His tilogies aren't cancelled
His tilogies aren't cancelled
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oooooooohhhh nnoooooooooo
Of course a social media zoomer can't read.
no one is gonna see them
He's going to subvert his own expectations by retconning every setup of each of his films.
>no one is gonna see them
This trash will be direct to Disneyflix TV and Rian Johnson will have no involvement.
Is this the oracle?
For the first time ever I'm sick of seeing new star wars films
So will they be set between the PT and OT or the OT and NT?
Or will they actually try to punt forwards?
They will be set during the AABF era.
It will all be cancelled when the new movie fails like Solo. God willing.
You weren't sick after TLJ or TFA?
please don't be KOTOR
please don't be KOTOR
please don't be KOTOR
please don't be KOTOR
please don't be KOTOR
>Disney releases an Old Republic
>Directed by Rian and produced/written by D&D
The Ultimate Monkey's Paw.
Can’t wait to see what the new Death Star is gonna look like. That and the new storm troopers.
I do think he might actually do better removed from the main heroic story line. I can see his style working for something else, more sinister style of SW.
I hope so but I doubt it. Jew Jew is a master at tricking the audience into watching his shit and even the title has been crafted to that end this time. My guess is they will pull out all the stops with access media to make sure it gets its money back in the first weekend. Our ally is spoilers. Whoever it is to take one for the team and see it Thursday has to spoil the whole movie for everyone so when people know Luke is just another irrelevant cameo telling Rey how awesome she is again, and the Skywalker Saga is just a marketing angle they'll go see Jumanji 2 instead. Unfortunately, there are enough bugmen to cry on camera that will blindly rush into the theaters.
I saw TFA because I let myself hope that just MAYBE they wouldn't fuck up Star Wars...I was wrong. I got a free tick to TLJ and...I don't know...at least a lot of other people didn't like it. I wonder if there's any psychological explanation why people continue to watch terrible movies?
Skywalker will become a title after Episode IX so if the go forward, they can make a transgendered disabled Muslim POC the hero and it will be calling xerself Skywalker. And xi will be so powerful and good and everyone will love xer.
cool. I'm not going to watch them.
They have no imagination whatsoever, fucking hell, what a joke. These staged pictures are hilarious. How can you not be embarrassed.
I'm looking forward to it.
Not because i like his movies. They are garbage and this is the reason why I'm waiting for it.
Waiting for shitstorm.
Waiting for him to outdo himself and "subvert expectations" even harder so nu-nu-starwars would turn out into complete mess that even so-yboys couldn't stomach.
Every character will be black/trans/gay. No white biological women anymore because being CIS and white is a hate crime even if you are female.
Despite 300mil advertising budget and giving away free tickets it will fail.
They will monitor every review site. They will doxx people who left a negative review.
If you are from UK and dare to dislike SW EPs 10-12 online then you will get jailed for nazism.
This is amazing. I love how hard sjw and jews pushing their propaganda.
They are based. Fuck you and fuck everyone.
Can't wait till humanity collapse.
What happens if IX doesnt do well like Solo?
Enjoy films
Have sex
Turn your brain off
Vote Democrat
These Disney retards really don't know when to let it go.
What happened to Star Wars going on hiatus after IX came out, Iger? Why is it that the one guy who seems to have complete understanding over what went wrong seemingly has no power to do anything about it?
I see that Luke's looking dreary.
Who thought they were? Some incel in Yea Forums?
It should be called endless so-y because it never ends.
Reminder, there was no buzz i
Or Hype. Fact.
Those are the Game of Thrones guys' movies. Rian is never getting a trilogy, or even one movie.
Only rural and suburban retards hated TFA. City people all enjoyed it.
>These Disney retards really don't know when to let it go.
Yeah, they're gonna learn the hard way why Walt Disney was antisemitic
Everyone hated TLJ. So that's fine. Nobody will remember TFA in 10 years anyway.
>Nobody will remember TFA in 10 years anyway.
Nobody will remember the the fucking article ..? Wait what?
What if the cunt subverts our expectations and actually makes a good movie?
Who is the audience for these new films?
is that JJ abrams demonic looking nose?
Only way he could pull that off is hire a bunch of genre savvy sci-fi writers to do the job for him, since he clearly doesn't give a fuck about the plot making any sense what so ever, its as if they let a fucking ELIZA chat bot write the script, sad, but true
Are you implying that episode 8 is so bad that they were going to cancel Rian Johnson SW run let alone blacklist him?
Dear God please forgive Yea Forums for thier misogyny, they're incels who want to deprogress the social status back to the dark ages of white supremacy
They hate strong main female protagonist, especially ones that date men of color
This isn'tthe same board i knew 14 years ago
What if I woke up tomorrow as a horsecock futa draenei?
