ITT: post essential dadcore films

ITT: post essential dadcore films

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>tfw the average dad has infinitely better taste than your average Yea Forums poster

for me this is probably the epitome

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The Dirty Dozen
The Longest Day
The Guns of Navarone
Dirty Harry
Where Eagles Dare
Smokey and the Bandit
Death Wish

specifically this extended edition

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This is true

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>The Longest Day
Fug that brings me back to so many Memorial Day afternoons

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shelf in my father in law’s spare bedroom

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i've never this get posted in a dadcore thread but i've seen my dad rent this multiple times over the years

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Can't believe it hasn't been posted yet.

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Lean movies.


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Based,that's kino

guess this won't be getting remade any time soon

Clearly your mother-in-law made him get Titanic.

Such a weird title.The ship is named San Pablo so people call it sand pebble and it's sailors the sand pebbles.Who thought that shit up.
Great film tho.

Midnight Run
The Godfather
Blazing Saddles

Well Chuck me sideways.

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Also, Where Eagles Dare

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>12 Angry Men
>Maxell GX-Silver

>tfw on all levels except having a kid, I am a dad
>"Don't touch the thermostat"

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>Dadcore films
>not one Spaghetti Western
Are you fucks even trying?

but those always get posted

I still remember the day my dad took me to see this. I had no idea what the movie was about, but boy was I enthralled.

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>I can't swim

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Not in this thread, apparently.

Get that DVD cover shit outta here.


The Bridge on the River Kwai

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you misspelled Patton

Cool Hand Luke

Along with Midnight Express

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The Man Who Would Be King

This but unironically

Cool Hand Luke

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This. Also papillon. Original, I know a new one is coming but I’m assuming it’s garbage

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Best Bond.

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The last one is amateur porn.

This movie is so retarded and I love it.

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this and The Searchers seem to be the only movies my dad has ever seen

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almost ruined easter dinner because the men in my family wouldnt sit down at the fucking table with this on

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How old are you fuckers? These are all like my grandpa's favorite movies.
t. 21 year old zoomer

I'm 33.

I think I've seen and have liked every movie posted in this thread so far, to be honest. All this thread is doing is reinforcing the idea that people used to have a lot better taste than they do now and reminded me of Hollywood's decline.

Your dads a faggot




Well well, look at the city slicker

i'm with you on this. i'm 26 and my dad liked braveheart and last of the mohicans and gladiator and stuff like that.

That dude played a senior N.C.O. to a T. My 1SG was just like him.

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this movie was boring af imo