What's the difference?
What's the difference?
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muh chads
Middle left is some sort of Demon, I dont trust him kill it
>What's the difference?
Their personalities and interests.
>sports and cars
Isn't the guy on the left Chad?
Size of their cocks
Their heights.
is this like the cheerleader effect but for men? none of those guys are legitimately handsome.
You're thinking of the guy on the right
Lol at the seething uglies itt
where da black boys at
I guarantee you that they did a focus group and the end result was "brown haired white guy who could potentially pass as part-hispanic". The Bachelor's audience is middle-aged white/latina housewives, what you're looking at is their type.
Not one clean shaven guy.
the season there was a black woman as the lead she had a higher than usual number of blacks and they all went out early, the seething from proggies was outstanding
Lol their all balding kendolls
Where's the variety? I bet they are all middle upper class normies ofc with tonnes of disposable $ and that's all that matters the face and (personalities) dont
I’d love to know your definition of balding.
Why do they all look like the had their smiles added through faceapp?
1 > 3 > 2 >>>> 4
banging the stacies these chads are trying to marry
far left is the most objectively Chad out of them
not a single one is balding lol
got a video, article, any kind of sauce?
2 looks to soft and wierd
3 looks too boring
1 is the best here but he looks too old
4 has the best hairline and is probably the most neutral between all of them
>those jew noses
first one looks normal
They'd be handsome if they were dressed and posed like men. Fucking v-necks and perfect lighting and perfectly maintained facial hair. Thsi is what happens when men take womans advice on how to attract woman.
glorious white race
im as anti diversity as it gets but still think this is fucking stupid. Its not hard to choose some men with different hair and eye color
Reality TV is the absolute worst thing to come to film and television. Absolute trash
>Generate Similar Face
>pasty skinnyfat basement dwelling incel trying to allign himself with chads who don't give a shit about his agenda just because they are the same skin tone as him
cringe x10000000000000000000000000000
they all have the gayface
Left is an absolute Chad. He was on the batchelor previously, he did not give a single fuck.
Chad is based as fuck
Why are they all attractive?
Wait, so you want them to dress to attract dudes?
what ever happened to that virgin bachelor?
Based med genes
Wrong, that's Celt genes
And people talk about blacks and asians looking the same.
Whatever baldings in denile
>lantern jaw
>carefully maintained stubble
>gay haircut
>dark hair
>thin eyebrows
So this is the key to peak female attention
They pick people that look similar out of a large group of people and act suprised when they look similar
The three on the right are fake chads, mark my words.
Those dudes look like pussies. Telly would’ve mopped the floor with them.
the bachelor more like the surprise gangbangers god white is my favourite shade of penis
have sex incel
Cuckbeards. The kind of guys that would let a black bull impregnate their wife while they cry in a corner, sucking on a juice box and saying how humiliating it is.
No my mum doesn't want to besides id rather fap after cuddle sessions
I have a brownish shaft but a pink donger what did my skin tone mean by this? I'm meant to be (white) but I'm not giving my DNA to the jews to find out
don't forget the most important thing
>hunter eyes
And working out
Chad, the Chadest of Chads
W-what would I look for if someone was balding?
Wrong, its Finno-Uralic genes.
>Thsi is what happens when men take womans advice on how to attract woman.
They get more women. Idiot.
its the same guy?
their personalities
Yea Forums has a sick obsession with hairlines
>I always say "stat away from the nice guys, but in the end I'm actually nice and it's the nice guys who are assholes
based Chad saying whatever dumb shit he wants because women don't actually fucking care as long as you're tall and generically handsome.
>chads are actually nice
>nice guys are actually douchebags
I always wondered where women got that asinine opinion from. Turns out they're just parroting the Chads they want to fuck.
Arr rook same
middle left is just uncanny looking and has soft baby features
Far right chad is most chad
And people said whites can't look the same...
Just because you don't have the confidence to have your hair in any style other than "wet mop" doesn't mean they are balding.
Lmao balding cope I keep my hair fairly short
>Brayden, Hayden, Trayden, Okayden
hairlet cope
One doesn't have a lakehouse
You need glasses if you think they look similar
for all the dumb shit that show does sometimes they hit the nail on the head
a guy in a v-neck and skinny jeans fucked that girl who touched your arm for that 18% tip, faggot boomer