>Wait what?
sup reddit
That’s the best story they have user, and you know it
TFA has been used for purpose I demonstrated for over a decade and a half before reddit was a gleam in your fathers eye
Typical incel playing alliance as a white man
Mag'har orcs are for real men with taste.
If IX significantly underperforms he's out.
That's the only way. KK is backing him 100%. It all comes down to IX box office.
We never should have made fun of George
They are working together
Working together to ruin KotOR.
Why are they doubling down on this faggot and not just firing his ass? What kind of business strategy is this?
>Why are they doubling down on this faggot and not just firing his ass? What kind of business strategy is this?
Walt Disney, Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler were all right all along.. Our entire civilization is being subverted and turned into a weapon against us.. Did you know members of NSDAP born after 1919 were exempted of punishment based on them being brainwashed? Well that goes both ways
He submits to kathy Kennedy
Good, Star Wars is dead and this will be like watching the corpse rot.
KK loves him. She literally said he was the only director out of all the new movies that "listened to her".
TFA wasn't as offensively bad as TLJ at least. Had it not been a Star Wars movie it would have been forgotten by now. If TLJ had been good it would have been forgiven.
How do "men" put up with this shit?
user, we already know all that happens;
> Luke is dead, stays dead.
> Palpatine is dead, stays dead
> Entire movie is Rey just trying to find pieces of a transmitter to broadcast Luke's story across the galaxy to inspire a new rebellion
Villains are the Knights Of Ren, who are following orders left behind by Snoke - though it is never explained in the film. Kylo and Rey do another team-up against them at one stage however Rey has to kill Kylo for 'reasons' - redeeming him apparently.
i hope they release more SW films by year, i enjoy watching this shit burn.
Wasn't this the downfall of Lucas with the prequels? Surround yourself with yesmen who do t dare criticize you even when you're making a mistake.
Dont forget that Sheev possess the body of a strong and independent woman that is prominent in the dark side of the force ... Brie Larson takes the seat as the new emperor of the galaxy.
Jesus christ this is like the perfect match for a clusterfuck mess.
No one knew they were gonna shit the bed this hard come Season 8. The writing's so lazy, rushed and unsatisfying that it conversely really shows how much George's writing was vital to episodes being good.
I've never been the kind of guy to want something to be cancelled just because I don't like it, but these movies are so fucking bad that just taking up the time slot of other movies in the theater is enough to make me want to see them gone.
At least the prequel trilogy had soul
>Jesus christ this is like the perfect match for a clusterfuck mess.
>Rian Johnson
>Kathleen Kennedy
Its like Disney is truly pulling out all the stops to put this plane into a tailspin and crash it with no survivors
Iger is on his way out in 2021: wsj.com
>Why is it that the one guy who seems to have complete understanding over what went wrong seemingly has no power to do anything about it?
Thats it, proof that we're literally in hell right now
At this rate they will lose all the money MCU made for them.
The dream team
The MCU has made them 20 billion in ten years.
It's the most profitable property in entertainment.
You guys thought Captain Marvel would bomb too
>wanted to see KotOR on film since I was a kid
>it's these four
Not like this... please god, not like this...
>why people continue to watch terrible movies?
they respond to the brand
You are gonna see it and like it, thats what our mouse overlord wants.
I didn't mean it literally, just joking about how horribly mismanaged SW brand is in comparison to MCU.
imagine training on the job one of the most valuable movie franchises out there
Daddy Disney got that covered :^)
is it gonna be so bad its horrible or will its badness transcend space and time and become a cult classic a la "the room"?
>You guys thought Captain Marvel would bomb too
But it did, they downgraded their box office expectations over 8 times
its because they cant be assed by finishing it up properly they wanna go to disneybux asap
I hope they shit the bed with GoT so hard that the mouse drops them t b h
It's probably gonna make $1.6 billion but there's a higher chance of it underperforming than Captain Marvel. The MCU has a very good track record before and after Captain Marvel and its fanbase was both more international and happier with what it was getting.
TLJ made bank but still had a massive second week drop and Solo outright bombed. Even without the inflated budget from reshoots it still would've made a very small profit.
whats up with the dude that cried about the series ending?
That did not happen.
Nonetheless, while CM has no bias outside the incels here, many regular people hated TLJ.
I mean Solo bombed, no reason for it to bomb while R1 succeeded.
There is a distinct and hopeful possibility that Ep IX fails.
Do your part and DO NOT WATCH IT. Many people here whine and then go and watch it.
