What the fuck is this and why is nobody talking about it?

What the fuck is this and why is nobody talking about it?


Attached: The_Dead_Don't_Die.jpg (220x326, 116K)

Its not capeshit or a sequel so nobody cares.

What is this? Wes Anderson makes a Zombie Movie?

Jim Jarmusch makes a zombie movie.

But it has Bill Murray in it.

>Jim Jarmusch


The cast is interesting but...nah I'm going to pass.

your average Yea Forums shitposter everyone.

Looks like it could be fun. Pretty based cast.

He worked with him before.

He directed music videos I think.

So is this indieshit?

I will take Jim Jarmusch film over everything that mainstream american cinema offers right now.

Well ok you have a point.

zombies are shit fucking boring

>Shaun of the dead, zombie comedy movie, but this time in america instead of bong land.
how original.

Thought I was crazy when I heard Space Funeral's victory theme at 1:55 but then I realized all the music in Space Funeral is just stolen.

Attached: 1468444637660.png (491x585, 56K)

Why did Jim Jarmusch decide to make “Zombieland but worse”?


>faggots complaining about zombie fatigue

Sure, but this is Jarmush we are talking about. The guy has been on a roll like no other. It's bound to be interesting.

nothing interesting about zombies

Way to miss the point, bucko.

Have they figured out what causes zombies?
I'm more interested in that than zombies just eating people

>why is nobody talking about a stupid looking zombie comedy
Because it isn’t 2008

Adam Driver is a terrible actor