Post characters that are literally you

Post characters that are literally you

Attached: chad3.jpg (768x1024, 90K)

Attached: tuxpepe.jpg (511x671, 41K)

Attached: ftwd troy.jpg (1280x710, 62K)

literally me

Attached: kisspng-rami-malek-mr-robot-elliot-alderson-television-sh-mr-robot-5b259264dec9b0.641788731529188964 (900x800, 105K)

Attached: Alex.png (500x299, 191K)

you already did

>hates women

Attached: 1723788.png (399x807, 435K)

literally me

Attached: download (4).jpg (830x467, 28K)

This but loves women.

Attached: 1525557886516s.png (569x802, 563K)

Abs or gtfo

Begone femcel. love you tho

Attached: captain-america-star-chris-evans-laughs-himself-to-death-in-new-viral-meme.jpg (640x320, 40K)

Attached: the one sky.png (852x480, 471K)

Literally me

t. 175cm in Denmark

Attached: peter-dinklage-as-tyrion-lannister-in-game-of-thrones.jpg (1300x651, 79K)

Attached: me, dressed casual.jpg (303x566, 24K)

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Attached: bop it.jpg (599x767, 67K)

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We should all aspire to be more like Miles O'Brien

Attached: obrien suicide.jpg (705x530, 83K)

Except I never went to prison.

Attached: Danielholden.jpg (1200x800, 95K)

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Attached: will.jpg (489x615, 38K)

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>spends possible last minutes of life sobbing that he secretly loves a twink doctor more than the mother of his children

Attached: 1545681010122.png (600x450, 330K)

Literally me

Attached: sh.jpg (3021x3600, 1.07M)

minus the anorexia

Attached: GIV PRECIOUS.jpg (311x311, 15K)

Have sandwich

Attached: 1557246075237.jpg (970x542, 60K)

You'd be saying the same if the mother of your children was Keiko

Attached: MIIIIIILLLEES.gif (555x416, 3.71M)

>mfw to intelligent for this thread

Attached: images.jpg (324x156, 11K)

Literally me

Attached: I am based.jpg (1000x1000, 70K)


heh stupid fool

Attached: images_1.jpg (177x141, 11K)

Attached: powdered toast man.jpg (464x266, 33K)


Attached: jason_part_4_unmasked.png (350x516, 207K)

>Washed-up alcoholic loser who teaches kids martial arts and can't let go of his glory days

Yeah that's about right

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