The MCU in recent years has been the most unstoppable brand in cinematic history, they could release anything and it would at least come close to a billion. Star Wars has fallen from that mantle and they now have to be very careful about what they release to theatres. If Rian gets his trilogy it will be a Disney streaming exclusive, mark my words.
those are D&D movies
Wait a minute. Did they originally hired Rian Johnson for IX because of IX's time travel plot? Looper and shit. What. The. Fuck.
Saw TFA and hated it. Watched Rogue 1, hated it. Haven't thought about Star Wars since.
Which makes me very sad, because that shit was my childhood.
God damn it, lines up perfectly. The moment Iger walks the moment they resume the previous strategy of shitting out as many Star Wars movies as possible.
>D&D movies
Jesus Christ save us now from this horror
No we didn't
>IX's time travel plot
Explain pls
And who the FUCK trusts Rian Johnson or Dumbass and Dipshit from GoT to do it justice?
I mean, *maybe* dumbass and dipshit can since they seem better at adaptations, but given how much coke they've been doing off their emmys as the best show runners ever for the past 10 years I doubt anyone with any real passion for KOTOR can reign them in.
And Rian has been fed nothing but praise for TLJ and "standing up to trolls," so I think we may be truly fucked lads
Disney never said those 3 movies are from the same trilogy
They should ask Avellone how KOTOR was supposed to end.
>given how much coke they've been doing off their emmys as the best show runners ever for the past 10 years I doubt anyone with any real passion for KOTOR can reign them in.
>And Rian has been fed nothing but praise for TLJ and "standing up to trolls," so I think we may be truly fucked lads
They will crash and burn, these people can't produce original material to save their lives
>reduce news articles to 280 characters
>zoomers still don't have the reading comprehension to handle it
The Hack Singularity
There is zero percent chance I go to see this garbage. How many times can one person be fooled into even caring?
The men settled for, the women they settled with could easily get better at any time.
One doesn't cheer for a cuck corner thinking it's going to get any better in the future.
Dafuq voodoo magic does he have over Disney? Did Rain find the Iger's pizza folder or something as kompromat?
He's married to one of the top ranking Jewish communists in Hollywood.
Yeah no one knew
No one had any idea it was coming
He has the same armor Zach Snyder did at WB.
So basically even more reason to not give any more money to Disney so that they stop making more garbage Star Wars movies.
tlj had a kotor vibe, wouldn't surprise me
I don't know what to look forward to more! D&D's writing, Rian Johnson's action scene choreography, or KK top notch management skills!
JJ's completely nonsensical scenes compounding on top of each other ON TOP of the two other movies.
do normies even like rian johnson? their main demographic are trannies now lmao
What the fuck is going on in that gif? Literally nothing anybody does there makes any sense.
>I don't know what to look forward to more! D&D's writing, Rian Johnson's action scene choreography, or KK top notch management skills!
Disney bankruptcy
Its going to be KOTOR by the digits invested in me, i comand you to give me doubles
I don't get it. Was this filmed in a single day? Why is it so bad? It seems like it was shot in reshoots when they realized the movie had no plot or end.
D&D will do the KOTOR trilogy and it will star maisie williams as revan. digits will confirm this
they assumed (probably correctly) that the audience would be too overwhelmed by all the shit happening on screen at once they wouldn't notice how little sense anything made. your brain just kind of loses focus and all you can see is the pretty colors.
compare and contrast a competent fight scene from a recent action movie:
here there are only three people involved in the fight and we can always tell exactly who is doing what and why, so having a character flailing at nothing would be obvious. but three guys fighting in a bathroom isn't epic enough for star wars.
Previous SW films had a professional fight choreographer on set to design fights. I guess they had no budget for him on TLJ..
Always gets me when one of the Red Mooks comes in and swings at Kylo's saber in the ground instead of literally anywhere else.
So basically, he's just a puppet and KK is the one actually to blame for everything.
Just look at Phantom Menace, even that movie didn't fuck up fight scenes.
He looks like Rygel from Farscape on banana-flavoured steroids.
Based. Fuck spaceshit
Boycott IX.
Apologize NOW Mike.
I don't know about boycotts, but boy, I sure do love cots
They didn't mention him and only confirmed one Trilogy. The D&D one.
It's cancelled.
it’s ridge racer
so sold out shows and empty rows of seats just happen on the regular.
Disney couldn't even pay someone to sit in those seats.
The mouse is a rat
lmao Rain's shit got cancelled
>That’s the best story they have user, and you know it
This is what EUfags actually believe
The SWTOR trailers had more heart than any Star Wars produced since Empire Strikes Back.
