Hey Yea Forums, what do you think of this film?

hey Yea Forums, what do you think of this film?

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Very comfy. I normally hate kid actors but they all are great in this one. Solid 8/10.

I like it.


It's good, from a better time for entertainment media too.

My favorite coming of age movie, without competitor imo. Solid writing, tight pace, and great acting

All Stephen King adaptations are good

>that ending

so cheesy yet effective

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>that pie eating scene

I still fucking gag thinking about it.

This. Plus I shipped prime River Phoenix and prime Wil Wheaton.

I shipped them before I knew what shipping was.

the leech scene also makes me cringe

i wish they'd still make boomer nostalgia films. now all we get is dadrock in superhero films, i wanna die.


It's a great movie but like Sandlot it's enjoyed by a lot of high test insecure pedophile women.

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>high test insecure pedophile women

What are some similar movies that aren't exactly sad in nature, but have sad endings?

Your Mom's life ended when she had you so I guess that.

donnie darko


This Boy's Life with a young Leo, deranged De Niro and prime Ellen Barkin


Sandlot was for fags. Literally the worst kind of nostalgia bait movie.

made me realize I had no childhood

it’s for kids mainly

Chopper, sic balls.

Sandlot was fun and if you didn't have a healthy childhood boner for Wendy Peffercorn you were a homo for sure.

>that comfy as fuck scene when Wil "fuck niggers" Wheaton goes to the store to buy food
everything about that general store is comfy as fuck.

I like the music

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Women who wish they were dudes so they could dominate other dudes. Not traps. Actual women who just want power over men and get off to thinking about boys.

Also Kiefer Sutherland

why did the shot of the dead guy terrify me so much as a kid?

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honestly the most memorable movie scene from my childhood

It made me laugh actually. Looks like the train crossed his eyes. Since it was rated R I was disappointed it wasn't a mangled, fucked up looking corpse.

Whoa. I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid and that is not how I remember the dead guy. I could swear he was more pale and bloated.

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how did Corey Feldman fall so far from grace not long after? He was prolly the best actor of the bunch in this yet he had the worst career of all of them. He was great as a kid anyway, seemed like he lost all his acting talent the second he became an adult either that or it was just that all the movies he were in once he was older were nothing but shit

John Cusack was great in it. Nobody ever gives him credit. I don't even have a big brother and it cuts me up every time I see the flashback scenes. Wish I had a big bro tho ( ._.)

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just watched this the other day. Maybe its cause im a new englandfag but it got me homesick and nostalgic

Child Molestation: The Movie

I saw this movie when I was 10 or so and it made me dream of being a boomer kid growing up in the early 60's. It also influenced my autism too. I would dress up like I was a boomer kid and I would also try to get my friends to do cool shit like in the movie. It never happened though and it left me resentful and bitter towards my friends the generation I was born into.
I still have some of that resentment today.

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the book is even more depressing

The final two chapters describe the fates of Gordie's three friends, none of whom survive past young adulthood:

Vern is killed in a house fire after a party in 1966.
Teddy, while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, crashes his car in 1972, killing himself and his passengers.
Chris, who became an outstanding high school and college student, and is in his second year of law school, is fatally stabbed after trying to stop an argument in a fast-food restaurant.

My friends and I DID hang out on train tacks and that kinda shit. It was cash

Growing Up Kino

Semi-related but I always thought this was cool. It was in the original JP version too.

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That's my girls

Same. We would jump off a train bridge into the river beneath, play elaborate games of hide-and-seek in the old fields, and have bonfires every weekend. Shit was cash.

Raise your kids in a rural area.

One of my favorite movies when I was a teenager. Watched it a ton.

Once upon a time, Rob Reiner was a great director.

I liked The Sandlot and hated Stand By Me. Shitty characters.

>Raise your kids in a rural area.
My dreams could have been made reality if I were raised somewhere rural instead of the crowded metropolitan urban cesspool I live in today.
Maybe I would have been less autistic too, but I doubt it.

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I liked it. Did King hate this adaptation like he did The Shining? I wouldn’t be shocked since he’s a degenerate.

