35 to survey the damage; Yuvchenko held open the massive door into the reactor room and the other three proceeded in to locate the control rod mechanism; after no more than a minute of surveying the reactor debris, enough for all three to sustain fatal doses of radiation, they returned, their skin darkened with "nuclear tan" in reaction to the high radiation dose.
which is it? did their faces turn red or not? was it delusion?
>Having your capillaries blasted by a force that will make you pass out and die in a few minutes
I'm guessing they turned red pretty quick. Anons saying that reality wasn't as bad as the show have been getting thoroughly BTFO.
>covered in radioactive dust and soot from the core itself
>"she'll be right"
>contaminated gear
from what, some feedwater? that's nothing.
>Russian hackers are scaring impressionable people with unscientific stories about radiation being unsafe
>we need to control the spread of misinformation
When you build narratives but you also want to do historical drama and the two collide
I'm going to miss these comfy threads and the fantastic first episode, cause once the fake lady scientist/hero gets introduced everything will go to shit.
Yeah, I've been having stomach issues too so my guts were hurting like hell, it's like I was really irradiated!
Comrade are you even aware this nuclear facility is a work of fiction? It doesn't exist!
fucking dropped
well, here we go again :(
tovarisch please understand, it has to be 3.6, the machine does not make mistakes
tfw this thread is still around like 7 hours later.
tell that to fucking California
What can we say about "Ы"?
It's hard to say anything about it...
But to be more productive than a jЫw,
You must pump and lЫft.
Some are evergreen, some aren't. Some do indeed change color. It's why we found this out a few years after WW2.
it was a joke about how half the forest is dead because of the drought from recent years, they do't change with seasons they just died from heat and bark beetles
imagine you got shot with a very tiny machinegun
Some do naturally. Lack of nutrients and pests can also cause that but they're not the only reasons. Not gonna even start about California and all their problems.
>Coniferous trees such as pines, spruces, firs, and cedars normally shed needles in the fall. The older, inner needles turn yellow then straw-colored to brown and drop from the tree. Depending on the tree species, the foliage on a given branch may thin progressively over one to three years. For example, spruce and fir needles also turn yellow and drop with age, but retain their needles for several years.
>On white pines, a more dramatic yellowing of older needles is observed. By next month, only one year's needles may remain attached to the tree. Austrian and scots pines usually retain their needles for three years. Some needles turn brown rather than yellow as they age such as those of arborvitae and cedars. Adverse conditions in the preceding summer or winter may lead to an earlier or more pronounced needle drop in the fall.
>In conifers, nutrient deficiencies can also lead to general yellowing and premature senescence of needles. Analysis of plant tissues is often needed to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the problem.
Not sure I could take it seriously with a bunch of americans/brits attempting to speak Russian, or with a bunch of second-rate Russian actors.
Yes it does, this is not a case of movies exaggerating the effects, the dosage of radiation near a core meltdown is staggeringly high. It dissipates exponentially due to the inverse square law, so consider that the difference in dosage between being 20m and 10m away is not double but 10x the dose and you will get exponentially severe effects as you get closer. One person who survived a few weeks after a big dose said the skin on his foot came off like a sock when he touched it.
it wasnt that good considering how everything is copy pasted from wikipedia in this episode. They will struggle to maintain momentum now.
Is this the show that breaks the shills?
>"I only recognised him by his voice"
best show on tv
best threads on Yea Forums devoid of brown skinned people and females
truly a great thing
> magically, preposterously takes over the story
Is there any truth to nuclear shills' claims that radiation danger is overplayed?
>Radiation from Chernobyl will kill, at most, 200 people, while the radiation from Fukushima and Three Mile Island will kill zero people.
The last part is definitely true, they were both well contained and had "safe" failures
This is how the events were responded to and dealt with, with extreme prejudice. Like it says in the show though, if Chernobyl was not handled adequately then it would have continued to spread and very potentially render Europe dead and uninhabitable. Same with Fukushima. These accidents have the potential to endanger millions and poison the land for hundreds of years, but thankfully people make safety measures in place and care enough to prevent accidents like this from happening, or if they do happen to tackle them before they get too dangerous.
Begging for more stuff like this
>Good lord what is happening in there!
>Ch... Cherenkov effect.
>Cherenkov effect.
>At this time of night, at this time of year.
>Localized entirely out reactor four.
>Mhmyes! Completely normal even with minimal amounts of radiation.
>...can I see it?
>Well Dyatlov you are a strange fellow, but I must say, you run a good power plant.
>Dyatlov! The core exploded!
>You're in shock Akimov, it's just a blown hydrogen tank!
>*firetruck sirens approach*
>he's scared of cherenkov radiation
>earthquake island
>2 earthquakes per day
>lmoa lets build a nuclear power station there
are the japs literally retarded?
This is why Gojira keeps showing up to murder them all.
Keep in mind, that island has plenty of water for the fucking reactor core
>the re-enactments are subtitled
>the interviews are dubbed