Almost 50 years later and horror movies still haven't surpassed this, what happened?

Almost 50 years later and horror movies still haven't surpassed this, what happened?

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Can’t have movies anymore where a kid can do god awful with a crucifix. Probably a law for kid actors ?

People tried to replicate that but they failed and then directors tried to pick up some of the less disastrous results and then try to replicate those ending up on bigger fuck ups, which is what the MCU has done to cinema, DC tries to replicate but fucks up although not as badly as universal so on the future we can expect directors to try and replicate DC just to fail on a bigger way. Yeah now this is capeshit thread deal with it.

I ain't falling for your tricks, Satan.

They did, albeit not by much.

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The Exorcist has got to be the most overrated horror movie ever made. It drags on and on and a lot of things that were supposed to be scary honestly come across as laughable by today's standards. Thank god they cut the staircase walk from the original film. However while not exactly scary, the final thirty minutes is one of the best things ever to be put to film. It's so god damn compelling.

>t. zoomer
The Exorcist didn't have a single jumpscare and made people leave the theaters for being too scared to continue watching. The movie had an impeccable buildup, and is by far the most frightening horror movie I've ever seen.


>drags on
>today's standards
Kys zoomer

CGI, the predictable kick ass chick survivor, hideously unlikeable American teens, PG13, Puritanism/feminism in Hollywood leech all the sex + grit from the films, anti-Christian retardation in Hollywood, Gen X writers with fuck all life experience, PC culture, committees there to sell products rather than make art...

Guys, I think he's trying to communicate...

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based and correct

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the problem is rl is now more frightening than anything is the 70's was

So why not make a RL horror movie?

Didn't watch it, whats the title?

lack of balls. friedkin was a top tier crzayman.

Nightmare on Elm Street 4

exorcist is only scary if you are under 18 or black

The same as everything else, "fans" took it over.

did OP say anything about scary?
exorcist is a legitimate great film unlike 99% of horror flicks

what are some good actually scary movies
horror movies are my thing and it's real difficult to find a good one


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I always preferred Rosemary's Baby.

Stop samefagging. Leave and never come back.

Try again brainlet.

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There's a bunch of good horror movies around, you are just too stupid to find them