There's no niggers so that's always good.

Wasn't he throat-stabbed by an angry nigger in a chicken joint?

literally the best part of the movie was his song

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Pick one
>Stand by Me

i really enjoyed richard dreyfuss' voice as the narrator

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I had the chance to live in a castle, surrounded by forests. Other than the odd fishing spot, searching for trouts and crayfish, I spent my time reading books. Shit was comfy but I would have had the same childhood more or less in a city, don't idealize the countryside too much.


This movie is only enjoyable if you watched it as child. If you watched it anytime later, it's just annoying.

Stand by me>Goonies>>>>>>Shitlot

>I would have had the same childhood more or less in a city
No. No you would have had a very different and more sheltered childhood. Parents who raise children in the city are mean, insecure, always terrified, cynical, and constantly suspicious. Who would have grown up indoors just like every other kid who grows up int he city.
>had the chance to live in a castle
wtf? I'm an americuck. Is this some kind of Euro thing?

Its a pity Wil Wheaton didn't die after they finished filming. He would have been remembered fondly.

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He is either lying or rich.


its good but so corny at times, i dont really like rob reiner. hes a boomer director through and through.

he said it was probably his favorite of any adaptation of his work, actually, followed by the green mile and shawshank.

I'm not even a boomer but I love this movie because it encapsulates the feeling of my childhood growing up in rural Maine pretty well.

If they were whores he'd have harassed them by now.

Nah, or else the gfs from the city (never had a gf from a rural setting) would be sheltered, yet they all had the same -somewhat- adventurous spirit I have.

>Is this some kind of Euro thing?
French guy, from Picardie, so yes.

Nah, my father did pretty well, and by chance the village castle was going on sale. Took a lot of loans, bought it 15 years ago at 1.3 million, now the loans are paid back in full because it's so huge we can rent parts of the castle to 6 families

It was pretty good, one of the rare movies of that time to still be enjoyable


Why are there no more pre-teen kinos anymore Yea Forums?

I used to live in nice, big, detached house in the 'burbs when I was a kid, since then, I've been lining in cramped, noisy shitholes. It's my one true regret having to leave that house...
If had the chance to live in a castle, but didn't, I would probably rope

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that's a gay as fuck opinion my bad man.

because pre teens don't exist anymore, they all fuck like rabbits, innocence is dead. the only innocent people are toddlers.

What's keeping you from renting or buying something in the suburbs ?
Trust me, the long commute is worth the peace and quiet

boys a hot. A HOT.

I dunno, I just don't want to live on a side street somewhere, maybe one day, my detached house was shitty anyway, the places I've been living in where noisy shitholes but cheap.

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If I could host you in the castle I would user

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you won't some guy on an anoymous website to live with you because he said he misses the suburbs


how/why do you know this

he gets hotter in the early seasons of tng desu
should've died after that

What the hell is goofy?

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I have the space

Wow this wasn't even me, I was too drunk to reply, but nearly spot on...

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Real reason was, I can't afford it otherwise I would, still, based faker.

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pretty sure they list those off in the movie as well

So what, you don't know him

What is it about the Goonies that makes it so hard for me to rewatch. I absolutely loved it as a kid but I can't stand it now. I usually love watching old stuff that invokes nostalgia but I cant do it for that movie.

Also Sandlot>Stand By Me>Goonies but I could maybe switch the first two.

You seem lonely, try taking up a hobby

Lollypop, Lollypop, oh lolly lolly lolly

Lollypop, lollypop, oh lolly lolly lolly



ba dum dum dum

I remember the year he was All-Conference. Quarterback he played. Boy could he throw. Father God and Sonny Jesus

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my favorite

you get this

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off topic but is that homo movie with Keanu reeves and River Phoenix any good?

homosexual pedophile. propaganda.

i remember thinking it being so weird that they called him a "dead kid" throughout the movie, but then seeing this guy look like a literal middle aged man

this reply says more about you than it does the film, user. stop sexualizing children you freak.

idk, the fact that you took the bait says more, maybe your in denial.

I haven’t watched it in so long
I should watch it again soon