What is the scariest movie ever made?

What is the scariest movie ever made?

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The Grifter.

The Rippening

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Army Dog


dragon at 18:49

the real dragon

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Kairo (Pulse)

what scared him so much ;_;

He saw the face of god, and he has abandoned us

Your mothers porn tape.

based /x/ crossposter

space jam

whichever that hamster just watched

Sex and the city 2. Monster flicks don't get any scarier than that.

Attached: Sarah Jessica Parker On Location For Sex And The City 2 Movie Shoot Wed Manhattan New York Ny Septem (650x1000, 105K)

The panic in the eyes of utterly helpless, cute creatures awakens some primal instinct in me, making me want to torment them and play God.

Then I feel awful and cry for forgiveness from their mangled bodies.

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wtf is this schizo shit



Requiem for a Dream

Dead Silence.

I wonder how this guy in your pic feels now theres a million other youtubers copying his format



I am starting to love this guys channel

Mothman Prophecies.

The Mask

Lake mungo

scooby doo and zombie island

underrated movie. very chilling

Not necessarily, in context its definitely an expose on violence, but i could see how watching the horrors on screen could make you think that. It is harrowing but it's macabre with a purpose, like when the dog found out that the korean guy ate his friend and then systematically pulled out all his the toenails and fed them to the koreans daughter. Its like a cruel take on irony and revenge


ne motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

Unsolved Mysteries

this, and it's not even close

what's the best horror movie ever made is an entirely different question

That’s literally my dad pls stop posting this

True Lies


Death and pain doesn't scare me but a wasted life in an unhealthy corner of the world surrounded by crazies and a deformed babby that i now must take care, this is what would lead me to suicide, if i met anyone in his condition i would also murder him and his babby, nobody should live like this, this is one of the worst existence possible.

The Exorcist isn't very scary today

Changeling scared the shit out of me because the Wineville Child Killer was a real dude


is he legit schizophrenic?

Your dad is based

My dick

Holy crap, that is cool af.

Cool down NPCs

its the only film that has terrorized me for weeks after seeing it.

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Martyrs and High Tension are two of the most fucked up horror movies ever made. In a Glass Cage is pretty freaky too

Sadly not schizophrenic just a combo of extremely dumb and attention whoring

War is ruff.

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But this is probably more frightening than any fiction film ever made. Wear headphones if you don't plan on sleeping:

I keep seeing it recommended here but I thought it was horrendously boring and not scary at all. The only thing I thought was worthwhile about it was the cinematography and the constant "two red things" simulating the mothman eyes. What exactly am I missing that has other people scared?

based retard


Backdoor sluts 9


It's actually scarier the second time

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This one actually did get to me quite a bito.

This as well.

Exactly my thought

>What exactly am I missing that has other people scared?
fella looks like a moth.

haha, this guy's great. How long until Alex Jones tries to sell this theory to anyone who questions 9/11?

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Lost Highway


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That has to be fake to be honest

Is this that fucking guy that thinks statues are petrified giants?

"I found the injectors"

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Fuck you, I almost forgot about that shit

based Ubuntu users

that clip on his channel probably has 10 times as many views as any other, and all the anons in this thread added more clicks.

what the fuck did I just watch?

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