Cucks that's why
Lucas relied too heavily on CGI. He was always the special effects kind of guy, when you understand this fact you can understand why he made Star Wars to begin with. The original movie didn't have TOO much special effects because Lucas was wearing so many hats. Its only in Empire does the series start doing vastly different sets. How many different sets did ANH have? Luke's farm, a little bit in Obi'wans house (likely on the same parcel of land) and Mos Eisley for the desert portion. The Millennium Falcon interior was continuously reused the entire length of the series. A few bits on the Death Star and the rebel base. Likely they just hung a black tarp behind the X-wings for filming the trench run and used the same X-Wing for every pilot. Very cheap all things considered. When you hit Empire you notice that there is a new director. George is focusing entirely on the general outline of the story and special effects with the director. Same with ROTJ. With less workload you can see a marked increase in quality on the spaceships and special effects. Even the fight sequences are better.
When we hit the prequels you can see footage of Lucas just sitting in his chair looking through the monitors, the CGI killed his area of expertise. Even so he effectively trail blazed the entire manner that this is done. Capeshit is just using techniques he devised for Star Wars.
If John Campea, Disney shill extraordinaire, tells you it's over, it's over.
>Rian, Kathleen, JJ here, I heard you need more subversive writers
>I have just the man you need
i can only wish
holy fuck, some men do just want to watch the world burn
Please be Kotor, rape this dead franchise into the ground.
Digits confirm
>His tilogies aren't cancelled
Yeah, they are. They just haven't announce it because they don't want to humiliate Kathleen Kennedy.
Even if Disney believes in Rian's progressive, feminist agenda they have to recognize that he wrote a second act to an established franchise that outraged the fanbase and left JJ with no material for a third film. Betting a trilogy of films on someone who half your fans hate and who has a record of fucking up is the equivalent of throwing hundreds of millions of dollars in a bonfire.
>Karina Longworth
Checked her out.
38 going on 70. Woof
>everybody with two brain cells rightfully hated TLJ for being a shit movie
>everybody with two brain cells rightfully hated most of season eight for making the rest of the show irrelevant
>somehow the mouse thinks its a god idea to get the people responsible for these shitshows together and give them a fuckton of movie to make something that can only be described as an abomination of cinema
It truly does only get worse from here lads
i thought revan was human
And that's why we don't want them doing it user
This is the darkest timeline
Those did not happen. Those were few pics.
It's amazing how strong confirmation bias is, and how easily one can be manipulated.
nice, under this type of judgement the sword fights in the ot are better, fuck... rey vs kylo ren was better.
Both of the Luke vs Vader fights are the best. I don't like the kung fu style of the prequels, although they're still better than whatever the fuck the new trilogy is doing.
So it's an anthology?
When will the masses say fuck this and just not see it? The last decade has been a mess of marvel and shit Disney reboots. I want off the ride .
>kill a mutli billion dollar franchise with a single movie
>get rewarded
lol hollywood, what religion is his mother?
His wife a jewish dominatrix
did not happen
few pics
It's amazing how brainlet shill mode gets the best of you.
formerly given the green light
they should get chris avellone to write the outline
Kino will never leave the menu, boys
Good art turns on brains.
You are pathetic and delusional. Get a fucking grip.
>asked to do not watch the movies
or maybe I just admit when things don't go in the way I want, you immature idiot.
If the world had any justice, her and Sophie Turner would be twilek sex slaves. Then I wouldn't feel weird jerking off to their alien looking faces.
The dude decided that the way he wanted to express his personality in his 4x4 cuckspace was with a captain phasma poster. Then he chose to post it up on reddit as if it was a thing to be proud of.
You couldn't teach that guy how to act like a man even if you came at him with year's supply of steak and tren.
The Last Jedi is pure kino
Rian and D&D on the same project. A perfect storm of stupidity. Creating original content. These three. Original content.
What a world.
>Knives Out this Nov
>90%+ RT score kino
>Episode IX this Dec
>80%~ RT score, fanbase goes into full on meltdown mode
>Rian does another independent movie
>90%+ RT score kino
>D&D Episode I 2022
>70%~ RT score, someone shoots up a theater in a darth maul costume, trilogy is cancelled
>Rian Johnson Episode I 2024
>99% RT score kino, balance is restored, and you finally get a gf
jew creates foreskin monster
Why does he get uglier with every pic I see him in?
Onions is a slow and insidious killer
Corrupted by the dark side of the force.
Why did Kylo stab his saber into the floor
No we didn't. We said it would make way less money than it's supposed to due to mismanagement and PR shit. And it did. The investors confirmed it.
Stop attacking strawmen.
more like the swole side